A New Find...

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

I found this little dealie today in the craft section at Wal-Mart, on the beads aisle. It hit me that this might be of use in saving seeds! So, I brought it home, and thought I'd post to see if anyone else has tried it, or would like to, for cleaning seeds.

It has two drain holes at one end-one in each corner, and each a different size. One side is about dime-sized, and the other a bit smaller.

Thumbnail by shazbot3
Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

Here's a closer view of the drain holes:

Thumbnail by shazbot3
Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

And one more:

Thumbnail by shazbot3
Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

Now, the plate of the tray is smooth. I thought about either lining it with textured contact paper, or maybe just sanding it a little to roughen it up to make it easier for just the seeds and not chafe and all to roll to the bottom. What do you guys think?

A brilliant idea! Not sure about the sanding, but that's simply because I haven't worked with one yet.

I'm looking for one of those the next time I'm in Wal-Mart!

San Augustine, TX(Zone 8b)

Me too! Looks like it would work great!

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

That looks like it would work very nicely. Great idea Shazbot!

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, guys, I just got finished using mine today, and I find myself wondering where this thing's been all my life! I used to have to get a funnel to put seeds in the little plastic baggies for trading, but not now :) I'm in love with this thing!

If you guys have trouble finding one, let me know; I'll just go pick up a bunch and send them to you. They're about $3.68 or something at Wallyworld-well worth the price for the hassle it's saved me already.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the tip!! I'm going to check our Walmart this week! Did you end up sanding the bottom or lining it or did you leave it smooth?


Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

I haven't done anything with it yet. I just used it yesterday for separating seeds for a trade. I haven't cleaned any on it yet. I guess I'll try it before I decide what would be best. I think I'll probably wind up just sanding it a little, if anything. I'm afraid if I use contact paper, it'll start to peel at some point, causing me to lose seeds. And we don't want THAT!

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Heavens no, wouldn't want to lose a single one! : )

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I went and got one of these today, will test it out this weekend. Has to be easier than the paper plates!!

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

And funnels that are too big :)

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

I've had it less than a week, and already it's indispensible to me!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Wow. . .what a terrific find. . .Wally world will wonder what force suddenly moved all these beauties out . . .LOL. . .guess who? DGers!!!

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

8~P Whatever it takes to make it easier, huh? LOL.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info! I'm going to look for one this weekend.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

looks very handy! definitely better than paper plates or icecream pail lids!

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I bought it about a couple hours ago. I had to go to Wal-mart for the little plastic baggies for my seeds anyway, so I thought I would pick one up. I tried it on some hibiscus seed and it work pretty good. I had to make sure and tilt it back every once in a while when pouring the seeds. They would stick together and clog and if I did not tilt it back they would come out the top around that little corner thing. I think it worked better than making a funnel out of the paper plates though. Thanks again Shazbot. :)

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I just got back from Wal-Mart and forgot to look, dang it! I can't remember anything these days. Went there to look for plant tags and could not believe the entire (inside) gardening department has been transformed into a Christmas store! What is wrong with these people?

Milton, VT(Zone 4a)

I generally try to use some screen door fabric or some other type of screening to sift out either seeds or junk.

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Trunnels, I've always wondered the same thing. They start Christmas way before Haloween gets here.

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

I'll tell you what's wrong with these people. Christmas means big money. The quicker they get it out there, the more money they make. Doesn't it just make you ill?

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yep. Plus, makes you have to drive around looking for things that are so easily found there the rest of the year.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I hate Walmart! Anyone know where else to buy that? I want one! lol!

Me, Karrie who hates shopping places full of cars, carts & things to run over.

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

LOL, Karrie!! I hate Wal-Mart, too. We had a nice little hometown one, and then 2 years ago, they built one of those huge Super ones. I'd rather do just about anything in this world than to go to that place!

But, I have a big family, and thigs there are so much cheaper than regular grocery stores. But I try to limit my visits out there to 1 or 2 a month. I was there yesterday and by the time I got done shopping, I was done for.

