Plant Propagation the Basics Sept 2017

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I was thinking the same about Debra's Sunflower

sunkissed a Cucumber beetle , yours are looking good also , nice to watch all the flowers

Fort Worth, TX

We have to be a tough bunch, gardening is rough work. However sitting on the sofa is more dangerous though, with heart disease and etc

I love Sweetgums Ju. Can just barely keep mine alive this time, I've planted and lost 3, the droughts and I have good drainage, I think my current one is 5 years old.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Gypsi They grow around here in dry unattended spaces Sweet gums are a little slow to happen for some folks , if I had the space I would have one ,

Oxdrift, Canada

Beautiful pictures of passion flower and Thunbergia Sun.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Wood Sorell
Beardstongue or Cup Plant
Reblooming fleabane

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra it will be a while before I can move this ,but ,here the Gaillardia rooting ,
1 The roots on the stem
2 the other end of the stem

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks! I wish my passion vines would have done something besides vine this year. I too use kitty tubs with handles, just lugged in another brugmansia in one, easy that way. Love the kings mantle, mine is also blooming downstairs.
Was going to ask whose child is that locked in that monsters mouth up there, but see that it is a grandson.
Ju, I literally cut that giant down ( sunflower) broke it in half and cut it ff, and then the vines climbed up and well it bloomed anyway. I add the captions with my photo editor, Irfanview, it is free. It is snowing yellow ash tree leaves here..
Oona is a little dainty feminine cat and she has been moved around so much. She really likes it here and that might be a problem. I made this "meme" or card photo. I actually have them made into cards. I like to play with stuff.
Kinda like Ju...always tinkering. Here is a poem I wrote in 1992 ...

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Oxdrift, Canada

Wow Debra, didn't know there was a poet in our midst

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra That is good poetry . My poetry is terrible but fun ,
My Sunflowers are mostly broken also , only one is still whole ,
I have been cutting limbs and such
I saw a couple Butterflies yesterday .a sulphur . a Frit , and a painted Lady . I have not been much at getting photo's this year

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Keith,

Ju love all the late bloomers, I didn't get as many pics this year, was such a hot and rainy summer, those butterflies like to come out at the hottest part of the day. Getting more tolerable now, so maybe I'll get some good shots.

Debra, what a delightful poem, you have a talent. What editing program do you use to make the writing?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Sherri, and thanks for the compliment, Kieth. I use Irfanview for photo editing and this poem was typed in 1993 I think on some special paper and framed for me, I took a pic of it in case it got lost, ( insurance for home) and My sis in law used a cursive program to re-type it for me and gave it to me as a gift when completed and framed. I am thinking the kids found my poem in an old Journal. I know I didn't give it to her! LOL
1992-93, I was a very busy mom, full time working, and a working wife as well, so my summers were spent dashing in and out of the back yard to see what opened and what colors I had to gaze on. I didn't have a film or digital camera back then or a phone! I did have a Polaroid Instamatic , LOL. brother , am I old! ( I still do not use a smart phone)
Got her in ( The plumeria) behind my chair.. I thought I was going to have to cut her and I was so sad, but hubby got her in just fine. Got a few more brugs in, only three or 4 more to dig up . The I carnea will have to be cut, there is no way she can stay bent over under the ceiling. and we still have the Oleander and the three bananas out front. *sigh* .Dahlias for Alice... MG's this am .. it is supposed to storm with 60 mph winds ... oh joy. ..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Fort Worth, TX

Beautiful poem Debra. and Beautiful flowers. Good that you have a hubby to move that Plumeria. I lost my hawaiian white ginger to a freeze in the greenhouse last year, almost a relief, it was heavy.

propagating angel fish

Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awww I love Angel fish. I guess I can't have them because they require non dirty things, like GOLDFISH LOL

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I use to keep fish I still adore them , Had three Silver Angelfish almost 20 years old raised from babies once
I am outside earlier cutting down a tree , My hands and feet are both tired this time
I will likely be doing trees when it is cold out ,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have been in and out, cutting things down and making cuttings I hope will take. I had to cut my 11 ft tall I carnea down. I now have cuttings. If anyone wants to try any of those, let me know. It IS a tropical, morning glory tree. here are the blooms. I also got ONE seed. if anyone wants to try that, please let me know.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra , That looks really Nice !!!
Tribbles . Having a walk after gardening , he , he ,
Yellow poplar , topped and coming down
Juan Flamme Tomato
Lemon Boy Tomato

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

well this pair of angels I am feeding more than my last breeding pair, and I am hoping at some time to get some actual fry big enough to leave mama and daddy. This is their 3rd attempt. I have a colony of green corydoras catfish that have produced babies before, but after about 15 years the older ones started to die off and I didn't have enough genetic diversity, so I have purchased 4 small corydoras catfish, also green aneus, to add to the colony. They used to breed all the time but other fish would eat their eggs, but in a cluttered tank with a lot of live plants I did get babies once. I will have to remove the algae eaters, at least 2 out of 3, from their tank if they lay eggs again.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Anyone listening in here ever grown a Cobaea (Cup and Saucer)? I realize they are probably a too southern plant.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, poo, that finger moves too fast. I found a culprit on a mg, looking harder for these now. , 2) mole/squirrel hunting distractions, and I hate sweetgum. The squirrels eat the bur seeds and the spiky things cover the ground. Color is just yellow. They are such a wet heavy wood they are hard to burn- tho the smell of that fire is its redeeming feature. I have oaks that yellow faster...

