Mid-Atlantic Gardening: Your Neck of the Woods 2015 Part 5

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I really do not want to be bringing them in--but I have SOOOO many plants--
you cannot imagine!--that it cannot be done in one day if we get a freeze warning.
That would be total PANIC!

At the same time, I am getting lackadaisical about all these "musts" to do.
It takes so much time to locate all my plants in the house where they will be
happy to spend the winter. You have NO idea what a "jungle" my LR and DR
and every other horizontal space in my house becomes when this happens.
I am sure you have seen the pictures.....


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Haha, pictures? I've seen them in person! :D

I think it's a smart idea to start the process now. I just prefer my containers outside, so I try to stretch it out as looong as I can.

Oh, that reminds me. I need to shade my lemon trees so they can start getting acclimated to lower light.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Hahahaahaaa yes Gitas place sure does become a jungle, but a most beautiful jungle!! It looks MUCH better in person than in pictures. Speaking of pictures.. WOW, like Ssg said, those are some beautiful but frightening pictures Holly! I'm thinking *INDOORS* and hot tea sound much better than being out in that.

Ssg, can you help me please? Holly and I were talking about you earlier, about what a huge difference your privacy fencing made in your yard, and I'd been thinking about JUST that same thing when we had it put in.. but now, for the life of me, I can't remember where those photos are posted! Can you tell me where those "before" and "after" pics are, please? What thread, or what forum, or even what year? I've just spent the last 2 hours looking for them and have had no luck at all, it's making me insane(r)!!! ;) Thank you!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh no, speedie, I'm sorry you spent all that time looking for those photos!

Let me see...

1. old chain link
2. side view of back yard
3. right after the fence was put in

Thumbnail by ssgardener Thumbnail by ssgardener Thumbnail by ssgardener
Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I saw "Everest" when I was in Utah visiting my daughter and her fiance. To tell the truth, I wasn't terribly excited about seeing the movie, partly because I only had 3 hours sleep the night before, and the theater had incredibly comfy seats so I was sure I was going to fall asleep during it, but I didn't...it was gripping! I hadn't read the book, and everyone told me I missed a lot because I hadn't, but I felt like I was able to follow the story anyway.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, it is nice how your fence screened your "view" of your neighbors' houses! It does make a great backdrop for your landscaping, too.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, my back neighbor definitely needed to be screened LOL!

This panorama is from April of this year. I can't believe how teeny tiny the trees and shrubs look in this photo! The golden Japanese conifer (Cryptomeria 'Sekkan Sugi') on the left grew nearly 2 feet this year.

Thumbnail by ssgardener
Frederick, MD

All you misers who refused to turn the heat on last night... still holding out ? 47 degrees here this morning. Sorry, heat is on ! :)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

CAM, you get a pass since you're a bit chillier than us up in Frederick. ;)

Only the electric blanket for me!

Speedie, I actually purchased several Sky Pencil hollies to do the same thing! I was going to plant 3 of them against the side picket fence with perennials and low shrubs underneath them.

My plans changed when one of the hollies died, and I didn't want just two of them on one side.

This message was edited Oct 3, 2015 5:58 AM

Frederick, MD

Yeah, SSG.. when the inside house temp gets to be 54, the heat comes on. :) I did refrain a bit and only set the heat to 60 degrees though.

Hollies... I've about given up on them, have had too many die in a harsh winter around here. Too bad, there are some great varieties.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Really cold in the house this morning. Mike may have won the battle about the heat being turned on last night but I am heading down the hallway to the thermostat right now. No way I'm going to have it this cold in the house all day long.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly, I forgot to say how fantastic the ocean can be in its wilder stages. Glad you are having a good vacation!

Frederick, MD

Right... not going to warm up much today at all. Might as well bite the bullet and be comfortable. We can turn it off again soon... to be in the 70s again by Tuesday. Watch how fast the grass will grow for then next couple of weeks !

