Best/Worse/What did I Learn today? visit with friends old and new, come sit a spell!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Susan, will you be getting what is called

EXTRA gst payment for June 2024 for $496? That would help with a portion of vehicle repairs

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good morning everyone.
It is still raining here every afternoon. Keeping up with the dogs tracking mud is almost impossible. Keeps me busy for sure. Betty, with Christmas coming soon, maybe some placemats, hot pads, bowl cozy... But listen to your self. The kids should be out of school, let them enjoy the summer break, and you enjoy your weekend.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy birthday Pat . Hope you have a wonderful day.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, looking forward to your iris pictures. Leaving behind all my flowers was hard. I have spring bulbs to plant and was going to put them in as soon as the shed was in but that fiasco made that impossible. Here I sit with bulbs that likely will die.

Betty, what about those fabric insertI s with mega pockets to "line" a Big box bucket with? You know, like Lowes or Home Depot. Even most of the deli's have those buckets used (that sauces and frosting etc came in). I have made smaller versions with #10 can for sewing rooms. Cobbler apron with facings at arm so the belt can be continously thru the arm hole, over the neck and back thru the other arm. That makes them MUCH more adjustable for size and height. They are likely too young to be concerned about charity projects but Fidget mats for the elderly or kids with autism that have LOTS of textures and gadgets like a Quiet book.

Thank you for the Bday wishes Linda.

Verona, ON

I just lost a chatty post.

Happy Birthday Pat. Chaos, Zeke and I send you birthday wishes of peace, love and happiness.

Betty do you have a brace for your hand?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy birthday Pat, hope your day was special
I will be back in the morning, worked all day on that quilt as we had heavy rain all day, thought I’d come to bed and play scrabble but can’t keep me eyes ope


♫♪Happy Birthday, Pat!♪♫ Hope it was a great one.
Betty - I don't see a payment of that amount in my account.

For Canada Day - well, on Friday the 28th Dianne & I are going camping for 3 nights, then leave on the 1st before Noon, so if the weather's decent, we'll go to Canada Day celebrations in the hamlet near home. They have tractor races, and other events, plus a dinner & door prizes. I bought 4 tickets to a raffle - 1st prize is a 1/4 of beef cut & wrapped, 2nd prize is 2 garden benches. If I were to win the benches, I would donate one to Silver Willow so we can commemorate a dear friend (Una - I know that I mentioned her here) who passed away last July 1st.
We'd just have to get a small plaque to put on it. I think we'd put it in the playground next to Silver Willow. First........... IF I win them lol

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sun finally starting to come out although we have a weather warning in effect.

That sounds like a great idea Susan, hope you win the benches, if not meant to be then the beef.busy busy week ahead for you. Our Canada Day Celebrations start Friday night and run through Sunday night so I will be hearing a lot of music in my backyard.

Susan, the $$ I mentioned I understand will go out end of June with regular payments. Saw nowhere when the $496 will be made although it’s on government site

Pat how was your day yesterday? It’s was my Pat’s 90 on Friday and J7ne’s 90th today, sang to you all but all off key.

Dianne, hand is all healed,humidity is causing do you all cope with such humidity..everything feels wet so just turned off a/c and turned on dehumidifier.

Did manage to finish the quilt, going to play with painting daisies this afternoon, just too wet to work outside.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful quilt Betty. Can't wait to see your painted glasses.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Painting will have to wait, decided to clean the 2 long shelves above refrigerator and micro in craft room, took all my brushes out, made a container for kid to use, one for specialty brushes, misc painting tools, by the time i organized myself i felt tired so here i am in bed playing games lol

Everything feels so wet from humidity, hope overnight the dehumidifier will have helped.

Might just browse the web looking for a boy quilt design

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

We simply do not have the humidity. It is normally DRY, dry dry. People used to humidity complain how dry their skin feels when here.. When I went to AZ, first thing I did was buy a spray bottle of water, my poor eyes were so dry, and I was used to dryness, can't imagine what it's like for people used to humidity!

I honestly don't know what was going on with me, started on Friday but it's really just kind of building.. I am in just a deep sad funk. I tried various things to ease the funk & finally settled for sewing for fun. NOT alterations & hemming and other necessary chores. I sewed doll clothes. The first sewing for entertainment I have done while here & months before that. That's helped.


Glad it's helped, Pat
Tonight I started piecing the Friendship quilt with people's best wishes & some Torrington pictures (all printed on fabric - don't ask me how it went, I might tell you the *blush* mistakes I made lol). The 3rd one is our Silver Willow Seniors Citizen Centre.
In the 1st one, in the exact centre, is the group of us at Wellness in 2020. Not everyone is still with us - either moved or passed away. The lady in the front/centre is Una. Not sure if the picture's very clear.
This picture is one of the few with me in it - I'm usually taking the picture.

