Best/Worse/What did I Learn today? visit with friends old and new, come sit a spell!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, Marie agreed to eliminate all but the 18 inch dolls and we will need to donate "as we gof" since we will not have a place to store 200 dolls! There are plenty of places that need the used doll donations year around. My goal is to clean, prepare and dress 25 dolls per lot and then donate. We need to get some dolls CLEANED so we can start. I think Marie is hoping to recruit some help with the washing of the doll bodies (that's HER job).

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yep, depends on what you are quilting.

Beautiful day outside, of all days I am inside, another 1/2 hour and the frame of the cupboards will be done.

Shaking my head, Jeff asked how I was making out, need Greg, Jeff or both next time they are in the area to move refrigerator and stove, who would know it wasn’t done 😜. No more than 1/2 hr later guess who moved the appliances so I get the last of priming done..i say I will learn but do I, NOPE

I’ll push to get that last 1/2 done, tidy up as best I can then go to Foodland, the hot bath and relax

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

When you are painting, it's hard to wait for help!

Victoria Harbour, ON

We must have cross posted again

No doubt in my mind it won’t take long for you to get the clothes made, in kits and out for distribution. You’ve patience of a saint. I can (when shoulders aren’t as the are) I can sew all day but not little things, took all my time to sew those flat doll quilt outfits, have to admit though I did enjoy being creative.

My 1/2 hr has brought me to 8pm..I just baked last 6 of the 100 wine glasses baked that I painted for the couple next door to have at their wedding then those in attendance can take theirs home IF they want to.

Selma came for her lesson 11-1pm, I oiled and cleaned her machine so she can do some sewing at home, ordered download pattern of sunburst, with all the fabric people have donated we only need a few colours..she wanted design but not the colours.

i did base coat behind refrigerator and stove, let it dry and gave it the lt grey kitchen cupboard paint so I could push the refrigerator/stove and not have to pull them out again .. have to say sure opens the eyes when you walk in, talk about bright… having a tv dinner, didn’t have breakfast or lunch so tummy wants food and Ziggy just jumped on couch, guess he is telling me it’s bedtime.

I am feeding Dian’s kitties for a few days, there went another hour but on good side $150 buys the hinges and handles😂

Pat, my kitchen cupboards were deep maroon, sanded with a rich of blue coming through, I started with needing a tap tightened and ended up ordering counter tops, sink, new faucet, painting cupboards (still have doors to do) and of course once you have a newly painted kitchen you need new hinges and handles, t-towel holder lol

I am sure you know how that goes, now I’m thinking it will look moderns so I will do a purge, buy a few decorative yet useful pieces for countertop and get with the times.

Bet from time to time most of you undertake projects then say what to heck did I do, far too much work

Victoria Harbour, ON

If you ever buy tv dinners and not fond of spicy and hot don’t buy it.. in the garbage it went!

This is the pattern I bought, Selma will do a queen size, she is 15

Last 6 glasses that I will deliver tomorrow

Boy when you start before 6am and stop at 8 it sure feels nice to climb into bed

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope you're not hurting too bad after moving your appliances Betty. Any photos of your new kitchen? That quilt patter is all squares and half square triangles. Can't wait to see what her colors are.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Break time, was up at 5, went to midland and pick up hardware for doors, pay for counter tops and now back to painting. Want the frame done today as leave in the morning for Sunday and Monday in Buffalo and want to tidy up.

It’s a galley kitchen Lindakay so nothing spectacular but did need to be refreshed, Jeff offered to have someone come in and put in new cupboards but his mother is stubborn and says she can do it herself lol

Bought corn while I was in town and was hungry for a hot dog so I’ll work another hour or so then have lunch.


Betty - I missed that, you moved APPLIANCES? I'll bet you're hurting. 6am to 8pm is a long day.
Pat - that's a lot of dolls, 200. Are you going to ONLY do 25 at a time?

Off to a Parade in the next town, taking Dianne too, so she can pick up her repaired motorhome. The parade's for Stampede Week.

Meant to say - I reported Bob for 1. moving in closer to me than the restraining order allowed, and 2. moving in with his girlfriend last Sunday when there's a "No Contact" order between them until the end of October (for her rape charge on him). He's moved out of the Seniors apartment he lived in, as I was told by one of his neighbours (crib player here), and he was mowing her lawn on Wed. He has a court date on Friday (for trespass on my property May 4th) so maybe they're holding him until then, not sure. I'm attending as a witness. The RCMP told me that they will let me know what happens. I just know that his car is no longer at her place.

This message was edited Jul 13, 2024 9:37 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sure hope our judicial system doesn’t let you down Susan. Bet the stampede parade is something to see. Do you go to some of the events? Was just thinking when you posted about the Stampede that in a few weeks it will be Canadian National Exhibition, used to always go, they had food building, quilt and craft building, latest gadgets but they don’t have that anymore.

Yep, fridge and stove, just sprayed self with ointment, took Tylenol 3 and put my feet up

Not end of the world if i don’t get frame finished right?

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

No time table at all Betty, just the one we keep imposing on ourselves!

Susan, here's hoping all this ends SOON. I am so sorry, it has to be beyond frustrating.


Betty - I didn't go to the Calgary Stampede parade. No, this was a small town Alberta parade. One row of seats so everyone could SEE lol
I'll never go to the Calgary one again. I'm not tall, and I was 5 rows back so couldn't see much of anything. It was a waste of time.
Now, to get out & tidy my shed, putting some stuff in my new-to-me cargo trailer :) My mechanic put the hitch on my car

Victoria Harbour, ON

I’m sure it’s a zoo Susan

in Buffalo across from airport
Ariana’s flight from Arizona to Buffalo was to be 10:45pm, changed to 5:00 pm..screwed up our plans

Too long of a day and notified at last minute so have to spend the night..shopped a bit, all our old haunts have now closed for good
There was the cutest fabric shop where I bought the froggie pattern, always has nice patterns also no longer in business..
Once we pick Arianna up we will go to Cracker Barrel and call it a night, we will have breakfast at cracker barrels, if 9 I will go back to Joann’s and look for curtain fabric, Suzanne was panicking that she wanted to be near airport so the young one wouldn’t get to airport and be alone


That is a long day, Betty, but at least you had company & found a fabric shop lol
I can understand Suzanne's worry, but shouldn't panic - God would look after the young one, and so would the airport staff if she asked.

Our church is going camping on July 26th, and our Rev & his family don't have camping equipment. I had a 4 person tent, 2 extra sleeping bags, 2 extra coolers & some dishes/cutlery, etc that I'd been given a couple of years ago, so I've given these extras to the Youth Group - for whoever needs them.
Mary, from my church is going with me, and will stay in my tent. I also have a BYObed, so she won't have to sleep on the group. Hope that I can get my bed inflated. I know that there's a way to do it without power, but I've forgotten how lol
I'm going camping next weekend with Fish & Game, so I'll figure it out then.

Victoria Harbour, ON

How kind Susan, know they will appreciate.
At airport, parked and easy. Access..very very UserFriendly..think next time I fly it might be from this location, worth drive..not a fan of Toronto airport.

Flight so far is 15 minutes late
When we got here the board said a flight from phoenix landed at 4:30, Suzanne panicked..i stood in help line up, different flight, phew, sigh of relief

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us to new thread

How re you all?

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