Odd Containers...

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

TC that milk jug says:

Producers CRY A8
Kirkville MO.

Perhaps there was a huge dairy operation at that location back in the day.

My mother-in-law had the metal milk jug hiding in a shed for numerous years. I had a garage sale and she brought it with a truckfull of other things to sell. I cried out, NO you can't sell this!! She laughed and told me to take it. I even had a pot which fit perfectly in the top.

The grass in the top of the tiered planter was my mother's idea. She thought it looked like a waterfall 8-)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Delphiniumdiva, are those punitive damages or 'pun'itive damages?

TC, your ricer is one of the most imaginative containers I've seen because it has no flat end on which to rest, so you hung it up like a cornucopia. I'm going to stop by the Salvation Army Thrift Store and see what I can find for a creative planter. I've enjoyed this thread.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

This is one of the most enjoyable threads I have had the priviledge of viewing in a long time. This would make perfect book content, TC. I don't think I have ever seen anything anywhere on this topic.

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)


I had a biology professor last semester that would often use the phrase "back in the day", meaning, of course, "long ago."
You're the only other person I've ever heard that has used those 4 particular words to refer to yesteryear.
Why do I find that interesting?? I don't know...I'm weird I reckon, plus it's early, I havn't finished my first cup of coffee yet, and perhaps I'm more attuned to things now because "QuitKeeper" says...

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 18 hours, 50 minutes and 53 seconds (20 days). I have saved $124.70 by not smoking 623 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days, 3 hours and 55 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 7/3/2004

Y'all crack me up with the continued "Legal Department" stuff! W-greens, please be sure to post a photo here when you get your odd container all fixed up.

D-diva, do you work for or are you perhaps associated with lawyers and/or lawyering? Your memo is of top notch quality, my Business and Administrative Writing professor would grade that as a solid B, or maybe even an A. But I never got an A on anything I turned in. However, she did give me two As for final grades. I had her twice, once for the above mentioned course, and again this past spring semester for Technical and Scientific Writing.

I'm leavin here in a bit (with camera in hand of course) to go give a consultation to a psychologist about his garden. Imagine that...me psychologizing garden stuff with a psychologist?? Ain't that special??


Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Weez I give up! You have beaten me! Please desist, stop, cease fire! Case dismissed(Bang!)

TC I used to be a lawyer before I had kids. Wrote for a judge on the La Supreme Ct. Nothing like having to crank out 20 writs in a day plus the occasional Opinion to make you brush up your writing skills. I could do it in my sleep (and sometimes did.) My office partner and I used to have contests to see who could write the most per day! (I usually won, heh, heh) Now I'm teaching my kids to write C-A-T...sigh. Can't wait to get to high school stuff.

BTW considering the examples of "business" writing that my dh deals with on a regular basis, I'm not so sure that a good grade would be a compliment...seems as though the idea is to go on and on and never actually "say" anything - or at least anything that could possibly be used against you later - typical CYA!

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

TC, funny you should say that about your professor. I guess that's how us teachers like to express ourselves :p

LOL you have a comp program that keeps record of the day's quit. Amazing!

DD wrote: Now I'm teaching my kids to write C-A-T...sigh. Can't wait to get to high school stuff.

I know exactly what you mean! My son is starting First grade this year, He is challenging me for more interesting material. Yesterday I gave him a couple worksheets to complete before he played video games. He whiningly replied, "Mom this is for babies, I already know this stuff!" :-O

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Delph, if you've had enough 'pun'ishment, perhaps we could settle out of court... if we take it to court, looks like 'hosta' will be sitting on the 'bench'.

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

W-greens, is this a case for Judge Judy perhaps?

I'm still lookin for y'all to post more photos of odd containers. I somehow manage to miss seeing them around here whenever I'm out. I think I need to slow down a bit.


Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

I plum fergot about this container in my garden y'all.

In it is Hosta 'Obsession' and to its right is Huchera 'Amber Waves'.


Thumbnail by tcfromky
Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Cool Boot, TC...love that heuchera!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

How do you handle drainage for a boot, TC? Do you drill a hole in the bottom or what?

I love the heuchera. I have the dark purple but not that color. Mine doesn't seem to multiply. Do you have that problem?

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Elena, how much sun is your heuchera getting? I had one with full sun in the garden and in 5 years it hardly changed. Moved it to shade last summer and it's already grown a lot! The 3 'palace purple' in the same shade bed are huge, leaves as big as my hand!

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

My heucheras are all doing great in part shade.

As for drainage in my boot planter, I put a few rocks in the bottom of it and I don't overwater. Hostas generally like a lot of water anyway. I'll not leave 'obsession' in the planter, at the end of the summer, I'll set it out in my hosta garden.


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Kooger, they get full sun. I will move them when we get a little closer to fall. It is too hot and dry to take a chance on them right now.

TC, I am guessing that you have it under a shelter which would enable you to not drill holes in the boot. (That is better anyway in case you want to wear the boot again. LOL) I thought it was out in the open. I have some unnamed hostas from the TN roundup that need to go in the hosta bed but I am going to wait to do that when it gets cooler also.

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

Y'all think it's a leather boot eh? ;~)

Look agin...

Thumbnail by tcfromky
Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Well blow me down, is it concrete? Ya fooled me. I have an old barbecue grill, the kind that is a circle with the cut down the middle. I am going to take that baby apart and make two nice planters. I will probably have to sink them in the ground a bit to keep them steady. I will try to post here when I get something growing in them. I always knew I needed to keep that ugly thing for some reason. Now....what to do with the rest of the junk I have kept?????

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

PS...I do have one of those strainers that I picked up at a garage sale last year. No telling what else I will find once I really start looking. I don't have a concrete boot though.

