share your peony pics

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Hi Anahi. I'm glad to hear you like Nellie Saylor. It has been growing quite quickly year after year. First year 3 blooms, then 13. Hoping for more this year. Will be awhile before I even see bare ground though. Still lots of snow. I agree with you, it has been a long, long winter.

Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi broots! Thank you for the great site! My peony list is going to be a long one this fall! So many to choose from, so little space...guess I'd better get a new flower bed started this year. LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Anahi, that "single fern leaf peony" is beautiful, if I could find one I wonder if it would grow in my zone?

Poppysue, it's a shame you don't have very many. lol
I would love to have one of those "bowl of beauty" they are georgous.

Broots, that "nellie saylor" is something else too.

I'm adding all these to my wish list, just hope they like my zone, just checked my map, looks pretty close might be worth a try if I can find them.

Peonies are so beautiful, but I have a lot of wind here would I have to stake them? And would they be alright in at least 6hrs of morning sun, maybe a little more?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

This is one that I got from a gardener when I was 7 years old and transplanted to my yard 13 years ago. Deep, deep red.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Another old one that has followed me from house to house...

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

And one that you see all over town. they bloom so haeavy that we need tomato cages to support them. Great scent!

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Norlina, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh how I wish I could grow peonies, they never grow for me...don't know why not. These photos make me want to try again...

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Peonies take patience--alot of it. I had to move a couple last summer due to encroaching trees & bushes. It will be 3-4 years before I get to see them bloom again. On the other hand, the ones I have are ones I've had for almost 50 years & my neighbor had them for years before that! Once they're in, nothing stops them from blooming & blooming. And the whole neighborhood can smell them. A feast for all the senses....

Norlina, NC(Zone 7a)

I have patience when it comes to gardening :) So what you are saying is that once I have my peonies planted they should never be moved unless I want to sacrifice growth and bloom for a couple years? Ok, how do I do the basics, you know, planting depth, fertilizer, light requirements, things like that?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Well, when you dig them, expect the roots to go down 18 inches & out 18 inches from the visible stems. If you can, dig the root as an entire mass. The more intact, the quicker it will recover. I've had roots bloom in 2 years if large, 5 years if small. Plant the roots the same depth in the new area--pips just an inch or so deep. Full sun all day will give you the best blooms & growth. I deadhead daily during blooming season to get the most & biggest blossums. Plants need support when blooming or a rainstorm will flatten them. I use the lower 1/2 if a tomato cage for each bush.

I trim bushes of flowerstems after blooming period, but do not cut bush down. the green of this year supports the roots & blooms of next. I do not trim the bushes until early spring to give them the most protection from Iowa winters. Trim to the ground in spring. And don't move for 50 years or so! Ha Ha

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Double red Fern Leaf (Japanese Peony) . They take ages to set in, but the intense color alone is worth it!

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Wow, that double red fern leaf peony is stunning. All of your pictures are great Wanda.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

The colors of the flowers make the photography easy & a joy . I wish I could keep my Peonies blooming all year long...
And I'm blessed--I've had all but the Japanese ones for over 45 years! I helped dig them when I was 8 & plant them at my parents home. The ones I have are all roots from the originals.

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

single fern leaf just starting to open up here in middle Iowa.

Thumbnail by IowaAnn
Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Gosh! These all are such beautiful flowers! Would anyone be interested in sharing some fern leaf with me? single and or double? I don't have much to trade yet but, would gladly do postage if anyone is willing to share a baby, I've got a very special place in my garden just waiting for one of these beauties....
Thx, Dixiechick

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

The fern peony is beautiful. I will post my first peony blooms here too. I have come to love these guys. They smell sooooo good too. Robbie

Thumbnail by bagby039
Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

I am so envious. I have come to love the peony now. I am going to have to get more of them. I have one that came up later than this first one but i got it later. I dont know what color it will be either. I am not even sure it will bloom this year. I have gotten both of these from a friend. She is such a sweet lady to give them to me. Robbie

Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh bagby039! Robbie, you will never regret falling in love with the peony! They take awhile to get established but you will cherish and enjoy them for years and years! Long living, great cut flowers, fabulous just can't beat them! Welcome to the peony lovers club!

