spoon jade

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Does anyone know where I can find a Spoon Jade???

Valley Village, CA

What is Spoon 'Jade' What does it look like? Is it really a C. ovata, or is this another Senecio, ('Weeping Jade')that people sell as 'Jade'. Is there a picture anyplace that I can look up in a book? Norma

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

I don't know all those plant words. Only Spoon Jade. I have had some in years past....And thats is what they have called them.Sorry....

Valley Village, CA

Darn, I asked by boss today what he thought you meant, he didn't know either. I'll keep trying to find out, then if I have one it's yours, in fact if any one else knows what it is I'll send it to you as well. Norma

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

mingsmimi, take a picture and post in the ID forum

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

is this one u were referring to http://www.bonsaimonk.com/greenhouse.html ??? http://www.cactustropicalgarden.com/photos/succ/crass_portu.html these are the only ones i could associate to what u were referring to. hope that helps... ma vie

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

wow! that Crassula portulacea is gorgeous!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

tiG, i once had a huge collection of rare cacti & succulents. Crassula portulacea is a common jade plant. if u got one, place in the sun and allow to dry between watering. and u will accomplish that red tip color. succulents do enjoy basking in the sun. they do not reguire to be watered every so often. they do tribe on neglect so to speak. u should see them around Dec. filled with lovely pinkish white flowers.
if u keep them as houseplants or in shaded area, they will be green all the time.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Is this the common very inexpensive jade?

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

yes they are. probably the ones u see are all green, which is why u never paid attention to them. i see them everywhere. am sure someone @ the succulent thread have plenty to share. ask around. seeing these succulents/cacti makes my heart bleed. brings back memories of plants i lost in my old house. more than likely Norma should have plenty of them?? it is very easy to grow too. take one small leaf, leave on the ground, and it will pick up in no time at all. that is how prolific they are in growing.. like i said, they do tribe on their own. the more u neglect them, the better and nicer they grow for u ;).
all jade plants are very inexpensive. price go higher as they age. u can train them to grow the way u want them to grow.

Valley Village, CA

Okay gals, I need to butt in again. Portulacaria is not Jade (Crassula ovata)and will have lavender flowers about April-May. the spelling is very close. Now there is a C. portulacea which is a syn. of C. ovata,but, (I have 22 varieties of this) has white flowers between Nov.-Feb. 10 These flowers are white-cream to pink. What color is the stem please? And please what size are the leaves.
Yes, I do have plenty of both plants, they actually grow wild in every garden. I will send you what ever you all want of these plants just send postage. Thanks, Norma

Valley Village, CA

Hevens, the leaves look like C. 'Gollum' but my eyes are not young. Indeed the plant is a Crassula in the picture, they just use the name of C. ovata at this time. It was changed about 42 years ago. But I still want to know if that is 'Spoon Jade' and would you gals really like to have some? Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Norma... its been a long time, i could hardly remember.with what i've been through, who can remember? the ones i used to grow were about 5' tall. the trunk? are so big. i used to trim every so often way back then to give it that airy look and not compact. those branches or stem are way too quick to grow, if memory serves me right. i did have both, the regular variety and the varigated one... which i used to call Chinese Jade, cause of the green & white coloring on the leaves.

i do not know how to describe but here are some url's ... http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Crassulaceae/Crassula_arborescens.html http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Crassulaceae/Crassula_argentea.html

this is the one i used to have that is 5' tall http://www2.labs.agilent.com/botany/cacti_etc/images/succulents/Crassula/argentea.html http://www.geocities.com/~jimclatfelter/crassula.html

here is one of my favorites http://www.plantesgrasses.com/crassulacees/crassula_portulacea_gollum.php

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

i am just trying to find a spoonjade

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

MaVie Rose, Thats it...the first one. Never saw a jade grow that big before. WOW! And that next photo. Its lovely. The coloring on the leaves , WOW! And , I never was able to get one to flower, but. I have seen that. ~~ There it is!!!! That last onehyperlink that you sent to me. AAAHHHH thanks. now. I only do English.lol. Have to find one in that. Thanks!