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

LOL a ceramic boot

Recycled an old pair of my grandkids pair of jean shorts.

Thumbnail by CoCo
Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi CoCo, can you please post a larger photo? I just love your "jean planter!"

I'm not sure if my boot planter is ceramic or concrete, but I know it's not leather.


Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6a)

Yes CoCo, a larger photo, please.

Everyone's creativity is getting my mind going. Thanks for all the pictures!

I tried to post a larger picture of this but it just wouldn't post it, so down sized it to 25% for it to post.

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

Well, thanks for tryin CoCo. That's one fantastically whimsical container for sure!

clairelise, where's a photo of yourn? ;~)


Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6a)

Haven't got any yet! I thought I was being creative when I turned a teak bucket for making ice cream into a planter. I'll have to start thinking outside the box, or planter in this case, to come up with some truly unusual containers that work. In the meantime, I'll keep enjoying everyone's pictures. :)

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

I'll be waitin on seein somethin from ya in the near future clairelise. I just know your creativity will astound.


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I am starting to look at all my treasures (junk) in a whole new light.

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

Post a photo of one of your treasured junk containers Elena, that is if you have one. If you don't, get one ready, surprise us. ;~)


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Everything I look at now has posibilities. I have a problem however. My camera is "sick". I have the batteries removed in the hopes that if it gets a rest the disks might work again. If not, I am going to have to buy another camera even before I have completed my research as to what new model will be best for me. I almost have it pinned down though.

I have rings off of whisky barrels that would make nice hanging loops for vines to climb. I may suspend them in some kind of pattern inside each other or dangling from each other. 3 of the rings are old and rusty and 3 of them Albert painted. I also have a strainer. I have the barbecue grill that will make 2 different planters, another assortment that is a bit weird. I have a rusty iron fireplace grate and two andirons plus a basket made from treated lumber. I will put plants in the basket, set it on the grate and put the irons beside it. I have a torce lamp that I have removed the electrical works from. I want to use it like a May pole and let vines climb from cording strung as spokes from the top and fastened to the ground with tent stakes.
and on and on and on..... I have an old grinding wheel that I want to use to make a spouting fountain with water coming up the hole in the middle. I do have a birdhouse we fastened to the top of a shovel handle. The shovel digging end sticks down in the ground to hold it up. There are no plants on it but I think I might get some cypress vines trained up that handle. Ok, I have lots to do, don't I? What fun!!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hey, Ellen! Is your old grinding wheel perhaps still useable, and is it fine, or coarse? I've been looking for one for a long time. I can adapt one to a bicycle or something to turn it... the slower speed is SO much better for sharpening than my electric grinder.

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

You guys are hilarious, handhelper, I used one of those when I was a little thing back home at my Grandmother's house, I've always wanted one, can't find one anywhere, I always said if I did i'd put a plant in it.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Darius, it is just one of the stone ones with the square hole in the middle. I have had it for years not knowing what to do with it. Someone posted a picture somewhere of a fountain and I knew that was the answer. I am going to sink a container in the ground and have the water source underground (No leaves and mosquitoes to worry about that way) and not visible. The stone will sit on some kind of grid and the grid will be covered with rocks. I will pump the water up through the hole and it will flow back down over the rocks and into the ground. Wish me luck. Don't know if that is doable this year as we have so many other projects going in home fixing and improvements.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Ellen, sounds more like you have an old stone mill wheel. What you intend to do with it soinds wonderful.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

TC I have one coming up that will astound and amaze - just give me a day or so!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I have known what I wanted for a long time, but when this picture was posted by Sledder I knew it would work. I am going to have my rocks cover the entire area since we have so many mosquitos in our area. I am even going to put plastic screening on top of my grid that will hold up my rocks. We have mosquitoes in our 3 tier bird baths with the pumps and have to empty them every 3 days (the tiger mosquitoes can have larva that rapidly) which is a real pain. I hated the donuts that they recommend as they are so gross looking. I heard someone say that you can use clorox. I am wondering if that is so. Does anyone know? I could put it in at night after the birds go to bed and it might evaporate out by the time they would bath in the morning. I need hlep on that. Please advise me if you are familiar with this.

This is Sledders picture and not mine.

This message was edited Jul 27, 2004 10:02 AM

Thumbnail by Elena
Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

Waiting in gleeful anticipation d-diva!

That's a purddy water feature Sledder has Elena. Sorry but I don't know what to tell ya 'bout them skeeters.


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Maybe someone will know about them, TC. thanks. We are taking some vinyl screen today and putting it around the entire large bowl and drawing it up with a fishing line draw string. That should keep it safe. Actually, the whole fountain was a garage sale find at an old mansion where they selling everything. We got it "for a song" as the big bowl was cracked. Albert fixed the crack, I painted it black and then added greenish highlights and it is beautiful now. Some of the joy has been removed from the project with the problem of the mosquitoes. He blows it out with the blower every three days and then we add more water. That is getting rather tiresome. There is not enough depth to keep local feret cats from the cliff sides near our house from getting the fish so I had to rule that option out.

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

A close friend of my DW has this in her garden...


Thumbnail by tcfromky
Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

And here's another cute little odd container in my garden with vinca vinin up and out of it.


Thumbnail by tcfromky
Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

You guys musta been on my mind. I was sittin on my front porch, minding my own buisness and checking out a box stuffed full of plants that just came when, I glanced up and was forced to do "this"! LOL Dont know how well this will hold up but I really like the way it looks.

Thumbnail by Dravencat

Dravencat; that is adorable.
I have been working on a couple new 'containers' here. Got one finished and planted but have to get some sort of plants for the other 'container'.
Yes, will take pictures, but won't be able to post them till I get my film developed

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