weather in the garden # 138

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

we came from here:
hope this works, been awhile since I've done this

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

It worked !

South Hamilton, MA

fine. light snow this morning which has melted & trying again 39°

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Speaking of things in the heavens, did anyone stay up to see the meteor showers? I had to turn in early.

Thomaston, CT

I was up with the pooch at 3:30....clouds had moved in & I saw nothing! Cloudy & 40 right now, with a wicked little breeze.....

South Hamilton, MA

overcast here.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

40 today

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Overcast, but pretty mild.

Thomaston, CT

Should be sunny & 40 today......have to travel on I-84 through Hartford.....absolutely hate that road!

South Hamilton, MA

30° bright sun

Thomaston, CT

Truly lovely it's cloudy, grey, & frosty.....should warm up later....

South Hamilton, MA

38° cloudy, but no wind

Thomaston, CT

The sun is finally shining here, & should be around this weather in Dec!

South Hamilton, MA

43° rain overnight & a bit this morning. It seems to have stopped at the moment.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

who knows with this mild weather and snow melting I might be able to finish raking

Thomaston, CT

I never started! The wind blows most of the leaves off this hill, but my garden plants trap some for winter warmth......Sunny right now, should be around 40 today.....

South Hamilton, MA

39° partly cloudy

Thomaston, CT

It's snowing...there's about a half inch on the ground, just being a nuisance.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

They promised snow overnight but the sky didn't cough up more than a few hard flakes. Temp 31. Sky is grey. I have a few areas yet to rake too. If I do a bag at a time, then DH can concentrate on splitting some more wood.

South Hamilton, MA

33° We had an annoying dusting of snow. Little frozen grains.

Thomaston, CT

More snow here during the's very wet & heavy......

South Hamilton, MA

34° light rain

Thomaston, CT

Rainy & in the 40s.....thank God it's not snow!

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Overcast and 43 - maybe snow next week for New Years...

Thomaston, CT

Weather has been grand here.....40s & 50s.....getting colder by Monday, but I'm just so happy there's no snow!

South Hamilton, MA

44° bright sun

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

50 and sunny

Thomaston, CT

Showers today ushering in cold air......nice while it lasted!

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

got the leaves up finally - so now it is time for SNOW!

South Hamilton, MA

colder weather is coming here

Thomaston, CT

Yes, colder today at 38.....please, no snow! $55.00 every time the plow comes! Also, my pup's leg has to heal first.....

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Sunny and 38 F today. As good a time as any to start the next round of raking-- where no mower can go.

South Hamilton, MA

40° sunny & going to be colder.

Thomaston, CT

Mid 30s today...out with Nicki at 6am...owl was calling.....think it was a barred, but not sure.....

South Hamilton, MA

Sound like a barred. 'who hoots for you'? call

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

high of 28 today

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Got to around 40 here - but these two didn't seem to notice...and least they made no noise.

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
South Hamilton, MA

25° bright sun Perhaps in the 30s tomorrow.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

21 today

Thomaston, CT

Cloudy & 35 today......not looking forward to the Arctic cold! The hawks are lovely, have been seeing a few around here......

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