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the warm welcome. I will get more peonies as time goes by. I hope to find some with color soon. I havent ever shopped for them before so i have to get out and see what i can find. Robbie

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

I visited with a grower on the phone last week. He told me that peonies can be successfully grown in z8 and even z9. He knows a man in S. CA that has over 100 varieties. The trick is dormancy and we automatically think cold, but cold isn't necessary, but dormancy is. He cuts off all foliage to the ground in late Sept., early Oct. Then withholds water until Jan. or Feb. when they are ready to start up again. He does recommend that you start with divisions that have at least 5 eyes for success. Happy growing Robbie!! edited for grammar

This message was edited Apr 25, 2004 4:25 PM

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

I put mine in the ground in the fall last year and didnt do anything but put some compost in the hole with them and left them be. I do no watering other than when the spring first got here. No previous watering. Robbie

Gooding, ID(Zone 5a)

Here's my baby (thanks to DG I know what it is now!)...I found it in its pot and for the last four years have watched it bloom without knowing what it was or how I should take care of it. It did fine without me but the pot is now falling apart. Since I know it's a fern leaf peony, I feel much better about taking it out and dividing/replanting. I can only imagine how rootbound it probably is! Thanks to all of you who helped me name my baby! (a little corny but it's kind of what it felt like!)

This message was edited Apr 27, 2004 6:01 PM

Thumbnail by mommydi
Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

mommydi, you lucky gal! Did you know that these plants sell for $35 and up? And that's for a small plant.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

mommydi--what a lovely fernleaf! All of mine have buds--even the ones I moved to the back last spring!

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

anahi, are you saying the peony plants are 35$ a piece? I got mine from a friend so i didnt know the price of them. Thanks, Robbie

Gooding, ID(Zone 5a)

I've been nervous about repotting/planting/dividing it for the last few years because it had really done okay just "as is".

Now that I know that it IS a peony (which I'd suspected but the foilage is SO different than our regular peonies that everyone grows around here) and know that I know how valuable it is... I think I'm even more nervous!!

I know that I have to be careful planting peonies to make sure they aren't too deep. I'm always nervous with plants that have special requirements. I do best with forgiving and flexible personalities!

Currently (and for at least the last five years) it has been in a somewhat shallow but with a large diameter terra cotta pot. I've always kept it planted somewhat submerged in the soil and left it there.

This fall (feel free to correct me) I'll remove it from the pot, seperate the plants and replant. Should I follow the same instructions as a regular peony? Sunny spot, shallow, regular watering (not too wet, not too dry).

I know this isn't the correct forum but since I have your attention... I hoped I could take advantage of it!

Thumbnail by mommydi
Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

bagby039, the double fern leaf peonies usually run around $35 for a plant. They are very hardy, just like the other peonies. I'm not sure why they charge so much.
mommydi, don't be nervous. When you transplant it, check out how deep the roots are under the soil. My fern leaf peonies roots tend to be just under the surface. Maybe l/2 inch or so. They like to be planted shallower than regular peonies. Does your fern leaf peony go dormate in August?

Clanton, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the information. I am going to see if i can get some seed from the one i have but i still want to find more peonies. I would love to have other colors of them. Robbie

Gooding, ID(Zone 5a)

yes, it does... scared the living daylights out of me the first time it did that... I never thought I'd see it again! What an awesome gift the next spring! Especially when it blooms SO early... first crocus, then daffodils, then tulips, and then this peony. The rest of my flowers won't show their faces for at least another month! (I need to find something for this in between time but that's another topic for another day!)

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

The Fernleaf mulitiply much more slowly than regular peonies. I think that's why they are so costly. I have just 4 from a single root my sis in law gave me several years ago. All are setting buds right now.

Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

Not quite sure what the name of this peony is. It's foliage is coarser than the fern leaf and finer than the regular garden peony. Anyone have a clue as to what it is?

Thumbnail by IowaAnn
Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Any one have a single white peony that they would like to trade?


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Kooger & I are checking out Center Point Peonies here in Iowa for a possible fall Peony Co-op. It's nearby & I'll get photos when the blooms start later this month.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

anahi, could you email me that pic? I'll send it on to Dan at Center Point - he's got over 500 varieties - maybe he knows!

Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

Kooger, are you kidding? I've just figured out how to post pictures on Daves! My computer skills are almost as good as my tatting skills! (; LOL Bev This double fern leaf finally opened up...It's fragrance is so fabulous!

Thumbnail by IowaAnn
Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

Wandasflowers and Kooger, you guys will have to fill us in on Center Point Peonies! Sounds like fun!

Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

4 years ago I bought this tree peony. It was just a stick from a farm store. Note the dandelion seed head in the was real pretty when it was yellow! LOL :)

Thumbnail by IowaAnn
Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

pale pink, great fragrance!

Thumbnail by IowaAnn
Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

Krinkle white peony? anyone know?

Thumbnail by IowaAnn
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

All these pictures are soooo pretty
all I have are buds except for my one tree peony.....

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