How About a "Container Contest"?

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

Can you enter more than one container pic? I might have to get in on this one.

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

But seriously, is the idea to enter only ONE container (at a time), or can it be a GROUPING of containers? Might that need to be a seperate category? John

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I would think as many containers could be entered as you'd like. A category for a "grouping" sounds fun.

Whats everone else think. We still haven't decided exactly what all the categories will be.

Hamilton, Canada

Are the containers limited to just flowers? Can we do veggie containers or a mix of veggies and flowers. I started some of mine last night. really had to think hard about structure, color and texture...brain dead after all that

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Anything goes! Veggies and herbs can look great in arrangements. And could fit into most any of the categories.

And since no one had any other opinions on the categories I guess they are:

Best Color Combo
Most Creative
Best Overall
Best for Shade
Best for Sun
Best Container
Best use of one color

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

That's great jody - I bet you've planted yours already :-) Not me, not yet - guess I better get a move on. Gee now the penny has dropped!! That's why you were out in all that heat - getting those winning containers planted up. Hurry up everybody!!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

LOL Louisa!!!!
Actually I did do two containers yesterday. I've got loads of plants for the rest, just have to really think about those combos, :)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!

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