This message was edited Wednesday, Feb 13th 8:10 AM

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Norma, if you have some of the one in MaVie's second link, the ones with the red tips, I would love to send for them. I have one very small regular green jade, but I'm almost certain it's not this one.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Mingsmimi...u're welcome! if/when u plant the C.portulacea add fertilizer on the soil, for sure it will flower. at least that is the common practice i do on all my plant.

tiG.... C. ovata, has always green and white from what i can recall, whereas C. portulacea's tip will turn red on the tips if place in the sun and w/hold water... sort of stressing the plant, if u will, before watering again. it is guaranteed to have the tips turn red!

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Great! now, to find one

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

look 6 thread above, i believe Norma is offering some for postage.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Crasulady2~would love to have some! My zone doesn;t let me find any . And I found one at a antique show years ago ~went looking for it again when we were there this august and they have not been able to get any.....So, that would be great~what do I do

Valley Village, CA

I'll send out as much as anyone wants, as long as you will pay the postage, I have boxes and stuff to wrap with, just went out and purchased the packing tape, 6 rolls of the stuff. Don't be bashful about this. My neighbors have a tree of it 6 ft high and 20 ft wide. Norma

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

OH MY!!!!!!!!! you just do your thing and let me know what to do. WOW! You should post a photo of this tree~I, for one. would LOVE to see it.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Norma, I'm going to send postage. Just a note, if you go to USPS.com, they will send you priority mail boxes, tape and labels for free. Probably not in time for this, but just to have on hand. :) thanks doll!!!

Valley Village, CA

I do have the boxes, just plan brown ones, the post office gave ma a roll of tape, I use newspapter for wrapping paper, and I have the peanuts to fill in. I was given 24 small boxes by a nursery that was tossing them.

I think I found a group from a University going to Africa to see the wild flowers, I can't wait. I think this will be the cheapest way to go. Tomorrow I will go out and get maps, I'm getting quotes on air fare, but with the group they will arrange the transportation in Africa, we will have a botantist on board. I will take about 300-500 slides. I have a current passport, I know what nurseries I want to visit. Do you want to go with the group? All is welcome up to 18. Norma

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

wow! you are soo lucky! Keep us posted on what you do.

Valley Village, CA

WOW, I am lucky and that is why I love to share what I have. I gathered the post office 'Spoon Jade' Ma Vie Rose, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have known this name. Thank's, now I'm ready to send them out. I need all of your address. I do have another with larger leaves, I will cut about 8-10" pieces for you gals/men included, to root up. Now here is the instructions. When you get these just set them in an empty pot, or glass or? Wait until you see the roots, now pot in fresh soil, and you may now water. Or....................................
set them into you own dry potting mix, and wait about three weeks before watering, yes they will shrivel, so what! they will plump up after you water. It you water too soon they will rot, do not be in a hurry. If you need more, I'll send more. Good luck whith them, be sure to smell the flowers and think of me, for years to come. Do not set them in hot sun, they will burn, gradually get them used to the sun, and the leaves will turn a bright red. Norma

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

excited:) this is as close to Africa as I'm going to get!! LOL, but it works for me:) thank you!

Valley Village, CA

I'll take a lot of pictures, the least I can do is share the pictures. Who wants my travel catalogues? It has great pictures of the animals. I still have old Epi catalogues to give away, I haven't received all the CSSA journal mail money yet, so these are waiting to be mailed out. I'm excited also. It's so nice that all of you are happy for me, that certainly is refreshing and appreciated.

Valley Village, CA

'Spoon Jade' now I know why this name is used. The leaves are about the size of a tea spoon. Well named. I learned something new.
The boxes at the post office are too small. I've checked that out. I was told that there is a square box, but it's not available any more. The tape is for priority mail, also the labels. When I want to send out boxes I try to use the cheapest mail available. So if under 1lb, I can ship it out regular mail. Now if you want journals, get that money for postage mailed in. I now have 19 journals left. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Norma... boxes at the post office varies in sizes, depending on ur need. if u go to usps online, u can order the size u wish and it will be brought to ur address. including labels, confirmation receipts and tapes. i just got the supplies i needed today. delivered at the front door step. thought to pass that along... ma vie

