Merry Christmas Swap 2014 "What did Santa bring?"

Ocean Springs, MS

Nanny, the winner posts the nest question. If you cannot send a prize, it's ok because I have a lot. When you post the answer the next day, post it with the winner's name. Do I make sense?
And please dmail your answers to the person posting the question.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

These pkgs are supposed to go out by when?

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Perfect Sense, Julie! I just wanted to make sure that we got it straight, in case there was someone else besides me that might have a question. Thanks for clearing that up! Come on everybody, the more the merrier! Send those answers! you have until tomorrow!

What are your Cardinal ornaments made of Julie? I think all of your ornaments are so cute, but I really like birds. It is supposed to be Christmas tradition to hang a bird in your tree. Some people say for health,wealth and prosperity in the coming year. I do it mostly because I like birds.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Mail out date no later than Dec. 6th

Ocean Springs, MS

Hey, Betty! You are on the ball with your package, but I guess you posted when you came to US for the weekend. Hope your head is OK, and hope you are enjoying the shopping spree.

Nanny, thanks for posting the mail out date. The birds are metal. I didn't know that about the bird in the tree! Thanks for sharing that. I do know that people from the Ukraine put a spider in their Christmas tree because my ex-husband's wife is from the Ukraine.

This message was edited Nov 9, 2014 6:38 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

I will send you tracking # when I get home Julie, not sure where the receipt is right now

Now if the postal workers don't play football with it all will be in tact!

Ocean Springs, MS

Good morning, Santa's little elves! Have much planned to do today. Hope you all have a good day! ♥

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

So far I only have M and S. Um..... need to get on the ball. Just not looking hard enough. But I really am excited about the "M" thing I got. Teehee.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow Betty you found all the Gifts that spell out CHRISTMAS so Quickly you must have been forworned in JULY :)) HEHE
I still have much to find yet :)

I hope to work on it today .Sun is trying to come out but they say It is Snowing North of us . & rain Mix is on its way to our area , so I better go out early .

well you all have a great day BBL

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Yuck! on the snow Susie. I have to get busy on my quest to spell out Christmas, too.You are welcome Julie, I just happened to be reading the new posts when Crystal asked that question.
Hope everyone has a good day. I will most likely be digging Dahlias and Blowing the leaves off my patio. It is covered about a foot and a half deep. :(

Victoria Harbour, ON

Just waiting for the girls then off for another day of shopping
Be so glad when I don't have to travel for a bit, seems I've been travelling/shopping for forever this year

I'm in a Christmas friends swap from my best,worse,what did I learn today thread, get my name today..drats had the post office been open could have posted, that being said have to include home made items, wasn't smar enough to bring them with me..oh well, gives me a change to buy a few things today

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

That's too bad Betty. I can't imagine anything purchased as wonderful as what you MAKE!

Ocean Springs, MS

Good morning, everyone! I have about 5 items so far, but I always go overboard, thinking just one more thing! LOL

Susie, I'd love to have some rain. this is the driest year I think I can ever remember! Watering the plants helps a little, but they dry out in just a couple of days. The soil is just too dry for it to soak in well enough!

Ronna, it sounds like you found something that will really make your buddy jump for joy!

Be back in a while. Boys are here and eating everything in sight!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

OK This is the last call for anyone wanting to answer the question:
What is the best selling Christmas (song) single of all time?
Dmail your answer to me if you want to play. The winner will be posted along with the answer, later this evening, so hurry!.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all or just about evening :) I started my christmas spirit
cheer here waiting for my chickens to go to their pen so i can go close them up for the night :)

Just had to pop in & see who all was around :) think i will go play somemore :)

Ocean Springs, MS

Good evening, Susie! I've been busy with the kids all day and watching the Saints play. They lost in overtime to San Francisco. I was not happy! I am a "Saints Monster," according to my children! My youngest daughter always says, "Mom, your blood pressure is going up!" And it does! LOL

Annette, we don't have a lot of activity here on weekends sometimes. You can announce the winner whenever you are ready!

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

And the winner is........Drumroll........Badcat
The answer was "White Christmas"

Ocean Springs, MS

Congrats, Badcat! Can't wait to see what your question will be? LOL

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

That's a little bit scary, lol.
I think she wants one of the prizes you have ,Julie. btw that is fine with me. She will let you know which one. lol

Ocean Springs, MS

I know, right! LOL
Badcat, I still have the cardinal and tree/reindeer ornaments, if that's what you want. Just let me know.
Nanny, you may list your prize so the next winner has a choice, if you want. Thanks!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all & ConGrats Cat's Going to be a great day Just counting the Mins & Secs I'm going up to GR to Meet with LK
for the afternoon :)I Have a quick apt this morning so can't stay here long hope ya all have a great day .