This message was edited Jun 23, 2024 11:00 PM

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B

I cut some irises for Silver Willow today. For some reason I can't share the pictures 😔


here they are, at my home

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, those are beautiful.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, Lordy made a list before going to town this morning, prime reason was gas for lawnmower, was filling my container when rain started sooo no cutting grass today.

That quilt will be spectacular Susan, you are putting your heart into that one. the Iris are glorious.

Was thinking of Sharon this morning, weatherman was saying Las Vegas was having the highest temps, a stay inside day for sure.

Are any of you getting the storms?? Hope not

How are the eyes Lindakay?

Bought a box of six w8ne glasses fr9m Walmart, imagine, cheaper than Dollar Store, Walmart had them for $1.44, the other $1.74, when buying bulk for wedding makes a difference.

Dropped off the baby quilt to my brother-in-law and he gave me a large bag of rhubarb, have it cut up and cooking

Omg stopped at Stained Glass studio, i used to buy solder for about $18, today I0@$ $32.00, imagine..thing there will be a few pieces done as i won’t pay that much money for supplies, glass has almost doubled.

Bought some 3 corn on the cob for lunch/supper so best I cook it before Georgia comes.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

OUCH on the cost of the stained-glass supplies increase Betty, that's awful. It seems many things have increased that much yet that is not supported data that is being officially reported by governments.

Susan, the iris are beautiful. Maybe someday I will get some planted here.

We had the window washer professional cleaning company out today and oh my! The windows are beautiful, and it was so reasonable. He took down the screens and cleaned them, then cleaned the windows inside and out, and we have some BIG windows, all for $202. We first used him to clean Marie's windows in Burbank. They had been so stained by hard water we honestly did not think they could be clenaed to clear, he did! We knew he was GREAT after that!

We went to the thrift store yesterday, I now have a pile of jeans to alter, some will become capris.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good morning.
We had storms last night. 80 mph winds. No. Damage here, but lots of roof Damage and trees down all over the place. Power was out for about 4 hours.
My eyes are doing great. So glad I had them fixed.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I am happy to hear the vision surgery went well

Victoria Harbour, ON

Overcast here today, was going to cut grass but decided if wait closer to weekend seeing it’s the long weekend, will try for Friday. It’s either drought or flooding.

Glad no damage to your home Lindakay, storms are scary these days. Glad all went well with eye surgery, my friend Sharon Semple had hers done in the spring and has had so much trouble.

Pat, Lordy that is a good price, not worth trying to do them yourself! I end up with windows looking worse than when I start, tried all the methods suggested and no go.

Had a young girl who came Monday, today and will Friday morning, she finished her frog today, I will computerize her last name so she can make a pillow on Friday. They head back to Montreal Quebec on Monday. Asked her how she will spend her summer, she is 12, said when she gets back home she leaves for France to visit with her paternal grandparent, stays there for a month then a week home and will attend dance class, week after for a few weeks in Newfoundland the school starts, one lucky girl.

Did 8 wineglasses this morning, wanted to show Shannon/Tom to see if the wanted me to do them, told them it would not upset me if they would prefer them not to be the take home gifts at their wedding, they loved them. i will pick up a dozen glasses when in town tomorrow, will have them to do over the weekend. Had them set out on coffee table, must be the position I was in, pain city. Haven’t had sore shoulder like than ina long time

Victoria Harbour, ON

Finally a little baby girl
Great grandma Betty is thrilled, just born

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

A girl! YEAH!!! I can't seem to get any born to my biological line! I have to marry them in.
I sanded like crazy last night, primed today.. If I never see another desk again in my life, it will be too soon. This is #3 in the last 5 months. I got the necklace rack up for Marie and I am moving on to the jery-rigged DVD case holder. Marie did NOT look happy when I suggested to wean down to what will fit in the new cabinet.
Ben's oldest daughter Mara, the grandson & another grandaughter will be here for lunch tomorrow. It's a 6 hour drive. We'll see what time they get here.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Congratulations on the new great granddaughter.


Congratulations on the baby girl great granddaughter! Looking forward to more pictures
Glad that you're happy with the eye surgery, Linda Kay
Looking forward to camping this weekend. Power went out for an hour again tonight. This is getting old

This message was edited Jun 27, 2024 7:40 PM


Where is everyone?

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Busy?? I hope all are well and just busy.

Attended a funeral of friend's husband. Saw several people from the church congregation /ward that I attended in Kennewick, before I moved. We had all attended same church time etc several years ago.

I got the desk lightly sanded and another coat of paint. I hope to wax it for final finish tomorrow. There is a quilt guild meeting from 10 to noon & a freind's Bday party from noon to 3. Marie & I hope to make a SHORT appearance. Ouir SIL Sharon is coming over to play cards and have dinner afterwards.

Victoria Harbour, ON

It’s a cold rainy day, woke up at 5:30 and couldn’t go back to sleep so worked on a project.

Pat, sorry about your friend’s hubby passing . My cousins hubby passed away yesterday afternoon, long fight with cancer. Your evening plans sound like fun. Anxious to see a photo of your wood piece finished.

