
Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I bought a house plant yesterday that kinda looks like a tall yucca. The tag said Dracaena, but pretty much nothing else. I repotted it, and now I don't know for sure how to care for it since there were no instructions. I was going to just care for it like any other plant, but my daughter thinks it needs to be watered from the bottom or it will die. She said they had some in the pool area of the motel she worked at and they had to be watered from the bottom. If that's the case, then I have it in a pot that it's going to hate and need to move it before it dies.

Thank you!

Harrisburg, NC(Zone 7a)

These sites might help
I have Janet Craig and Marginata Tri color and they are easy to grow, I top water and let them dry out between waterings.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thank you so much cnclady! I'm off to learn how to care fort his baby now.

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