propogating snakeplant

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I recently rescued a sansaveria(SP?) that was being thrown out. I've never grown one before. I've read up on it and now know all about it except propogating it. Several new shoots have come up which are a diff. color and I'd like to re- pot them. How do I do this? THANKS!!!!

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Take the plant out of the pot, shake the soil away. Lay the plant on some newspaper or outside on a solid surface. With a sharp knife, slice between the roots of the mother plant and the new growth (pups) to separate them. Then, if both parts have roots, just plant each of them into soil, firming it around the base as you go. Water in, and keep moderately moist until new growth signals that they have become established and new roots are growing. If the pup doesn't have a separate root system, you can root it in water by placing it in a jar with an inch or so of water. Keep water in the jar, but don't keep it deep. Pot after roots develop.

Or, you can often root sans just by planting it in a medium sand and keeping it moist until new growth appears. I prefer the water method because in soil you might have more danger of the cutting rotting. But it's not difficult to do either way. I almost always have a few sans pieces rooting in jars of water. Often, I tuck some into a jar with pothos I'm rooting, and they happily root together.

Some of my pups are lighter when they are still small. Is that what you mean about a different color?

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Aimee, thanks so much for your help!!!! Ive been on vacation so I havent had a chance to thank you. Yes the babies are light green with no variegation. The mother plant is dk. green with yellow leaf edges. Thnaks again!!!

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