My converted breezeway

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I had been going to start plants in the basement this winter, but I kept looking at the breezeway between the house and garage that is not used for much of anything except laundry. It took a lot of measuring and a little imagination (mostly from reading various posts on DG) There are 5 doors in and out of this area so not even one unused wall.
I took down the curtains, and removed the couch and chair.
I then put plastic on the windows, (no heat out there).
I moved in some cupboards that were stored in the garage plus my potting bench. Purchased and hung up 6 sets of lights, (with chains of course for adjusting)(Again credit is owed to my DG friends) I put my gorgeous brugmansias (from poppysue) under the lights first and I they are sure looking much happier than they did. I am going to post some pictures and try to explain them as I go. Thanks for letting me share my excitement about my new space. I still have to add a few more sets of lights (because badseed was kind enough to share his knowledge with me) and then make my pvc plant shelf (plans found on DG of course) I think it will take the place of the small greenhouse that you see.
The room is approximately 20 feet long and probably 12 feet wide, and goes back a little farther on the wall where the washer and dryer are. (yes I will still do laundry I promise) As you look at the first picture to the left is the basement door which you can't see. On the cupboard is my ivy that I just repotted and some outdoor ivy that I am attempting to get roots on. The door you see leads to my back yard and right outside the door is an alcove that I use to store pots, etc. (This will be very handy as I get ready to start seeds)

Thumbnail by aknapp
Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

This is a picture of the end of the first cupboard the back door and the beginning of the second area where the brugs are.

Thumbnail by aknapp
Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

This is a full picture of the second cupboard with the brugs and I think you can see the basement door, which is also going to provide a small area just outside the door for potting soil, starter soil, etc.

I wrote basement instead of garage duh!!!!

This message was edited Nov 21, 2003 7:12 AM

Thumbnail by aknapp
Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

This is a picture of the end wall where the garage door is and the other door you see leads to the mailbox which is always bringing me wonderful things from all of my DG friends. Never knew mail could be so exciting!

Thumbnail by aknapp
Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

In the last photo is the wall to the right of the front door, and I think maybe you can see the steps to the right of the potting bench that go into the main part of our house (I hope you can't see my messy kitchen)

I would have never thought of this if it wasn't for all of the people here.
I forgot to mention a few people who have been so very generous with not only suggestions but they have shared so many of their seeds with me, I am not sure I will ever be able to grow enough to repay them.
Most importantly though is their freindship which I will cherish.
So to Weezingreen, Wanda's flowers, flowernutt, shihtzumom, and Elaine I thank you for your generosity but more than that your friendhsip.
I hope I have not forgotten anyone and I am afraid I have.

Thumbnail by aknapp
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Way ta go alice...that's using the ol' noggin.Heheheh
....Just wait till next year =)

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Wow Alice! It looks great in there. With all those windows and the lights I'm sure your plants will be very happy. You're lucky to have a place like that to convert into a growing room. Sounds like there's plenty of space too.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Good idea. Where there's a will there's a way. Happy growing!

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I have to give credit where credit is due if it hadn't been for all of the info and help that I have found here at Dave's I don't think I would have ever thought about it.
There is such a wealth of new information as well as older information to search out.
The people here are able to send their warmth and kindnesses through the lines right into my heart.
Thanks for sharing my excitement!

Fort Dodge, IA(Zone 4b)

aknapp, do you put any heat out there? I have a back porch/breezeway that I have been keeping my plants in that I brought in for the winter. I've gotten 2 of the mini-greenhouses like the one in your pic and I am rooting brug cuttings out there also. I have a portable heater that I do turn on out there and keep the temp around 65...wondering if this is a good idea or not and also if I need grow lights too? Any input would be appreciated.