BUT, I do have to go back out to that particular shopping center this evening, taking DD to Payless for new gym shoes. I would be happy to step in there and get one for you. I can just pop it into a bubble envelope and send it your way, if you'd like. Let me know.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Terrie, I completely agree with you about the darn Christmas stuff. I also had SuperThrive on my list to add to some divisions for the swap. Well, the aisle where I saw it last time I was there was full of Christmas stuff! I should have picked it up when I saw it.

When you say plant tags, what kind do you mean? I was needing plant label/tags for swap plants. I had looked everywhere for the plant tags made out of blinds that I got as door prize last spring and could not find them. I was really tempted to trim some of the bottom of the metal blinds in my DS's room before I finally remembered Walmart has cheapo vinyl blinds. So, another thing I got while there was the smallest box of Vinyl blinds they had. I got them for under $3! Less than I would have spent at the Feed Store on tags like someone suggested. I just got back from a 2 night trip and so I am about to sit and cut blinds while watching some tv. :)

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I bought some little plastic tags from Home Depot that cost more than $3.00 and I there aren't even that many in the package. What do you mark the blinds with that won't wash off?

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Pencil works well. It stays on for at least a month or two. I know some people use Permanent marker and I think it lasts a couple months also. Someone somewhere has mentioned a marker that works better that you can order online and possibly pick up at Michaels Craft Store. I can't remember which one it is though.

I will just use pencil though. It should give people enough time to plant it before it fades.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Well a pencil came with these tags. I need to find something more permanent, though, for daylilies and things in my garden that are named. What do you use for those?

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

A Sharpie marker works good but the sun fades it. I followed someone else's advice here and wrote the name on both ends. Then you can always read the name that's buried in the dirt - it doesn't fade. Someone also mentioned that paint pens don't fade. Haven't tried them yet.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Kooger!

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Glad to help. If you want really nice labels, get the brother P-touch. A friend has had labels he showed me out in the Iowa weather for 4 yrs. now and they look just great. On the label co-op thread this summer there was quite a bit of discussion about the p-touch and other markers and labelers. Here's a link if you want to read it. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/445853/ It's a long thread and takes a bit to load but other ideas are mentioned here and there through the thread.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I started using a paint pen this year on my plastic and metal markers. So far they look great but it's only been 2-3 months. They're from Walmart of course, in the craft dept by the paint, called Painters, fine point. My sharpie marked plastic ones faded in no time. I also wrote info on back and front of both metal and plastic ones. I used a china marker on some plastic tags I used for DL crosses and it didn't fade, I think they may also be called grease pencils.


McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I can't help you with something more permanent. I ordered the Metal Plant Markers from the Co-op for permanent outdoor labels. I am asking for the P-touch that does 3 lines and labels for Christmas. I have already put out a few of them where I planted bulbs and used pencil to write on them (the metal ones) for now. It's been at least a month and the pencil looks as good as new. Hopefully it will last until I get the labeler.

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

One that does 3 lines?? Cool! I have one of those small Dymo Letra-tag ones, but it will only do two lines. I love it, tho; and use it for everything I can think of. I just never thought of using it as a plant label maker-DUH!! Thanks, guys! Sometimes I wonder if my gray matter has actually turned completely black...

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Yep, three lines. I just looked it up. It's the PT-1800.

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

Hmm. Christmas is just around the corner... So is my birthday, but DH already took care of that with a new Hoya!!!

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

trunnels, same thing here, WalMart got rid of EVERYTHING pertaining to gardening, even bags of potting soil, it is all Christmas now, and being in a small town that is the only store we have, they ran KMart out when they built the Super stor GRRRRRRr

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

Yep. I went looking for the Superthrive on Saturday. They've moved ALL the gardening stuff to the outside garden dept, and some of the Christmas stuff has even spilled over out to there! It's just craziness.

Needless to say, I didn't find any Superthrive. Our Lowe's doesn't have it, either. I'll probably have to wind up ordering it online, darn it.

Hey, I'll trade someone a seed tray for a bottle of Superthrive!!

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