Morning Glories 2019 #10

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful shibori blooms Helena.
Great shots of your hummer. I think mine
are still around.
I was pulling the last of the weeds in the g house and the ants ate me up
so had to quit. Tomorrow I;m going to pour apple cider vinegar and water
directly on them and hope that does the trick.
Down to 50 here tonight, last nite too.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Linda and Jackie.
I never hear of applecider and water to kill ants, I know vinager will kill weeds and also think it will contaninate the soil. Heard of salt and water to kill weeds but that too will contaminate the soil. I think it's been in the 60's here in the morning last 2 days but it was perfect even in the afternoon. I need to get in gh and start cleaning.
Still plenty of tropical blooms here but only one bloom from the white purp. Glad you still have hummers Jackie. I have not seen any this morning yet. Itprobably left.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Your tropicals are beautiful Helena.
I googled for a natural way to kill these ants and didn't like what came up so I googled apple cider vinegar to kill ants and several articles came up. I think I'could also pour boiling water on them but don;t want to carry jugs of boiling water
down to the green house. I'll let you know how the acv works.
It won't matter for me if the acv contaminates the soil since I don't plant anything in the floor of the g house ( but I do have stuff coming up in the floor like my wild mg) I drink it all the time
for a stomach bug or eating Taco bell when I know I shouldn't have. lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Helena, those blooms are gorgeous.
We still have hummingbirds here. They are very hungry. I think they are getting ready to head south.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, the apple cider vinegar did not work. DH is spraying some Home'
Defense on the ants. We'll see how effective that is. Hes resting a few
minutes b4 he puts up the plastic on top of the g house.. DGS is going to help him.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

No sign of the ants, thank goodness. DGS and I got about 1/3 of the plants back in. We'll try to get the rest tomorrow.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A few purps still blooming and the species mg in the g house
Got most of my plants back in today with dgs's help. I have to find room tomorrow for another 20 to 30

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

You have been busy. What did you use for the ants? Beautiful blooms.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Linda.
DH used Home Defense seems to have worked. Looks like I will be able
to work in there without getting eat up by ants.
From 2014

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Thanks Linda and Jackie.

Love your blooms Jackie. Glad you got all your plants in your green house and your gs helped. I haven't done anything except think about it. We got some more rain, and a cold front brought the temps down quite a bit.
Beautiful blooms from 2014 too Jackie.
I'm still getting hummers. I will have to get my fancy salvias, a few tropicals and my cactuses.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena,
Takes a lot of the pressure off me to get that done.
I hope it doesn't get too cold there for you b4 you get your tropical's in
I haven't seen our hummers in a couple of days, they might have left already.

Gautier, MS

Gray and drizzling here this morning. Hope I can get to the gh today. Glad I see hummers in my yard. Not going to put my plants in gh if they are still blooming, my not blooming cactuses will probably go in as soon as I clean it up.
Purp with slight yellow tint bloom and other blooms.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Love your blooms this morning Helena, beautiful colors on your Salvia's and Aloe.
Pretty Hibiscus too. My eyes not working well enough see the yellow on your purp.
I still need to gather a few sds off my mg vines and then I can chunk them.
Lots of cleaning up to do here.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful blooms everyone. We still have hummingbirds here. I have to fill my feeders every morning. They must be filling up for the trip south.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie and Linda.
Hope you get your seeds picked Jackie. My purp had 3 blooms this morning, the seed pods are still green but it's going to be a mix b/c I had several vines growing together.
Linda, glad you still getting lots of hummers. You are probably in a more direct way for their migration. Hope you give them sugar water and no red dye. Everyone on FB forums are against the red dye. I'm still getting hummers here too. See at least 2 chasing each other. They go to the hamelia patens often.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful shibori blooms Helena.
I got about half of my sd pods collected, will try to finish soon.
We've known for a long time not to add red dye to the hummer feeders.
Pretty sure my hummers have left but hubby and I are watching to be sure.
From August 2019
Black King
Cocoa chocolate
Debs Pink
Dany's # 8 I loved this one
Purple Ga Strait

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I always make my own hummingbird food, and never add red coloring.

Beautiful blooms ladies.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Linda.
I had to run to No Little Rock on an errand so was a perfect time to check out the Farmers Market.
a 3 foot angel trumpet loaded with fragrant blooms
and a beautifully shaped cigar plant
my wild mg in g house

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I forgot to say this Brug was blooming so good because it had already y'd.
the cigar plant had a hummer visitor while I was checking it out.
10.00 for each of these, my lucky day.

Gautier, MS

Beautiful blooms Jackie from 2019. Love those mgs. Miss not having a BK and your #8 from Dany bloom is just like mine were this year too. I'll have to grow a dark cocoa next spring. Pretty ping and gorgeous GS.
Great find at the Farmers market. Love that yellow angel trumpet Brug. That cigar plants is a great hummers plant, I have one too. Love the wild mg too.
Today I took pics along the road, so pretty to see wild flowers blooming. Funny, I tried growing the purple ones in my yard and not have it survive. Purp bloomed this morning again.
Linda, glad you give the hummers syrup without the red dye. I've been giving them sugar water since 1984. Having hummer plants helps too.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Jackie, you got some beautiful plants today.

