Plant Propagation: The Basics Summer 2016

Fort Worth, TX

there will be pictures. But before there are pictures there will be clean ponds. Back to work I go. On the bright side I can apparently propagate ajuga with ease, my moonflowers are up (the hawaiian kind), and the borage are about to bloom, the elderberry bush is positively radiant. I have added a flower bed but got nothing in it, need to move in extra soil and no time, had to win the chigger war, I was very itchy.
Cracker butterfly caterpillar feeding on my passionflower vine, elderberry, dahlia from Home Depot, 2 out of 3 still living this is the first bloomer. It is in a POT, as soil fungus in these rainy times would have killed it already. One of my Buff Orpington hens from the feed store chicks, behind all those black eyed susans of 2 varieties there are some squash plants.

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Sprouted seed never get old Ju, they look so darn good.

Debra have you been busing in those pretty little lady bugs? you've got so many!
Keith, now I see why you took so much care draping your shrub. Golden Eclipse Lilac looks like she deserves the pampering. Love you wild flower excursion. Two nice finds.

Oxdrift, Canada

Nice pics Gypsy. Comical that you included the Buff Orpington hen. I'm glad you practice what you preach. Ha ha. I had a few of those when I was a chicken farmer. My favourites were the ones with feathery moccasins on their feet, think they were called Cochins, not sure that was along time ago. My kids were pretty young then and now they are 37, 36, and 34.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Yup Cochins are feather toes- really too hot for them in the south. Love the sprouts, pretty as the flowers when you wait so long!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Taking a few at lunch time , Nice talk and chat , I might not do much tomorrow as all day requisites take precedence ,
Thank you Robin , seeds are fun ,
Gypsi Keep on Blooming ,,

Sounds interesting oxdrift ,
This morning I got a few more seeds planted ,the remaining Tithonia all planted ,
Bunches still to do , but as it gets hot , have to wait only morning and evening for the little sprouts to go outside and grow ,
1 An interesting iris
2 a rose a few days old
3 a green tomato
4 Back carton , darker earth , perhaps a Blue Aster from winter sow efforts About 50 Coneflowers also ,
5 zinnia , trying

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

I didn't get chickens until my then 9 year old granddaughter got smart with me on a visit and said grandma, you said you were gonna get chickens, and I don't see any chickens. She got to help build the coop. Photos going on the Back porch. That Buff is one of 15 birds. She is part of the young girls flock, not laying yet, there are 6 of them only one laying, 3 from December and January hatch, and 3 insurance buffs from the feed store. The old girls flock are still laying, they are over 3 years old, and the 9 of them are very good at keeping small hive beetles under control in the apiary. I propagate bees too

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awww I LOVE those wild flowers and what a treat to have the time with your granddaughter as well.

Oxdrift, Canada

I have her every Monday and Tuesday until she starts school in the fall. Helps out with the child care expenses since like most these days, both parents work. My wife was able to stay home with our 3 until they were old enough to look after themselves after school. Her 9 year old sister has been the nature nut in the family up to now. This one likes to find deer skeletons, caterpillars and spiders and the like but this was the first time she really seemed keenly interested in the botany lesson.

Oxdrift, Canada

It has been raining here for a good week and really cool so emptying the greenhouse has been quite a slow process. I'm tied up the next 2 days and then Sunday is our 40th anniversary so I would probably be in pretty hot water if I planted all day! Next Monday and Tuesday my daughter ( mother of the 5 and 9 year old girls) is off so she has promised to come over with the 5 year old one ot the two days to help me power plant. Pictures 1,3,4 give you an idea how full the greenhouse still is. #2 is my succulent hanging basket, with a variegated kolanchoe In the centre surrounded by 3 echevaria, and 3 Crassula calico kitty. The Crassula will get a lot more colour once it gets out into the sun. #5 shows how the ferns off the back deck, Queen of the prairie along the picket fence and the Hostas that used to be shaded by a maple tree are loving all the rain that I am complaining about.

Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener Thumbnail by oxdriftgardener
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I'd like a couple girls that like the things yours do, that is for sure. My youngest was the same way, loved turning over rocks, finding weird things, keeping snails, slugs and garter snakes as pets.. she found a jaw bone in the alley and we still have it, yet to be ID'd but I'm guessing was a dog that died and was buried years ago back there by ab older couple. She is almost 27 now, hard to believe my youngest is almost on her way to 30. *sigh* Love that Queen of the Prairie. Now, I have to find some , gee thanks, LOL

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Very nice Gypsi, Keith and Ju, thanks for sharing all of those pics. It's so much fun visiting all your gardens.

I can't believe those chicks look like chickens now Gypsi.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Keith I love your garden(s)

As I watch here sometimes I get envious , I am not a neat and tidy gardener ,Sometimes I tell myself the energy from me is the reason ,
I share the love of nature with all and I get blooms and goodies from the garden , Makes it all delightful
Next (end of season ,) I will try the campanula , daisy , and penstemon together as mine all bloom now , Still trying to arrange after all these years i am
1 Borage
2 Penstemon
3 Knapweed

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes a neat garden is quite beautiful but you'd have to grow a lot of a few things rather than one or two of many things. You've created a balance of what is good for you and your desires. I doubt I'll ever have a beautiful garden either but I sure appreciate others gardening styles. Imagine if we were all the same...

