Beautiful, Delicate Morning Glorys Cont. #4

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I have several I crossed using a paint brush and then taping them shut. I labled them and waited. Out of maybe 30 times I think I have 2 pods that made seed that survived to harvest. That was a Chocolate X No Beni and a Chocolate X Izumi .....So now I'll have to wait and see if anything thing different will be produced from them.
The Chocolate X "sea" crosses didn't take and I had lots of them, so I don't know what I did wrong there, the Joyce Cobb X Rose Red cross dosn't seem to want to work either.
Next will be the Chinese White Phonix and Umi if umi is still as yall said it is not easy.....

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, I think it is misunderstood alot of times, crossing is not easy!! In fact people have tried for ages to do this and it takes time and lots of effort to get a cross to take. I have seen several "mutant" or faded or just "different" looking blooms on some of my vines this year, and I attribute that fact to they were growing year after year after get my point.

Dee, how soon can you plant your seeds when they ripen there? will you have to wait till spring to try and grow your crosses, or will you be able to do so right away? They sound like they will make wonderful crosses if they take for you!! Good Luck!~!!! and keep us updated please :)

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Laurrie, If I would have planted them right away when I harvested them (about a month ago ) they would have bloomed and set seed. But I was trying to figure out what to do about this critter problem I have before I planted anymore.

So since I have that taken care of and it is a little late I will wait until next year. It is just to close to call right now. I could plant and get blooms before it gets tooo cold but I might not get seed....
So it's not worth the risk, If I had a green house to hold stuff like that for awhile I might try and do some but......I only have a few seeds of each.
The other drawback of the pollination is the pods only had a max of 4 seeds...
I have noticed seems the better the flower the fewer seeds I get from the pod.

Also have yall had any problems with worms in your MG seed pods or the pods being mushy?

Mesilla Park, NM

Laurrie, boy am I happy to hear that. I thought since mine were growing in the same pot, and then all the others were opening up, that somehow, the bees or ants, or something was going to cross pollinate them.. It was really making me sad, because I could not keep up with them.. trying to move them away from each other, etc... sheesh.. you should see the smile on my face.. I feel much better now. Thank you guys.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL Gourd, that is cute, I am imagining your big grin right now LOL, there is always the posibility of a cross, but not nearly as likely as so many people do think!!

Dee, too cool, so you actually could have 2 crops a year there, that is great, I totally understand about waiting, take your chances when you know you should get seeds to ripen in the spring, makes total sense to me!!

I haven't noticed any worms or any pods being mushy, however, I have noticed with mine, some of the more "delicate and beautiful" ones do seem to set less seed than others, in general there are 6 seeds per pod, but on occasion I get 4 or 2 seeds, not sure if it's because of the temperature, little rain, etc.

Wondering, are your pods near the ground? where they could "lay" in water if it rained or are they hidden under the mound of vines, perhaps air circulation is not flowing and hindering them and making them mush? not sure on that one, I did have some that were literally just little dried up twigs where a pod should have been, and I am contributing that to the time when we had such high heat and little rain.
here is chocolate silk, something to smile about yesterday LOL

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

and wanted to share the rose silk (park seeds) also bloomin it's heart out yesterday for me and my camera ;)

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Next year if time will allow it I am going to "Stagger" the MG's a little more and try and get more to bloom.
Since I am going to plant in the 5 gallon buckets (giving me the highth to keep the Armadillos out) and use chicken wire for the outside form (keeping the squirrels out) I could plant two- three batches a week up until say, Mid August and have more seed. Anyway thats my plan we'll see how far it flies.........LOL
Depending on school, work and my Brugs this year and next it just might "crash on take off" LOL.....

One of the things I am upset with myself over is that I didn't plant more of the comman ones, like Grandpa Otts, Clarks HB, or the tiny Orange Noah or more of the Flying Saucers .......I don't want to lose what we have just because we have these Japanese MG's now. So next year I will include more of the old varities to...
I did plant Pearly Gates but the Armadillos took it to heaven with them.......LOL


Mesilla Park, NM

Well, nothing lasted till noon today, 105 degrees here..

Here is the second bloom on Heian no Kagayaki from S. Barr Co-op, it is really showing it's stripes. I think there are two plants in this pot. The first blooms were solid colored.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This is a very small, petaled like, in same pot as Mt. Fuji from Parks.. a nudder surprise.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Here is the first bloom I've had on Joyce Cobb.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

WW, I am just now getting pods on mine, so the only problem I have had is the heat that causes the pods to turn yellow and fall off. That red ruffled one has lost all its buds and so has Mt. Fuji.

Here is Red Pictoee first bloom, but the heat has beat it some already.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Gourd they are just beautiful.......Man for Calif. yall sure are later getting blooms. Is it cooler where you are, and hotter in the summer? What is your weather like. Are you in a desert area?

