help on house plants

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi all. I need some advice. I've never really grown inside plants but since winter is coming, I think I'll give it a shot. I did bring my varigated spiders inside but these old rooms need some more color!! I'd love to have some unusal ones. But I have absolutely no ideas. Nothing finicky or hard to keep alive. Any suggestions??


Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Tina,
Jewel orchids, some rex and cane begonias, coleus, earth star, and bromeliads are a few of the colorful things I see in my house right now. They are all real easy to grow. I also have florist's azaleas that bloom all winter long, amaryllis bulbs to force, camellias, anthurium, and annuals like pentas, catharanthus, and lantana that bloom in the greenhouse. These all provide lots of color for those drab winter months in Missouri. Hope you try some! Susan

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

maranta ... prayer plants, and other calatheas would be my variegated selections. They need moderate light, not much direct sun, and moisture. Too wet or too dry are destructive, but with proper care, these make incredible specimen plants. :)

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