Beautiful, Delicate Morning Glorys Cont. #4

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

These are Grandpa Otts; They seem to put on seed earliest for me. Notice the brown pods; they get crispy and then you can squeeze and pop them out.

See the one lower in the picture that is still green ~ don't pick.

And then the black seeds in my hand

Hope this helps
(When I started gardening I had to telephone e-mail Brugie to find out where the seed was
and right now have a cup and sauce vine and don't know where to find the seed!)

Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef
OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

And here is the first seed pod from the "Giant Flowered Mix" that came to me from Japan last Spring ~ still green but a much larger pod than Grandpa Otts.

Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Arlene! Your nails are so pretty! (envious, can you tell???)

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

Arlene Is that a normal sized hand I am seeing?????? I am happy it looks like it is all better!!!

I agree with you about the photos of where the seeds are and what they look like!!! To me that is always the very best information to have!

I wish we would get more and more of that information in the plant database. I love the ones that have it all ready!!

I have been trying to remember to do photos of the same thing, but don't always remember too!!!!

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Yes, the hand is getting better but i got bit again so it swelled back up.
It is better today.

Limestone, TN(Zone 7a)

What's up with my MGs? Is this a cross?

Thumbnail by sandi2k2
OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Where did you get the seed?

Limestone, TN(Zone 7a)

I didn't get the seed...bought the house in Feb. They showed up all on their own...but I am gonna gather up all the seed that I can.


Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Sandi those look like the Zeeland Hybrid Mix. There is a photo of them on the other thread you might check it out here...........
This could be what you have..... :o)

Limestone, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanx, dee...that does look like all the ones that I have.


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

OK, I am drooling here! There is a new Jp. MG in town, new to me at least, LOL, and I am lusting BIG TIME! "Dainichi" is the name.
Look at this Ebay auction, and look at the sellers other items. There is also one called Kanoko.
Anyone else drooling yet???????


Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

You drool I am bidding, but I was all ready outbid on the bluesilk and I guess if I get outbid again I am going to have to give up its getting to pricey for me!!!!
I want some blue silk so bad!!!!!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Gosh aknapp, as many as there are here that have Blue Silk that should not be a problem.......

But you are still high bidder on e-bay, aknapp, they are still $7.50.........
Man thats to much to pay to get'um dirty........LOL
Dee :o)

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I know that lots of people have them, but they are just so precious that I can't imagine what I would have to trade that would be fair to try to get them from someone who has them. (I am not sure that makes sense) But its just that I try hard not to ask for things I don't feel I can make fair trades for! I have lots of stuff but nothing as nice as the blue silks to trade to get them!!!

This is blooming today but I have no idea what it is!!! It reall is a very nice blue

Thumbnail by aknapp
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Alice, is that heavenly blue? And I just looked & you are high bidder on the Dainichi, good job!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

It all makes better sense now Alice.........LOLOLOL


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh those are going soo high on ebay!!!! Really do like that Dainichi one!! Just gorgeous!!

Mesilla Park, NM

Hi all, I don't have too many different ones to post. Here is Gray Lady today. This is the first bloom.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This is from the same trade to china, pot has two kinds, the small pink satin looking ones and this one. Anyone?

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Believe it or not this one bloomed in the same pot as Tye Dye Blue from a Parks pack. There are alot of surprises in the Parks Seeds, I just love it. I think it is Rose Silk.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This is Hein no Izumi. Very pretty.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This is the best photo I could get of Akatsuki no Uni (Sea).. I was too late..

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Talk about keeping old seeds.. these were given to me about three years ago labeled Denim Blue.. is there such a name?

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

This is just a nice one of the parks seeds that is supposed to be tye dye pink.. I really like this. It is huge.

edited to say: I couldn't resist this....... Parks is like a box of chocolates, (like Forest Gumps say's)...

This message was edited Sep 3, 2004 4:53 PM

Thumbnail by Gourd
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Well I guess I am going to "date" myself here but yep, I remember those Denim Blues. Your right those are some OLD seeds. Surprised you got them to sprout, you know they say Morning Glory seeds are good for 50 years....those are pushing it.....LOL... :o)
just kiddin

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Just lovely pictures Gourd!! I also have had my "Gray Lady" bloom, but mine is NOT gray LOL Here is mine. I kept waiting for it to "fade" or do something besides being a dusky pale blue, but it never did, and all blooms are the same.

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Laurri, another one for my list. LOL

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

This is my 1st bloom of the season. Mt. Fuji. I didn't plant many morning glories this year, so this one was a nice surprise.


Thumbnail by Seedsower
Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Oops...I forgot that this was the 1st to bloom. I think its mini sky blue?


Thumbnail by Seedsower
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Sandy, yep last one looks like I. hederacea aka Little blue or mini sky blue, lots of different names for them, they are pretty even if they are little they bloom their hearts out!
Here is one of mine it has come up for the past 3 years here.
~ Laurrie

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

and here is one that is lighter in color

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Here is the flying saucer tower that never got any saucers. These are nice.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

I trained it to grow down. A cousin It look. Like in the Addams family. The tower is 8ft high.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

thats very pretty!!!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

It sure is pretty, and sooo tall, I reallly like it Monte'. As I posted on another thread of Laurries I am going to put my Morning Glories in Buckets next year and not have any in the ground. Just because of all my destructive critters around here. I replanted several many times and still lost seedlings so I am gonna change that. Most of these seed are to hard to come by to have critters destroy.........
This is Mt Fuji Tye Dye I have it in Pink too it just wasn't blooming then. Very pretty and I like it better than I though I would..

Just outta curiousity Monte' about how many seeds did you plant in each bucket?


Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

9(in the tower) The one on the left is a Milky way from lisa in Fla.That was from just one.Here's a flower.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Mesilla Park, NM

Thank you Laurrie, your's are simply gorgeous.

I got another flower in the same pot from china, this time it is white. So now there are three colors in that pot. The pink silk looking one is in constant bloom, where as the other two, have only had one or two blooms each.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

I am finally getting pods... these are on Hattie Bell, now there were two types in that pot. I don't think that my seeds will come true of any of my MGs.

Thumbnail by Gourd
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

It takes alot to cross morning glories, alot of times people think they are getting a cross when in fact, they are getting mutants from the same strain of seeds that have been growing for sooooo long. If that makes any sense LOL

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

It does!

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