Mesilla Park, NM

Yes, Desert... 30 miles west of Palm Springs (Desert) lol... It at times has been at 113-117 for weeks. That is why the buds fall off. The heat turns them yellow, and bakes the new baby buds. But, on the other hand, Fall, Winter, Spring, they are gorgeous. One side of my house can have MGs all year, I found out this past year, one kniola survived on its own and kept on blooming all year.

The other thing is, I planted them really late too. I couldn't get my hands on seeds till then. Started the first batch in mid-march, 2nd round 4/23, 3rd round 5/27, 4th round 6/12, 5th round 6/19 and 6th round July 8. Talk about

edited:to add: We also get a frost here and last year we got snow.. it is so confusing to me and the plants.. we only get enough frost about 3 times out of the winter season, just enough to cause damage overnight to the citrus and plants here, sometimes enough to kill them off.

This coming year, I should have some seeds to start earlier.

Here is Akatsuki Murasaki's first blooms today.

This message was edited Sep 9, 2004 12:24 PM

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This one is trying to open, this heat is killing me.. maybe can get a better photo when it cools down here. Hopefully it will open more.

Akatsuki no Tiuyu (the flower looks like it wants to be white)

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This one is another from the parks pack... about 4 inches across

Tie Dye Pink in the sunlight

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

I have orange noah blooming all over the place, but the photos come out really blurred. Here is Chocolate again in the sunlight, it gives it a whole different color.. it is huge..

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Here is the same one in the shade: chocolate

Now, if they all start keeping they pods on, it will be a nice MG year.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

You have nice collection in MGs.

Mesilla Park, NM

Thanks gumlla.. this is my first year with MGs.. I am just loving every bloom and especially that everyone on this thread posts their gorgeous blooms to be able to see them.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I really love the Chocolate it is one of my Favorites and the "Mutant" Chocolate too. I would like to get some of your Chocolate seeds later on just for a comparison.
This is the Chocolate Mutation...I think it was posted in the first thread...........the Jury is still out on this one.
I just can't belive a mutation had so many flowers alike, I keep telling my self this is a true flower and not a mutation, but so far I can't come up with a name for it and I have seen others that have this "Mutation" when they planted Chocolate Silk MGs.......So I'll see what comes of it next year.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Mesilla Park, NM

WW, will save you some seeds. This chocolate one is just so pretty. It has been blooming alot, but no pods yet. I can hardly wait to start collecting seeds.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)


Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef
Mesilla Park, NM

TLC, thank you so very much. I really like orange noah, but it doesn't like my camera.. lol.

Here is the second bloom on Akatsuki no Tiuyu.

It has a tint of blue on the edges very pretty, also, I am hoping that the next blooms will be better with the cooler weather.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

I think you have every color in MGs, your flowers are very pretty. This white one is very attractive.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Gourd, I have a white one that looks just like that, but its name is Shirayuki. It has not grown much more than a foot all summer and had 3 open blooms. It keeps putting on buds, but they either turn yellow and fall off, or they never fully open.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Gourd those are beautiful!!!

Sylvia: mine have done that too on some of mine, dry up, turn brownish yellow and drop off, go figure! don't know why either.
~ Laurrie

Mesilla Park, NM

Hi minigrannie, this one is doing well as far as growth, there is one bud that looks really good ready to bloom this morning. Let me know if you still want those pink mgs on the other thread that we thought might be Rose Red.

Thanks Laurrie. Your's are beautiful.. I just love your photos.. you could make a wallpaper, or a quilt with those colors you have.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Gourd, I would love to have any mg seeds you might have. That's so nice of you to offer.

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Anybody missing me? I've been having some major com problems and won't bore you - but what a headache.

Gosh, everyone's blooms are beautiful !!!

Thumbnail by moonlighting
Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

I do believe this to be "Heian Kagayaki" is the one above. Initally when it starts blooming it's first flowers it throws off the blooms that are almost all pink with the little white streaks, then as it blooms upward all the blooms bloom this color.

**edited to correct ID

This message was edited Oct 26, 2004 1:17 PM

Thumbnail by moonlighting
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Do any of you spray your mg's with anything to keep the pests off? I seem to have thrips, aphids or some kind of critters on mine that I think are sucking the juices out of the foliage. They are tiny little flying green bugs.

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Tiny green soft bodied bugs are aphids. Use soapspray, it will get em.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I missed you, but I knew where you were.........LOL

Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Last one white and pink is very beautiful.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I thought you would all get a good laugh out of this. Wednesday evening I whacked down a bunch of my MG vines that were going over the fence into my neighbors yard. I put them in the wheelbarrow with other cuttings & have it sitting by the gate to take out for pickup day. I walk out this morning & did a double take. The split personalities are blooming! ROTF!

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

Twilight Dance is beautiful, love the large blooms on the one.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Very Pretty! all of them!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Moonlightning, those are gorgeous. I never got any that were that white from mine. As they began to bloom more they got more pink with large stripes. I had a few that were 1/2and 1/2. This was last year though,this year they didn`t do as well.

Thumbnail by busybee
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

This is "Twilight Dance" also.

Thumbnail by busybee
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

"Twilight Dance" too

Thumbnail by busybee

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