I forgot to check back in after our WA to AR move.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

Well, we didn't get many pictures 'cause we were in such a hurry to get to MO to visit DH's folks. Plus we didn't do sightseeing other than to stop at Battlefield of Little Bighorn/Custer's Last Stand in WY. I don't even have a scanner to show everyone what we did take pics of.


Note to self: Backtrack to popular tourist traps after buying a digital camera and/or a scanner!!! ;-)

Anyhow, most of the 40-some-odd plants made the month without incident other than maybe getting too hot & dry or moist & not enough light and air circulation.

I did lose a couple. None were C & S.

I'm worried about the 'sick' ones recouperating & all acclimating to their new, cooler (built-in AC), less light & less room surroundings.

The potting mix for some reason gained a greyish crusty look to it & turns hard again shortly after watering.

Should I repot now or wait until the plants have de-stressed & look healthy again?


This message was edited Saturday, Jul 27th 4:31 PM

This message was edited Saturday, Jul 27th 4:33 PM

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Loosen and crush the crusty soil with your fingers and remoisten it. It should be fine after that. Now is definitely not a good time to do any repotting. Let your plants recover and adapt to their new environment. When they are growing vigorously and very potbound, then you might consider repotting.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Will, you are such a wealth of knowledge & help!

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