
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

WTG Ginny, that's great.

I know Ginny, you done good. I can get off your head now.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

That must've hurt! lol Seriously, way to go Ginny. Wonder how Ingrid's been making out?

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

I quit three weeks ago..

I try to quit almost every year..but always in the past..,.... something gets to me and I start again. I am hopeful that I can stay quit this time.

My doctor suggested a nicotine lollipop for me this time instead of the nicotine patch as it is only licked for 30 seconds when you have the urge.

Good Luck to all of us!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Feeling quite angelic. Wonder if I'm strong enough to stay angelic (with halo) after stress of BC.

Stay Calm Be brave


Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)


yes you can be brave and calm.
and yes you will still be wearing your halo..

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Shannon, saw your post.....Well, 3 weeks were in and then I caved in...It's so hard..I'am still trying to bring myself to be off these for the trip. I smoke know after every meal and once in the afternoon/evening. Still far from clear...The worst thing about it -was the first week-(cold turkey)was no problem but the third week felt like it was my first day. Unreal!

Way to go and stick with it no matter what..I could kick myself for breaking. I need to find out where to get those lollipops your doctor mentioned.

Stay Calm Be brave

Really proud of each one of you!!!Hang in I'll catch up again!


Feel so bad for you Ingrid. Like we all let you down. There was certainly a lag in support for a time. Didn't mean to go awol, and I was certainly thinking of you. If you can hold it down to what you do now, you can build your resolve up agian and we'll all be here to help. And there will be a few more experienced non-smokers here to help you.

I've heard of people having more hurdles to jump before you get to what you think of as the more comfortable zone. I spoke to someone recently that quit with that prescription drug. I've heard that and the patch together really work for some. Patch, gum, lolipop, nosespray, fake cigs, whatever works. In the end you just don't light cigarettes and put them in your mouth. You can do it too........whenever you are ready.

Starz, good for you. We're rootin for you!

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the support. The weekends are the hardest,....when I am not working...

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Thanks for all your support!
Starzz, I feel the same the week-ends are hardest..You will do it.


Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

That's the key, Ingrid. "Whenever you are ready". Only you will know when that time is. It'll happen, don't worry. :)

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi Ingrid..
My doctor gave me a prescription to get the lollipops from my pharmacist.
I had never heard of them before.

I can't tell you how many times I have tried to quit..lost count a long time ago.
It is a struggle..but I sure love not having the dirty ashtrays and the smell of stale smoke on my clothes and furniture.,
I have usd a lot of Fabreeze LOL.

Hang in there..

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Ingrid, quitting smoking is a very difficult thing to do. Your body and mind work against you, because they are telling you to smoke. I believe that there will a time when all things will come together that will enable you to quit. You're well on your way. Look at the past 6 months as a learning experience in what worked, and what didn't, and go on from day.

Each day is a new day, with many possibilities. All the yesterdays, are past. You can either get caught up in the guilt and resenment, or learn from them. Of course I'm just speaking from experience, which may or may not apply to you.

Hang in there


Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

MG99,I'am hanging in there.
Be Blessed, Ingrid

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Glad to hear from you, Ingrid. Good for you for making it 3 weeks, that's a start! I'm sure there will be lots of support at the RU, all you have to do is soak it up :-) Take care, and if we don't talk before then, safe travels.


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