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

OH NOES, no Hollies dying! You guys are not allowed to even say that out loud or you'll jinx me!! *plugs her ears* -- I'm not listening, I can't hear you, LA LA LALALALALA LA LA LA!!! (heeheeheee) ;-)
I really think (knocks on wood, crosses all fingers and toes available) that Hollies will do well where we plan to put them because we get TONS of seedlings there naturally anyway.. and in one spot there was a Nellie already anyway. (that's at the end of the side fence, up front). This land was smothered in Hollies when we had the house built all those years ago.... Hmmmm... come to think of it, most of the hollies were in the area that is now the back yard, (not so much in the front), which I'm sure explains why we have never been able to get grass to grow there! Why did I never think of that before!?!? You guys are brilliant!! OK, next purchase (when I get back to work) for prep for being able to make grass grow: 40,000 bags of lime!! =) I know it's shameful, but I have never done a soil test in the back, I've always only done them in the front. DUH. Ph of 7.1 last check in the front, so that's alright, but who the heck knows what the back will be. I think we're onto something here.

Meanwhile,... I think those new windows we got put in a couple years ago are doing a better job of holding out the cold and wind better than we think 'cause the temps never got down below 70'something in my house last night, and I know it got colder outside. No heat on here, thankfully, but we are ninnies, we will not hesitate for a second to turn it on to be comfortable. I guess, with old age comes that "Go ahead and think I'm a sissy, I don't care!" attitude. ;)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Speedie, the holly that died was planted in one of my Death Beds. I've lost 3 shrubs, a clematis, and countless perennials in this particular bed. And you're quite a bit warmer than Frederick, so I think you'll be okay. :)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I was freezing all last night. Should have put the comforter on.
Did it first thing this morning...

hHeat??? I am tempted to turn it on. Just checked my thermostat--it is 64*.
Bearable....Will just wear a sweat shirt all day.

I really DO have to bring in some plants! I stuffed the shed full--ut they cannot
stay there...at least not the ones on the floor.
WHY? Because when it rains a lot--the whole floor inside the shed is under water.
The door sill is shot--and the landing slopes towards the shed.
I have a lot of HB in there--but they can stay--as they are hanging from the lawn chairs
which hang from the ceiling.
Cleaned off the work table in the Shop yesterday. The two Clivias live there for the winter
up on small ,plastic tables under the shop light.

I just hopeJonquin passes by here--but they said in the weather forcast
that Sunday (tomorrow) we will get the hardest rain.

Overall--my house (and others here) sit on fairly high ground.
I am sure my Civil Engineer DH chose this area wisely in 1969.

I am worried about how Myrtle Beach is faring???? Sounded bad...

Both my girls drove down there yesterday to see their Dad (8 hours!) possibly for the last time.
He is very ill with fast advancing Lou Gherigs disease. The symptoms just started in July
He is pretty much in hospice care by now. He wanted to see the girls.
So much for moving there last year into their new home.
Hope they call today....They will e driving back Tuesday.

So sad! I can just, helplessly, stand by. Not involved any more. BUT--I DO care....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, I'm so sorry to hear about your ex. Of course you still care! You've too big a heart not to. And he's still "Dad" to your girls, even if he's no longer your DH or even D or H. He was in your life for so long... I'm sure it's hard to imagine that he might not be in this world much longer. You could, maybe, just send a card to let him know he's in your thoughts and you're wishing him well.

My Sky Pencil japanese hollies have been doing fine here for a dozen years, and I've got several American hollies that seem much tougher. The latter get big eventually, but I've still double-planted them in back figuring that if they outgrow the space I'll cut down two of them and leave 3.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Jill---
I thought about sending him a card--but i would like for it to be "just for him".
This may not happen, though--as i am not sure he may need it read to him.

I'll see what the girls report when they get back. G.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

IMO, this isn't the time to worry about what his "significant other" or even another visitor may or may not read... the words will be just for him, regardless of whether he reads them or hears them. Send the card! *hugs*

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, it's not supposed to rain that much tomorrow (Sunday). There's only a chance of rain showers.