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

I have country at heart, rigid patterns are nice, but I love the fields, too. High prairies, woodland edges, and hills. Terraformed miles would put me to sleep! Ju's gardens I would be just as at home in as I could be.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Sort of like you all give that a Send in the Milkweeds pic 1 , lol if you enlarge the photo ,, you will see ,
Campanula , already starting to run, the little one at the bottom , 8 inches from the main stalk blooms ,
Wildflower seeds outside , risky , but hey , I try things , all have one little sprout in them , more to do ,,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Most of my poppies got dug up by the cats digging , and yes ,doing that ,
Thing is , these that lived through that , , really seem to be using the fertilizer

This could be a Drama Queen poppy , tall one middle of photo is over 3 ft tall .. Hope it makes it to bloom .
My coneflowers are starting to bloom today also

Thumbnail by juhur7
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh dear, I love the wild look, Joe loves the neat tidy all same same in a row look.. good thing he lets me do my thing while he keeps his grass tidy LOL
waiting for what ever opens cuz I didn't tag anything.. don't know why I'd even try now..
Sure am glad Ju sent me these milkweeds, tho(2nd pic) .. and look a new dark reddish( pic 3) one here and a who knows ? 1ST PIC, AND THESE other two flowers over there..of course it is night time since I didn't get home until after 8 ish :P Like Kitt, I'd fall asleep at the wheel if things were Monotonous.. wow I spelled it! LOL

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Fort Worth, TX

chickens grew and the old hens are still laying. Not an egg shortage here.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I need about two dozen eggs, do you deliver? LOL Really, wish I could have chickens here..

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That 3rd one might be a Red Milkweed Debra , not common at all ,
Several of the small coneflowers i have are the seeds from you to me , I am pretty sure a white incarnata Milkweed from seeds you sent me
The obedient plants are showing up here and there growing where they want , and the Bee Balm is larger than I thought , Thank you also Debra ,

Fort Worth, TX

Oh I am so tired. But I learned to PROPERLY fix a small piece of vinyl siding today. And I got a few plants in the ground near the borage, including a coral honeysuckle root cutting I took and got going. No photos of that flower bed as I flew from task to task in honor of being at home, But a few of the flowers out front. Installed LED porch light on repaired siding. The new hole behind the light is JUST large enough for the cord. Not a mouse. Mexican flame vine, penstemon left over from 50 cent day at Ace Hardware, Geraniums including the one baby one, and a rosebud on my deep red rose. Off to work in the morning. Good night

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Wow, you are really busy. Beautiful results, tho.Love that flame vine..

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I started to say the same last night Gypsi , nice plants and sets ,
I like the chicken updates also . I keep cross posting as you show those Gypsi
Seems to be a nice year for blooms so far ,

Fort Worth, TX

Seems to be a great year for borage, thank you Juhur and Robin and Debra for helping me get my very first germination on it. A few pics and off to bed. The bees we took from a house on Saturday are now in a hive of their own. The lady is glad to have them gone and they are fed and tended, would have starved out in time Bravo enjoying the sofa, Dahlia, Water lily, bees in wall, bees in box

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Wow, you guys outdid yourselves. The pictures are all lovely. I wanted to comment on each and every one but if I did I would be here for a week. Just love all the pictures, with names, comments, descriptions, etc.

Yes, neat and trimmed, pruned, etc. is nice, but with 40 acres, that is not a thing I would ever try. I do want to have some logging done but that is so messy I am putting it off. My sis ter had a guy come over to give me a price on "modernizing" my "yard" one time, but I sent them both off. Told them I love the natural look, which I do. The forest service law is that you have to leave at least one habitat tree for the little animals for every acre. That is good. They need the food, etc. from them too. Anyway, too much to comment on, and too late to try.

Bob is home, but I am worried bout him. His oxygen level is very low. He has a ton of meds he brought home, with a calendar when to take them. That is good. But, he is suppose to rest and he feels like he should be up and doing stuff. Once his low oxygen hits him tho, he stops and sits down. That is what causes brain damage, low oxygen.

Of course his doctor is taking a 3 day weekend. They seem to do that every week

I had a dr. appt.. yesterday, already scheduled, and the dr. told me he is leaving. Took a job with another clinic. Darn!! So hard to break new doctors in. Anyway, really enjoy your gardens and hope to be on here sooner nest time so I can tell you all what I really think about your lovely flowers etc. Also the ferns Keith. LOve ferns. ttyl, 'nite, jen

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Hi Jen, thoughts and prayers go out to you and Bob. I sure hope he recovers soon.

Wow Gypsi, how did all those bees get into a wall...and how did you get the all into a box? I imagine you had to find the queen and move her for others to follow. I also imagine smoke would be used but, I'm just guessing. It looks like a big job!

