Merry Christmas Swap 2014 "What did Santa bring?"

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, I'm so sorry!! You are in self-destruct mode lately. Time to be more aware of your own safety. That sounds like a REALLY nasty fall if you hit your hit hard enough to break a rung of the railing.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

My goodness Betty! Hope you are OK. Concussions can be tricky to detect. So make sure you have someone with you. And you maybe should go get checked out just to be safe. I took a hard hit to my head afew years ago and it did turn out to be a concussion, even after the ER said it wasn't. :(

Victoria Harbour, ON

They will watch me closely

They are not familiar with the area that they like shopping in so would be a disappointment for them as its been planned for months..just shows I've a hard noggin..yep hit it hard enough to push Unt the rung, thank goodness I didn't hit the nail that was holding it n place

Big sigh pat, yep, injury to right leg last week, other leg beginning of week and now this

Chutzpah for sure

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Betty. Recommend you take some Tai Chi. Not kidding. good for all us who are past retirement especially. Tai Chi for arthritis.. Increases balance and flexibility as well as strength. I have been taking off and on for years. Does not help stupid though, which is what was the main factor when I fell and split my head in the summer.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Quote from goldhillal :
Betty. Recommend you take some Tai Chi. Not kidding. good for all us who are past retirement especially. Tai Chi for arthritis.. Increases balance and flexibility as well as strength. I have been taking off and on for years. Does not help stupid though, which is what was the main factor when I fell and split my head in the summer.

Lol Crystal. I am afraid we have suffer from that at one time or another. I hope they find a cure for it. They will make millions!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Clumsy should be my 2nd name

Girls went through box amazed nothing needed to be replaced, if I wasn't so sore I would do the happy dance

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

The Legend of the Poinsettia:

What did the angel turn into the poinsettia flower for the little girl who had no gift for Jesus?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


I'm not playing ... just reading along.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

[quote="froggies_girl"]Let's do the answers by DMAIL.

If your playing the games, please read Julies instructions.

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, Betty, hope you are OK and be careful on your trip. Also have fun! :)

Linda Kay is offering a prize for the game... a set of snowmen placemats. My prizes are various ornaments made from woodland items, a dove ornament, and a cardinal ornament.

It was so nice of all of you to be concerned about Betty. That's part of our Christmas spirit! We're all caring and loving! ♥

Hey, Carole! Miss you!

Now I'm sending my answer to Kathy! Have fun!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well i just noticed that my Suggestion didn't post . I ask if maybe the one asking the question send a gift to the person who wins the draw .
since Lk answered my Q correctly I will send or give her a gift when she comes to Michigan next week .

I didn't know about a draw till you explained it but figure this way you would not have to send out all the gifts we each would be able to send a gift to our winner.

well off to try some of my Homemade Beefstew sure Looks good :)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

pass me some for supper, please

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok here ya be My Beef & Dumpling stew :) enjoy

Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I have a set of 4 placemats for the drawings for a prize.
I am on my way to San Antonio in about 10 minutes, If someone chooses these, I will get them mailed out next week when I am back home.

Thumbnail by taters55
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

I am so bad. You all came up with such cute lost to go on the theme. But I guess what I dd is alrightt oo. Sorry. Was not paying attention. Thanks for my name. Will be fun. I am going to a huge mall tomorrow. Any way here is my attempt at the list.
caramel corn, chicago corn
handmade gared art
red tshirt for christmas size large
irish or french vanilla creamers
something for my DGD anything over 6 mos.
Tea or small trees
many thoughts for christmas
anything to decorate with, like some garland for our door way
snacks for my dog.
I just wanted to post my list. Do not change any plans my buddy has already. THanks. Merry Christmas..

Ocean Springs, MS

Susie, your suggestion is OK with me as long as no one is put out! If you can't send a prize, that's ok. I have plenty. but please play the game no matter what! We just want to have fun, and we will learn a lot of Christmas trivia!

Susie, since you are giving LK a gift, Katgroves can choose the placemats from LK or an ornament from me! And the beef stew looks yummy! :)

Ronna, no problems about updating your list!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok then LK will get a dbl dose when she gets up here :) well no christmas movies for me tonight my satilite is out they have it in the house but mine won't come on not sure what is going on with it .

so looks as i will have to bug my puter friends till its time for bed :)))

Ocean Springs, MS

You are welcome to bug us anytime, Susie! I record the shows I like on the DVR and then watch them when I have time. You and Linda Kay give each other a big hug for me!

I will try to post some pics tomorrow of the ornaments I have for prizes. My phone doesn't have a great camera and my hands are not always steady.


Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

I will take the ornament from Julie and then I will send the winner from my question out at the end of the week as that is when I will be at the post office the next time. Kathy

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

This message was edited Nov 9, 2014 6:44 AM

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

LK those placemats are so cute.

Ocean Springs, MS

Carole, I'm sorry about the confusion. I never wanted anyone to feel criticized or hurt. It's supposed to be fun. I'm also sorry that someone feels that our site is negative. That was never intended. Once again, I do apologize.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

HI! I am still around, barely.
Thank you Miss Froggies for posting for me, you are a sweetie. I have 3 minutes...rofl. Going to two craft shows this weekend so hopefully pick up some cool stuff!

My want list has not changed. Christmas is Christmas like I grew up, bright red and green. Love Santas in airplanes especially. I decorate the whole house inside and out so anything is good.
Love chocolate old fashioned milk chocolate or fudge from that white fluff stuff.

I read part of your alls post but didn't get to everything. Hope everyone is doing well.
Well I am a minute past...rofl...later ;)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Carole it was not my intention to criticize anyone. I am sorry if it sounded that way.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

No criticisms or negative Here That I Can see its all Joy full fun Holiday spirit .

Carol Do Hope you Know many of us By Now to Know That
we are Not Negative Friends, Just Jolly Little Elfs :)
well no Cable yet so guess NO NEWS Is Good New s but i Miss it ya all have a great day BBL


Yall quit or your ALL going on the naughty elf list lol HOLIDAY SPIRIT!!!!

Ocean Springs, MS

OMG! She's threatening with the "Naughty" list again, and I'm already at the bottom! How low can ya go? LOL

Ocean Springs, MS

See, Amanda, you made me forget what I was doing! LOL

Here are the ornaments I have for prizes. Kathy, which of the ornaments do you want?

Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl

lol Ill just take you off hahah

Julie I LOVE that cardinal and tree/reindeer! Those are sooo stinkin cute! :)

Well if these crazy things dont make ya laugh, I cant help ya!

DH asked me to look at his butt 2 nights ago, I was hes going to toot, I just know it :( Lol I got up there and hes standing there naked and i just started laughing until he turned around and there was a huge welt on one of his cheeks. He then proceeded to tell me a wasp was hiding in his bath towel, so I checked to make sure no stinger and that was that...Until this morning hahaha. 4 yr old comes running in our room to ask " Dad hows your butt?" hahahaha

2nd- I left after that this morning still laughing to do some shopping. I stopped in a store and found a few things for a box Im sending. The smirking cashier told me to "have a great day" by then I had to laugh too and say "With coal and lube, how can I not?!??"

Ocean Springs, MS

Girl, you are crazy! LOL I guess the coal is for me, but the other must be for you! HaHa!

I love these ornaments! Prefer natural ones over the flashy multi-colored plastic ones!

Hope DH gets better, and just to let you know that after raising 5 kids of my own and 2 step-children, they always seem to be listening even when you think they aren't! :)


lol hes fine but I had to laugh. I have 6 boxes to mail so no telling where its going! I have 2 dip mixes left to make and i can start packing boxes and filling orders. Im behind this year, need to catch up so we can decorate next weekend hehe

Ocean Springs, MS

Filling orders? Do you sell things and ship them?

Otway, OH(Zone 6b)

Julie, the second picture.
The winner of my question was Nanny23 so I will be sending her prize out by the end of the week. If you would dmail me your address I would appreciate it. Now it is your turn to ask the next question.

Just got home from work and getting ready to do some Christmas shopping with my son and DIL-to-be .

Everyone enjoy their day!


Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks katgroves! OK sending a Dmail

Next question: What is the best selling Christmas (song) single of all time?

Ocean Springs, MS

Congrats, Nanny! Already sent you my answer.

Kathy, I'll be sending your ornament out Monday.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I was hoping to see the posted answers. I guess not? This is kinda complicated.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

crystal That is How we used to play but now they have a new way where they mail the answer then the ones who answer it right goes into a drawing , its no longer the 1st right answer.
this old time just caught on :)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Badcat is deciding who is naughty....WOW that gives us lots and lots of room...rofl.

Went to two craft show and found:
T = (Too cool wouldn't you like to know...hoho)
S = (Still not telling)
Just leaves
CHRISMA boy I thought I was closer...rofl.

Mount Sterling, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok I need a little clarification here on the RULZ.
The person that wins then asks the next question, Does that person (the winner) also send out a prize to the next winner? I am a little confused about how this is supposed to work. lol
Also the person asking the question probably should post the answer along with the winners name, so everyone else will know the correct answer. Right? :) Does that make sense?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all,

Post office says my swap buddy will receive her box on Monday...

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