Bromeliads for Novices and Addicts - September 2014

Brisbane, Australia

Hi everyone ...

Welcome to the Bromeliad Forum for September and welcome to Spring 2014

We are looking for new people to join our friendly little group and would love to hear from anyone with an interest in bromeliads. It's easy to join ... just introduce yourself, tell us where you're from and a little about yourself and your plants ... we'd love to meet you.

My photo is Neo Lovely Lady

We came from here:


This message was edited Sep 1, 2014 10:33 PM

Thumbnail by works4me
Brisbane, Australia

Hi everyone,

It’s Spring at last ... so pleased to see the end of Winter. I know I will be complaining about the heat in a few months but I hate the cold.

We spent most of the day pruning (actually more like decimating) the larger shrubs in the garden … those that have grown to 3 metres high that were meant to grow to a maximum of one metre. Still lots more to be done, much of the garden is looking pretty sad as it was a very long time between waterings. Everything looks so much better since the rain and starting to get new shoots.

Nev, no doubt you enjoyed your family get together. I have Ninja and Strawberry on your wish list already, hopefully as it warms up there’ll be lots of pups to share. Nice pics of your broms for sale.

Trish, hope yours and Joe’s colds are getting better. Neo Ninja is one of my favourite neos as well and yes, lots of vriesea pups to come but they are slow to grow and take such a long time to replace their lovely mum.

Brian, great to hear from you again. Neo Old Love Letters is another favourite of mine. I’ll post a pic of a more mature one for you. Can’t help you with an ID on your pic 4 but pic 5 looks like neo Domino … guru Nev will know what they are.

Pic 1 – Neo Pink Star
Pic 2 – Neo Gladiator
Pic 3 – Neo Dyn-o-mite
Pic 4 – Neo Old Love Letters
Pic 5 – Neo Fire & Ice

Bye for now, Shirley

Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me
Christchurch, New Zealand

Shirley, nice to be able to compare the two Neo Old Love Letters.
One of the great things abut this forum is being able to see what plants look like at different stages and also in different conditions.
It could be the difference between someone giving up on a plant as 'boring' and them shifting it to a better spot & discovering they actually have something glorious :)


barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone and welcome to Spring. The boys are both well but it's me that's feeling under the weather and have done so for a few weeks. I have the chest infection and sinus infection as well. Am on antibiotics so hopefully they get working quickly. We have been having wonderful sunshine here but yesterday I got up to pouring rain and cold again. It's been so warm that I even packed the electric blanket away. It came back out last night though. Shirley, such wonderful pics. Neo Pink Star is absolutely beautiful. You always seem to have lovely pinks. Nev It was a lovely surprise for you with your son visiting for a couple of days. I wish that John lived closer to me too, but at least he's in the same state not overseas. Your silver plum is looking lovely. The first pic of your last post, does it look like one or the other of the cross? I have one here with no tag with the same flowers on and the plant looks the same. A large pot of it with about 10 plants . Well, I hope everyone is feeling good and your ankle is much better Teresa. Hi Brian great to see you. Have a great day everyone and I'll be back. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Hi all,

Nev, sorry to hear your weather has turned fowl again. We have had a couple of beautiful days but it’s blowing a gale at the moment.

We spent another day cutting back the gardens, took another trailer load of green waste to the ‘Resource Recycle Facility’. We also spent some time picking up all the sticks around the yard and with the wind blowing the way it is now, there will be just as many to pick up again tomorrow.

Teresa, Neo Old Love Letters is a real beauty. It’s amazing how much some of the neos do change as they mature, some look totally different.

Colleen, sorry to hear you are still feeling crook, especially with the rain and the cold. I leave the electric blanket on the bed all year round as I was told it is better stored flat than folded so I just remove the plug-in cords and put them away … and hope I can find them again next Winter.

My photos tonight are

1 – neo Apricot Nectar
2 – neo Skotak carolinae
3 – neo Mango Ice
4 – neo Downs Autumn
5 – neo Chirripo

Bye for now, Shirley

Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me
shellharbour, Australia

Hi fellow bromeladdicts - I don’t know what your weather is doing this morning but ours has taken a turn for the worst and the warm sunny days we had last week have turned into a cold and wet windy day with gale winds forecast for this afternoon, so not a good day for being out in the garden.

Shirley – Firstly, thanks heaps for starting the new thread, I though as we were starting spring a new thread was appropriate and who better to start it than you. If you like to send me a step by step “guide for computer idiots”, maybe next time I can try and start it without having to worry you all the time.

That Neo. ‘Lovely Lady’ in your picture is a great example of just how good this plant is when well grown. It is probably the best from a stable of champions which all came from the “Aussie Dream” grex which was created by Bob Larnack back in the 1990’s from a breeding of Neo.'Meyendorffii' (variegated) x olens 'Marie'. To see some of the others, go to the following link:

We did have a great family get- together, and even though they are too infrequent these days, they are still very enjoyable occasions when they do occur. Thanks for confirming I have Ninja and Strawberry already on my wish list, I thought I may have but wasn’t sure as the old memory doesn’t recall what’s stored on it too well any more.

I’m looking at you pic’s now and once again it’s another kaleidoscope of colour. It’s difficult to know where to start, but then where better than at Pic.1 which continues with the saga of Neo ‘Pink Star’ with yet another different plant with this same name. This plant is different again to the plant I have of the same name which differs to the one on the BCR. I must say your plant has wonderful symmetrical shape combined with nice pastel colours and certainly a wonderful plant and another for my wish list.

Although they are great plants, I won’t comment on ‘Gladiator’ and ‘Old Love Letters’ as I’ve commented on them before, but Neo.’Dyn-o-mite’ in Pic.3 is one I’ve overlooked on many occasions as I thought it was just a similar looking plant to Neo.‘Perfection’, which although a nice plant, has been around since 1978 so nothing new here.

However, when I looked at the parents of Neo.’Dyn-o-mite’ on the BCR, I thought it would have to be a miniature as its parents were Neo. (carolinae variegated x ‘Fireball’) x Neo. (‘Fireball’ x pauciflora) i.e. it had miniatures in the breeding of both seed and pollen parents, however the size given is 25cm which puts it clearly into the “Midi” size which just goes to show you can never be sure when you start mucking around with genetics. Just for the record Shirley, what size is your plant?

The other one I’d like to comment on is Neo.‘Fire & Ice’, on looking it up I see that it isn’t a registered name which is unfortunate as judging by its markings, I thought it may have had either Neo. ‘Burgundy Moss’ (Pic.2) or Neo.’Fairy Dust’ (Pic.3) in its history and I’ve added these two pic’s for comparison to see what others think.

