Are you watching the Olympics?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 11)
There are a total of 231 votes:

You bet - my country is doing great!
(91 votes, 39%)
Red dot

Wouldn't miss watching, but my country's athletes aren't faring well
(6 votes, 2%)
Red dot

I watch a few events (which ones?)
(70 votes, 30%)
Red dot

I don't care to watch the summer Olympics
(64 votes, 27%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

Yes, I watch but sporatically. I hardly have time to eat and sleep these days! *cries*

I really wanted to watch the equestrian events. I haven't seen any yet......

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

We're all watching the Olympics!! I too wish our networks would show more of other countries, this is about the world, I wish one world! It's about all participating, and I look at individuals performances, not individual countries!
My best to the winners! and those that were so close, all the hard work, all the years. I love all Olympics.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I've just noticed in the last few days how the media interviewers are contributing to the medal-crazy culture: when they interview athletes who did not finish, or who "only" came in fourth, or "only" got the bronze, there is no mention of congratulations and appreciation for all their effort - all they want to know is, why didn't you do better?!? No wonder so many athletes are saying to the camera, "please don't be disappointed in my/our effort, we did as well as we could". I suspect that most fans at home, while they would prefer medals, really are just amazed by the athletes' skill, grace & dedication. I call on all media interviewers to start and end their questioning by saying "congratulations on all your sacrifices to make it here, Canadians (or Americans, or Brazilians, or any other nationality) really appreciate it and we're proud of you."

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 11)

spklatt, I donīt know how the media deals with it in other countries. Here in Brazil, only some times they care to aproach to an athlete and congratulate them for their efforts. But I say that most of the brazilian athletes never got near a medal, and most times we never heard a word from them, or any comment from the media about them besides their result.

I remember in Sydney, in the equestrian competitions, Rodrigo Pessoa and his horse Baloubet du Rouet were the favorites for the gold medal. But Baloubet wasnīt well in the last circuit and refused to jump the river 3 times, and was disqualified. They were mocked to death until yesterday, when the same Rodrigo Pessoa mounting the same Baloubet du Rouet made an exceptional presentation and got the silver medal. Now that they got a medal, everyone - including the same people who mocked them before and said/wrote that Baloubet was a worthless animal - was praising them.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Canadian and American media are all over their athletes after their performances, good or bad - there is always a camera in their face. Even when they are in distress!

What an interesting story; I feel bad for both the rider and the horse! They are both athletes, and don't deserve our criticism. Plus, people sometimes expect animals to perform like machines, but they have good and bad days just like us.

I guess the Olympics bring out both the good and the bad of human nature, eh? Thanks for telling us that story.


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

to be honest, the criticism from some people isn't worth listening too, good or bad.

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