I found out the anwer to my question .

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6a)

Here is what I am supposed to do. Cut the flowers off in February, provide a lot of water, fertilizer and sun. When it is 60 degrees or over I can put my plant outside in a shady place for about 2 weeks for it to adjust to the new environment.After this,it can be placed in a sunny protected flower bed.This is when I am supposed to start pinching it. When fall arrives I am supposed to keep it in the dark for at least 12 hours a day until the flowers start to develop.Then it can be out in the light:) What do you plan to do with your poinsettias?

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

I always have great intentions....but....

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I have one someone gave me that her mother had had for several years. It will be interesting if I can keep it alive as well.

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