Best/Worse/What did I Learn today? visit with friends old and new, come sit a spell!

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Just got home, new windows were installed today. Everything looks so much brighter! I had to leave to go to a funeral, but, they finished up while I was gone, everything cleaned up. The owner of the company will stop over in a little bit for his money. Glad I got it done. Now, I can open windows and get a nice breeze.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, when did your aunt Muriel pass? I dont recall you mentioning it.
So sorry for your loss.
Thanks for the new thread.
Both puppies finally opened thier eye yesterday. Starting to crawl around more.


I don't remember seeing about your aunt Muriel passing either. Condolences to you & yours. Glad to hear it was a nice day for the burial.

Linda Kay - blue eyes, right? I think, like baby humans they start out blue then go to their regular colour?

Bob called me today, from a new phone #. He thought I was home, because my car was in the driveway. I was at crib and because it was nice out, I walked there. He said he had some court documents to give me but by the time I got his message & called back, he was in the next town at home No idea what the documents were, but he said the court told him that he could deliver them himself. Well, if he's at court Friday 10am for the restraining order hearing, he can give them to me then. He said his car was in the shop, but I'm sure his girlfriend can drive him, just so they're not seen together. He does, after all, have a court order saying they can't communicate at all. Crossing my fingers that this is good news.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

After all this time, I can't imagine what papers he has. Plus he's not supposed to be on your property.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Exciting for you Deb,must make quite a change on the outer look as well as easily opening window for the summer breezes.usually one upgrade you see another take on project, bet you thought of one already lol. Condolences for your loss.

Yes Lindakay Aunt Muriel passed just before Christmas, she had moved so her brother and sister in law could look after her.

Susan, so odd that the courts would give him papers and say that he could deliver them, doesn’t make sense.

Will only reach mid 60’s today, iI go to chiropractor for 8:30, my only goal is to cut great and do trim.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry for your loss Betty. Sending our condolences.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, I would bet the courts said NOTHING about Bob being able to deliver the papers. What a liar.

Betty, Now that you remind us that Muriel had died before Christmas, I remember.

Linda I bet those puppies are even more adorable.

New windows are exciting Deb! What a lovely upgrade.

I lost it with Marie yesterday. A mutual friend came to help her set up the new embroidery machine she bought MONTHS ago & has not had the time to use. Setting it up, it became crystal clear she was going to need a lot more space for this beast than previously built and planned for. Once again I was going to have to give up space. We are working to resolve the problem.

I got the long arm room door painted finally and I will put the 2nd coat on today. Paula and I worked in the garage putting more tools away, emptying more boxes. It's starting to get more functional in there.

We bought a desk to refinish/ paint to accommodate the embroidery beast. I just wanted to cry. I had just finished my 2 desks (1 for my sewing machine, 1 for the serger) and got them into place in the house less than a week ago. The garage was cleaned up and we could cross it to the longarm room with lots of room to spare, now I have this 3rd desk, it will NOT be an easy paint. The whole top coat has to be stripped to bare wood, not just roughed up for paint adherence.


He brought the paperwork in response to my request for a restraining order. Basically, he's saying the RCMP told him that he could come onto my property when I wasn't home, to pick up the motorhome, that I assaulted him in March '21 (yes, open handed slap, to which he replied by choking me. He said bruises on my chest were from my meds - a simple touch will bruise me) and in Nov '21 I was coming to hit him & he straight armed me and I fell. He tried to help me 3x with negative response & I got myself up. He said the videos were altered, not showing everything. Ummmm my security videos were altered? how?!?!? My security camera only shows 30 seconds video at a time.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Puppies are starting to walk no. Eyes are barely open. Hard to determine what color they are. They look black right now.
Susan, praying this all gets straightened out in court soon.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg Marie, sorry there have been these issues with Marie re shed, now taking up some of your space you’ve been working so hard for. Does she even realize she is doing this?

Wow Susan, totally without words..
It will take more than 1 court date to clear all this up.

Lordy, had company all morning, Pat & Don,June, Darlene and the Marie. Imagine i didn’t even get dressed or them. We sat outside, weather here is cold and Wendy then add sitting under gazebo out of the sun, I was freezing brrr

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Pat, I would be beyond upset. She should have known better.
Betty, I hope you took a hot bath to get warmed up.


