move preparation.??

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Hi all ... With my move approx. 2 weeks away, I'm concerned about how to make the transition for my plants as painless as possible. The plants are going to spend about a week at Sledder's house to reduce stress the day of packing and loading. Once the moving company has done their thing, I'm headed to Sledder's, spend some time, then gather all of my plants and things, and drive to SC.

What's the best way to prepare my plants for the trip? I anticipate a night's stay in a hotel halfway along the drive. Will they enjoy being outside as soon as I get to my new zone 7 balcony? Should I water lavishly, or sparingly before and during the move? Most of what I have isn't particularly sensitive, except for a few orchids. My only "concern" plant is my aloe, which is sporting a few spots of scale. I've cut the damaged leaves off, wiped the scale from some other leaves, but still, a few spots remain.

I look forward to any and all helpful information. W.Creed, tried emailing you a while back, but you must have changed addresses. :( Send me the new one when you can?


Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)


Look at my post titled "Transporting lots of plants LONG distance", with Will's & others replies.

Good luck!

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Libby - thanks, but one complication.... I don't have a truck bed. I have a small car. So laying them all out on the truck bed isn't an option ....

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Jennifer,

I just moved one block away and I hated it. I am glad I moved, but the process is incredibly disruptive to one's life. I don't envy you, but wish you the best of luck.

Your plants should be fine because they are in your hands, not the moving company's. Avoid keeping them in an enclosed space, such as a car trunk, where the heat can build up at this time of year. Night time temps should not be a problem. Good air circulation helps a lot. Water them lightly before you leave. Make sure the plants are secured so they don't bounce around too much.

When your plants get to your new home, try to locate them in the same environment that they have been in. I would not put them outside. The Zone 7 heat and light can be very intense at this time of year.

Best wishes,
Will Creed, Horticulturist
Horticultural Help, NYC

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