Photo by Melody

PlanterRik's Member Page


  PlanterRik wants you to know:  

  A note from PlanterRik:  
"I started gardening in desperation for color after many years in a blossomless city, but I've found myself slowly (or not so slowly) drawn into several currents of plant collecting, ok, obsessive plant collecting.

Initially, it was flowering vines, which still interest me, but I have lots now and don't feel the need to spend all my time tracking down the ones I don't have, though the urge does hit from time to time.

Now, I am mainly collecting uncommon/rare/colorful/interesting/puzzling taros/elephant ears.

The other obsessive collection is "named coleuses". Come to me with a beautiful, rare taro or coleus that I don't already have, and I will powerlessly offer up anything for it.

I admit that I am feeling the attraction to begin other collections.... Ok, I have started some other collections, but they are not yet the center of my life. I am *casually* collecting gingers, crinum lilies, canna lilies with striped or variegated foliage and organic species of canna, ornamental grasses and turfs, daylilies, species irises and hostas with particularly fragrant, large, elaborate or profuse flowers.

In addition to all this, my gardens are almost entirely annuals that I grow from seed each year, redesigning them completely from year to year. It's like participating in a living work of art, the result of which is beyond my control. I get lots of gratification from it, since my sidewalk is popular with strollers, power-walkers, joggers and dog-walkers who express their appreciation for my efforts.

Please explore my trading and wish lists, and please be drawn irresistibly to contact me with the best and most exciting flora you have to offer -- in return for the same from me, of course.

If you are interested in items on my trade lists, please take the time to see if you have something from my wish list to offer. I know both are long, but they are all wonderful flowers and plants and each presents the opportunity to participate in their existence and wonder at their beauty, even if it is sometimes a strange beauty.

That's why I'm here, anyway."

PlanterRik signed up on Aug 20, 2002