Duty Council today took our No Contact Order to the judge for us, and now we have a Court mandated No Contact for a year, and it states that we can't contact in ANY way nor be within 100 metres (328 feet) of each other, anywhere in Alberta. It's quite an extensive list of ways we can't connect. Silly man - he wanted to sit near me in the courtroom, but we were told "opposite sides" and I told him that, so he moved. It showed that I am the applicant, and he the respondent, so I'm glad of that. His response to my filing didn't mean a thing. Oh well, he wasted his time.
It was an "interesting" day after the court - going to my car I took a stumble & ended up on my knees in the street next to my car. I was lucky that someone was getting out of his car next to me & I told him how to help me up (from behind) and I have a couple of scraped knees, but otherwise fine.
Driving home on a gravel road (and WINDY, so the car was being blown all over the place), my car started fishtailing, and I ended up in a deep ditch. I was pretty shaken, you can bet. Rural road, bad reception on my cell phone, but I got through to 9-1-1, and my mechanic. My mechanic told me the name of a tow truck company & I called them. A truck driving by stopped, and I sat in their vehicle, until the RCMP came & I sat in his truck until the tow truck driver arrived. Turned out that my one tire had a slow leak, and went flat, plus the valve broke off & my hubcap & tire were almost off. My mechanic fixed them both (no cost).

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! That is such an unexpected,upsetting day. So glad you are OK! And that others helped you out during your various mishaps.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, glad you got the court orders fixed. You had one heck of a day.
Betty, hope you are resting.
Teacup, glad to see you popping in.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, a sunshine day in my neighbourhood

Oh Teacup so glad you dropped in, how are you feeling and how are the gardens?

Susan that was quite the day, so glad the outcome of your fall didn’t result in broken bones and that you weren’t 8n juried in the car episode. Feel bad for you, hope today is a good day for you. As for Bob I think he is just taking it all in.

Puppy photo’s Lindakay

Deb, is Luca in another dog show this week, Lordy he is doing well

Pat, no need to ask what you will be doing this weekend, know there is not enough hours to get all you want done lol

For the first time in weeks I almost feel like myself, even had cereal. Yesterday I cut grass, my hopes is today to get trimming done and maybe work on front gardens that never seem to get attended to but will do what I can and the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

Might even take a run to have a visit with reg/Mel, Kyle,Destiny & Grayson

A list of things now let’s see what I actually feel up to

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, did you ever get the proper meds you needed?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yes i did, all except one as I am not vomiting excessively. He is putting it on hold should i need it though.

Just made myself comfy on couch

Was up at 6, has 2 boys from 9-11 then Ezra 11-1, sat outside with Marie for awhile. Going to look what i can eat that is light and not overdo Both with work or eating. That being said sitting out wit Marie I could smell all their dishes being cooked and i thought what i wouldn’t do to eat a hamburger but i will resist for now.

When Mason/Evan came with me to Home Depot this morning we took a Melanie her birdbath. The boys instead of sewing decided they would like to make a birdbath so they worked the cement, inserted glass bobbles, shells and some stained glass pieces

Ezra who is very tiny and very feminine made a jump suit these past few lessons

Picked a bouquet of almost lace lilacs, they bloom after the others and it’s the tree I’m thinking again in the fall

Did I tell you I got my scope appt.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

It sounds like you're doing better, Betty. No dog shows until the end of the month. Danielle, the girl that shows Luca just had a litter of puppies, so she's taken the month off so she doesn't risk bringing home any virus from the shows.


Betty - glad to hear you're doing better.
I'm glad I was going slow on the gravel road. At a higher speed I might have rolled.
I was out mowing the lawn today (first mowing, and BOY did it need it lol) I've just been too busy & preoccupied to do any yard work, so it was quite shaggy. Now I can see my perennials coming up. I pruned some shrubs that are now showing green. I think my apple tree got a lot of blight, but I do see green down near the ground. It's about 6ft tall, so a lot of dead wood. I planted 3 calla lilies in my front yard's centre berm - one while, one dark pink, and one so dark purple it almost looks black.
I took the cover off the Shelter Logic, in preparation for Ken building a greenhouse using the frame. He didn't show up & not answering messages or phone. Hope he's ok.
Time to go have dinner.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, WOW! That was some day. Thank goodness those don't come around often. I am so glad you were not seriously hurt.

Betty, happy to hear you are doing better.

