Campsis Grandiflora cuttings help please!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I just cut these foot long cuttings from a mature Campsis Grandiflora vine. They have leaf shoots approx. 3 inches long.

Being a newbie at this ... what do I attempt to root? The entire cutting; a smaller cutting; break off the leaf shoots and root those??? Can I root them in water or is it better to root in soil, enclosed in plastic, and heated from underneath?

Please help! I just love this vine!

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Jules,I would be tempted to try different ways,I am not famliar with this vine,you have some nice looking cuttings there,I think I would strip one back and dust with roottone,and one in water,any kind of plastic covering may help,I have been using big zip locks.
I'm sure someone will be along to help you that knows more about this vine,what is the common name?

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm not much on the fancy names,looked it up,I have this one,it tends to get in my compost pile and root,so layering will work.will probably respond to cuttings in soil with rooting hormone too.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, the common name is Chinese trumpet creeper; Trumpet vine.
Here is website that clearly shows it.

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

That is gorgeous,not the exact one I have,had to bookmark that site,very good one!it said it sometime air roots?seems like it would root easy,do you have them sitting in water?

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, rootdoctor, I have them sitting in water right now. I was wondering if they might root that way, or should I break off the leaf buds and root those in water or soil.

The leaf buds are opening from a woody stem from last year. I don't have any experience in rooting, so that's why I ask.

Brugvalley, Germany(Zone 7b)

Rooty is right: These cuttings will root better in soil ( I never got one rooted in water) use rooting hormons and put very deep in sandy soil.Cut back all long stuff over the soil, keep only one sleeping eye and use bottom heat.

Best time for rooting is late summer, we say: ripe twigs,good for rooting.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the great advice rootdoctor and Ludger!
I'm definitely going to tackle this project tomorrow trying the different methods. It may be too early in the season, but if they don't root, I'll try again in the summer.

Just wanted to share a member's advice from the GardenWeb site where I also asked this same question:

"Take cuttings that concist of 1 leaf shoot & some of the main stem..(1-2') then apply 0.3% IBA (rooting hormone) stick in well drained soil so the leaf shoot is just touching the soil. Mist. Takes 30-100 days to root. Can also use seed."

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Just FYI, I decided to follow the following instructions on starting cuttings:

"Take cuttings that concist of 1 leaf shoot & some of the main stem..(1-2') then apply 0.3% IBA (rooting hormone) stick in well drained soil so the leaf shoot is just touching the soil. Mist. Takes 30-100 days to root. Can also use seed."

I'll keep you posted on how it works out.

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

I'll be praying and hoping with you on this...I have a source right off the tollway and would like to do the same thing myself.

I defintely want some for the hummers- they love it.

I have read about a cultivar called madame Galen with red blooms, and would like to order that and take cuttings later. Now if they only came in HOT PINK!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Lavanda, your praying and hoping has paid off!
It's been 30 days since I started rooting this vine, and today I decided to pot them up. You can see the roots in the lower left hand corner of the picture. I had about 10 cuttings, and only 2 really took off like crazy, and 2 others were slower, but rooted anyways. Yeah! It worked. I really only needed 2 plants, so I'm happy.

The 2 that took off so well also put on a lot of growth of leaves in those 30 days.

So grab some cuttings from the tollway, and give it a whirl, it was fun.

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Here they are in their new home for now.

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow...those look good :) They look really healthy. If only I had the patience to root cuttings and grow

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Congrats! I have rooted these several times. I like to pinch them at Burger King. LOL Sometimes I am lucky enough to pull a little one out of the ground with a nice root. I'm hoping to do a standard tree with one.
Jon, we are really going to have to work on you! ;P

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Hmmm...which Burger King? I might have to hit the drive thru...and snag a piece of that vine on the way...hehe :)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

You have to come to MY side of town to find the *right* BK! LOL They have a plentitude of trumpet vines as well as catalpa trees.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Badseed, for the congrats. This being my very first time at rooting anything, I really appreciate it. I grabbed this cutting from one of my neighbors' vine. I always admired them and had just the spot for a couple of them.

I like your idea about starting a standard. But how? A vine like this would have to be pruned constantly, wouldn't it? I'm imagining it would be pretty unique and beautiful though.

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

They are beautiful little babies!

I will be their godmother if you like.

HUbby works in the Oak Lawn area, today when I mentioned I was hungry for blackberries, he casually mentioned that behind their building there are blackberry bushes, and he has been eating them fresh out of hand.

So since tomorrow is anything I wish, I plan to get him to go with me and get cuttings. They almost root themselves,
and the birds love them. I cant wait to get them going!

Nite nite

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh Lavanda, you're so sweet ... sure you can be their godmother ... hehehe

If you leave any blackberry cuttings for me ... just let me know where this place is ... I'm headed over there too. Woo hoo!
I'll root some campsis cuttings for ya, in return. ;)

Nite, nite, and Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, it's been a little over 2 months since I tried to root these trumpet vines from some stick-looking cuttings I took from a neighbors' vines. I was so tickled when they finally rooted, but now I'm estatic about how well they're growing. I'll be planting them today. :D

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow! You did a great job. I guess a little patience pays off. Too bad I'm not so Those look wonderful.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Congrats Jewel!! Looks like you have some winners there! Mind bloomed the next year after I rooted them. :)

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for letting me know Badseed ... I think I would have been watching for those blooms ... every day ... all summer ... lol Now I can go a get a life! *sigh*. hehe

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Badseed ... please look at this picture and tell me what you see at the tip of these trumpet vine cuttings ... LOL Is it what I think it is?

