Your Neck of the Woods part 13 BRrrrrrrrrr!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We've come from here
Pray continue

Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

What a funny picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing much to report here though. Thanks for updating us, Ric!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL @ deep zoo snow... Joyanna can't wait for snow this year. There were some suds along the edge of the sidewalk yesterday, from a neighbor's car washing. She came charging up from the corner yelling "Snow!!!!" Bummer. There were some doggy paw prints in the suds and everything -- really was a fooler.

Holly, that dive sounds awesome... and so do you!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Sally, no, we're at the south end of the turnpike. It always cracks me up that we call SWAMPS, meadows. We are surrounded by meadows here. When we first came to this area I said the swamp word and was quickly corrected. LOL.

Holly, glad you and Ric had a marvelous time! Watching the video was very relaxing!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL on the "S" word. Love it!
Yea, I must say that I just loved that dive, I keep going back and looking for more videos there are several of them. One of them shows the sign with the Grim Reaper and it says something like Go no further or you risk your life. Our dive master made sure that each of us got a good look at the sign, I thought he was just showing us the entrance to the real caves but then instead of turning around he went right past the sign and all 4 of us followed right in.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Funny, Holly! Takes some guts to dive anyway, I think, and then past the Grim Reaper...ha!

Actually Jan- I read once that technically a swamp has trees, so they are marshes. What's so bad about calling them marshes LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jan, same thing goes for the Wharton Tract a whole lot of water going on there also. Just be on the watch for the Jersey Devil.LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

YEAH! What's so bad about a Marsh???

I live in the area called Perry Hall/"White Marsh". Can't explain where the "White" came from.
BUT--if you live here long enough--you get to know why this area is (used to be???)
a Marsh.
After all--"White Marsh Run" is a multi- stream feeding estuaries which, eventually,
run into Bird River--which grows big and wide and then dumps into the Big Gunpowder River
which then flows into the Chesapeake Bay.
There is also a Middle River---which must be between the two...
Loads of homes sit along Middle River--very desirable --as they all have water access and boats.

There are all kinds of waterways--and a zillion marinas along E. Baltimore Co.
They crab just by tossing a chicken neck on a string from their Piers. Or a crab cage

Where my development is, it used to be a BIG Farm, which had something to do
with show horses. It was nice chatting with the "Bulldozer man" John, that was working
on the next section to my development a year and a half after we moved in here--
right behind me. He knew ALL about The Farm and the history of it.

We learned, when we moved in here (1969), that the 3 houses East of mine
all have double foundations (what does that mean?) because, where they sit,
used to be a lake bed.

Not to bore you further---but this area is old as the hills--lots of Indian names--
roads that are now 4 lanes wide--used to be a dirt road (Rt. #1) where
horse and buggies traveled. It took DAYS to get from here to Philadelphia.

etc...etc..etc...Look up this areas if you are interested..... Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

It can be very interesting.
I used to be enthralled by '"Rolling Road" near me, I was told it was where they rolled barrels of tobacco down to the port, or something. But the part named Rolling Road now doesn't go all that way, so maybe Dad was pulling my leg.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

That giraffe picture is a hoot. No, no, no, I am not looking forward to the snow. I'm already depressed with the short daylight hours as it is.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Good thing giraffes have long necks.

I hear you about the shorter hours of sunlight. UGH!!

Gotcha, marsh it is then. LOL.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm not a big fan of the low amount of sunlight either. Especially the sun angle because it gets low enough that it's like someone is shining a flashlight in your face.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Try watering in that bright winter sunlight--as looking up to water HB's!
It is blinding!

Luckily--there are no mire HB or much of anything to water....
Besides--they turned most of the hoses off today. REALLY?
60* days--and they are afraid of one frosty night coming up???

Now--I cannot water anything inside the yard--as there is no water....

Need to learn to say--"It is NOT my problem"!


Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

A woman I work with says it perfect, "not my monkeys, not my circus." LOL

She's a pretty cynical woman though but that is something I'll always remember.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I like that Seq!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Shakespeare in the barn was on today's afternoon calendar. Jamie's family is part of a local community play group. Last summer Deb and JR sung in the choir for Romeo and Juliet and this time Jamie, Deb & JR all tried out for parts. Deb was a citizen of Angiers with several lines, JR was a French Herald and messenger also with several lines, Jamie played Earl of Salisbury which was a medium role not quite one of the main characters but with plenty of lines. They all did well delivering their lines. Deb was a bit nervous when I watched the play yesterday (yes, I did go twice) but today she shined, JR delivered his lines well but needs to project a bit more. Jamie was really good. Neither Jamie or Deb did this in school so this was the first time that any of them have been in a play.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

what a cool family activity!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

They looked like they had fun!

Speaking of cool...I just saw that the expected high for Tuesday is 31 degrees, and it's supposed to drop down to 21 that night! Yecchhh!!
I'm glad I spent time mulching this weekend.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Yeah our Tuesday is forecast to be 28 with a low of 18. I guess the perennials that are still hanging on will be given a deathblow at that point. I still have an agastache blooming and it looks quite pretty as it's one of the few things I left standing last week.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like they are planing to try out for the next play which will be in May next year. It is to be Cymbeline looks like a very convoluted plot. I must say that I loved watching them but I wish they were in something other than Shakespeare plays. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Call me unsophisticated but Shakespeare doesn't rock my boat. I watched a video of a modern production of Midsummer Nights Dream. Very convoluted and kind of weird. I love the 70s? Romeo and Juliet with Olivia whatsit and that cute boy...there's a pretty straightforward story.
Still, I did high school plays and they were a lot of fun!

Here's something on the other end of the spectrum performance wise. I think you'll all enjoy this
Practical advice and a new expression for us to use next summer.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Ah, the play's the thing! We did a number of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas in hs and My Fair Lady. Always wanted to be in cast of Hair but when open casting call for first on Broadway production came along my hair was short! What a hoot it would be to stage Hair now with all the 'old hippies' still around and doing.

Sequoia, I meant to mention this to you earlier, but some perennials benefit and are better 'protected' when their foliage is left on til Spring as it protects the crown or basal rosettes. I'm leaving my agastache intact but have trimmed back some asters and goldenrods to broadcast seeds. I then lightly pile the stems around plants before I put on a covering of oak leaves as they keep the oak leaves from matting down when I add more 'blanket' as temps drop.

Edited to add that unlike many of you out there I rarely get a protective layer/blanket of snow, so I use leaves for same effect. Also as I am on the Bay and nearlt an 8a zonewise, our ground rarely freezes more than an inch down if that.

This message was edited Nov 17, 2014 9:51 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Sally, "Call me unsophisticated but Shakespeare doesn't rock my boat" mine either. Why can't they do a nice comedy instead?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--just watched that video----funny...

I always heard that smearing Vaseline on would work just fine too...

You can make your own sticky cards. Use index cards--paint them bright yellow
(craft stores have the little bottled of Acrylic paints--59 cents) and put them around.
Use the smaller Bamboo skewers, open up a lg. paper clip, fold it so you can tape
one part of it to the skewer, and extend the other part to make a small hook
to hang the cards from. Voila!

Not everyone has some Tanglefoot around. G.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I subscribed to his channel, whatever that means. Fun guy.

I just rescued four tropical milkweed plants. They are going on the basement windowsill. They responded to up potting last month and had new roots.