Linda, I'll bet you are soaking up those puppy kisses.

Teacup, nice to see you drop in, I hope all is well in your world.

Paula and I went out of town from Friday morning until this evening. She wanted to revisit places she had seen as a child and vacationed. She seemed to really enjoy the trip and we went to the vistor center of the Coulee Dam and Dry Falls, both really neat information and killer views.


how nice to revisit places for Paula, and you got to see them, too. Did you stay at a hotel?
Mostly yesterday I was frightened, but today was a much better day. Have to have the bad, to appreciate the good, right?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, light rain so there goes what I had planned for the day

Doing the trip Pat and Sightseeing on same day you must have been exhausted by the time you got home. Am sure the trip was just what you needed, no looking for what is next on your list..just enjoy. Coulee Dam and Dry Falls sound lovely. Isn’t it amazing how many attractions & sites within a few hours drive that locals don’t go see.

Susan that was a lot of gardening you did , know you were looking forward to starting your greenhouse, very upsetting that Ken did not show nor answer your calls.

Lindakay, so excited, Judy (Steve) said she would drop in and chat, lots of stories to update us on, am sure she will have us laughing. They do not have wifi yet connected but hopes it will be soon.

Sitting having a coffee on back porch, need a jacket on as it’s awfully cold out.
Couldn’t sleep last night so thought of a few easy chores to do today BUT MotherNature did not cooperate.

Sunday to do

Drill rods in solar after feature unit ✅
Wash down front deck ✅
Hose down windows. ✅
Work the front garden under bedroom window ✅. and scatter seeds
Fill front deck water feature ✅
Get plant for gazebo that is in basement entry ✅
Look for pillows to put in 3 cases for gazebo furniture ✅
Some trimming ✅

Mason & Evan are anxious to get their birdbaths, Evan was here at 8:00a.m. And had to send him home without his treasure, maybe by supper we can try to see if they are ready.

Maybe Ziggy caught what I had, vomited a few times, maybe he ate something outside that did not agree with him, will keep an eye on him.

This message was edited Jun 5, 2024 8:02 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Everyone has been busy.
Yes, I love the puppy kisses. Both of them have eyes open. Starting to walk around. Photo is my daughter in law with a puppy in her house coat pockets. They barely fit.

Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh how adorable are they..

You will be glad you took photo because at the rate they are growing they will not fit in those pockets. Bet they are spoilt, what does Lizzie think of them, jealous?

Going to have a bit of salad, see if that goes down then is not raining I will get back to my list of ‘to do’s’

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Lizzie loves her babies. The other female is nursing the puppies. They all get along.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Just wondered if she was jealous, guess not when they are hers. Are they spoken for? looking after these babes have you been able to finish your quilts?

Told the boys to come around 6 for their projects but that is pretty late for me lol so just might message them and ask them to come earlier but first I will go check to see if the birdbaths are strong enough to remove from earth.


that picture is a "keeper". They're so cute in the pockets!
Today I went to church, then bought plants, then off to another town (to the west) and went to a Highland Festival. Missed a lot, because of church, and the distance, but it was worth it. Bought a celtic t-shirt, a handcrafted celtic mug and a celtic pinky ring.
I got some help from the minister's daughter to set up my new phone. The minister's son asked what I was going to do with the old phone. I'll give it to him - he doesn't have a phone now. Well, first I have to delete my profile from the old one. I'm having trouble with that, so will contact Josh, our Seniors Outreach tech support (free, so that's good) and see if he can help me tomorrow.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2024 5:09 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The puppies in the pockets pic is adorable!

I saw the pictures of Sharon's Mimosa tree on Facebook, It is stunning!

Susan, sounds like you had a great time at the Celtic celebration.

Betty, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon.

We have a woman stopping by Tuesday night to give us a bid on refinishing some furniture. She is bringing a small sample from a desk she has for sale. I LOVED the color (blue) but it might be too teal for our house. I just won't know until I see it. If we like it, we will start with ONE piece of furniture and then continue if we love it. I have the newest desk almost ready for repainting. We will stay with white, since it will be in the sewing room.

Yes, I was exhausted. We left the house before 10 AM and made a few stops dropping off treats before leaving town. Chess tarts and cookies for my brother & others. By the time we FINALLY found the right hotel that Paula booked online, it was after 10 PM.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, light rain this morning but then sun came out, it was beautiful for about
2 hrs then it has clouded over and rain not far away!

