Lavender Moonflower for Rebecca

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

ok me too before the uncle shows up!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 6b)

Dee, please put me down for some too... I really want one of those!

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

Got it!

Me too??? Please:)

I hope I will have something you'd like; am updating my seed list right now:)

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks DEE!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Dee,
I would also love a few of your seeds if you have any left. I have tried for years to grow the white one, but it never gets to bloom. Maybe I'll have better luck with a pink/lavender one. Let me know what you are looking for in trade.

Rose Hill, NC(Zone 8a)

I am in n.c.
I start my I. seeds the last of march in the house under lights
if you do that you will have I. alba blooming all summer
I have been collecting seeds off mine for almost 4 weeks now

now some of the tropical ones will rot if the don't get the heat they need. that early in the "game" some need 80+ deg. day and night to "do their thing"


Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Ok, it has taken a lot of people going first, but I can't hold back any longer. I haven't read "uncle" yet, and I would love to have a few seeds to plant with my whites next year.

I can't imagine you still have extra space to fill with all the interesting plants that I see you discussing. Please let me know if there is anything I can offer in return.

I have a mix of Ki-kyos that have turned out to be mostly partially-double blue picotee, but some have unusual particularities: one is tiny -- vine, leaves and flowers -- so I am treating it like a bonsai. I put a 4'-bamboo tripod in its 6” pot and it has still only made it halfway up, but is producing tons of little lavender blooms. On cloudy days, like today, blooms continue to open all day. I can't tell if it is making any seeds yet and the blooms are too small for my little finger or even a Q-tip to help assure pollination (it has very few doubles, so pollination is possible with most of the blooms). I've been finger pollinating the standard dbl blue picotees successfully (most of the doubles still produce a little pollen, contrary to my expectation).

Another has a growth habit halfway between the rampant standard and the bonsai. It hasn't bloomed yet, but its peculiarity is that its ivy-shaped leaves are reverse curled (edges curled forward) and puckered, and they flatten out only when they are old -- only the first two or three leaves on the vine are completely flat now.

None of the Japanese MGs started blooming until I stopped treating them like our MGs and gave them good soil and started fertilizing them. Some Japanese growers say that it takes shortening their light period to prompt blooming (diehard fanciers do it artificially), which would explain why some are just budding now.

I also have a color mix of Higes, which are like the shredded doubles that someone else posted here. They are also just setting buds. They should produce seeds.

Anyway, I will be able to offer some of those in trade if you are interested.

The offer is open to Larry/Daturapod, too. I'd love the chance to compare both of yours.

Otherwise, with MGs, I just stick with some old favorites. The only one anyone else might find interesting is Kniola's Black, supposedly the darkest MG (darker purple than Star of Yelta), and I'll have plenty of those seed to share.

Y'all please let me know!

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