Pineapple plant -how can I tell when the fruit is ripe?

Henderson, IA(Zone 5a)

I have two of these--both have fruit-- one is still small and very green-but the other one is bigger-mmm-
maybe baseball size or larger and is turning yellow-is it ripe? How can I tell?? My granddaughter is very excited and is ready to pick it!! Can anyone give me any pointers???

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I always think of pineapple as being ripe when it smells sweet (at the grocery store, at least!). I have no experience with pineapple plants, but that may be a way to tell in addition to the color...

Can't you take a pineapple fruit, cut the top off and plant it, and it will root and grow into a plant itself? I've wanted to try this, but haven't yet.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Some folks say that you pull on the very innermost leaves of the top and if they come free easily, it is ripe. We look for color (min. of greenness), feel (not rock solid, some give), weight and smell. Smell is the best.

And, yes, you plant the tops after they harden off for about a week.

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