Pat, here I thought you would want to refinish all yourself but so time consuming.

Did chiro session at 7:30, picked up a few groceries and a couple of plants then played in the gardens mostly putting batteries in solar lights.tonight I will have to go out when it’s dark to see if all are working.

Should try jello with fruit to see if tummy can hack it..

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I am terrified of doing the antiques! I would do the others, it's important to me that they all coordinate together. So, unless she does them ALL, I just can't be sure I can match them. We'll see, we have not met with her yet. I have not seen her work IN PERSON. I don't have a price. ALL considerations.
We called for an inspection of the demolition of the shed. They would not give us a DAY let alone a time. ONE of us will have to be here all the time until this part is complete. THEN we will start up the whole permit, request variance etc etc.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, have you tried prilosec? Here it's over the counter meds. It sure helped me when my pancreas was flared up. I took 1 in morning, 1 at night.
Pat, I hope you are happy with the person coming to paint.


Taking a hiatus from playing an online game (been playing it since 2013 and it's where I first "met" Susan, my Georgian friend. A whole bunch of us stopped playing until July 1. Giving me lots of "free" time to do what I need to do, like quilting. I'm almost finished quilting #4. Tonight I'll roll the binding forward & start quilting it tomorrow night. I've been at it steady today & my left hand is getting sore, so I'll take a break.
I made a trial run of the pie I'm entering in the Pie Judging on Friday. It's now officially Senior's Week, and tomorrow afternoon I'm in a Crib tournament. It's one-on-one.
Pat, the person will paint your furniture? As it's antique furniture, wouldn't Colonial Blue work? I think it might also be called Cornflower Blue?!?!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, just came in after washing front deck, waiting for it to dry then set everything back in its place.

Tummy is topsy turvy so came in and put my nightie on, maybe a hot tea will help

No Lindakay I have not tried it,if it’s over the counter maybe they sell it here.
Pat, anxious to hear how you made out with the restoration lady..boy, that shed is going to get the best of you yet.

Susan, was the pie good? Watch it be perfect and now you have to make another lol


Betty - Sorry to hear your tummy's upset.

As for the pie - I need to make the custard thicker. I ran out of cornstarch and maybe should have used gelatin instead. The taste was delicious!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Time to make another trial pie Susan, hmmmm maybe gelatin, never have I used that in my pies.let me know how it works…

Lindakay, next time I am up and about I will take photo of Tod’s rose bush, saw all kinds of buds on it.

Boo hoo, my peony in the front harden where the obelisk is didn’t come out, maybe I killed it while cementing the obelisk in. Will pick up another!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see photos Betty.
Sorry to hear about your peony.
Photo is me with the puthis afternoon.

Thumbnail by taters55

I can't make another trial pie, Betty - it calls for Extra Firm Silken Tofu, and Michelle ordered it from Amazon because I couldn't find it in 3 towns & 1 city I tried to find it in. I'll have to make it on Thurs night, for Friday morning. Maybe I could find it in Calgary but that's an hour's drive each way so not gonna happen lol I have gelatin that I will use instead of agar. It's a non-vegan substitute. I'm ok with it being non-vegan because I'm not a vegan. I got the recipe from a cookbook Michelle gave me & the baking section have some very good recipes.

Linda Kay - how nice to see your updated picture. You're cute! The pups are too - nice when they're still of a size and age that you can hold them in your two hands.

Betty - my peonies have large buds, and I'm looking forward to the Double Red ones when they bloom. I hope your peony comes back, or that you can find another one that makes you happy.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, sun is out this morning but rain o it’s away just after lunch.other than vacuuming and washing the floors today i can do a bit of trimming, outdoor work first.

Susan was it your choice as to which pie you are entering?

Lindakay, love that photo, they are getting more playful i bet. Todd’s rose bush, will soon see little roses. Can’t believe when i had a secondary pond but took it out I had planted ground roses, they are spreading out of pond rocks and between patio slabs, I’ve already pulled so many out grr

Deb, did I tell you Sharon took a day ride to pick up one of the dogs she sold a couple months ago?? Owner decided she didn’t have patience or time for him. It reminded me of the dog you sold who had an overbite, did you ever have to take him back

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze

Yes, Betty, it's my choice and I chose a black bottom peanut butter silk pie

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