I'm sorry to hear about your ex. ALS is a devastating disease.

Frederick, MD

Gita, very sorry to hear about your former husband. I watched my uncle slowly die from ALS and it is a terrible disease. If I could make a list of diseases that would be eliminated from our world, ALS would be right at the top.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have no problems with my Hollies, they all do very well, but I don't have a lot of different varieties.
Gita, so very sorry for you and your girls.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for your condolences.

It is sad--as now my mind meanders of how things, and he, used to be...
Not all of it was great.....especially the last 10 years. We were married for 28.

I have been on my own now for 24 years. seems like a lifetime.
Mostly I miss his handyman abilities. He was an expert builder--of anything...

I am a survivor--and don't let things get to me though. It is genetic in my family.
We have had a tough life and have all survived.

OK! Talking about sad things--look what the hard winds a week ago did!
Even Giants tumble........


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

What a crum bum of a day. Since I couldn't reasonably garden; it was only in the upper 40s here today and even less with the wind chill, I went to a native plant nursery I've never been to before. It was a hole in the wall in someone's backyard. A few plants managed to find there way into my car though and I had a good conversation with the gardener there.

We put the heat on in the bedroom and bathroom but the rest is off and we haven't fired up the pellet stove yet.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

What did you get, Sequoia?

I managed to do some deadheading today, mostly of NE Asters and Mistflowers to encourage them to bloom longer. The Monarch butterflies now nestled in chrysalises are going to need all the nectar they can get when they emerge.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

The sun has decided to come out here on the Outer Banks. Yesterday was just beautiful and sunny, very windy and you can't get into the ocean but it really is beautiful. For some reason it is clean not muddy and there is no debris or sea weed, usually when there is a storm out there we get all kinds of yucky things floating in but not this storm. Today we move again and will stay there until we head home next Sunday. It looks like we got quite a bit of rain last night but the sun is shining right now. They are calling for thunder storms today so I hope that we can get moved in the dry and possibly miss out getting soaked while we move. The house we are in right now has a carport that we can pull the cars in and load without getting wet but where we are going is out in the open. So come 4:00 we will see what type of weather we have.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Muddy, there's a new civil emergency message for the entire state of SC. Officials are asking residents to stay where they are. How are your parents doing?


Holly, it looks like you've escaped the worst of it.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

They're doing fine, thanks; the area they're in had received less rain than we have, last time I checked, and they promised not to drive anywhere! One of my sisters has in-laws who live in the areas of SC that are getting hammered, though.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We are moved, the rain was nice enough to hold off until we were all moved in. A few sprinkles earlier in the day but not a drop when we moved. The rain started about an hour after we got all packed in. I will say that the wind is really ferocious. To the point that I almost couldn't make it up the steps with my arms loaded. Got a couple of steps from the top and wasn't sure if I pick up one foot if I could keep standing or would be blown backward. Ric to the rescue took a few of my packages and still had to give me a hand. We are right on Ocean Front here nothing between us and the ocean other than a good size sand dune. We don't have a view of the beach but can see the ocean over the top of the dune and it is the widest we have seen it yet. I did walk over to the beach access and sat at the top of the stairs for a while. All I can say is you don't want to Piss off Mother Nature. WOW!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

haha Holly, loving your travelogue posts

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow, Holly, and that's with the hurricane out to sea!

Muddy, I'm so glad your parents are in a drier part of the state.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sally, I went out to see how high the ocean was when there was a break in the rain. It is past high tide and has receded some. The wind is howling out there and it is raining again. That is the building we are in the one with the turret, we are on the second floor and you can see our light in the window. First pic is the view from our deck a little dark but you can just see the wild ocean waves over the top of the sand dune, the last pic is a good look at that sand dune. The dunes in Duck is what protects the area so well. Down in Kitty Hawk (about 30-45 mins south) they are working on the dunes but they aren't as established as the ones in this area and there are gaps. I saw on the news that an area not well protected has washed out and the Beach Rd has collapsed. Last pic is the walkway to the beach.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, I am so sorry to hear about your ex. I'm sure it's gotta be hard for you, like Jill said, he is Dad to your girls, and you do have a big heart! I agree that you should just go ahead and send a card. It's never a "wrong" time or place to send comforting thoughts, and it's better to have shared them even with others reading them than to not have shared them at all. You never know what "makes it through" to a person, and when it comes to loving comforting thoughts, it's always worth the risk... in my humble little opinion.

