My Marble Queen Pothos gets...

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

holes edged in brown on some of its leaves.

Other leaves get brown edges.

These things only happen to the leaves that have more white in them.

And it doesn't happen all the time.

What could be the cause?

Is there any cure?


New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Sometimes they are just blemishes or imperfections on the leaves for which there is no cause or cure. In other instances, these symptoms may be caused by excessive minerals in the soil. These minerals accumulate from using hard water or from fertilizer. If your tap water is hard, switch to filtered, distilled, or rainwater

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

It's possible the water's hard. One salon tech said it is, another said it's not, but my hair & hands agree with the first tech. Our Pur water filter probably agrees with her too. It's almost filled up in half the time a filter should last. But then neighbors say the water's loaded with sediment. I'll have to check the shower head for deposits to make sure.

Thanks for the response.

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