Best/Worse/What did I Learn today? visit with friends old and new, come sit a spell!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Praying your pies win for you Susan.
Betty, your gardens are beautiful. I love that water sprayer. Roses will be blooming soon.
Last fall my sone made stepped raise gardens for us here. My daughter in law Misty does all the gardening. This is what we have so far.
close up of the roses in bloom. the 4th one is a metal tank with coleus and dusty miller plants. Last one is the stepped raise garden

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

Good luck Susan, sounds like something that could win you the prize, are there usuall a lot of entries?

Lindakay, those roses are beautiful, your DIL must have a green thumb. I bought 2 of same rose last year, thinking Todd’s rose was yellow, will soon know.

Weather is changing, rain won’t be far behind.

I am so pleased I’m not working with chain saw, yesterday I hurt my hand, today I was too close to the trimmer and was trimming my foot. Ouch, a little more and the skin would have opened. Was paying attention but guess not good enough.

Trimmed until both batteries died out so guess one is on charge, hoping in a few hours I can go outside and trim near the front

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Betty, please be careful. That must be painful.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Light rain but weather warnings for next 3 days so no gardening for me

So sore except when i put shoes on then it rubs so will have to wear sandlrs

I just had a tv Turkey dinner, so far so good

This message was edited Jun 5, 2024 4:22 PM

Verona, ON

Hot, hazy and humid here. The AC is on but tomorrow it sounds like this heat wave will end. Days of rain coming. The gardens will welcome it. I didn't water this morning so if it doesn't rain overnight I will in the morning.

Oh Betty that sounds and looks painful. I can really relate to the foot/weed whacker encounter. One year I did much the same thing. School was still in and I would wear my flip flops to school then go in my bare feet once I was in my room.

The TH and I walked early and we were all soaked in sweat by the time we returned home. I had a shower and headed back to bed for a couple of hours. Didn't sleep but had my feet up, relaxed and read.

Susan your pie sounds interesting. I haven't made a pie in quite awhile. I make it |I will eat it. I especially like rhubarb pie.

Deb how do your crew handle the heat? I bet the girls are growing like a bad weed.

I hear thunder - it must be heat thunder as there isn't a cloud in the sky.

Can't seem to grow roses down here. I had some I moved to the farm house from Toronto. Moved them down here and I could see they weren't thriving. I dug them up and gave them to someone who lives farther up the lane. They are doing just fine there.

I have 3 loads of drying to fold. I did sheets and towels today and decided to fold them all at once.

Zeke is knocking on the door to come in. Gotta go.

Stay safe and cool everyone.

Your DIL's gardens look lovely LK. I need to get some more bedding plants to add colour to my Hosta garden.Puppies are cute - you are giving me puppy fever.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Weather much the same here Dianne, but always a breeze so if i keep doors closed it’s enough to keep house cool. Should try ac to make sure it’s working.
Soon the cottagers will be up for the summer and it won’t be as quiet.
Is there a weather warning for your area. Laughed at your comment re if you buy you will eat it, i used to look at sweets, chips/dip, baked goods and same, if I buy them I’ll eat them. How is Zeke doing?

Well it’s 7:00, chiropractor early a.m. so might make myself comfy

This message was edited Jun 5, 2024 6:06 PM


Betty - no "trimming" your hand OR foot, OR any other body part! Isn't there someone else who can do this - family member or a young person you can hire? When you're tired and/or not feeling well isn't an optimum time to be doing yard work of any kind. Please be mindful of yourself.
The trial pie I made, and left in the fridge at Silver Willow is even firmer now, so that's a good thing. Had another person taste test it and she liked it.
My rhubarb patch looks mature. When I can breathe a little and things quieten down, I'm going to make a rhubarb custard pie.
I'm doing the bit of decorative stitching left on the 4th lap quilt. I have a wide top band and it needs to be quilted down plus quilting the outline of the t-shirt teddy bear. I think I'll do some straight & curved lines.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Will you make the pie the day before Susan? Been awhile since you’ve done sewing, enjoy! You are right, will be more watchful.

