Cordyline Terminalis

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Can these be propagated by stem cuttings? I just bought a couple from Walmart, but one of them is very tall with not much foliage (what do I expect!). I was thinking of cutting the stem and restarting....good idea?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Great idea.. you can air layer it - wack it off and root it in a glass of water or just root it like any other stem cutting.
You can also do a log style cutting and get more plants coming up from each section on the stalk.
After you cut off the top the bottom will grow back up... it does take a little time and sometimes it might die down...but miht put up extra side shoots. You can put a pop bottle over the piece that's left to create a green house effect and protect it from getting drowned a rotting during your normal watering process.

Hope that helps ..

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

sure does!

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