Do you push the zone?

There are a total of 193 votes:

No, I stick with plants that I know will be hardy in my zone
(30 votes, 15%)
Red dot

I experiment only with plants/seeds I can afford to lose
(60 votes, 31%)
Red dot

I'm always trying plants that aren't considered hardy where I live
(94 votes, 48%)
Red dot

What's a zone?
(9 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

we get to -20 and I still try to overwinter stuff that no way belongs up here....
Sometimes it works,I had Pampas grass last 2 winters but then it got killed,I have a passiflora that came back last year,waiting to see if it makes it this year.Also black Mondo grass came back last year,this year the ducks found it and ripped it out of the ground,I found it laying mangled in the snow.......its in the GH but its not looking good.......
My theory is if it works ,it works...if not...try another one.......or another way.......


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I push those zones all over the place!! If something starts looking sickly in one area, I do more research and move it to another..........and I'll keep doing it even if I have to crawl around my beds, and drag myself along on my behind! I'd love to know how many of the zone experts we've fooled along the way!


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

when and where can we see the new zone maps that are coming out?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I live in zone 5, this year it was like zone 6 or 7 until a week ago. I push zones all the time. I too rootdoctor have a solid redwood fence all around my yard for the same reasons. it is 7 1/2 feet tall on my uphill side and about 6 feet on the downhill side. I also have evergreens for wind protection. Did have the poplars until I realized what a problem their roots are. Now they are gone and i

will plant other trees to fill in. Donna

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

treelover, I really wanted a Stewartia psuedocamellia this year and ordered it from Arbor Village and it was one of the 6 trees I ordered that they didnot send. So guess i will have to wait until next year. Donna

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

If I see something neat, I WANT IT! I don't care where its supposed to grow, I just want it! So I have a house full of stupid things looking out windows. (at least the lucky ones who got inside first!) I've got plants on the floors, tables, windows, hanging, and 2 laying on their sides. (don't ask!)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I push the zone in both directions. Where I live is supposed to be a zone 9 (That's a Sunset zone 19, for those who live in the western U.S.) but it behaves more like a zone 10 (Sunset zone 21). There are a few zone 8 things I can grow, also.

Godfrey, IL(Zone 6a)

I try to plant only in my zone. I just hate to waste money and take a chance on plants outside my zone.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

If ANYONE with hot summers can grow blue poppies, well please, let me know.

That is one plant I would like but will not buy. Our summers are long and hot.

I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. I can usually push some zone 10 tropicals like Black Forest calla, or abutilon. The oleanders died, but I don't care about that, as I had my fill of them when I lived in Southern California.

Actually I can't seem to grow the oriental poppies too well or the Iceland poppies.

The lilacs do well here.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Here in Netherlands we have crazy winters. Temp goes up and down every few days. Today it's +16C and a week ago -5C. This year winter was very soft but wet. Nearly no frost at all untill now. Ofcourse I'm pushing the borders what's possible to grow here. The chance they'll survive winters is big.

Elizabethton, TN(Zone 7a)

I am just starting my garden here but yes, I'm zone pushing. I'm from Atlanta and zone pushed there too. My biggest problem here with zone pushing is the north side of the house has no room at all. :( Since I'm in zone 9, I'm pushing down not up, trying to grow things that fry here. I'm planning to try to get a peony to grow - if anyone has a suggested cultivar which takes heat better, please email me and let me know! (I may miss it if you post it here.)

This message was edited Feb 6, 2004 7:09 AM

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