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

the leaves are shaped like little spoons. They are cuute. I have never seen one past about 8 inches tall.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

when i cut a stem/trunk of the crassula, i allow it to dry or callous for a while before i plant on damp soil. after a week or so is when i begin to water. by the time, everyone get their 'stock' from Norma... it is asummed the plant is ready to plant. gradually harden the plant before taking outside and expose to the sun. at least allow to see new growth.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

? Outside? I have only seen jades as house plants. Something new here in #5.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Mingsmimi... if u want them to stay green all year long, keep it inside the house. but if u want the red tips, it need ample supply of sunlight. like the 1st url u see above. personally, i like the red tips. yrs. ago, when i had a garden full or rare cacti & succulents, i kept all my plant, outside. each time i have company or throw a party, i bring them in for everyone to admire. it is up to u however u wish to have it. i used to be able to create dramatic effects on succulents & cacti on a huge unique shape platter. depending on how my mood goes for the day, instead of fresh flowers.
let ur imagination roll... echeverrias and some house plants can make a very lasting impression on people, even u urself will be surprise how nice the outcome will be. i wish i had my pictures from the old days. unfortunately i don't anymore.
one time i was walking on the beach, saw a big rock with holes in them, i place some peat moss inside the holes, place some hens & chick on the holes, other holes i place some crassula. after a month or 2 the plants rooted inside the holes. everyone wonder how the plant never fall off the holes. use ur imagination, u might surprise urself on how u can use succulents as house decoraation! ma vie

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh . Learn something new everyday. I never even SAW red tips till I saw that posted photo. Guess I need to get out more

Valley Village, CA

Ma Vie Rose, you and I should get together, with our imaginations heavens knows what we can create. My boss used a large piece from the trunk of a tree that was uprooted and planted the hole, indent, it looks lovely. I like cup and saucer, or course I must drill a hole in the cup. I like English tea cups.
I got a letter from a gal in Denver , she uses Chinese soup spoons, they actually are judged on these miniature dish gardens. But everone can afford these, and also all are able to carry them, try to put a whole village in one.

'Jade' the small leaf type is used for living wreaths, which I teach a class. I also use 'Jade' money trees for my Asian dish bowls 5-6" only in diamentor, I add bamboo for height, l at 7" 9" 11" I also use Asian looking succulents.
Write me privately and I'll give you the menu. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

talking about imagination... i used to have a triangular huge plate, i filled with sand. along the center i had an adenium [about 1' tall] place it in the center of the platter, next to it i place around it, 3 different shades of small bromiliads, from greyish-white, pink-green, and dark brown. as u go along the edge of the platter, place small 2" pots of different color small echeverias and agave plants. fill the in between areas with tea candles. i used that as center of the dinner table for a romantic evening dinner w/ several couples that came to join us for dinner. oh Norma! i have created so many of them, people way back then bought my creations to take home. good money too behind being creative.

there were lots of times, i go for the japanese style of arrangements. they were awesome! can u tell how i love echeverias and miniture agaves?

i use the same plate one time, place different forms & colors of lithops, if not miniture agaves i use to grow in huge varieties, incorporating small palm like plants into the scenario.

i know what u mean about the living wreath, i did some too. i use a router to form a small arch like plywood, i shaped into a boomerang or moonshape. space and bore holes in between to place tiny pots of cacti that were in bloom.

oh u bring back so many memories of days gone by.

if i tell u each time i try to help search url for succulents & cacti, i can't help the tears rolling down my cheeks. almost all the cacti & succulents i see, i once took for granted. never knew their names, just knew how they look. never realize how many i once owned! if only i could bring the good old days :(!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Wow so pretty , I never see before that great photos... thank MaVie, I might to get few if have extra. Let me know thanks!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

no Debbie... i do not have any more cacti & succulents, that was in the house i left behind years ago. i wish i have them though.

if u want some, i am pretty sure Norma will give u some, if u send here stamps. she is very accommodating. click on her name, send her a private email for the address. am sure she will share some with u. i wish i could! what i got here are the ones Norma & u gave me. ma vie

Valley Village, CA

I am stingy with my show plants, which I never bring to show. I don't share my very rare Hawortha, only the plain old types, Gasteria I only share the fast growing species,
I do have crested Aeonium to share, Sedum, some Echeveria
Crassula, a few Sans. leaves only, a few Aloe here and there. I just purchased a variegated Haw. armstrongii. This I will not share. Norma

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