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

From the looks of it ... my trumpet vine cuttings will be blooming almost exactly 3 months from the time I took the cuttings from my neighbor's vine, on March 29th. Wow, I'm so surprised. Oddly enough, my cuttings are blooming at the same time as her vines are blooming too, lol. Also I've been feeding them with Miracle Grow and Epsom salt combo.

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

The blooms may be affected by day length (or simply genes).

In a few months, God willing I will have another variety for your 'collection'.

When wayside had their big sale a few weeks ago, I ordered a campsis with golden little tubular (straight tubes with white edges) not bell shaped like yours are.

I couldnt get to it for a few daqys, and the minute I watered it, I put it on my shady porch, and by the next morning it had about 6 shoots about 7 inches long each!

It is now greening up. Will share as soon as it is able to spare any cuttings.

It is so exciting!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh Lavanda, that's exactly the one I was hoping to get next! I've seen those ... they're called Flava, I believe. They are so pretty. But have you seen them around here in Dallas? I've managed to miss them if there are some.

It IS exciting to see them take off like yours is doing now too. It'll do well for you for sure. Thank you for the offer to share! You know I'll be happy to take some cuttings. :D Hopefully I'll have something you'd like in return too. Thanks!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, they have finally bloomed! I'm so excited. Wow, what an experience this has been. I guess I'll be hooked on rooting cuttings for life LOL :D

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Congrat Jewel! I lost this thread somehow. Must be the Texas weather or water. :) Your's sure bloomed fast. Propogating by rooting is sure the way to go, huh?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Howdy, j_j! Welcome to DG! Ain't it great?
Are planning on coming to TxRU?
I have something we call 'Desert Trumpet'. It is not hot pink but instead a soft baby pink w/rose colored vines running thru the blooms.
I put a 1gal pot in the corner of the fence 2 summers ago & it is over the 6' fence by more than 6' & going everywhere. I just think it is so awesome that I haven't cut it at all.
I know it is the same family but different color flowers. I can get you the botanical Monday fr the Farm.
I've been trying to think what to take to RU this yr. Since you have had such good luck with the Trumpet vines, I think I will try Desert Trumpet vines.
And BS, yes, I'll try some for you, too!

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! !!!!!

Wintermoor in old Europe ... oops ... I mean Germany, planted these kids by seed in March and they're still only about 8 inches tall ... you swig a twig from somewhere and have flowers already !!! ... Hey!! ... that's unfair ... mine will take about 29.5 years to bloom and yours bloom within 29.5 days ... Hey!! ... that's unfair!!! ... I hope you enjoy them, YEAH!!! ... GO ON ENJOY THEM ... that's unfair ... Hey!

peeved (but happy for you) !!!


Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Badseed, Smockette and Wintermoor! I sure appreciate all your great posts. I haven't logged on in awhile ... but when I did ... WOW, this was a nice surprise. I must admit, this has been my favorite thread because I feel so good about my 'first-time' luck rooting my favorite vine (or anything else for that matter ... hehe). I hope I have given some inspiration to others to try and root these beauties too.

As for the blooming part ... yes, that really surprised me too! I'm pretty sure that the Epsom Salts mixed in with the Miracle Grow had something to do with it. I've read so much about this mixture and how it promotes blooming. Every plant that I have ever had that bloomed, has gone crazy with this mixture. BTW, they are STILL blooming. This is the picture of it today.

Smockette, I'll try to make it to the RU at Texoma Lake this fall. In the meantime, I'll start some more cuttings of this vine to take there, if I go, but if anyone else wants one, I'll be happy to mail you one. :D JLMK

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Jules_Jewel, where can I find out about mixing Epsom salts with Miracle Grow? Thanks.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, you know ... I couldn't tell you where I got the information from anymore ... lol. I have accumulated it for the past 10 years. I found the info first in old gardening books from the library and then the internet when I did a search for 'epsom salts plants' and other variations. The very first time I tried it (10 years ago), I put it around my roses and then around my pepper plants ... and man, I was so impressed! They went nuts. I have since read that the epsom salts only work on soil that is deficient in magnesium. Well, maybe ... but these trumpet vine cuttings have only been in premium potting soil since I rooted them, and I have been fertilizing them with the Miracle Gro and Epsom Salt mixture.

OK, to share with you what I have done, mix: 1 Tablespoon Epsom Salt & 1 Tablespoon Miracle Grow in 1 gallon of water. I tried to feed this to my potential flowering plants approx. once every week, or 2 weeks (depending on how much they had to be watered. Remember ... the more you water ... the more the fertilizer leaches out of the soil). Hopefully, this works for you ... I think it will. ;~)

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Are those beauties above crape myrtle? Or campsis?

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, those are 'Blaze' roses that I used Epsom Salts on. Sorry about the poor scanned picture, I didn't have a digital then.

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Heck, I am legally blind- didnt notice the difference.

They are beautiful though.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

J_J, can you make the Central Texas RU?
I went to Texoma last yr but hopefully will be in a house by this fall & think I better be getting ready for winter, or what we have of it.
I brought 2 good roses home fr the Farm (where I work) & I don't know what my roomy did, but they look so pitiful I am afraid that we are going to loose them.
I was packing up some 'stuff' this wkend & came across 2 qts of Epson salts & couldn't remember what I bought it for. Thanks for the reminder & the fact that you use it on roses. I think I will see if I can save these 2 I brought home.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Jules_Jewel. I am looking forward to trying it.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

One of my new babies has a bloom! I believe this is only 2 months! hehe

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