With your second lot of pictures, Neo.’Apricot Nectar’, Neo. ‘Mango Ice’, Neo ‘Downs Autumn’ and Neo.’Chirripo’, they are all wonderful plants that we all know are worthy of a place in any collection but the Neo ‘Skotak carolinae’ has me scratching my head a bit as I’ve never seen or heard of it and it isn’t listed on the BCR either. In my opinion it’s a plant almost to the standard of ‘Lovely Lady’, but where did it come from, who bred it, was it Skotak, and what more do you know about it? Questions, questions, questions, I know, but my inquisitive mind needs to know.

Teresa – Oh how much wisdom in what you say about comparing plants at different stages of maturity. This seems to be the main reason for disappointment when people buy plants by mail order; they see a nice picture of a mature fully coloured plant beside an advert. for a “pup” for sale. The inexperienced growers think that the pup they are buying will arrive with the same colours as the adult plant in the advert. When a green un-coloured pup arrives they think they have been sent the wrong plant. All of this can be avoided if all sellers followed the example of the good sellers, and showed a pic of the mature plant (what the pup will turn out like in the future) and a picture of the actual pup for sale (as it is now), this way everyone’s happy.

Colleen – So good to see you back again, and it’s as I suspected; you did catch the bug off the boys eventually. Anyway, hopefully you’re on the mend again and will soon be back to normal.

That plant you enquired about in one of my previous posts, was that the Neo.’Allan’s Marbles’? If so, that could be the one you speak of as I think you may have got a pup from me a while back or it may even be Neo.‘Ice White River’ as I think you got one of them also and that’s a very prolific pupper.

That’s it for today and I was trying to find a picture of the miniature Neo.’Domino’, (chlorosticta x pauciflora) with accurate colour for Brian to compare with his NOID. The plant in Pic.1 is the closest I can get, but the true colour is much darker than shown in the picture, it’s very dark purple and almost black; however it’s also one of those colours that’s difficult to capture with a camera. Pic. 2 is Neo. ‘Fairy Dust’ and Pic.3 is Neo. ‘Burgundy Moss’. Next is a pic for the Till. growers, Till. Butzii and finally for the Vriesea growers, Vr. platynema variegata.

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Christchurch, New Zealand

Hmmm - Vr Platynema variegata looks to be a 'goth' with those black fingernails.
I'd be happy to have any of your pictured plants in my collection.

I have to say I am a bit down right now, an old friend from dog obedience & the show world was murdered on Monday, it was a triple shooting & still big news so there are constant reminders reducing me to tears.

I had a job interview today & managed to project as much 'sunshine' as possible but anyone who knows me would have picked that something was wrong.

take care everyone

shellharbour, Australia

Hi Teresa - I'm sorry to hear your terrible news this morning and I can imagine how you must be feeling. I too had some bad news yesterday, as a wonderful old lady who is a close friend in the Brom Society has been diagnosed with inoperable bowel and liver cancer, so I guess we are both feeling very "down" today.

On a brighter note, good luck with the job interview, I hope it turns out well for you. It's a pity you can't get a job as manager of a bromeliad nursery then you would have the best of both worlds.

I'll finish today with five pic's of plants all grown by my old friend above and shown in our annual shows. These show just what a marvelous brom grower she really is.

Although her main interest is Tillandsias, she does grow some other genera to perfection as well, such as this xneophytum "Galactic Warrior" (Pic.1) which has won her prizes at every show since I've been a member. Pic.2 is Neo. 'Fireball', Pic.3 is Neo. olens, Pic.4 is one of her favourite plants; Tillandsia ionantha, it is only half of its previous size as the wood it was mounted on broke into two pieces a couple of years back, however it's still good enough to win prizes and last year won Grand Champion. Pic.5 is another of her "Tillys" which she grows to perfection, Tillandsia recurvifolia subsecundifolia which is also a particular favourite of mine with it's lovely peach colouring.

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Christchurch, New Zealand

those are beautiful plants Nev.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Am feeling better every day now. Raining again here but we do need it so I wont complain. The front garden is very dry. I'm going to get the straw out of the chook's yard and put it around the roses out there. Every thing is starting to spring to life now. The colour is coming into the broms and pups galore. I had a bit of luck the other day when I was at the hardware store. I thought that I would ask if they wanted any broms. Well I have sold them 8 for starters and I think if they don't put too big of a mark up on them I might have a steady outlet. Will let you know what price they decide on. I charged them $10 each. I was out in the SH yesterday and I have a large pot of Variegated Billbergia something. and when I went to break it up there were two plants that weren't variegated. I have potted them up into their own pot with one small variegated pup and I'll see what happens. I have a few oddballs out there but it's so long since I've examined them all that i don't know how they're going at the moment. I'm sorry Nev I can't remember what the plant was you are talking about but will go back through the thread and see if I can find it. Well, work to do and a bit of shopping so will see you all later. Have a great day. Colleen.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Hello again,

Nev, we haven’t had any rain here but it has been blowing a gale … what a mess, pots blown over, plants broken off, sticks and leaves everywhere.

We have still been pruning back the gardens, still lots more to do. Hopefully we will get a bit of rain and everything will start shooting and look really good.

As for starting a new thread, I follow the directions that Sue posted some time back. It always takes me a while and I usually stuff it up at least once. I will attach the directions, as posted …

“Open a new tab, go to Daves Garden. Click on the Aussie forum, scroll to the bottom and choose 'new topic' put up a stunning pic (to draw people in) and a blurb about where we came from, then go back to your original tab (that has this thread on it) copy the address from the top, and go to the second tab and paste it in your post, then send.

Once that is done, view your new thread, copy the address from that one, and go back to your original tab, (with this thread) and paste the address for the new one”

Nev, Neo Dyn-o-mite has similar colouring to Perfection but has a smaller and more compact rosette. Mine is probably around 25 cm in diameter, I also have the albo version but it is only a small pup at the moment.

Neo Fire and Ice is similar to Burgundy Moss in colour but much larger, probably double the size.

I can’t tell you much about Skotak carolinae other than I purchased it on eBay and I assume it is a Chester Skotak hybrid. It’s not really obvious in the pic I posted but it has a kind of spiral look to it … I’ll have to find a better pic.

Great looking pics Nev, especially the Vr platynema variegata.

Teresa, so sorry to hear about your friend, what a terrible shock.

