Is this really legal?

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

ah...a pop up...not a drop down...I need to turn off my pop up blocker then

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

it is a drop down but your pop up blocker my be stopping it from appearing - when it comes up click on "species list"

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

ok...I got it now...but for some reason I can't get that menu in fire fox....had to switch to IE

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm useing ie - probably how they have the html for the page written.

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

the 249 includes animals as well as plants. So what if for now, we divy up just the plant life forms (haven't counted up how many of the 249 that is) build a spreadsheet for Locations, Source, Occurance, Status, and Invasiveness for those, add the DB link to the detail page by species and location and use that for a starting baseline?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

State by State listing should be easy in excell I've got va covered and will start a sheet for each state form their state web site how bout if you start w/tx and work west and ill concentrate on east of the missippi and we can converge the data later?

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

hmmmmm.....some of the species have no results for distribution

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

are you sure you want to make it species within state rather than state within species?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Thats why we need to start with the individuall states web sites on invasives such as every state should have one just have to find it.

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

from the ones I looked at it seems that of the 99 invasives in USA most of them are common to at least half the states

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I see a single sheet with states, listed alphabeticlly top to bottom species across the top left to right and a single marker to indicate presence in the corrisponding space. but to gather the data individual sheets for each state.

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

there in lies the rub though....I don't think that is the thinking is to strictly use the global DB for the baseline and then backfill with verification sources by state if need be.....Texas has multiple organizations that handle invasives....Park and wildlife fisheries handle aquatics, TAMU (Tx Agriculture something or other) handle edible plants, and so on...I don't think their is a single all inclusive list for Texas.

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

ok...lets look at the primary usage for the data. Is it for someone to determine if a speicies is invasive in their home state or to determine where it is invasive if they want to export it from their home state?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I've got to go fix the wifes coffee and get her up for work I'll be back in a little while, but that is why we start w/individule sheets for each state - we will work it out.

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

Duh...nevermind......I get it now....just a basic XY axis on species and state. Ok...I can do that....but I think it would be easier for me (for Texas at least) to use the ISSG DB and just see which of the plant subset of the 249 pertain to Texas since I don't think their is a single Texas list put out by a Texas gov. org. Once the first state is done, I can just keep copying the previous spreadsheet, or better yet, just copy it to a new worksheet in the same spreadshet for each state since I think a lot of the same species will be common to most of them.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a plan - I got to shut the eyes for a few have a good morning and I look for you later .

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

ya me too....catch ya tomorrow...errrrrr........I mean later today

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Ok Equil you have definately peaked my interest with, bogs only use rain or distilled water which you generally gather yourself by placing collection barrely under your downspouts. Collection of rainwater water here is illegal so I'd have to be creative with camo-ing a kiddie pool!! Tell me more!

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

I like the idea of the genus and species and then the "rating". However a few notes...

Colorado has 80+ species written into the weed law with a legal definition=noxious. The list is three sections A, B anc C species. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the level of invasiveness of the specific plant but rather the extent of infestation and trying to prioritize both time and money it would take for eradication or containing the species. List A are species are those (with a few exceptions) that are not yet found in the state, could easily migrate here but with rapid detection and treatment will be completey eradicated. List B species are widespread but not thru the entire state, eg...a few counties have big problems with Russian knapweed but the total area is small when compared to total state area. List C are those that are so widespread the control would be good if you have nothing else to deal with (like for bindweed).
Are you trying to find oxe-eye daisy on a list? It's on our "B" list.
Are you going to deal with our federally listed species? They are not generally (at least that i can find) included on state listings.
If you want help let me know especially for some of the western states.
Here is the colorado link:

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

caron...for now Dyson and I have divied up the states. He is staring with east fo the Mississippi and I'm west. I think initially we want to come up with a by state invasive list as a baseline and not try to initially do any kind of A, B, C rankings on degree of invasiveness, just that it is invasive.I am starting with those those IDed at which includes the federal list (I think) and then verifying it against whatever state lists I can fine so thanks for the Colorado list.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Good bogging to ya!!.

I'm taking a few days to put up the clear plastic to protect my many plants. Meanwhile think about what you want for a "Invasive Weed Warrior" uniform. I see yellow and black, bee colors?? (BUT then again I didn't get much sleep last night. lol lol )

- Judy

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

ewwwwwwwww.........yellow is just not my color!!!!!!!! LOL. I was hoping for something more in a nice green and brown tweed perhaps? LOL

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

hey pville
thanks for the clarification-you all were really busy last night so I didn't get to do anything but scan the newer posts, lol! Just pointing out that all lists are not always organized with degree of invasiveness in mind.

checked out that link you posted and find it very curious.
Peganum harmala is and has been a big problem in Australia and is on various lists in the US. But it's not in the database at all either under common name or scientific name for anywhere in the world!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I think a more subtle pale green shirts and or jackets with Weed Warrior Patrol emblem embroderied left of our lapels, with green slacks for our Media presentations, and then long sleeve green jumpsuits for hand to plant combat. ??? Is that better Ms Pville?

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

heck caron...we didn't know what we were talking about half the time last night.....certainly wouldn't expect any body else to LOL

Exactly on the list organization....that's what we were finding when we started checking into different states.

I'm not sure how current that DB is. I also found a couple from Texas that are not in their DB. I'm just using it as a start point since in Texas there are multiple organizations that have responsilbity/authority for different types of invasives so using that one is a convenient baseline to build an initial list from and then do some verification. Let me know if you find others that are MIA from that DB.

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Will this help? Or is this database not that useful?

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

I like the pale green idea-yello is not my color either. Can we go with darker green pants tho? Dark colors are much more slimming and the dirt won't show quite as bad, LOL!!

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

That's why I was thinking to start off with the pants already brown LOL

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

When I pulled up a search on Peganum harmala, this is what the USDA database has in it. Unfortunately, this is for the U.S. only.

Noxious Weed Information:
Peganum harmala L.

This plant is listed by the U. S. federal government or a state. Common names are from state and federal lists. Click on a place name to get a complete noxious weed list for that location.
African rue, Syrian rue Prohibited noxious weed
harmel A list (noxious weeds)
African rue Noxious weed
African rue Noxious weed
New Mexico:
African rue Class B noxious weed
African rue "A" designated weed
African rue Quarantine

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Is this of any help?

Here's one that shows all noxious weeds by state or by weed and which states it's present in.

This message was edited Nov 15, 2004 9:46 AM

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

And there's this for the NW regional is for Invasive plants

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

yes....they all help...thanks much!

Oh oh oh! A new person to add to the list of OC boggers-
Here caron-

And, after you've finished reading those articles go here-

I want a Weed Warrior Patrol emblem embroderied jacket.

I am thinking it is long over due that we go to Dave and ask specifically for a forum on North American Exotic Invasives to cover Identification, control, management, and eradication for any one who is interested. I am told that if 5 or more people request the forum that it gets added so here goes-

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm interested. Why limit to North American Exotic Invasives tho? Would rather just see least for now.

Keep them separate! Too confusing. Another forum could be started for others from different continents.

You will have to express an interest to get that forum added by posting in it that you are game and would like to see a forum added. At least we will all be able to move ourselves out of main stream forums.

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

I added and I am really excited about this!!!

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

All I get is a blank thread starting page from you link. Did you start a thread to request it.

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Ok I thought I added with your link Equil...but it didn't go thru(although it appeared to)
I had to go to Daves Garden to add it there

Pflugerville, TX(Zone 8b)

Same here....and I found it.

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