Fort Worth, TX

little one, no smoke as the wall was brick so we were inside. Sugar water spray on combs, research to find where they were cut comb move bees, rubberband comb into frames. 3 hours or so once we found them including taking up the tarp and loading the truck. They were entering where her gas line from her meter entered through the brick. We stuffed it with steel wool and duct taped the opening, the lady is going to get it mortared shut. Borrowing a ladder from Animal Control (who called us) took half an hour

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Gypsi, that is great. Do you keep the bees, or do you know who they belong to, or???? You guys did good. jen

Fort Worth, TX

I keep bees but these were a swarm that entered the elderly woman's home. She is happy to have them gone, and my student was happy to give them a home. All is well

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Wow! What a great story with pictures. I love bees. I hope they all get settled and keep doing their thing, as I like the veges and fruit they help provide.
Jen (((((HUGS)))))) to you and Bob. Hope he recovers quickly. Hang in there ..

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Jen i hope Bob does well and you too

Bob , Bees . Blooms ,, Hoping all do well
rained last night , storms woke me up a couple times
back in a bit

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Fascinating Gypsi, thanks for the info! We need rain, I'm tired of dragging the hose around.

Fort Worth, TX

Now everyone get a handyman or a handy husband or yourself to check all points of entry into your house walls. A bit of caulk is a wonderful preventative A honeybee hive can fit through a 3/8 by 3/8 inch opening, one bee at a time.

Hope Bob gets to feeling better Jen. Robin I will happily send you some rain. I have gotten 6 inches in the last few days.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

here a Wildflower .. with the rain ,

Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

red castor beans

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks for sending the rain our way Ju and Gypsi!!! Finally my corn will germinate. In these parts the corn is supposed to be "knee-high by the 4th of July".

Ju, you've been germinating right and left. Your Zinnia looks good!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you Robin !!! it's sprinkling here now , rained early this morning ,, It sure Does Help !!!
I was mulching out there for a while a few hours ago ,

I am still hoping ,, Blooms and all

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, the guy stopped in to do a few more things for us, moved my potting mix, etc. Wish he had been here this morning, but it got hot so had to quit out there anyway. He's coming back Thursday to mow the grass etc. will be good to have it done. It is getting late to get my planters up and my friend that does the drip system for me keeps calling to see if I am ready. Nice of him and sure wish I was ready. Well, going to feed the animals ttyl, jen BTW, Bob said thank you all for your well wishes. Nice of you all to think of him.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, the guy stopped in to do a few more things for us, moved my potting mix, etc. Wish he had been here this morning, but it got hot so had to quit out there anyway. He's coming back Thursday to mow the grass etc. will be good to have it done. It is getting late to get my planters up and my friend that does the drip system for me keeps calling to see if I am ready. Nice of him and sure wish I was ready. Well, going to feed the animals ttyl, jen BTW, Bob said thank you all for your well wishes. Nice of you all to think of him.

Oxdrift, Canada

OH MY GOD! Gardening in Zone 3 at this time of the year can be very hard on the blood pressure. My daughter came over yesterday to help and we planted like mad hatters all day and almost emptied my greenhouse. I check the weather network many times a day. It has been very cool and rainy here but up until yesterday the long range forecast was looking like freezing nights were over. First thing yesterday when I checked it was looking a little risky. Last night and tonight were showing 6 and 5 degrees Celsius. History would normally tell me that at those temperatures we out here we can very easily freeze, in fact I said to my wife, if Tennille wasn't coming to help I would hold off. However with the lure of having such a good helper for the day I took a risk. WRONG DECISION. By the time we had finished planting the forecast had changed to a low of 5 last night and low near 2 with chance of frost tonight. There is an OLDTIMERS rule here that says "if it is down to 10 degrees by 10 PM it will probably freeze." Well by 8 PM it was already 8 Celsius. So I sweet talked my wife into helping me prepare for frost. The dining room and landing in the house are full of pots we brought inside. A whole bunch more went back into the greenhouse. We covered anything we possibly could. The yard looks like a campsite full of tents. Some where's around midnight I woke up and realized I had forgot to bring in one hanging basket of impatiens and I had forgot to cover two stone planters. So out I went with a flashlight and rumaged around in the barn and found a couple of tent type covers my wife had bought me a few years ago for the stone planters and put the hanging basket back in the greenhouse. At that time it was 3 degrees. I got up at 6:00 and the thermometer on the deck said 0 but it is quite high off the ground. The first place I look at times like this to confirm frost is on the truck windshield and that was positive. From 6:00 to 7:00 I performed intensive plant CPR. For those of you that may have the luxury of not knowing what that means: if you spray cold water on frozen plants just before the sun hits them you can usually revive them. It was a really weird frost. The hardest hit was Hostas with very large leaves. Some of those felt brittle. The bird bath in the garden where I just installed the wood disc pathway had a thick layer of ice yet the impatiens planted in the ground right below them looked fine. Believe it or not I didn't actually see a newly planted annual that appeared frozen but I sprayed everything just to be on the safe side. About 2 hours from now I will know the verdict because anything that did not survive will be limp and turning black. Meanwhile tonight's forecast promises to be worse. OH JOY! The thermometer is now showing 8 so I guess it's out to remove covers for now

This message was edited Jun 7, 2016 12:21 PM

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