Colleen, hope you do well with your Hardward store brom sales. Good on you.

Pic 1 – Neo Grace, I love this one
Pic 2 – Neo Roy’s Special
Pic 3 – Neo Kahala Dawn
Pic 4 – Neo Beaming
Pic 5 – Neo Waterlily

That’s it for tonight, G’night all

Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me
Brisbane, Australia

Oops ... almost forgot

Neo Skotak carolinae

Thumbnail by works4me
shellharbour, Australia

Good morning everyone – Well it’s still raining here again this morning, not heavy but just wonderful continuous drizzle which will soak into the ground and not run off and be wasted like sometimes happens when it’s heavy pouring rain.

Brom’s in the garden, although they were looking OK, have now brightened up and are obviously relishing the rain we’ve had. The transformation in their appearance is truly amazing.

Preparing plants for the show can be quite a job but yesterday “took the cake”. The lady who does our main display sent out and S.O.S. for a couple of “large” plants for the main display she does each year, and like the silly old brom fool that I am I volunteered a couple of Alcantareas so she could use them. Wow! What a job it was preparing them. Although they were previously in the garden I though it wouldn’t be a problem as they were still in pots. I didn’t however anticipate just how much they had grown. They were in 7” squat pots but when I took them out of the garden, I found they wouldn’t even stand up and kept toppling over as one in particular, (Alc. ‘Silver Plum’) had grown a bit crooked as something must have bumped it sideways in the garden at some stage. It was now 3.5 feet across by 3 feet high and crooked in the pot.

To rectify things required about two hours work as it was a very big plant and to stabilise it I had to use a ten inch squat pot with some Skoria in the bottom to lower the centre of gravity and I then positioned the plant and shoveled Skoria all around it up to the three quarter mark before topping it off with potting mix. This did the job and it no longer had a tendency to topple over.

I then had to do the “clean-up” which involved using long forceps to remove two years of fallen leaf debris from the leaf axils of the plant before washing each individual leaf.
I then washed the pot and dressed the top of it with a bit of Spanish Moss (this is allowed on plants that aren’t part of the actual competition) and wrote out a new name tag.

All we have to do now is find some way to get them to the show. Fortunately the deal was, I said I’d supply the plants if someone could get them to the show (half an hour away); so not my problem.

Teresa – Yes, beautiful plants grown by a wonderful lady who spends all of her time either growing brom’s or helping people less fortunate than herself. When asked at a recent Brom. Society meeting what the “magic elixir” was that she fed her plants on, she said it was the same brew she had used for years on everything in the garden, and for anyone interested, here is her recipe:

In a large plastic garbage bin full of water, she suspends a porous hessian bag containing half of a 4.5 litre plastic bucket of "Dynamic Lifter" (Pelletised chook poop) and allows it to steep for 2 weeks. She then removes the bag and mixes the remaining liquid with water until it's the colour of weak tea; this is what she applies to her plants each week. (Sounds like the old advice of “little and often”).

It's applied all over the potted plants with a watering can and applied to the Tillandsias with a hand sprayer. She says that depending on the quality of Dynamic Lifter, she can sometimes get a second batch from the used bag by soaking it for another three weeks and still mixing it at the same dilution ratio until the colour is the same as described above. I think anyone who likes to try this will be pleased with the results as I have seen just how well her plants are grown; and by the way, she says she does have a little talk to the plants each day also.

Colleen – Good to hear you’re on the mend again and I can only presume it’s the same with the boys as well.

The question of “mark-up” on plants varies from seller to seller. I know that some Brom Societies and Garden Clubs take 10%, 20% or 30% from plants sold by members of that society. As this money goes toward the running of the society, some of the small societies just starting up charge more than the larger more established ones. As for some of the regular retailers, their markup can be anything from 30% -75% depending on the article for sale, how long they have to hold it before they can sell it and what care or maintenance it has to be given whilst awaiting sale; e.g. birds and animals have to be fed, watered and cages cleaned, whilst plants have to be watered. It will be interesting to see what markup your local hardware store adds to the price.

What colour is the variegated Billbergia you speak about is it green and cream? If so it is possibly Bill.‘Foster’s Striate’ (See Pic.1) This is a plant that has a habit of putting up plain green pups occasionally and it also has the bad habit of attracting white scale.

Shirley – We’ve been fortunate, we’ve had a bit of wind with the rain, but not the gales they forecast.

Thanks for the instructions for starting a new thread, I’ve saved them on my desktop so I can find them easily and I’ll give it a go next time, however, be ready to receive an S.O.S. just in case I stuff it up.

Thanks for the info on the plants you posted. No doubt the size of ‘Dyn-O- Mite’ is influenced by the three miniatures in its pedigree i.e. Neo. (carolinae variegated x ‘Fireball’) x (‘Fireball’ x pauciflora). The kind of “spiral look” you speak of in the Neo.’ Skotak carolinae’ could be coming from the carolinae influence. There is a Neo. ‘Spiralis’ which is a c.v. of carolinae, as well as Neo ‘Burnsie’s Spiral’ which is a c.v. of carolinae forma tricolor both have spiral tendencies.

Neo. ‘Spiralis’ = (Terrible picture)

Neo ‘Burnsie’s Spiral’ =

Looking now at your pic’s, and although Neo ‘Grace’, Neo ‘Roy’s Special’ and Neo ‘Kahala Dawn’ are all beautifully grown plants, I’m saving my comments for the two I’ve never seen before, Neo.’Beaming’ and Neo.’Water Lily’. They are both Grace Goode hybrids, however both of your plants looks more attractive than those in the pic’s on the B.C.R.; Your Neo. ‘Beaming’ with its attractive dark leaf margins and Neo.’Water Lily’ with its wonderful shape. Just a moment while I wipe the “drool” off the front of my shirt.

The spiral shape you speak of in your Neo.’ Skotak carolinae’ is very obvious in the picture you’ve posted today. I have a picture somewhere of a similar looking plant in a Thai brom show and I’ll have to find it and see what name they have on that one.

Well that’s it from me today and I’ll finish firstly with a picture of Bill.’Foster’s Striate’ for Colleen to compare with her Bill that’s producing some green pups, Pic.2 is Alc. ‘Silver Plum’ ready for transport to the show, Pic.3 is Ae. extensa in the other end of the trolley which will be keeping ‘Silver Plum’ company, Pic.4 is one of my own hybrids, Neo. ‘Bea Hanson’ x ‘Rosea Striata’ and finally another one of my own which I’m thinking of exhibiting in the show, Neo. ‘Blackout’ x ‘Mister Odean’.

