First tomato of the season?

There are a total of 220 votes:

Had my first one several weeks ago already!
(84 votes, 38%)
Red dot

I'll probably get my first ripe tomato this week
(28 votes, 12%)
Red dot

Not for several more weeks yet
(66 votes, 30%)
Red dot

I don't raise tomatoes
(28 votes, 12%)
Red dot

(14 votes, 6%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Yesiree!!! 'Cause neighbor just brought me a bag full of them!! ;D


Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Lots of rain, planted late.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I voted other. We had our tomatoes 2 months ago. I started some new ones half way through the old ones, but they are slow going probly because of the heat.

My current plant is beefsteak maters. There are 2 very niced sized ones on there, still green. We are hopeful.


San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I am canning every other day right now. It is a good thing my neighbors like tomatoes better than they like squash lol.

I'm hoping for sometime in August.

Flat Rock, NC(Zone 7b)

Yep! Just need a couple days of sun. Way too much rain this summer. Hailstorm today, but we were lucky. It only bent the plants over, didn't break anything!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I just got my first "green ones" on my Abes. The rutgers having had fruit for some time now, but still not red. Several more weeks away for me.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Any day now; this pic was taken on Friday, July 9th, about 9AM.
Yes this is a close up (at their actual size), they are 'Sun Gold' tomatoes.

Thumbnail by NatureWalker
Albuquerque, NM

Heat in the 90 degree F range, very little rain, water tables are getting scary.

Currently digging a swale and berm system to store rainwater in the soil for future plants.

10 tomato plants, 4 tomatos harvested with 2 being culls but edible.

Zone 6
High Desert at 6,000 feet

Detroit, MI

I had my first tomato of the year from my garden on July 3rd.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Between our short growing season and the lack of enough hours of sunshine in my little garden I can't grow them anymore :~P Anyone know of a good shade toerant tomato?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 11)

My mom planted some tomatos last month, and the seedlings are still small. I have no idea of which variety, it's just a bit sweet, not acid, long red tomato. Maybe in a few months we will have tomatos here.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Tomatillios are going crazy, literally hundreds on my 2 plants! Red pear tomatos in the same boat, first picking started last week. 'Ace', 'Zebra', 'Shady Lady' and 'Potato Leaf' tomatos all have small green tomatoes......getting ready to fire up the big pot to make tomato sauce for the freezer! Has been in the high 80's to high 90's here for 2 months.

Zachary, LA

I am picking "Bloody Butcher" heirlooms & really like their flavor a lot. Also, "Super Fantastic", which produces heavily and doesn't crack for me and tastes good. Also, "Mini Charm", a tiny cherry which is real sweet but doesn't set as many as the "Juliet's" that I grew last summer. I really miss those and will grow them again next year. Have just set out fresh plants of "Better Boy", "Creole", & "Heatwave" for the fall crop here. We have tomatoes until November most years here in South La.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

This is really a bad year for tomatoes here. My vines and bushes are really tall and not much on and they are already turning yellow. Just tooooo much rain....Neighbors plants look the same way.
Will try and get some planted for a fall crop but for now mind are pretty well done for.....

Elk Grove, CA(Zone 9b)

I've heard about this thing you guys call RAIN. Wet stuff falling from the sky. Likely story!! Really, we haven't had a measurable rainfall since April. We only get just over 18 inches per year and this year we were down to about 14".

I have a drip system set up on the whole garden (such as it is) and do some hand watering to augment that. My major problem of late is whiteflies. My tomatos and peppers were going nuts and all of a sudden...everything looks like it is ready to die. What can I spray with that won't kill my grand kids?

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

I can't wait to eat my tomatoes, especially the green cherry ones, never had them before.

Gardena, CA

Had my first one about 3 weeks ago and and now I can't eat them fast enough. Sit out in the garden with a salt shaker for lunch and dinner. This year I planted "Mortgage Lifter" and am quite pleased with many 1 and 2 pounders.

Brisbane, Australia

I recieve three tomatoes yesterday one eaten. No pesticides and didn't even plant the three plants, all thanks to mother nature and leftover vegie compost straight into the garden under the sugarcane mulch. Need a camera at last count, just then there are 70 tomatoes very excited as just begun my vegie garden.

See the dodgy scan don't know what sort of tomato is growing.

Thumbnail by ForestOzElf
Schertz, TX

First batch of plants just about finished. New crop are already in.Have enjoyed all through June and first 1/2 July

Selma Texas

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

I was all set to enjoy some cherry 100 that were days away from being ripe when I went out to check on them and found that boys had decided to use them as slingshot ammo. : (

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

We've had cherry tomatoes since May or June but I don't like them. It will probably be a couple weeks until the first real tomato is ripe. Tomatoes don't do all that well for me. I always have trouble with spider mites and sunscald.