Dianne, this just came up, see photo

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That looks like a nasty storm. Praying nothing major come of it.
I am off in a bit for my right eye cataract surgery this morning.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, overcast with odd occasional shower.

Lindakay, hope all goes well for you.please let us know

I had a student who usually c9me at 4:30 on Wednesdays, didn’t get a call but around 9:30 her mom messaged me saying it was like a zoo at her house. She (mom)went for tests Monday morning, got a call yo say they were going to do surgery this morn8ng, a shock for her and she forgot to cancel the class. Said she hopes they tell her at least she can have chemo..I’d say she is about 45, so prayers please.

Just got in from chiropractor session, did groceries, Lordy it’s always a shock when they tally it all up. With eating ver little I just not sure why I am spending so much.

Did stop at a nursery, $25+ takes but what a beautiful plant, the one the angle stand
held is now on front deck and new one in Angel planter.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Send photos of your new plant please?
I am home. Absolutely no pain. Vision is quite blurry, and can come and go for the next month while it heals. I have to wear a patch at bedtime, so I don't accidentally rub it. Time will tell.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Glad all went well Lindakay, tomorrow shouldn’t be as blurry

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I had cataract surgery in my right eye a year ago. By the next day I was back at work, seeing great out of that eye. Hope yours goes as well.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Everything is very clear this morning. I can't wait to get the 2nd one done on the 20th.

Victoria Harbour, ON

They sure have come a long way with eye surgery.
Great news Lindakay, 20th will be here before you know it.

Just got in and straight to bed, was a lot of wind and light rain at the cemetery then we went to Boston Pizza for lunch so i just couldn’t warm up..just set fireplace on for an hour to get myself toasty

Was nice seeing Bernie/charlene, Mike and Kim. Heron picked me up so was nice all of us together.. Greg & Mel and Grayson, also Linda joined us as did my favourite nephew Ross so although not a joyful day it was full of laughs


Glad your vision has improved, Linda Kay!! Makes a huge difference, doesn't it? Looking forward to hearing about your 2nd operation.

Guess who, for the 2nd year in a row, won the pie baking contest? ME, that's who, with my Black Bottom Peanut Butter Silk pie! Actually, I won 2nd place for presentation, and the admin from Seniors Outreach won first. However, she'd seen the Passion Play before & I hadn't so she switched prizes with me. I'd won a large hanging strawberry plant & I already have one in my garden. The prize was 2 tickets for The Passion Play in Drumheller. I'm really looking forward to seeing it with Dianne.
I've ordered more Extra Firm Silken tofu, because I know that I will be asked to make more pies. I have 3 pieces left of the trial one I made, in the senior's fridge and I'm sure it will go tonight. I told the owner of the garden centre about winning, and she wants me to make one for her, so she's ordered the tofu needed.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, that's awesome. Congratulations.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, glad to hear you enjoyed seeing everyone.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Congratulations, Susan!
So glad your surgery went well, Linda Kay. It really makes a world of difference.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thank you.
And belated happy birthday.
Hope you had a great day.


News flash - Bob is planning on moving into his girlfriend's place down the street from me, the end of September. Not sure if it's 100 metres (328 feet) or not, but it's only 8 lots from me, and my home is in direct view from her place. To say that my nerves are shattered at the news is to put it mildly. I sent an email to the RCMP letting them know that I have a restraining order and asking if the distance is sufficient. If they say it is, I'm going to ask for a deviation of the "100 metres" order to be a larger amount.
If I can't get the judgement amended to further, I am seriously considering moving out of Torrington to another small community in another hamlet. I cannot consider having him as my neighbour, watching my every move.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2024 8:26 PM

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I thought he wasn't supposed to have contact with her! That would be a shame if you had to leave because of him. You're so tied with your community with all your activities, Susan.

Victoria Harbour, ON

When will I learn, went to check on a previous post and lost what I typed. Grrr

Susan, would be a shame your having to move away from your home but totally 7nder stand you would fret all the time. Maybe it’s just Bob and /or his girlfriend trying to get the best of you so give it time for it to play out, likely will never happen. Congrats on your win, you certainly put your baking skills to the task this time..great you will have an outing to the theatre.