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Tascott, Australia

Hi all,
Geez what's going on with the weather?
Looking forward to the Illawarra Society spring show next week, will be good to get some tips from the pro's.

I'm wondering what started everybody's interest in bromeliads and at what age?
I was working on a boiler down at Burwood RSL in Sydney about 2yrs ago and the local society were having their spring show. They had a display out the front that looked magic! Thought I might grab a few and see if I could kill them as well.

A couple of pics of various plants. The 2nd and 3rd I found in my mothers garden and she tells me my grandmother was growing these many years ago.

Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM
Tascott, Australia

Don't know what happened there.

Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM
shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – The weather hasn’t improved greatly and it’s been raining on and off throughout the night. I just hope it eases off a bit this morning so I can load the car with my plants for the meeting today.

Brian – It’s good to see you back again, being new to the group I thought you may not have realized we moved to a new thread. I’m relieved to see you again today as you and I are the only two blokes here at the moment. We do have another couple of male members, one we haven’t heard from for a while and Ian who is currently busy moving himself, wife and all of his plants to another location. (If you’re reading this Ian, it’s time you gave us another SITREP), we’d be pleased to hear from you.

Brian, you say, “will be good to get some tips from the pro's”; unfortunately, there are no pro’s in our society, we are just a group of brom lovers and back yard growers from different walks of life enjoying our plants. However we are a friendly lot and willing to share what knowledge we have with others willing to listen.

As for our interest in brom’s, well I can just speak for myself, but I’ve been interested in gardening in one form or another for the last sixty years. I started in orchids when I was about twelve and saw my first brom in a display at an orchid show. It wasn’t until a young adult I was given my initial couple of brom’s and I grew them along with the orchids. I then included growing ferns into my hobby as I found that orchids, brom’s and ferns make good companion plants. As I grew older my interests changed and bird breeding became my main hobby until after a few years I had aviaries all around the yard, but I still had a few ferns and brom’s in my old shade house.

Eventually shift work began to interfere with my bird breeding and I gradually sold all of my birds and replaced them with more and more bromeliads. Now, all the old aviaries have been converted to shade houses and brom’s are my main hobby. (Incidentally, the plant in your third picture, Aechmea gamosepala is the first brom I ever bought); I think it is one that most of us have, or have had in our collections at some stage of our brom collecting.

That’s a nice array of colour in your first picture, can you supply names for the plants? I’m especially curious about the two very dark coloured ones. Do you have a name for the Neo.?
The other dark one looks a bit like a Canastropsis ‘Plum’ or one of its hybrids. What has me a bit “tossed” though is what looks like pups around the base, and although they are a similar in colour, the leaf shape looks more like those of a Neo.?????

Is that a xNeophytum 'Ralph Davis' in the front of Pic.1? What’s the trick to getting the great colour? Come on, share your secret with us; i.e. level of light, potting mix, fertiliser etc.

Moving now to the first picture of your Mum’s garden and the plant that immediately “jumps out” at me is the Aechmea pineliana minuta in flower (Bottom right). That colour is typical for this particular plant, but more importantly, I’ve been told that plant is now extinct in its natural habitat. That’s why it’s so important that we try to grow it and multiply it as much as we can so that it never dies out.

There are two forms; the standard form is similar in all aspects except it is a larger plant at about twice the height of the Aechmea pineliana minuta which as the name (minuta) indicates is small. There are also a couple of different colour forms, and as well as the most attractive of the two (like the one in your picture) there is also another (See Pic.1) with a less appealing colour. The flowers of both forms are yellow and short lived, however the brilliant contrasting scarlet bracts stay in colour for much longer.

It has been around in collection’s for many years (supported by the fact that it was previously grown by your Grand Mother) and it’s an easy plant to grow and one that could come under the category of “thriving on neglect”. It just needs good light and good drainage; it’s as simple as that. The reason it has become extinct in the wild is not due to being hard to grow but the result of massive land clearing in its natural habitat.

I saw a fantastic picture of it once growing in a Queensland grower’s garden where the grower had put a clump on the roof of a small garden shed intending to re-locate it to another area. He had forgotten all about it and when he went to retrieve it a few months later, found it had started to grow onto the iron sheeting. He left it there to see what would happen and after several years on the hot roof in the Queensland sun, it had almost covered the entire roof. I am a bit “dirty” on myself now for not asking for a copy of the picture as it was a magnificent sight.

I can’t definitely identify any of the other plants except to say, the variegated plant next to the pineliana could be one of the early variegated forms of Neo. carolinae, with its thin leaves, on the other hand it may just be a clump of Ribbon Grass.

You say in the second post, “Don't know what happened there”, but after a while you’ll get used to it as Dave’s Garden often does things to pic’s we have no control over. Sometimes they won’t attach, other times the “Choose a file” button isn’t there, sometimes they just vanish, never to be seen again and the same thing can also happen with the typed text. To save having to do it all over again when this happens, a lot of us type it first on Microsoft Word and then “cut and paste”, that way if D.G. swallows it up you still have the original.

Pic.1 today is the other form of pineliana which isn’t as pink as the better form. Some say the difference in colour is just due the amount light it’s grown under, but I have both forms and have grown them side by side and still both colours are different. Pic.2 is Guzmania ‘Broadview’ which was bred from Guzmania lingulata as the seed parent and although it’s no “world beater”, the bracts stay in colour for up to a year, so well worth growing. Pic.3 is Nidularium ‘Litmus’, an interesting Nidularium, so named because it changes colour just like the litmus paper we used at school and as it matures it eventually changes into a mauve/bluish tone. Pic.4 is Bill. Sanderiana which is now out in all its glory and Pic.5 is a (slightly blurred) Ae. Wyee (Unreg.) which I'm told is a hybrid from gamosepala.

All the best, Nev

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone

Apologies for being AWOL but I have pretty much been off work all week (only worked Tuesday) as have a bad case of the following: Tonsillitis, Chest Infection, Sinus Infection, Ear Infection, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Migraine (been and gone thank goodness) and my Blood Pressures been up way high all week which has been of concern so my Doctor ordered me to rest as much as I can. I told Joe he needs to take me out back and shoot me he he. Anyway I had a blood test this morning so we will see what comes of that. I have also been experiencing light headedness, dizzy spells and fever so I am all over the show at the moment; so much for thinking I had a head cold at the start, I was so wrong. Joe is also sick with some sort of bug that is going around and has been feeling pretty ordinary for most of the week and it has really knocked him around.