Helena your morning glory plant are very pretty. I love the road side plants too.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena and Linda.
Helena, the Farmers Market has tables full of brugs. the yellow ones were in a 1
gallon pot so were priced right. He had pink brugs in 3 gallonpots and they were 25.00 each. I've got 2 or 3 pinks that Im not taking good care of, 2 are dbl pinks
I need to repot and see if I can get them to bloom.
I know you grow the cigar plant too. DHtold me about the hummer after this new
cigar plant so I know I have at least 1 still around.
Your Carnival of Venice shibori, has made outstanding blooms this summer,
no defects at all. Nice roadside wild flowers. I've been enjoying them here too.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Linda and Jackie.
I like finding good sales at markets, I think Louisiana has more of a variety of plants that interest me. I need to repot a few of my plants too. We had 2 cool mornings here.
My plants are still doing good blooming outside and I'm still seeing a hummer or two stopping here. Took these pictures last two days.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Helena, I love all your beautiful blooms. All those colors are so pretty.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, love your pretty shiboris, 4 o'clock, Salvias and gorgeous Hibiscus.
Is the orange bloom, the orange Tecoma stans? I need to pot up my
yellow one, its begging for bigger pot.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Linda and Jackie. Yes that is my orange Tecoma stans. It's full of blooms again. Maybe today I can clean my gh to start putting my catuses in there. Getting ready for that first freeze hopefully late this year too.
These blooms are from yesterday, they stayed open most of the day.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, I noticed last night before dark, that my purp blooms all stayed open late, the cooler temps I guess. Your purps are lovely.
Did you start any nils?

Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie. I like the cooler temps too. I did work on my gh yesterday for couple hours. Hope to again this week, it warms up in the afternoon.
A few more blooms from the purps.

Jackie, yes I have 3 set of seedlings going on. One on window sill (4th pic) that isn't getting as much sun so I need to trim the bushes that are shading them. In the laundry room I've had the first set (3rd pic)that should have bloomed by now, reaching the top of window and all tangled. I'm not messing with them b/c I can't even get to them, not enough sun I guess. Then next to them is my latest seedling(2nd pic) that are taking off and need to be in bigger pots. I need to find another window sill with sun for them. Not putting them in gh b/c of mealy bugs that are in some of the plants outside. I keep hosing them off, but they are a pain.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, glad you found time to get some work done in your g house.
It's just too much to tackle all at once. I do mine in stages too.
Beautiful purps this morning. I hope you can find a way to get to your mg's
in 3rd pic.They look like they're close to blooming size,
I don;t have mealy bugs yet but I have scale on 1 of my Hamelia patens and
on my Clerodendrum bungii

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful blooms Helena and Jackie. I keep telling hubby, I would love to have a greenhouse, but don't think I could keep up with all the work involved.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Linda, yes a lot of work but makes winter growing possible and blooming continues right thru the winter for some plants.
Its so hot there where you live, all your plants would have to come out during the summer, mine do to. Thank goodness for my shade trees.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie and Linda. Yes, having a g house is a lot of fun and lots of work too. I have too many trees in my yard so I'm going to have tons of leaves falling this Fall too. I had my gsons help me cut off and trim some for more sun in back yard.
This mornings only 2 blooms.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love those colors. So pretty.

Göppingen, Germany(Zone 7b)

Hi ladies,

love your flowers! so much beauty! now, colors is the word in question - do you know this situation, where the camera gives you one thing, and your eyes tell you another story? I have that every time I try to capture my I. tricolor. Pic one, the camera, pic 2 a try to reproduce what my eyes see. I wish there was a way to capture that surreal blue without so much tweaking. Pic 3 is my hedychium ginger. All of that could die away any day, as the first frosts are approaching for me.

Thumbnail by pmmGarak Thumbnail by pmmGarak Thumbnail by pmmGarak
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Purple and blue are the hardest colors to capture on camera as they truly are. We have all faught with it.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Very pretty blooms Helena. Love the hige and is the 1st one a split petal??
My Heavenly Blue is a different shade of blue. Nice ginger.

Gautier, MS

Thanks ladies. I have same problem with capturing true colors at times too.
Pretty blooms Garak.

Jackie, I think the pink split is Sunrise Seranade (?). I'm surprised it still blooms after a break. No mg blooms today except for the tropicals.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Pretty tropicals Helena.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful blooms Helena. I love that orange hibiscus.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie and Linda. I'm glad I'm still getting blooms, it was pretty cool this morning. My wild indica is blooming on top of my ghouse. I really liked the purp bloom with dark stripes this morning. My salvias also blooming, the red on left has it's first bloom, another one still forming buds, a late bloomer.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh

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