Split Leaf Philodendron

North Saanich, Canada

I repotted a very large split leaf philodendron, probably around this time last year. Unfortunately, it kind of died on me. Or at least I thought it did. In the last couple of months, it has shown some new growth. I think I need to put it in a smaller pot,but I wonder about the planting of the rhizome, that the new growth is coming out of. Does that rhizome get planted under the dirt, or shoudl it be sticking up out of the dirt??
Thanks for your help.


Thumbnail by ggd
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

it looks ok to me. are you giving it a lot of water?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

It looks fine to me, too...mine is huge and the stalk just sprawls over the ground.

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