Anyway today has been the best we have felt in days so I spent the day out in the garden repotting some of Nev’s seedlings as at least I could sit and take my time potting them up and Joe sat beside me most of the day playing on the laptop and we chatted while I potted contently. After dinner we got our joggers on a decided to go for a nice slow walk with the girls so that was nice as there is a beautiful breeze out there tonight. They are predicting rain for tomorrow but I do not think it will rain or if it does there will be not much in it.

Hi Shirley thanks ever so much for starting the new September thread.

Shirley sounds like you are getting heaps of pruning done around the garden, sure you will feel great when it’s all done but probably like us it’s a never ending and something you have to keep on top of all the time but something we tend to neglect because our broms and orchids come first most of the time. Thanks Joe and I are trying to feel better but worked out we had more than head colds so taking a little bit longer than we expected to feel our normal selves.

Hi Nev thanks ever so much your parcel arrived safe and sound on our doorstop this week and this really picked my spirits up opening the box and unwrapping such a beautiful assortment of broms, that are now potted and looking lovely in our garden so thanks once again Nev for going to all that trouble.

Hi Colleen hope you are feeling much better with your chest infection and sinus infection but these things take time to shake so look after yourself as I know how much they are knocking me around at present and how crap it makes you feel.

Hi Teresa sorry to hear about the terrible news of the loss of your friend; such a horrific thing to happen and such a very sad loss to all her family and friends as well as her beautiful canine friends.

Teresa good luck with the job interview also (my fingers & toes are crossed for you).

Hi Brian looks like you are becoming a regular on this forum which is fantastic to see as well as what lovely pictures you posted of all your broms, I won’t ask what the names of all of them are as Nev looks like he has already asked this question he he.

Brian in answer to your question, what got me started in growing bromeliads was the amazing array of colours they all came in and how many different types are out there as well as just how very tough and hardy they truly are. I have been collecting them for close to 4 years now but feels like so much longer. I have also gotten into growing them from seed and have about 40+ trays of seedlings of Vrieseas and Neorgelias. One day I would really luv to try my hand at hybridizing but for now I am very content to collect/sow seed from my Neo’s and grow Vrieseas from seed as that in itself takes a fair bit of time and patience aside from looking after the ever growing collection of broms I have. I used to be right into collecting cacti but killed too many so gave up eventually and once I got into broms I got major tunnel vision where unless it’s a brom I tend to forget all other plants I grow so if I do not want to kill something I normally situate it near my broms so it’s not neglected and at least gets a bit of attention every now and then. After I gave up collecting Cacti I started collecting Orchids when Joe brought me a few but then slowly but surely bromeliads started accumulating in our nursery where I was buying broms for me and Joe was buying me orchids as well as broms for me and then one day I decided I had to give up one to care for the other properly so Joe took over the orchids and kicked me out of the nursery LOL and eventually we built an Igloo for some of my broms; most of them though live out in the garden and I have shade screens that I slide across them over summer and open during the cooler months. Joe was never into gardening at all or growing anything but he is well and truly hooked on growing orchids and grows them very well and has a collection of over a couple of hundred or so now as well as all his seedlings he has grown from flask.

I won’t comment on everyone’s pics as I have missed so many threads this past week, other than to say what I beautiful lot of brom pics everyone has posted, colours are truly breathtaking and I really like the full bodies shaped one’s that have been posted as these types always catch my attention the most.

Anyway I must head off and give these eyes and head of mine a rest as the computer screen is making me feel a little giddy.

I thought I would post some pics of Nev’s beautiful seedlings to show how well they are all doing, I still have about 4 x more trays to re-pot but I am getting there slowly but surely but loving every minute of it thanks to Nev (THANKS NEV); for some reason they are attaching upside down, will check out why tomorrow as that not how I took them???

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy
shellharbour, Australia

Good morning all – Well Trish anyway; where have you all gone?

Sorry to hear you and Joe have been crook Trish but it sounds like things are now on the mend, so you both need to take a step back and slow down a bit.

I know this next bit is “off topic”, but as we’ve had a few brom friends sick recently, I think it’s appropriate under the circumstances that I share this with you.

They say hard work never killed anyone and that is the biggest lie ever written, maybe the hard work won’t kill you “directly” but it can do “indirectly” because as the extra hours of “all work and no play” take effect, your body’s resistance begins to falter and before you know it you start to feel abnormally tired and then perhaps an occasional headache. This is a sign of your body’s resistance to health problems beginning to weaken.

As this progresses, your immunity to these minor health problems is reduced making you more at risk of other problems and your susceptibility to picking up a bacterial or viral infection (or both) increases. First it may be the common cold, then a sore throat or ear ache which can both advance to infections. As these progress, they can in turn lead to more serious infections of the lung/s and possibly pleurisy or pneumonia which if not treated effectively can ultimately lead to death; and all of this because you overworked yourself.

Many of these problems can be traced back initially to starting with the common cold, and as I haven’t had a cold since I was twelve years old, I just want to pass on the preventative treatment I use, and that’s oranges; one a day every day.

I almost died of bronchial pneumonia (which started as a common cold) when I was twelve and the doctor was coming twice a day to give massive injections of Tetracycline (which was a new "wonder drug" at that time); eventually it worked and I was cured. This doctor's advice to me was, "eat an orange a day for the rest of your like and you'll never get another cold". I took his advice and I've never had another cold.

Oranges help to act as a tonic and work on the human body in much the same way as Seasol works on brom’s , it’s as simple as that. They have many health benefits which are well worth reading about at:

Now back to brom talk; I like the pic's of the seedlings which look much better now that I've saved them and turned them around. (It's probably worth mentioning to Brian and any other "newbies" looking in, that this sort of thing happens occasionally when we post pic's; it seems to be some sort of "glitch" in the programme which eventually rectifies itself)

Now to your seedlings; I always enjoy looking at the results of my work, especially when they've been grown well and given the type of care you provide. I can see improvement in them every time you post pic's and now that they are gaining a bit of size we can see some of the desirable traits we want in seedlings such as broadening of the leaves and development of colour which will only improve as they grow larger; so keep up the good work and I hope you are rewarded with one or two nice ones.

Not much brom news to talk about today; we had a reasonable meeting yesterday however numbers were down as many of our members have colds and associated illnesses as well. Today will be spent coming down the “home run” as I prepare the plants I have decided to exhibit in our show. I hadn’t intended to exhibit, but as exhibitor numbers will be down this year it’s only fair that we all try our best to help put on a show to promote these wonderful plants to the public.

