Please, help identify...

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I got this plant form my sister's house. She's really not a plant person, and she knew that I'd take care of it. There were some brown and some broken leaves that I had to get rid of, and I still have to repot it, but it looks lots better. Now I need to know what it is. I've seen it everywhere, but am not familiar enough with plant names to know what it is....Another question....She put the plant on a table next to a wall and never turned it. All the leaves are facing where the winow was, and it looks lopsided. If I put it outside for a while, with the "flat" side facing the sun, will the shape come back?

Thumbnail by jdee
Provo, UT(Zone 5b)

Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema commutatum ? The leaves should lose the lopsidedness if you
turn it.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you so much. I have another Chinese evergreen, but it must be a different plant from the same family. I'm also glad to know that the lopsidedness will be gone. Again...thank you for your help. For someone who loves plants as much as I do, I sure don't seem to know much about them. lol

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