I'm not sure how many inches of rain, in total, we got the past few days, but I'm sure it was a LOT. For at least 2 of the days it came down literally non-stop moderately heavily... and steadily. Even with all the wind, I have been able to see the positive impact it's had on all the trees in the area - they had been looking so very thirsty!

Muddy, I'm very glad to hear that your parents are on safer, drier ground and that they are OK. Pheeww!!!

Seq, I'll second what Muddy asked: What did you get at that little nursery!?!? Or, should we ask, "What decided to jump into your car with you?" ;)

NO new plantings for me of any kind of late... I need to get out there and start the clean up of my beds out front, and that driveway-side bed is going to get a complete make-over too! That's where the Asclepias have been, but they will simply have to get moved, or replaced. That little strip will get stripped down, covered, and I'll find some tiny little evergreens to make a little row of matching mounds. That's gonna take some researching though 'cause they're gonna have to be super-dwarf-miniatures - no more than 1' wide at maturity, and maybe 2 feet tall. HA!! Oh well, I've got until this time next year, so I've got time. :)

Meanwhile, I have high hopes for those Hollies!! (next year as well).

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Muddy/Speedie, I got a NJ Tea (Ceanothus americanus), Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides), and an Anemone canadensis. I really only wanted the NJ Tea but felt like I should support a local native nursery so I bought the other two also. Not being able to garden this weekend really killed me as I have a bunch of things to put in the ground before the season is over, especially now since my two recent online purchases ;-) I will be busy this weekend for sure.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm sure he appreciated your interest and support. I've been curious about Ceanothus, but no room for any new shrubs. Some day I might hack out a few Forsythia out and move some mixed shrubs in their place, or butterfly bushes.

I'm still confused about the Anemone virginiana that I bought from MD Master Gardeners, and shared with you Jeff. Pictures show petals but mine never seems to get them, or they get eaten by thrips or something. Plenty of seed heads though.

Let the leaf raking begin....

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Interesting about the lack of petals. I'll have to monitor mine next year. Both the patches you gave me are really doing well. I got the Ceanothus for the area where the mother ROS bit the dust. I'm planting a V. dentatum 'Moonglo' and a V. sargentii 'Onondaga' there too. Perhaps the space is smaller than needed for the shrubs installed but that's the story of my life :-) Interestingly enough, some of the ROS volunteers I cut to the ground (about 1/2" dia.) have sprouted from the base of the stem. I can't believe it. I'm letting them there as an experiment at the moment as I'd like to see if they make it the winter. If they make the winter, they'll have to get RU'd because I don't want them growing back.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

On behalf of all local garden center owners/operators/peoples; THANK YOU!! We certainly do appreciate when lovely folks like you come in and and support us. ♥

Sally, I wonder... could you bonsai that Ceanothus? That would be absolutely beautiful.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Nice choices, Sequoia! I've been looking at Ceanothus americanus off and on as well.
I see that it is suitable for part shade, dry areas, and I have plenty of bare areas with those conditions, so I should just get one already.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Muddy. Yeah you should get one then, they seem to be one tough plant although make sure you put it in its forever home because I read they don't like getting moved.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sequoia, I potted up and then planted out some ROS volunteers last fall, along the back edge of the treeline (next to the new construction)... Some critter ate them nearly to the ground. Most of them sprouted up again in spring and are growing well now! I do need to get serious about putting protection around little shrubs and trees, though. Not everything is that tough.

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