Time to go again and I’ll leave you with some pic’s of variegated Neo’s today just for a change. Pic.1 is Neo.’Bevvie Bee’, Pic.2 is Neo. carolinae spiralis, Pic.3. Neo.’carolinae x ‘Painted Lady’, Pic.4 Neo.’Orange Glow’ and Pic.5 Neo. ‘Meyendorffii variegata’

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Christchurch, New Zealand

lovely weather today, spent most of the day at my dog training club stewarding.
Did two tests - both had low numbers so had the same judge.

There was a table set up with a candle & photos of Leigh along with a book for people to write condolence messages for her family.

Hope those on the sick list feel better soon - take good care of yourselves!

cheers - Teresa

Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

We took today nice and easy and I even had a nanna nap early arvo because I felt like my body needed it then after that I potted up a few more broms (about 25) and then just on dusk we went and hand watered our herb garden with cups of tea in hand.

Tomorrow we are back at work so hopefully I make it through the day without falling asleep at my desk as I find I struggle most in the arvo's where I feel like I need a bit of a sleep.

Hi Nev thanks we are both on the mend slowly but surely and my blood pressure was down a bit today so I felt better in myself as I suffered less light headedness / dizzy spells. Thanks that's sensible advice in relation to your topic "Hard Work Never Killed Anyone". It surly can kill you or can make you very sick if you work big hours and everyone deals with stress very differently and the body reacts in many different ways so it can really knock you around. I have had pneumonia twice in my life once when I was a kid and once during adulthood and my body has never been the same since unfortunately so I get sick very easily and it takes me a lot longer to shake things off and I think that stresses me out a fair bit especially if I am already feeling run down before getting sick.

Anyway the week off I had at least gave me time to rest up a bit and hopefully this week at work is kind to me and I will just have to try and take it easy.

Nev - Oranges I must eat more of them but of late we have been buying Mandarine's, this week I will go and buy some oranges and start eating one a day as makes perfect sense how good they are for our bodies.

Nev pleased to hear you liked the look of how all the seedlings are doing, I still have 4 x more trays to repot which I will tackle next weekend now. That must be a DG glitch the way my pictures loaded as that's not how I took and saved them on our laptop.

Nev lovely pics you posted on 6/8, I just put my Neo. 'Bevvie Bee' in the igloo as I only have the one mother plant with two new pups on it and I wanted to protect it from the sun where I have it at the moment as we just recently cut back the lemon tree so the area where it was is more exposed to the sun now and I thought it might get burnt. I luv the glossy leaves on your Pic. 4 of Neo. Orange Glow', would you mind please putting my name down on the Wish List for a pup when you have one spare down the track thanks.

Hi Teresa feeling a little better thanks but back at work tomorrow so will see how that goes. How's that ankle of yours going, hope you are walking better on it now. That's very nice the table setup they did for Leigh and good that people got the opportunity to write messages for her family.

Time to see what pics to attach and possibly they will load upside down or sideways knowing my luck?

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 & 2 - Neo's in the "Igloo"
Pic 3 - Neo. 'Mitchii'
Pic 4 - Neo. 'Sam Smith
Pic 5 - Nev's beautiful seedling of Neo. 'Dunmore Ruby'

Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy
shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – I hope everyone’s at least reading these posts even if they aren’t posting themselves. Firstly let me apologise for getting so much off topic yesterday, I do tend to get carried away sometimes especially when I can’t think of anything to write about brom’s or no one has asked any questions that require me to keep on the “brom track”.

Teresa – I think that’s a lovely idea of the candle & photos of your late friend along with a book for people to write condolence messages for her family. I’m sure the family will be very appreciative. It’s great that we have people who think of little things like this just to show that members who although no longer with us, are still in our thoughts.

As we have a membership with quite a few elderly people in our Brom Society, it’s not unusual that one will sometimes pass away during the year and each year at our annual Brom Society Christmas party we have a lady who gets one of the chairs and sets it up separately from the other chairs. It is the “remembrance chair” for the members who over the years have passed away and is to show others that even though these past members are no longer with us, they are still with us in thought.

Trish – You mentioned the glossy leaves on Neo.’Orange Glow’ (I’ve put you down for a pup) which I posted previously; it’s interesting that there are some Neo’s that just seem to have naturally glossy leaves and many’s the time I’ve had to strive to convince inexperienced people that I haven’t been using any sort of “leaf gloss” on the leaves of that or one of the other glossy leafed plants which I have in my collection.

It does become a bit awkward at show time though, especially if we have a judge who isn’t experienced in Neo’s and doesn’t know that some are naturally glossy. You see, our “show rules” forbid the use of anything at all which could be used to give an artificial shine to the leaves and if a plant is treated this way they can be disqualified from judging and removed from the table .

Some glossy leafed plants that come to mind are hybrids I have bred from the cross of Neo.’Bea Hanson’ x ‘Rosea Striata’, and of course Neo.’Dunmore Ruby’. I remember once entering this plant in our annual show and of being “grilled” by a trainee judge about my use of a substance to make the leaves glossy. In the end it became quite heated and we agreed to disagree, and I told him he needed to go and grow more Neo’s and come back when he had more experience, this of course went down like a lead balloon; fortunately he doesn’t judge any more as he failed his final test at the judging school.

Among other glossy leafed plants I have are also Neo. ‘Boldstreak’ x ‘McWilliamsii’, Neo.‘Gold Fever Too’ and Neo.concentrica x (‘Charm’ x ‘Cracker Jack’) which are pictured below .

I like the pic’s you’ve posted today and the plants in the igloo are starting to show good colour and a promise of things to come. I also like the look of Neo.‘Mitchii’ which the name suggests is probably a “pet name” (possibly named after a bloke called Mitch). There’s no mention of it on the BCR but it looks like a plant with a bit of potential and I’d love to see it again when fully mature. Do you know any more about its history?

Neo .’Sam Smith’; brilliant colour as usual (mine’s starting to colour up as well now) and of course ‘Dunmore Ruby’ with still a bit of growing still to do, but I’m sure you’ll be pleased with it when it’s mature.

I’ll finish today with pic’s of plants that are naturally glossy in appearance. Pic.1 Neo.’Dunmore Ruby’, Pic.2 Neo. ‘Boldstreak’ x ‘McWilliamsii’Neo. Pic.3 Neo.’Bea Hanson’ x ‘Rosea Striata’ (Although it’s still wet from the rain, you can still see the natural gloss of the leaves) , Pic.4 Neo. ‘Gold Fever Too’ and Pic.5 is Neo.concentrica x (‘Charm’ x ‘Cracker Jack’) .