This message was edited Nov 19, 2003 1:22 PM

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

One of the days when I was working out there before I got the plastic up I turned an electric heater on, since then I have not felt like I needed one. The plants are staying between 50 and 70 and I think that must be okay because they look happy. I wish I could be of more help but I am so new to this that I just plain don't know.
I figured when I put the lights up that it would serve the purpose of giving the brugs more light right now and later when I am ready to start seeds they would be there and be ready.
Today I turned them off because we had so much natural light coming in through the windows, but this is not the norm for this time of year. I am hoping some of the same folks that have been so helpful to me will notice your questions and post a response.
If not be sure and ask it under the propogation forum and someone better able will answer you.

Fort Dodge, IA(Zone 4b)

Thanks...I don't always use the heat, just if it gets real chilly. I may put lights out there too soon. Will have to experiment. So far the plants are happy.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I am so happy you posted these pictures, Alice. You have done a great job and I am sure you are going to really enjoy indoor gardening this winter with such a great place to keep your "babies". Ellen

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I am glad that you gave me that little nudge I needed.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Alice, stick with me Kiddo and you won't have room to turn around in your house because of all the plants!!!!
Is that a Martha Stewart "good thing" or not? LOL!

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I know I don't want to have to go through what you do in the fall!!!!!
Maybe 4 or 5 but I am afraid that would be about my limit, unless I had heat out there and wouldn't have to be concerned when it gets down to 10 below here!!

rutholive your area sounds like it would be great in the spring for sprouting new plants and keeping them safe.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i know what ellens saying-i have over 400 plants in my house right now and i just won some more off ebay!
Looks like a great room for plants Alice!
Check the dumpsters for plant racks or wire racks they throw away! ;)

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Dori, good hearing from another addict. We don't need to encourage these folks too much do we? I got up to 400 last year when Terry and I had our plant sale but I am not that high with the count this year. Wait, maybe I had better go and count them cause I may be! Hubby keeps asking why I need more plant varieties. Is there a sane answer to that question????????????

I have never seen any plant racks thrown away curbside or I would have grabbed them. There is always a first time though. We can't dumpster dive here but I am always on the lookout for things at garage sales that will serve that purpose. Can't get too many plant racks or plants, huh? Alice, just ignore that last remark!

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I am worried about both of you!!!!!
I can't even imagine 400 plants inside. I wouldn't have room to move around!!! (that might be a good thing, I could give up housework)
I am very impressed with both of you, I wish I had that kind of dedication.
My little brugs are enough challenge for me this year, trying to make sure that I give them everything they need and that they stay happy.
I did take some cuttings the other day and add them to the heat to see what would happen. I think rooting cuttings is one of those challenges like growing things from seed. I just can't resist trying.
I keep looking for things along the road too, but haven't had much luck, I was lucky last summer when I was selling some things that lots of people donated pots to me, the only problem is that you end up with lots of different sizes and they don't always fit where you need them to.
You two had better get off the computer and get to watering those 400 plants!!!! (haha)
Have a great thanksgiving if I don't talk to you before!!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

and....a very happy Thanksgiving to you Alice, to you Dori and to anyone else following this thread.

Yes, Alice you are worried and so is Albert!!!! He wonders where it is all going to end. LOL! Actually, he is working now at getting a light for a place I have decided could use some plants in the living room. The box won't match the decor but I am prepared to put a pretty cloth over it when there is someone coming who might think it looks tacky. It will look just like a table then. (My cat is in there now and will be sad when plants take his place.) I say, "Never say die 'till you are dead and I ain't dead yet!" LOL! Hummmm! Wonder if anyone has ever slid a bunch under the bed? Maybbe they could be put on a solid base with gliders and then somehow a flourescant light could be suspended over them. I guess the bed will need to be raised a bit and a stool put beside it to climb into bed.

I could take everything out of a closet, take the door off, install lights and use that too. I'd have a closet full of plants instead of clothes. The ideas are endless. Maybe we should have a meeting of Plants Collectors Anonymous as this is getting serious! LOL!

I could also suspend a big tray from the ceiling and hang a light at ceiling level for the plants.