This message was edited Oct 22, 2017 1:12 PM

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
Fort Worth, TX

I have sweetgum and it goes red up here, part of my love of the tree, almost nothing goes red except stupid chinese pistachio

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Debra, the Ipomoea carnea cuttings should be fine, good time to start them. I started one from seeds years ago, then DH accidentally ran over it with mower. It came back but then died out, I think too much shade, they're sun lovers, even down here. Onalee's Seeds is a great place for good carnea seeds. She also has the purple Oxalis bulbs too. I've had very good results with her seeds.

Ju, Nice tomatoes, Tribbles is a cutie. I went ahead and picked up two small Sweet 100 tomato plants at my local nursery, only a buck a plant. If winter is as mild as last year, they should do very well.

Kitt, never seen Cobaea around here, or even heard of it before, it is a pretty flower.

I just had to capture a photo of this yesterday, Kit Kat in one chair and our friendly squirrel in the other chair munching a nut. :-)

Thumbnail by sunkissed
Oxdrift, Canada

Hi Kitt,
Can't offer you a lot of wisdom but I did grow Cobaea or cup and saucer vine as an annual way back in 1999. They were sold as Cathedral Bells and I looked it up and they are the same thing. Mine were purple. Back then before I put vinyl siding on the garage I used to have chicken wire up the front wall of the garage and planted it with flowering vines usually morning glories. That year I changed it up to the Cobaea. All I can tell you is that I started the seeds inside on April 7th and they flowered well in our short season, so not too difficult. I have records of everything that I have grown in the greenhouse all the way back to 1990 LOL.

Brought the goldfish inside yesterday. Was trying to hold off til Friday when I have Kira and Reece for the day but forecast us for possibility of snow with a high o plus 1°C so scrapped that idea. No new babies this year. Dont know if it was our mainly cool summer or if its possibly because I dumped leftover minnows in the pond when we went fishing . Possibly the minniws ate the babies. No big deal. I really don't need any more. 7 of last year's babies in this tank all growed up. Sorry Can't access that yet. Will send separately

Oxdrift, Canada

Here we go

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

My internet cuts me off whilst I load pix, irritating. That great grandson got to go fishing- who knew there is now chartreuse earthworms? Feels wrong.
I have a scissortail moth? - its back fades black to deep/soft green. My lorapetulum acquired red leaves with this cold front and rain. Earth was so dry the ground just soaked up the half inch of rain.
Cathedral Bells. I don't see that one much here either.
Gotta go clean out the freezer, the dishwasher and then the fridge died last nite. Fridge was 11 yrs old. New one on the way.

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Ju, Tribbles looks quite at home. Love your yellow maters, I had some in the beginning of August.. now I have great big heirlooms on , we will put blankets over those..Well, I better look up the colors of these trees you guys are talking about. . I have yellow and brown leaves falling like snow and in blizzard style. It will be some naked trees come SUnday am after the hard freezes they say we are having. Joe will be up on the roof blowing the leaves off. Last year he was sweeping with a broom up there, but this year he got a blower from the kids. He loves it. I have three snails, one oneyed goldfish, two tortoises, and a tons of plants down there , now. Poor Oona, she gets down there and finds those ugly hopping crickets that look like spiders. I hate them!
Love those dogs, I was asked to dog sit in a couple weeks next door and I can't wait!
Kitt , I have heard and seen cup and saucer vine. It's gorgeous. Very tropical, tho. I have the golden chalice vine, the blooms were humongous. I might get you a piece of that if it is warm enough there. She Stays inside here- during winter. Still have giants out in ground, will try to get them out and in garage before Friday freeze time. I usually have everything done, I don't get it! Still out:

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Oxdrift, Canada

Is that some kind of variegated agave Debra ? Hope that is going inside. Beautiful!

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Keith that Agave is angustifolia 'Marginata' or variegated Caribbean Agave, they are quite hardy, I know mine have survived temps down to 20F and didn't faze them a bit. They don't mind lots or rain , but also drought tolerant, pups like crazy, I give them away all the time....just those wicked spikes draw blood. Picture of one I had in a pot, my grandson next to it, eventually had to take it out of that pot, my arms were a bloody mess.
Nice gold fish.