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Christchurch, New Zealand

love those glossy leaves.
Neo Gold Fever Too is right up my alley with the spots :)

It is disappointing to come up against a judge that clearly doesn't know the standard for what they are judging.
I had that experience at an All Breeds Dog show with a judge looking at my admittedly lightly spotted dog & tell me that Dalmatian spotting should not be that sparse... I was worried she was going to withhold the challenge certificate and that would have made me rather cross as in our standard it states that spotting should be clear & evenly distributed.
Lucky for me she relented & we gained his champion title that weekend.

Brisbane, Australia

Hi everyone,

Just a quick catch up tonight.

Nev, pleased to read that you like my neos Beaming and Water Lily, both of which are relatively new acquisitions.

Trish, sorry to hear that you have been so crook, hope you are on the mend.

I have had a few bad days and sleepless nights myself with dreadful abdominal pain. Back to the Dr again today and the problem appears to be referred pain from a lower back injury ??

Anyway, sitting is next to impossible for more than a few minutes so I had a quick read of the recent posts but have to leave it for now.

Hi to Brian, Teresa and Colleen.

Back soon, Shirley

Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

Well my first day back at work went well but I struggled to keep my eyes open by the arvo because I have gotten so used to having a nanna nap in the afternoon; but what I did do was set my morning clock for a little later in the morning so it felt like I had a wee bit of a sleep in as it was not totally pitch black outside, instead daylight was breaking and the birds had commenced chirping which was a nice way to wake up to such lovely sounds.

Tonight after dinner we will go for our usual walk with the dogs but we will take things a little easy this week as I have noticed when walking around our job site today how quickly my body heated up out there and I had to sit for a wee bit and have a drink of water as I was feeling a little bit light headed there for a bit.

I wish all you guys lived closer as we have so many lovely avocado’s dropping from our tree at the moment and it’s hard to know what to do with them all as we do not want them going to waste, so I have been bringing some in to work as well as giving some to the neighbours all around us and any friends that pop by to visit and Joe has also been taking some into his work colleagues. They are so tasty and yummy and I think I might slice some up in flat trays, brush the tops with lemon juice and freeze some this way so we can defrost some down the track to use in sandwiches and salads etc.

Hi Nev thanks the Neo’s in the Igloo are starting to colour up really nicely, shame the Igloo is not big enough to house more of them but my Vrieseas take up most of the room in there leaving not much shelving for anything else and Joe keeps buying me more and more of everything. But what I do plan to do before summer hits is possibly change the green shade cloth curtains in our outside gardens that protect all my Neo’s ect, with beige shade cloth instead so as to achieve better colour in my Neo’s as I think the green is just too dark over summer; but not an issue during winter, spring or autumn as I have all the curtains fully open then.

Nev apologies I made a typo (again) when it came to Neo. ‘Michi’ that I spelt as ‘Mitchii’ which is incorrect. Neo. ‘Michi’ is on the BCR and is a hybrid from Grant Groves – Neo. ‘Pink Sensation’ x ‘Royal Cordovan’. I will post progress pics when it mature as it pretty much should go a lovely fairy floss pink all over if given the right light but it’s hard to tell when looking at images on the net as most show a lot of green in the lower leaves and pink predominantly up top.

Nev thanks for putting my name down for a pup of Neo. ‘Orange Glow’, I too really like the glossy leafed type Neo’s as they really put on a show when fully matured and flowering and I can’t help but be very drawn to them when I meander through the garden on the weekends. I especially like the sheen of Neo. ‘Royal Burgundy’ and Ae. ‘Mirlo’ as well. On the weekend I potted up some nice big pups I had just taken off the mother of Neo. ‘McWilliamsii x Boldstreak’ and was mesmerised by how glossy the leaves were.

Nev that Judge that did not pass “Judge School” sounded like a real tool of a person and it’s people like that who put me off those shows as there attitudes stink and they can’t look past their own nose at things and no-one else’s opinion counts but theirs. I have many friends who used to be in the Orchid Club here that often complained about some of the judges and there attitudes and ended up leaving the club because of them and joined another club that is doing very well. We often also visit the Orchid Shows here and have met over the years some of the judges and there is not many that we go to for advice because of their attitudes but there are some down to earth one’s out there worth talking to so we keep popping our heads in to see all the beautiful Orchids on display and for sale.

Hi Teresa any feedback on how your job interview went or have you not been yet?

Hi Shirley sorry to hear you are not feeling well and hope you are on the mend real soon. Thanks for your well wishes, today’s first day back was tough but I got through the day but put my feet up as soon as I got home for a little nap before dinner.

This weekend I want to clean-up the brom garden around the pool area as well as cut back all the shrubs hanging over, not a huge job for the weekend but something I have been meaning to do for a while and something I want to get done before summer hits as it is a real hot spot out there then and you have to pick your times to work out there.

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


No attachment icon to attach my pics so I will post this thread and try again (third time round)?

Townsville, Australia

Still no attachment icon so no pics tonight, is anyone else experiencing issues?


Townsville, Australia

Ah attachment icon decided to appear eventually:

Pic 1 - Neo. 'Amazing Grace'
Pic 2 - Neo. 'Red River' pup
Pic 3 - Some of my wee Neo. seedlings of Mister Odean' I think?
Pic 4 - Neo. 'Olsens (Large Form) I think but did not enlarge pic prior to attaching to take a closer look?

Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy
Christchurch, New Zealand

Trish - I went for the interview last Wednesday & it seemed to go well.
I was told the advertising was running for one more week & that I would hear back after that.
Hoping for a second interview to really 'sell' myself as a great prospect for the position...
I do think that if someone personable & with immediate office experience applies that they are more likely to be chosen.
Not to worry, plan B is to sign up for a computer course & be able to put that on my CV so that I am a more desirable employee for office work.

shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – Good to see a few posting today, maybe we can get a discussion going on some aspect of brom growing.

Teresa – You say, “It is disappointing to come up against a judge that clearly doesn't know the standard for what they are judging” and let me add that it’s disappointing to come up against a judge that doesn’t know what a scale insect is. True, we all know that the judge’s decision is final, but that doesn’t make us feel any better when we know the decision was wrong and based on an incorrect observation.