Just kidding about the bed, ceiling and closet in case you are getting worried. I,m just kidding but I am laughing at the stupid ideas anyway. Don't think I wouldn't do something almost as insane if I didn't already have plenty of room however.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Your not kidding Ellen -I know better! Happy thanksgiving ladies and everyone else reading this. I have to water all the plants upstairs in Teigs old room today. I hated when he moved out but that room gets some sun and is fairly warm all winter-so i stuffed it with plants!
I have a weird closet in my room its under the stairs and when the lil guys were tiny i made it into a fort/play area-well I was thinking its time to change it into a grow room, so i know Ellen that your wheels are turning there!

Dale got me several shelves and metal racks out of dumpsters. You know the great big wood shelves they put bulbs on in the spring-its nailed up in the gh! he also got a metal one with 4 shelves out of dumpster and then some wood ones that were broke but he fixed them and they work fine.

If you have a big lots by you-check the dumpster-walmart is a good one to check too!
I also have christmas wrapping paper coming out my ears-they just throw it away after the holidayz! :)Plants too-i have lots of plants from dumpsters-a whole new grape arbor with different kinds of grapes!

Im a plant addict and i dont see any help for me -well im not looking for any!!! LOL

Alice I sure hope we can get together sometime-I had a plant trade here last yr with a nice luncheon and lots of yaking, maybe you can make it this coming year. I use to go to your side of the state alot yrs ago my XDH was on consumers roadcrew and we were always over there, my sis is also in coldwater, mich.

Ya'll have a great turkey day!!!

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

You ladies are amazing!!!!
Ellen I was all ready to pack and head your direction to help with those closet changes. After all clothing is really not all that important and you could always put it in a dark corner!!!!
Notmartha I am excited to know that there was a get together in Michigan last year. Please Please put me on a list for this year driving is not my best thing, but I can usually convince one of my kids that I really neeeeed to go somewhere!! (it really isn't very hard they are great about it)
My daughter lives in Colon and I have a niece in Coldwater. Don't get there as often as I used to when I was driving more, but make it once in a while.
Thanks so much for sharing my excitement!
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Dori, you know me too well!!!! There is always some little idea (picture lightbulb here) hiding back in the back of my mind that can come to the surface if needed. I love to improvise and come up with needed solutions if a need arises. I am always just wondering, "what if we did this or what if we did that....." Poor DH doesn't like me to do a lot of that as it usually involves him for the physical part. LOL!

Alice, you will love Dori. Her name, Notmartha/meaning Martha Stewart, gives you an idea of what a great sense of humor she has. She and her DH are also the dumpster diving queen and king of your state. Ha! Wish I could go on a raid with them. What fun! I hope that you guys can get together this spring or summer. Watch out Alice as your plant collection will start to grow and buldge at the seams if you start letting that gal influence you.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Don't eat too much!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I love ya Ellen! (((((((((((Ellen))))))))))
Happy thanksgiving gals-now im back to cooking and getting a head start on the FEAST! trying to be m-a-r-t-h-a! ;)

Ellens just being nice she means im kinda a smarteleke!!!(sp)
;) ;)

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Nah!!! Dori, you are a love and not a smartie pants at all! You just love kidding around as do I. I love you too! (((Hugs))) right abakatcha! Happy Thanksgiving folks!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Here's a tip for free plant racks gals.

Soda companies and potato chip companies have seasonal specials(lots this time of year)There are a bunch of vinyl coated wire racks in stores that will just get tossed(Really)

The companies are under contract to clean up after themselves after the 'special'has run and collect the racks and bins to haul off(to be dumped)

The little Mom and Pop groceries and independant grocers will take the time to listen to you and will ask the vendors if you can have the racks.Or,will tell you when delivery is going to be so you can talk to the Pepsi guy yourself.You can get some really great racks this way,for just hauling them off.