Susan, hope you don’t have cold weather for your Canada Day camping trip.

Greg and Mel are having a pizza party tomorrow, hoping to go as I might get the chance to hold HOPE! Exciting..

having organized big community events I can understand how disappointed the organizers of the events must be. From vendors, bbq, parade, music, bands from 11am-Midnight don’t do well with rain. If weather at least was warmer you might get the crowds.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am here. Sounds like everyone has things to do.
Betty, congratulations on the new great granddaughter. I love her name.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

She is sure pretty! Her skins is so pink & clear.

I did not get the waxing done but I hope to today! I have arranged for help to come Monday at 3.30 to move the desk into place. I have the waxing & moving of other stuff to get done first!

I sent home blueberry muffins, regular and Glutton free with the missionaries last week. They dropped them off at the apartment and when they returned the other set of missionaries had eaten them all! I had more of both kinds of muffins frozen, so they dropped by today and brought some mending. We have 3 elders assigned so it makes it easy. Mission rules prohibit them from visiting with females (even old ladies like me!) if there are not at least 3 men present. Normally it would mean just getting another church member. I am really enjoying the assignment of 3 missionaries currently.


We had major storms (thunder, lightning, and hail) go through on Sunday night. Buckled my tent a bit, but I was able to pop it back up. Lots of puddles around, so going to the outhouse (a city block away) wasn't the nicest - continually got wet feet, but I had an electric heater plugged in. The storms were LOUD.I was worried that it would wreck my tent, but it was ok. A little damp inside (?only its 2nd season, where did the wetness come from?). Home now, but going to the next hamlet over's Canada Day celebrations - starring lawnmower races lol Dinner to follow & raffles.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Was there anything touching the walls of the tent? That can make most tents leak. Do you have a rain fly over the tent?

We experienced with the wax and decided against it. Desk scheduled to be moved today! Pics to follow when in place.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear you got rained on Susan. Make sure you dry that tent before you put it in storage.
Pat, can't wait to see your cabinets.


Right from home I went straight to some Canada Day celebrations, so drying out my tent will have to wait until tomorrow. It's after 7pm, and it's been a long day. The outside of the tent is the wet part.
Pat - the "touching of the tent" is for the old canvas ones. The newer poly ones don't have that constraint. Looking forward to seeing your cabinets, too!

I'd best get the last signature block printed onto fabric. Tonight I'll work on finishing the piecing of the top. I want to have the Friendship lap quilt finished for July 18th when the couple is back here for the senior's "picnic" and we'll present it to them then.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

That will be such a sweet gift! LOTS of work but cherished forever.


Today I bought a small cargo trailer to tow for camping. I have to get a hitch put on my car, but I'll be able to tow it. Only weighs 250-300 lbs, but it'll be nice to store some of my camping stuff in it. My mechanic says that he can attach the hitch onto my car, then I'll be able to tow it home lol For now, it's in the next town from me.

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see your finished quilt Susan. I love that trailer.
Betty, where are you? Everything ok?


Dianne is still trying to serve papers on Bob for the trial on Friday the 5th, at 10am. She's asked a neighbour of his to let her know when Bob's home. Next, she needs to get the serving papers filed with a Commissioner of Oaths in Red Deer. Cutting it close, but when he's at his girlfriend's down the street from me, she says he's "unavailable" because he's not supposed to be in contact with her.
BUT, on the papers he served me before the last court date of May 31st, he lists his address in the next town, with HER PO box & this hamlet for his mailing address. DUH! This is in his own hand, so he can't say they're wrong.......

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all,
Jeff has been here or a few days so have been busy, he has been cutting tree limbs, using chainsaw to make smaller for fire pit.. we’ve had torrential rain for a few hours, he tidied up and washed down his spider, am sure he will go for a ride shortly. We had spaghetti at 2:30 so I will not make eats for supper.

Cathy is here,major problems,I’ll gab with you tomorrow about her problems, likely she will spend the night.
Had my injection in shoulder and hip today so hurting
Will gab tomorrow

Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy 4th of July everyone..any plans to celebrate?

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy 4th of July! No plans here, but a 4 day weekend off work, which is nice!

I don't know what I did to cause it, but, I have something going on with a tendon in my left ankle. Doctor said it supports my arch and attached to a leg bone. I'm wearing an aircast brace and I'm supposed to stay off it as much as possible. I had been having horrible sharp pains in my ankle. This seems to help, I'm supposed to wear it until I see him on Aug 1. He said if this doesn't help, there is a "simple" surgical procedure to fix it. Hoping it doesn't come to that. But, this means I can't show the pups (who just turned 1 at the end of June) at the nearby shows coming up.

It's supposed to be hot and humid here today. Got everyone outside early to enjoy the cooler air. My daughter's coming over later to do a Sam's Club run for me, because there's no way I'm tackling that store!

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