
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Ginny its OK to slip up, you will do this! It is a hard time of year to with Christmas and New years. Good Luck!

Christmas is over, so is New Years. All that's left to do is pack up all the decorations and eat the leftover baking. So.....hope you non-smokers made it through the ho-ho-ho with great success. If not, how bout lets try again. Back at it, all the reasons for being a non-smoker are still there. You can do it!!! And congratulations to the ones that feel they did OK. No small feat.


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I'm still doing okay without smoking, but I'm trying to diet (dirty word) and that is going to be a real challenge. LOL!

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Congradulations, Brugie
One day at a time....this will be my focas once I have the strength to take the step again-soon...
Blessings, Ingrid

I hear ya about the dieting. I really think it is easier to quit a habit, stop doing something as opposed to change what we eat. Now if we could just not have to think about eating......

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Hadn't read this thread for quite awhile. Thanks for all your support, particularly my sometime friend now called el nago...
Guess you can work out who she is.???

Am trying again now. Day 5. Am really determinedthis time. Linda, amazing that you just did it. You have more will power than me I think.

Happy new year to all of us.

Thought I would put my cig. $$ into a tin for Asian relief. Has anyone heard about the 'Adopt a Village' project? Sounds really neat. Lots of towns in BC are doing this, plus some in Pennsylvania. You can read about it at

There was a bit about it on CBC last night. Organizers are currently putting a manual together. Reminds me of Operation Lifeline in the 80s to help boat people from Viet Nam & Laos.
Ginny who hasn't been able to think about much else for the past few days.

Maybe I'll start a new thread. What forum should I put it on?

Maybe Parking lot? or General Discussion?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I'll go read General discussion. Maybe that isthe place. Thanks Echoes.

OK, back on topic.


Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

I need all your prayers-Monday, will be the first day of quitting and the mind and heart are focused. I'am praying for deliverance and I Thank-God he will give me strength and courage threw this.** I WILL CONQUER THIS BONDAGE !!!! For all things are possible with Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!!!!

Be Blessed, Ingrid

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, Ingrid. Remember that with God, anything is possible. May he give you all the strength you need.



Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Ingrid, you can do it, and so can the rest of you struggling with quitting.

It's only a cigarette. You are are much stronger than a piece of inanimate tobacco wrapped in paper.

You don't have to think about quitting for your life, that may be too huge. Just think of quitting for one day, then when you do that, do it again the next day. If quitting for one day is too much, just quit for the hour, and then the next. You can do that part.

When I was quitting something, it got so at times I had to break it down to the minute when it was really bad. I'd sit and watch the second hand on my watch go round, and be able to say 'I made it through that minute' I could do that until the craving went away, until the next time.

Hnag in there, and have some won't power, I like won't power better than will power. ' I won't smoke'


Very good philosophy Linda. Won't power. Dig out the stubbornness.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I know you can do it. Just yell if you need help.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Thank-You everyone so very Much!!! I'am Very Blessed to have you all in my life.

Best regards, Ingrid

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Ingrid ,
Take it one day at a time. You can do it. I too quit smoking , and I am so glad I did. Drink allot of water. Even if you gain weight it better than losing a lung.. Good luck

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

just think of all the plants you can buy with the money you save - what a motivator!!

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Here we are Sunday. Going to Church, and will be praying for deliverence.

Thank-You All for the encouragement !!
**One step/day at a time. I will overcome this with the Lords strength which lives in me. Thank-You Lord, Amen

Be Blessed, Ingrid

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Great point, Lynn!! Ingrid, you can do it. Just take it in whatever small steps you need. We're all rooting for you!


Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Monday, is gone now....Well, to say the least it was difficult. I, at the end of the day had 7 cigarrettes incomparison to a full pkg. So, this was blessing in itself. The full desire is to be completely off these. Everyday will be easier -hopefully....

Best Regards, Ingrid

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good job, Ingrid! :-)

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Every day, it does get easier, Ingrid. Hang in there. We know you can do it.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Crossing fingers for you and Ginny!

Ingrid, here's an idea for you. Give up your favourite cigarettes first. The ones that will be the hardest, not the ones that will just give a nicotine supply to your body, but that one when you first put your feet up, the ones with that wonderful cup of coffee, the one when you finish supper, lunch, etc. The one that you like to light up when you talk on the phone. Change things, like where you leave your cigs, so you have to think about it before you light one. Start making new habits to replace the triggers that are waiting to trip you up.

You will be proud of yourself when you are free. Free of the worry about the next one, free of the stench, free of the guilt, free of not tasting great food, free of killing yourself slowly, free of giving other people second hand smoke, free of setting a bad example. You will feel great.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

oh you girls can do anything you set your mind to. It's only an almost weightless tube of paper with some leaves in it. You're stronger than that thing. Chew gum. Drink water. Say a prayer. Go for a quick walk. All these things can fill in the time when a craving hits.

Keep at it, it's well worth the battle.

Linda, sending support across the miles.

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Free of dirty ashes and ash trays littering tables and counters, free of the stagnant air in the house and car, free of dirty ashes all over the car and your clothes, free of the yellow that tinges you white clothes over time, free of the smell that permiates from your clothes and even outerware. Free! It's a wonderful thing!!

This message was edited Jan 18, 2005 4:47 PM

You forget some after a few years. Free of yellow fingers and brown teeth. Free of ashtraylips and ashtraykisses. Free of burns in your upholstery and clothes. Free of burning money you could spend on plants.

But still mostly free of worrying about if, when, how you're going to have that next cig.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Thanks, I will take charge and change a few of the routine patterns which follow that cigarette.....
Thanks for all the support-just need that extra kick in the pants with this...

Be Blessed, Ingrid

Kick in pants - my speciality. Just ask Ginny.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Had a terribly stressful day today and am still wearing my halo (halo day = - no smoke day)

Mind you, blinding slippery streets may just have had something to do with it.

Phoned Echoes and she calmed me right down with some de-stressing ideas.

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Yeahhh Ginny!

Thumbnail by OldFlowerGirl
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Wow, you guys are great. I'm really learning a lot from this thread on how the whole habit of smoking works and exactly why it can be so challenging sometimes to quit. Well, hope you don't mind some eavesdropping and kudos, from someone who hasn't been're doing great, Ginny & Ingrid! :-)


OK, Ingid. Check in time. We want to know how you're doing. And anyone else that is still striving for freedom. We all just want to offer our support and cheer you on, when you've done well and try to help you pick yourself up when you feel that halo slipping.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Have to say I'm on day zero again. Had a very stressful week. Finally went and bought cigs this aft after my planned weekend fell apart. Had one in the cold, put one in my pocket and gave rest of pkt. to passerby. So I have now had the 2nd one. Am really mad with myself because everything has gone wrong all week and I survived, courtesy of Echoes on the other end of the phone - until a couple of hours ago. No will power, that is the prob. Rather like driving after RCMP tells everyone to stay off the roads.

So hope you are doing better, Ingrid.

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Tomorrow's another day Ginny! Day can do it.

just a blip on the`screen.

why didn't you say something. You know how I love to nag.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Echoes, you are such a good friend, you and your DH> You are making this !@#$ winter bearable. Pot bubbling on stove.

I take it all is well in marmalade land. Yum.

Ingrid........where are you....?

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Ginny, I wish for myself I could ay yes I'am doing better..My situation sounds like yours. Still in determination to to try harder-tomorrow is another day...
Be Blessed, Ingrid

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