Deb, I was sure I wished you happy birthday on the thread here, perhaps it was on your timeline. If by any chance I did not my apologies and do hope it was an enjoyable day.

Darlene came to visit a few hours this morning as John was sleeping in and she knows I’m up at crack of dawn. She no sooner left that Suzanne dropped in, nice visits.

Yesterday i did a double batch of spaghetti and meatballs, divided in meals for Jeff and Greg. Got Jeff’s portion in freezer, Greg came and picked us his a few minutes ago, after heavy rain all day he and a group of friends went golfing as the sun just came out. It’s cold out there, i can’t seem to warm up, turned up the furnace again, hot bath and put my nighty on, know it’s me because my everyone said it’s hot in here.

I ate a tv dinner rather than cook, staying down so far so i ate a slice of cocoanut cream pie, pushing the boundaries lol

Friday I learned that 2 of my great nieces are having babies, one being induced Friday is having a girl, the other a boy in 3 months sooo best i get at it so brought up the wool ironing Matt and have been ironing all the white leftover pieces to see if I can make it from scraps, i have the 4 giraffes cut out, as for white might have to buy white tone on tone,now I have a lazy on.

What are you all up to?

Victoria Harbour, ON

The 1st baby quilt will be giraffes, the 2nd I have no pattern yet.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, that quilt is adorable!!

Verona, ON

It's cold and windy here too Betty. No rain yet. I sent Keiran home early as the sky darkened and looked threatening. It is 65* but feels colder. You know in early Spring we would consider that balmy.

Keiran and I went and got some lovely bedding plants. I am as bad as Betty I found another hanging basket I just couldn't leave behind. I don't hang them but have huge slabs of stone in front of the house which I put them on.

Like Deb Susan I thought Bob wasn't supposed to have any contact with her. You don't need that nonsense. You've made a lovely life for yourself and I would hate for you to have to uproot yourself.

Spaghetti and meatballs sounds delicious. Lucky boys! I made a hamburg casserole which turned out to be very large as I kept adding things I found in the fridge. I'll be able to freeze up a few containers and just make rice when I serve it.
What's everybody else having for dinner/supper?

Zeke took off on our way home this morning. Not to be outdone Chaos followed. I am going to have to leash them after Zeke stops cavorting in the water. Chaos pays the price once he's home. He has really bad arthritis in his legs and feet. He'll be 10 Christmas week which is a fair age for a Rotti.

Susan talking about making a pie has my mouth ready for a piece. I deliberately didn't go to Foodland this afternoon as I know I would have come home with a pie. I'm out of ice cream too. I thought I had a container in the freezer downstairs but none there.

Saw our Judy waving in her new snazzy ride on FB.

LK how is Lizzie doing? She is a beauty.

Hope I can sleep well and for a few hours tonight. In my next life I am coming back as a sleeper.

Stay safe and well.


I'll have to check out Judy's snazzy new ride on FB. Maybe I don't see her because she's not "friended" on my FB?

No, he's not supposed to have contact with her, but it has to be "1st person reporting" and I haven't seen them together. No one else that HAVE seen them together want to get involved so no one else has reported. I've sent an email to the RCMP constable I've been in touch with, and told him that Bob's planning on moving nearby. Hopefully they can confirm his plans to move here & deal with it. If not, I'm off to court to get the distance increased for me.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

How can Bob be moving in eith her, when he isn't supposed to be seeing her. As well as the distance he is supposed to keep away from you? Praying it all works out in your favor Susan.
Betty, I saw your spaghetti on Facebook. That was a large batch of sauce. Congratulations on the new babies arriving soon.
Lizzy is 11 months yesterday. The 2 puppies are 1 month tomorrow. They had thier first solid food today. They ate like little piggies. They each weigh about 7 pounds now. Walking all over the place.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning 48F with feels like 43F, wanted to work outside today but not going to happen. Brrrr

Lindakay i bet the dipoles are adorable and you can’t stop picking them up? Lizzie is but a babe herself.