Check out the displays in the stores and when you find a rack that is suitable,start asking.Don't wait till time for it to be taken away because people don't believe crazy plant people the first,second...or fifth time you ask.You have to be persistant.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Melody, you are a genius. ( I knew that before but you just proved it again. LOL!) (My adopted daughter talking to us folks! I still don't think her mom would want me adopting her though. I guess if it isn't down on paper anywhere she won't know it, huh? You are all sworn to secrecy. Since we have a world-wide population here at DG it looks like a lot of folks are going to have to remain quiet, huh?)

Happy Thanksgiving Mel.
Your other Mom

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Aknapp could you pin some of that silver light refecting film up on the walls behind the plants? This would make more light available to the plants.Ernie

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

eweed: I just saw some of that in a catalogue the other day and I wondered if it would be good to get some to put behind the area where I want to start seeds, because there isn't a window there.
Have you used this product?
I am very curious to know if anyone has used it and feels like it is a worthwhile investment?
Thanks for the input eweed, I will have to go find that catalogue again.
Melody: Thanks for the tip I will have to check out our local stores and see what I can latch onto!
Ellen and Notmartha: Hope you both had great Turkey days, and Ellen I hope you did not do more than you should have.(all though I all ready know the answer to that)
Notmartha what can I do to help with your round-up? I am really excited!!!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Aknapp I do not use it but it will work as will anything white. If you are only needing to help out a small area I would think you could use any thing from white butcher paper to white cheap foam inslation or packing material.

The point is the plants benifit from reflected light from all angles and the dark color behind them absorbs the light rather than passing it on.

The obvious would be a mirror and that may be ok with the flourscents I saw you using but I would be hesitant to say try that unless you do it with cheap seed you don't care about. It may tend to cause hot spots that are too much for the seedlings.

Look at most light fixture reflectors they are white or silver. I have a 400 watt h.i.d. metal halide grow light it has a light reflector that is white. I am going to get a 1000 watt soon and it will have a highly polished silver reflector with a pebbled surface that sends the light at all sorts of angles.

Since you have that nice room maybe a plant stand is in your future they are easy to build of pvc cost about 30 bucks less light fixture. There is a thread maybe Dirt cheap with info on this.

Luck with you endeviors enjoy your space. Ernie.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

TY-My day was wonderful-all 5 of my boys and my granddaughter were here. GD-decided thanksgiving was a fine day to start walking. She was standing by the couch and just took off half way across the room-about a dozen steps,no just one or two-she is off and mobile now. She did it all day we all enjoyed her so much!
I hope your Thanksgivings were all GREAT!
I have seen tinfoil used for reflection,Mitjo sent me a pic of his growing room and he has something for reflection.

*Im not sure when the get together will be but I will keep you up on all that as spring gets closer-right now my next thought is christmas!
Any ideas you have send them this way! :) Last year we just walked through the garden digging up stuff! It was fun!

suppose to get 2in of snow today!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Happy Thanksgiving all. Alice, most of my family lives in Michigan and during one of my visits in winter, I saw my b-in-law had pulled the dryer vent pipe into the house. He tired a pair of panthose around the end for filtration. It brought moisture into the air and heat as well. (Saved on using a humidifier) Would this idea be a plus for your greenhouse/breezeway? Just an idea from a southern gal.

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

Eweed: Yes I hope there is a plant stand with lights in my future. I have written down everything I need and priced here locally, but I am hoping to be able to get it a little cheaper at Lowes, or Menards and haven't gotten to either to check prices yet. It will probably wait until right after Christmas at this point. I am also wanting to do some winter sowing which will be a new experience for me. I am not dreading winter nearly as much as usual.

Notmartha: We have about an inch of snow and it looks like that will be it for the night. I am afraid my brain will probably be pretty fried from now until after the holidays also. Its hard for me to get a concept of what this would be like since I haven't been too one. I talked to my son earlier today about the one in Kentucky and asked if he would mind taking me, to my amazement even after I told him where I wanted to go he was more than willing. He says its not a bad drive from here at all, so I may try to get to that one also. Two in one year, I'll be living big!!!!

