abutilon indoors

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

because my 4' tall beauty broke last night in the storm, I have several cuttings (trying to coax the plant to heal so didn't take many)
what kind of light would do it best indoors as I'd like to grow one or two indoors as well as the ones I have outside?
I have a good west window, with lots of light and an east window that gets fair to low light in the mornings. only about 1 hour of really good sun there.

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Abutilon or flowering maple is a fast growing plant that can grow 3-4 feet during one season. It comes from Brazil and requires lots of bright light. However, it does need protection from direct, mid-day summer sun. Your west window is probably the best location for it. Keep soil evenly moist year round, but a bit drier in winter. Winter temps in the 55 to 60 degree range are best. Sudden changes in temperatures will cause leaf and flower loss. It is best to prune back old stems in the spring. This will help promote vigorous new growth. Tip cuttings root readily in a damp potting mix.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

thanks Will!!

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