Went to chiropractor and quick stop to Walmart and now sitting enjoying a coffee, will start cutting white for the giraffe quilt.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Those puppies get so much attention.
It's 68 here this morning. Humidity is 79%. We have had rain almost every night for about 2 weeks now. Dogs are constantly tracking in mud.

Victoria Harbour, ON

That is the hard part Lindakay, although you likely need the rain but what a mess it makes, even Ziggy going in and out tracks in small footprints.

Got blocks done

Tomorrow I will sew the 4 blocks together and square
Lots to do outside if weather temps improves..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze

Linda Kay - I don't know when his court order not to contact her ends. Perhaps Sept?!! If that's the case, he could move in, but as I have to drive right by her place coming & going from the Park we live in, it really breaches the restraining order between US. If it isn't 328 ft, it's on the cusp, and I really don't want him to be my neighbour. I haven't heard from the RCMP as to the ruling on the distance and the constantly (by me) having to drive by her place at least 4x a day.
It was 71F today.
I'm hand quilting the 5th lap quilt for Cecil. He's sure happy with the work I've done. He was asking today if he'd paid me enough. I assured him that $250 per quilt was just fine.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love that quilt Betty. It's so cute.
Please don't over do it working outside today.
Susan, I would call the police again and remind them.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Linda, I am happy to hear that your puppies are doing so well.

Susan, I can't blame you for not wanting Bob anywhere near. Heck, I even changed the listing in my cell phone to move my Ex's name in my contact list of the cell phone.

Betty, your quilt is adorable as usual.

Dianne, good to see you posting again. Funny how those flowers just jump into our basket and follow us home!

Paula left yesterday. We got lots done but it was NOT the visit we had planned or hoped for. Her mother fell the 2nd day Paula was here. She was hospitalized and then transferred to rehab. From there the family arranged a change of living arrangements. Mom's memory issues etc have escalated and Paula's stepdad is no condition to be of any help. He was VERY amenable to going to assisted living and has been for over 5 years but Mom was the hold out. Paula is not close to her family and the decisions were not hers to make as her siblings live local.

Marie & I leave for Spokane tomorrow for a 3-night female cousin get together. Our first in about 5 years.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Enjoy your trip Pat. Sorry to hear about Paula's mom.


Pat - Paula must be beside herself with all the changes in her life. Sorry to hear about her mom.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, not sure what weatherman will bring today,

Sorry your visit with Paula did not go as planned, hope her mom is doing ok?
Safe travels for you ‘cousins’ get together, that should be loads of fun.

Susan, he must see just how much work & love you’ve put into those quilts.

Dianne, hope this storm warning isn’t for your area, sure is getting dark.

The Bloor Street Clinic in Toronto are video calling at 1:00 re ablation consideration to be done 8n their clinic, wish me luck

Have to say the back yard is looking so nice

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy Birthday LindaKay,hope is a nice day for young a lot of puppy kisses..
Meant to ask, did you get the new part put in the quilter?

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

My 2nd son Kevin has started the testing for ablation on his back. In his case, they do a temporary with deadening injection to see if he gets ANY relief, then again in 2 weeks with a longer lasting injection. If his response is positive, they go forward with the ablation.
Linda K, I hope your birthday is filled with peace & love, great tasting cake and family fun.
I have been rushing around trying to get last minute things done while waiting for Marie. I am headed out to store to get the pop one of the cousins that is flying in wants us to pick up and another stop at donations. I got the mowing done last night and weed chemicals this morning (chemicals were way past due). I did some altering of clothes for Marie last night. There is still a lot to do but I told her pick the priority stuff. I wish we could both wear stuff right off the rack and get a good fit!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thank you for the birthday wishes. I am getting lots of puppy cuddles today. They now have thier puppy teeth in. They are chewing on anything they can. Those teeth are sharp.
Betty, good luck with your appointment. Your yard looks awesome.
Pat, it's never easy to find clothes that fit anymore. Praying the injections work for Kevin.

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