Molly: I don't know if it will work or not but it sure sounds logical to me. I will have to check it out and see if its feasible. I really appreciate your taking the time to post the suggestion.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions, I have lots more stuff to do now, before I am done.!!!!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I am not believeing my eyes, Alice, you may be coming to the KY roundup!!!! That'll be two of us fibromyalgia chicks there then. We can just take turns going into fibro fog. Maybe one of us will be outa the fog when the other is in it if we take turns. LOL! You better run over to that forum and tell everyone, Alice. They'll be thrilled.

Dori, that means you gotta come too! I know you had hoped to come this year but maybe you can actually make it next year. Maybe we can lure you there with promises of many wonderful plants, huh? That should do it! If not, "I will sick" Horseshoe and TC on ya! Do you know what that means since you aren't a southerner? That is like you tell a dog to jump on something so you say, "Sick um"!

Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

Melody was exactly right about the retail racks. I worked grocery for many years,and now in an independent pharmacy, and I have tons of racks, free for the taking. I am retrofiting a room in my basement for plants. Last year I put my tomatoes down there when they needed repotting, and they were fantastic. I used florescent lights and for light reflection I hung those emergency blanket that look kind of like tin foil to form a little "room", but this winter I am taking the whole room, and throwing out the waterbed!! I have all the components, just need to assemble them. Maybe we will be able to walk throught the house come March or so!!! Have two mobile grandbabies this year, I can't have them all over anymore!!! Legit

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

Thought I would post a couple new pictures of my breezeway which is no longer looking quite so neat and organized.
I am sure having a good time though.
I have doing lots of experiments and having great successes with some of them.
The Daturas are all very happy and have been trimming the tops a little bit at a time to keep them under control. I will let them start doing what ever they want to about the Middle of March which should give them plenty of time to be ready to go outside when the weather is appropriate.
I have made some changes and discovered that I could actually put 4 rows of lights over each counter, which I did a couple weeks ago.
Yesterday I hung 4 more on the end where you don't see any in the picture.
I have experiments in the cupboards, on the cupboards, and about 150 containers outside that I have winter sown. I am so excited about everything I am doing that I almost forgot it was winter.
It was very cold here yesterday and ran the kerosene heater in the breezeway most of the day, mostly for me, so I could work out there and do laundry comfortably.
I forgot to ask my son about the dryer vent, must do that when he gets home this morning from work.

Thumbnail by aknapp
Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

This is the other end of wall in the first photo. This is where I put 4 more lights yesterday and also where I am doing my sponge experiments.

Thumbnail by aknapp
Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

This is the potting bench that is no longer quite as neat as it was!!!
I hope you enjoy the photos.
I love sharing them! I cannot thank everybody here enough for sharing all of their wisdom and experiences with me.
I haven't done anything about the silver stuff for reflection but 2 weeks ago I bought 3 rolls of plastic and spent 2 days putting it over all of the walls and doors that I could get it on.
The temps had dropped out there to about 50 and was hoping to maintain about 60 during the day. The added plastic has really helped. I don't think they bothered with any insulation in these walls, and all but one of the 5 doors out there really needs to be replaced. (so much to do)

Thumbnail by aknapp
Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

My goodness! You have quite a setup going for you there, Alice. I can just invision it in the spring just before time to put them outside. You will have them growing in all available spaces and probably will have them hanging from the walls and ceiling. Just remember to leave yourself room to get to them. LOL!I can't wait to beg you for seeds and cuttings. Ha! You think I'm kidding, I bet!

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I hope you are not kidding and you won't have to beg. If just half of all of my experiments grow, I will be buried alive!!!
I have got to figure out what I am going to do with it all when its time to move it outside.
My advance planning part of my brain (can i blame it on fibro) must not have been working properly when I started this!!!!

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