spoon jade

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

would u believe when i had my succulents, i always managed to have all varieties to crest by adding extra fertilizer on the pot. my mom always took the crested ones. my neighbors were fascinated by the crested show on the succulents. eventually, i hope to do it all over again.

i perfectly understand what u mean about sharing rare ones. it used to upset me whenever my mom & sister take w/out permission those rare ones i used to treasure.

Valley Village, CA

So, I should add extra fertilizer to get them to crest? What kind of fertilizer, I'm going to try that, if it works, guess who is getting a box of cuttings. This is a great tip, all of you should try this.

Off subject, I plan to send a box of Sedum pretaleum crested to England. They say they haven't had any for several years now. Then I will have trading priviledges.

Those of you that live in the Eastern States, and what I really mean is, if you have cold weather, you should make sure your Sedum species are from Europe.
I plant those specie in the shade so they can make it through the summer months. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i used to use bonemeal for cacti and succulents, incorporated into the soil mix. since the mad cow disease became prominent, i am somewhat leary using bonemeal these days. i use super phosphate. i've got tupsy turvy around, i use the superphosphate. it is now a wait and see situation and see what happens. will keep u posted. btw... the tupsy turvy i bought as a single plant now it is surrounded with babies all around it, and then some;). oh i'm thrill, i still haven't lost my touch with succulents... although they are under the canopy of the tree [to protect them from wintery weather], their coloring are nice!

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Crasulady2!!!!!! the mail man just gave me your box! WOW! I almost fell over. What a nice gift of clippings!!! You are unreal!!!!And the one that had bloomed!!!! Kewl flowers....and the red tipped one and the one that is 2 tones. I never saw one like that!Thanks sooo much! now. They will just sprout roots ? How does this work?

Valley Village, CA

Spoon Jade turned out indeed to be Crassula ovata 'Gollum'
it is also known as 'Trumpet Jade' in old catalogues. It will turn red on the tips if grown correctly. Keep it very dry in a small pot, repot yearly, cutting off at least 1/3 of the roots and the top growth as well. The base (trunk) will thicken up. 'Skinny Fingers' another name but it is not as big as 'Gollum' Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i am sorry i can not agree with ur theory Norma. this is the C. ovata that i know of... http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Crassulaceae/Crassula_argentea.html ... where as this is the Crassula portulacea 'Gollum'... http://www.plantesgrasses.com/crassulacees/crassula_portulacea_gollum.php ... one can not be confuse to the other as they are totally different in Form!

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

mavieRose...the first hyperlink you gave ...row 2 of photos. first on left. Is what I know of as spoon jade. That is the one I have been looking for. But, what people call things is beyond me ...I am zone 5 and new to jades

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i have given one too many links on this thread, i do not know which one u are referring to??? the very first thread is showing only one , which is crassula portulacea. if u click on that very 1st response i did,prior to the photo coming up, it clearly states spoon jade!

2 threads above this one, i was merely stating that C. ovata - which i commonly know as C. argentea 'jade'[commonly known as Chinese jade], is NOT the same as C. portulacea 'Gollum'. this is the very reason why Latin name is use rather than the common names - to avoid confusion. i did not set up the names, i am merely going by the Latin names given on the links.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

I was speaking in responce to what you had just stated ~before I answered your comment.so, it is the second comment made from you from bottom of page

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

If you go to photos forum. I will post the picture

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

thanks, but no need to. i know what it is all along. like i mentioned, i just want to clarify the differences in form and names used.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

oh well, already done

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