It is miserable out there! I hope coleup is not delivering tonight.

coleup- check your dmail.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

HaHa Sally, I deliver in about an hour! Would like a break in the rain while I load bundles of papers at the warehouse so I can start out with dry papers...wet newspaper has a smell not unlike wet wool! Too bad I have to do deliveries bare handed with my window open to the elements. Car's heater is awesome! I'll get back to you on the dmail. Thanks.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I find any play entertaining if it is done even moderately well. I don't mind the Bard or even adaptations of Aristophanes. I think the effort and concentration to the rendering of the character by these actors is laudable to say the least. Perhaps my glossophobia causes me to appreciate the actors efforts more than reasonable, but C'est la vie. As far as I know, I've been this way since my Mom took me to see South Pacific. Bloody Mary was neither attractive or beguiling to a prepubescent boy but her solo "Bali Hai" haunts me still.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I do not plan to save my Tropical Milkweed. It is in a huge pot--about 5 stems.
It is tall. It was an experiment on my part....sorry if anyone minds me saying this.
I did have one or two Monarchs visiting there and took an awesome picture of one.
That was nice.....

I saved oodles of seeds of it. though. And--I bet some settled down in that
waste-bed right next to it--the one right next to the Maple trunk.

Que serra--serra! Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Ric - when I was in elementary school my mother made me take my little sister to see "South Pacific". I felt very put upon, but by the middle of the movie I found that I really enjoyed it. My sister did not and wanted to leave, but I was mean and made us stay. I've loved musicals ever since.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, now I have songhead... but I'm enjoying it, so thanks!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

we love South Pacific too, and I like other musicals.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Next swap we'll have to have a South Pacific sing-a-long. ;-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

that would be as corny as Kansas in August!

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Now that would be enough to warm us up, even in January!

For your listening pleasure....

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Muddy, that was a treat! I can still see the colors flooding the scene when I hear the music from "Bali Hai". I bet Ric can too.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I emigrated to the USA in 1951....Not speaking a word of English---never seen a TV--
Never....anything......a total culture shock....We were immigrants--refugees.

The first movie I ever saw was "Student Prince" with Mario Lanza, and, promptly,
"fell in love with him"....OH--There were many others. Just LOVED movies.
Al the romance and love stories...I was hooked!
Walked 3 miles to The Senator Theater to see them. Sometimes-I sat through
the same movie twice.

There were a zillion"firsts" for me--and all of us. We had never seen a TV.
Never owned a car. Totally unfamiliar with all aspects of life in the USA...etc

Here is the shocker. On my 3rd day in the USA, I was put in 9th grade
in a Jr. High School. Did not speak any English. Very difficult to adjust..
Year #2. I wen to High School---still not doing all that well with the English language.
There is just too much to tell you all about all that ......

Yet--we all survived...somehow.....and I made it..

The most memorable movie, to me, back then, was "LILI", with Leslie Caron.
Loved Stewart Granger...Tyrone Power...and all those stars of the 50's.

Movies back then were 50 cents. I took a street car to High School (cost 10 cents a ride)
and transferred to a bus to get to school. Sometimes. i walked home.

On Saturdays--I walked about 3 miles to someone's home and cleaned the house for them.
Did all the laundry--ironed--changed the bedding--vacuumed everything from 9AM-4PM.
Then I walked back home. I was paid $6 for all that.

I KNOW I saw "South Pacific" somewhere along the years. Don't know when?
Loved it--and all of the other musicals. Seems many of the movies back then were Musicals..

I think I was always a "dreamer"--fantasizing about made life easier...
I am sure many of you were not even born yet--and may of you have have a hard time
to relate to all this.
Because of all this--I will NEVER feel any prejudice against immigrants in the USA.
Been there--done that.....I know what it feels like to come here and start from scratch.
Sadly, most Americans cannot put themselves in that situation and just hate Immigrants.

WHY??????????? Ever ask yourself that????

Geez! I am digressing again............And it all started with movies and Shows.....

My apologies...........G.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

South Pacific, aside from the main love story, has a theme of not hating people of different colors/cultures, G. So your post accidentally was on topic in that way.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Our senior class show was South Pacific. It was and still is an awesome musical.

G, I think the issue with immigrants has to do with going through legal channels or not. We all had to have immigrants in our families at some point.

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