Debra, you sure have lots of tropical plants for a Kansas gal. :-)

Kitt, I've seen those worms here in the bait shops, they call them Nitro worms, did grandson catch more fish with them?

Thumbnail by sunkissed Thumbnail by sunkissed
Oxdrift, Canada

Thanks for the info Sherri. I will gave to keep an eye out in the garden centres to see if anyone sells them here. I probably have about 30 varieties of succulents that I keep inside every winter. Could keep a couple of pups under lights

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wish I could send some pups, Kieth , She gave out about 20 this past winter, had to undo them from her to re-plant her outside. I always bring her in, tho. It gets really cold down here.she was about 4 inches tall when I got her, I use a blanket moving pad to handle her when I move her, she barely fits thru the door and down the stairs to her winter spot. We still have a few monarchs, they better get going!

Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I have a couple Agave plants , I do not have room inside for much as to do with plants ,
Debra , we get those spider crickets here also , ugly bug ,, Monarch are sometimes about until early November ,

This morning a small amount of empty pot stacking , not going quickly ,

Kitt , Green Worms in an attempt to replace Catalpa Worms

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Ohhh, yes that boy can catch more fish than we adults- will lay a tiny minnow net handheld and catch minnows all day long.
Down here they are known to trim agaves with a blade (chainsaw) and simply carve the pups tops off to try to slow their growth.
Went to town yesterday and visited a water garden. Love the water lilies, and the disappearing water jugs. Katy, Tx has skeeters still it was so warm. I am going to have to do elephant ears next year, I have plans for the leaves... time for me to get back to work, break over.

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
Oxdrift, Canada

Thanks much for sharing those pond shots Kitt

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

beautiful! I want a pond so bad, but of course, everyone wants something all the time., Love the lilies and the Koi. Got the huge upright EE in, the other one I'll let go dormant and then dig it up. Kitt can have that to plant in the pond next year.
I have done business with Oonalee and have gotten great things from her. most of my stuff came from dg swaps, tho.
Kieth -your goldfish look great.
Ju.... pot stacking is a chore, and I always wash mine out, and when it is cold out, that makes it even a harder chore. Joe got this one in the garage with the rest of the crew, now those are sitting in bug bomb and will come downstairs this weekend. I have three pups in smaller pots. Morning glorys are still singing their song.. it's the end of the season. oh well, it will give me more time for my eBay store. Basement Garden is getting fuller!

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Fort Worth, TX

Precious photo Sun, what a brave squirrel

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Kitt , indeed nice pond pics , looks so very tropical , comfy warm like , mosquitoes though ,, oh , nooooooo.

sun , I watching a black squirrel yesterday morning not so cute as your pic .

Debra , if the weather cooperates wash and bag store the pots I usually do if not , warmer spring weather scrub , Either way at the time , chore , chore , chore ,
Morning glories look good , I have a fuji type that looks similar to your second photo ,
I am packing seeds for two or three members here and a trade , as time allows all in the time as it gets done ,

Fort Worth, TX

I missed 2 pages of posts and beautiful photos. Will try to post again after work. End of season blooms bigger and brighter before first frost, gorgeous shots

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I missed Sun's shot of the squirrel and the cat together i that awesome little sitting spot. Sorry, Sherri. It's a darling shot.
Got Upright Colocasia and Oleander in the garage, I had a "meltdown" and we are resting. I can't believe I burst into tears when he says "do you want me to put all this other stuff in the dumpster?" ( other stuff meaning the mulch and little things I already told him I was not saving, but they are blooming so pretty) .. Why do I continue to torture myself every fall? Insanity. It doesn't help that my left eye has floaters, and I am in so much pain with my Arthur and my abdomen hurting. (OH WELL) I think I just got up too early. :P

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Keith, Google Nelson's Water Gardens Katy, Tx. We HAD a pond. Insert fish, snake shows up and fish gone, kill snake buy another fish, and so on into ad nauseum... now that spot is taken by agave, sago, cabbage cactus... porch is more peaceful.
Deb, at our age the changes in seasons go bone deep, when you are tired it can be too much. Why I take a B12 shot (cobalamin) 1x a month. Helps.
Pond shots, Keith, wish I had gotten those disappearing water vases and layouts for you. 1) is a Japanese Orchid tree bloom, 2) a succulent 3) another pond lily 4) that Milky Way mg is hardy and busy.

Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana Thumbnail by kittriana
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oH Kitt, that Bahaunia is beautiful, and I hope it is yours. Your milky way, purple splash, and shibouri mgs are awesome. Can I send you more with roots?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

The photo contest is on. I think Kieth should enter. Anyway, I think we need a new thread? Thanks Kitt, for the words of encouragement. Taking a break after digging up the monster Oleander and Agave without any injuries to plants or us. I saw a mosquitoe headed down the stairs so I closed off the net curtain to keep it in there. I won't bring this load down from the garage until it has been bug bombed.

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