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

OK , I will get some pics to post. I have to start dragging out the Christmas stuff to decorate the house. It is no telling what I will find! lol

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Enjoy your visit with LK Susie! Hope you all have fun!


Sweet!!!! Id love the cardinal!!!!! WOOOTTTT!!!

lol Ill be back with a question after the squirts get on the bus..

Have fun today Susie and LK!


ok your getting a joke hehe

********Why does Scrooge love Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? ****************

Ocean Springs, MS

You got the cardinal! I'll be mailing later this week!

Susie, you and LK have fun! Nanny, my kids are refusing to let me put anything Christmas up until Thanksgiving is over. So, everything is in my room and sunroom! LOL

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I have seen so many homes all decked out with lights. I think its to early for that myself. We went to the mall last weekend and it was all gloried up too. I kinda can understand that. I guess for retail perpouses.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

As much as I LOVE Christmas. I really don't like decorations until after Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving with family!!

Ocean Springs, MS

Annette and Joyce, I'm with y'all. It seems as if Thanksgiving is becoming a lost holiday. A lot of people are so into shopping that they go on Thanksgiving day and then hit the Black Friday sales as soon as the stores open! We are celebrating Thanksgiving on Wednesday because it will be a day that I can spend with all my children and grandchildren without anyone being rushed. The oldest daughter and oldest son have other places to go on Thursday because of in-laws. I don't mind, though, because I get them to myself for the entire day on Wednesday! My ex-husband doesn't really celebrate Thanksgiving, so me and the Younger kids may do some shopping or volunteer somewhere.
I have decorated for Thanksgiving, but nothing for Christmas until the day after! And I do not shop Black Friday! I cannot handle the crowds! I get panic attacks!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I got my Christmas pkg from Betty today. Wowee! Great! She made most of the items,too.
She sent a cute card with a raccoon and bird on it and listed all the items for the letters.

C-Christmas ball with my initial
H-Holiday ball painted with a scene near her home (I am amazed as I just can't paint )
R-right glass wine glass charms
I- icicle
S- snowman wine glass which unfortunately was broken I am sorry as it was one of the ones she showed earlier that were so beautifully painted. These things happen though and she sent so much it does not matter on that account. I believe it may have been broken by the heavy glass candle holder that was inside the glass. Betty you did an excellent job packing.
T-Tree Skirt-WOW what a treasure! Beautifully pieced and quilted. Nice and heavy. I love it and am going to really enjoy using it.
M-mug for Christmas cheer with 2 bags of dark chocolate pomegranate--YUM
A-Angel ornament
S-2 stained glass stars.

Am I the first to receive? It sure was a great package. Thank you so much Betty!

Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal
Victoria Harbour, ON

Glad it arrived, sorry not intact

Won't take no for an answer, sending out another
Might have weakened by the fall we took Friday

Will ship out tomorrow

Glas you like the rest of the items and yes, that is my 'Georgian Bay'

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

It really is not necessary to send another one Betty. It is very sweet of you to offer though.

Ocean Springs, MS

Crystal, you received some really beautiful items. Gotta love everything. That tree skirt- wow! Angel ornament- heavenly! Dark chocolate pomegranete- yummy! Stained glass stars- gorgeous! I've been wanting to try doing stained glass, but it will have to wait till after Christmas. Too much to do right now!
Betty, thank you for a beautiful box of goodies for Crystal.

Everyone have a good night! ♥

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all on my way into town soon to pick up a few things needed to work on my box wish you all a festive vet day :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Julie I agree. That is a wonderful box of pressies.


Wowee! Too cute!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Nice box!!! I got a few more items for my buddy today too. Just a few more to get. Waiting for a couple items I ordered. Having fun shopping.

Ocean Springs, MS

I'm back after my computer crash! Thank goodness my DSIL knows how to fix things for me!

Moma and I had fun shopping. Got what I needed to finish my quilting project plus a lot more! Can't work on it tomorrow because I have to clean plants and get them in the sunroom before the freezing temps Thursday night. Also picked up a couple of things for my Christmas buddy!

BADCAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, sorry for shouting, but when will you announce the winner to your question? I'm packing your ornaments and kathy's. Will put them in the mail before I go to pottery class Friday.

Everyone have a good night! ♥

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm well No Snow yet but they say Late Tonight . I got all my shopping done yesterday or i hope it is done :)
today I plan to stay inside :) & work on Xmas boxes .
so wishing you all a great day stay warm.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie I am at the airport waiting on my flight to go back home. It is snowing here.
Thanks again for meeting up with us for a fun shopping day. I had so much fun. I am just sorry I did not think of taking any pictures of us together.

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