Roan Mountain, TN(Zone 6a)

I had my first cherry tomatoe the other day and some today. I have had nothing but clouds and rain from April 2004 until July 4 weekend- it finally cleared up. I have a lot on the vine (all types) and just hoping they ripen and don't blithe.
Pictures coming (smile)
KELLI- you have to Sevin Dust your garden veggies. I don't like to use it but I'd have nothing if I didn't.

Roan Mountain, TN(Zone 6a)

JIM BOB 60 --- Sevin Dust liquid or dust. Works for me!
I have had many pests and that one takes care of it.
Just make sure the little grand kids don't eat it.
You probubly have a microscopic bug eating (sucking juice ) it that you can't see.
Wash all veggies thoroughly before eating/ cooking.
Keep Growing, Garden Chef

Etowah, TN

I've had about 3 small Rutger tomatoes from my plants about 2 days ago. They are small and seemed to have a cracking problem, we've had quite a bit of rain lately. Tasted Yummy though. Nothing like a fresh tomato from your own garden!!!
Lots of green ones on my 6 plants, hope they are red soon!!

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

nadabigfarm: Mortgage lifter, now I remember, see my puppy ate my tags, but the big tomato must be it, the others are all cherries! thanks, it's doing pretty good, looks like about another week or so. I used to buy Roma tomato's in the old days before they were popular in the grocery stores, they were the only ones with flavor, now that they're mass produced, they taste as lousy as all the others there.

Broadview, SK(Zone 3a)

Tomatoes, whadaya mean tomatoes here in Saskatchewan the seeds planted direct into the garden now have produced plants that are at least 4" tall. :-)

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi hanna1 - if you like the Roma tomatoe, try La Rossa from Pinetree Seeds. They are about three times the size of the Romas' with the same lucious taste. I have a lot of them for canning each year. I think it is a hybrid type of Romas. I have stalks with 5 or 6 tomatoes lined up one beside the other, green as grass but holding much promise.

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi se-eds, thanks so much for the tip, can I send you a SASE for some seeds? I've never canned, always afraid of botulism or something. I understand with dishwasher water being so hot, it's easier to sterilize jars, is this true?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I voted 'other' because I'm not sure if I will get tomatoes this year. We froze on June 18th, and I started over with plants and suckers from around the country. They are doing very well, but I don't know if there's enough days left to get ripe 'maters unless Mother Nature takes pitty on us and gives us a LONG frost free fall.

I did pot some of them up into pots, so those I'll bring in and see if I can get a few ripe ones that way in early winter if nothing else.

I'm hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised and they will grow and set fruit quickly and I'll have them coming out my ears. I'm ready for them.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Last week!!! The Juliets are going like gangbusters! Very good flavor.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

hahaha...where's the option for the end of August???

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Cherry tomatoes started coming in May 21, and about 10 days later for many other varieties. Couldn't wait, and now we're buried in tomatoes....HMMMM!!!

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

I just picked my 1st cherry tomato, la la la, yum.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)

"Other" -- No tomatoes this year, got sick of watching the hornworms defoliated them last year... and water, and water, and water...

Dixon, KY(Zone 7a)

We got our first tomatoe around three weeks ago but then not another ripe one (of course I didn't say it came from my garden ) Actually we got our first tomatoe about two weeks ago. and we have a lot right now. the storms have blown over a lot of them and they were in gages. but don't that first bite of a fresh garden tomatoe taste just wonderful...


Troy, IL

june 23 planted early even though everyone said they freeze

Roan Mountain, TN(Zone 6a)

Hi Everyone- This is Garden Chef- Right now I'm getting a handful of cherry and yellow t-toes (yellow verson of cherry)
nothing to brag about but I hope I'll be overwhelmed soon, and one grape tomatoe which is extra large (looks like a baby plum tomatoe). I also have White Beefsteak plants that are about 7 foot tall and are a first for me as I've never came across white ones before- but boy are they thriving) Beefy Boy, Red Beefsteak, German Reds, Stripey. They are of considerable height - about 5 and a half feet or so. I also have zuchinni and yellow squash, red and green cabbage, pes pods and snow peas, carrots and parsnips green bush beans (aka snap beans) green leaf and head lettuce, yellow and white onions, brocolli and cauliflower,
Herbs- basil,celery,chives,thyme,oregano,parsley,sage,tarragon,dill,
Peppers- bertha bell, calif wonder bell, golden bell,pimento habenaro,serrano,cherry bomb,jalapeno,hungarian mild,lilac bell,
cucumbers-regular and long (like a 2 footers!)
watermelon, cantaloupe and honey dew didn't do good because my peaches and cream corn - 4 of the 8 rows got blown down by a freak wind storm afternoon of July 4th -most "stood" back up by themselves.I also have bird house gourds.
One of my Jalapino plants wilted -i watered it -nothing , I gave it liquid sevin in the root- nothing, 3 days later the leaves dried up and I retreived the peppers that were on it.
Pulled it up today - no obvious root damage- anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your time!

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

We only have six tomato plants - four Roma and two Cherry. We have been adding them to our vegetables about three weeks now. We live in the Inland Empire of California and we are blessed with no winter to speak of.

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