When we exhibit plants, quite a few of us (me included) always dress the top of the mix with Sphagnum Moss. This helps to make the presentation more attractive and as a secondary benefit it acts as a mulch to prevent the potting mix drying out whilst the plant is in a hall under lights for several days.

I had an experience a few years back when I had a plant disqualified because (as the head judge said), “that’s a bit of white scale”. It turned out that it was a tiny bit of dried sphagnum moss stuck to the base of the plant. When the other two judges pointed out that it was just a bit of dried Sphagnum and suggested she reverse her decision, the head judge over ruled them by saying, “I’ve made my decision and it’s final”. Obviously, that didn’t make me feel too good about the fairness of the judging from that particular judge. The good news is that she has retired from judging and won’t be judging at our show again.

Shirley – Sorry to hear you haven’t been well either. Referred pain is a strange thing; several years ago I was experiencing pain in the left side of my chest so I was sent for an X-ray. Results showed a spot on my left lung and I was then referred to a thoracic specialist who ordered other tests and more X-rays. After reading the history of my bronchial pneumonia as a child, he concluded that the spot was an old scar from that and of no subsequence or relation to the pain. When I went back to see my GP, he was on holidays, and I saw his locum who suggested the pain could be “referred pain” from a possible stomach complaint, and sure enough tests revealed I had a stomach ulcer. Shortly after treatment was started for that, the pain went away and hasn’t bothered me since. So there’s another case of referred pain which although I’d never heard of before, I’ve heard a lot about it since.

Trish – On the topic of different coloured shade cloth, there was once a very long discussion on one of the forums about this subject and just what colour shade cloth was the best for promoting good colour in brom’s. I think from memory it was unanimous that beige was the best generally, although white was good too but unfortunately seemed to encourage the growth of lichen if anywhere near trees. The next best, surprisingly was black and green which was at that time the most commonly used colour was a very poor last. There are other thing to consider also and the main one is how does the colour blend into your yard. Personally I think beige looks terrible and nowhere as good on the eye fitting in with the colours of the plants around it as green which seems so natural. However I can’t ignore the facts with my Neo’s and after one year of growing under beige, the colour was a 20% improvement than it was when plants were previously grown under green. The fact is I still hate the beige colour and much prefer green around the garden, but then you can’t have your cake and eat it too, can you?

Don’t apologise about the typo with Neo.‘Mitchii’. It’s I who should be apologising because if I had been looking more carefully I would have picked up the name ‘Mitchi’ right next to where I was looking. As I now look up ‘Mitchi’ on the BCR, what can I say except WOW! With a parentage like that the progeny has to be good. Neo.’Pink Sensation’ for colour and ‘Royal Cordovan’ with its great shape, compact form and nice wide leaves. How could you not win with that combination?

On the topic of judges, let me add that we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that like all people, there are good judges as well as bad ones. I’ve never been able to work out why the bad ones get all the publicity and the good ones rarely get mentioned though. I remember a few years back we had the same judge for two years in a row, he was a Sydney judge which after judging went with the committee for the traditional “cuppa”. After the “cuppa” it was announced he was available to answer any questions the competitors might have. That man spent an hour explaining things like, “Why this plant won over that one when they both looked the same”. It was all extremely valuable information for anyone who intended showing in the future. Sadly, he was the partner of the judge mentioned in my response to Teresa and when she stopped judging so did he; I guess “she wore the pants” in that relationship.

On to your pic’s now and you have great colour in the ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘Red River’. That ‘Amazing Grace’ is the light coloured form which sometimes has (Light form) added to the name. There is also a “dark form” and it is a bit unstable also and I’ve had it revert from the dark form back to the light form and back to the dark form again; I guess it just can’t decide what it wants to be.

I love your little seedlings, all standing up like “little soldiers”, did you cross your Mister Odean with something else or were the flowers pollinated by nature? Whatever was done, I have found that Mister Odean as a parent is producing some unexpected colours, so something to look forward to down the track.

Here I go again; and please don’t think I’m “having a go at you” but I’m just trying to rectify some possible errors, and this is what forum discussion is about. Firstly, in your Pic. named Neo. 'Olsens’ (Large Form), I can’t find any plant with that name anywhere. However there is a Neo species called Neo. olens. Next I noticed your plant has a remarkable likeness to a plant I have called Neo. ‘Kiko’, but that’s not all; Neo. ‘Kiko’ = Neo. correia-araujoi x Neo. olens.

Now it is possible your plant which was bred by Lisa Vinzant of Hawaii, came into Australia before it was registered, and was still carrying the formula name of Neo. correia-araujoi x Neo. olens (This has happened with many other plants in the past).

It is also possible (as has happened many times before) that the first half of the name has been lost over time, (either faded or name tag broken off) and just left the name olens? The (Large Form) could have been added by anyone simply because this plant is larger than the Neo olens species ….. Just something to think about.

The other thing you can try is increasing the light as much as possible without burning the plant and if it is Neo.’Kiko’ the colour will intensify much more with the green becoming almost yellow. I have grown it in both low and high light and was amazed at the difference.

That’s it for today and Pic.1 is the dark form of Neo.’Amazing Grace’ (Just a pup) Pic.2 show the beautiful colour of Ae. ‘Blue Cone’ (A c.v. of Ae cylindrata) Pic.3 is Neo. ‘Burnsie’s Spiral’, Pic. 4 is Tillandsia bergeri and Pic.5 is Neo.’Heart Music x concentrica.

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Christchurch, New Zealand

Nev - Neo Heart Music x concentrica is lovely - purple markings= my kind of plant ;)

Have to agree that the flip side to bad judges is good judges retiring.
In obedience it is hard to keep judges on the panel.
Between work commitments & burn out we have lost a few judges who really kept the sport fair & balanced.

if anyone is curious - this is from a North Island obedience competition & what our dogs are expected to do.

Sugar is getting there :)

Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

Hi Teresa pleased to hear the interview went well and hope you get a second interview. Your Plan B idea about signing up for a computer course is a great idea and will look good on your resume for sure and the more courses you do to cover all aspects of computer applications the better that would be for you in the long run to cover all types of office work.

Hi Nev thanks for the advice on the different coloured shade cloth topic, I too do prefer the green in the garden especially with the wetlands situated behind our place where it blends in so well. I really only need it over summer and then can draw the curtains open or unclip the shade curtains and store them in our shed until the next time they are needed and because the curtains are relatively low to the ground and at least not at eye level so less noticeable I suppose to us.

Nev pleased to hear you liked the look and parentage of Neo. ‘Michi’ on the BCR, I adore it’s great shape, compact form and nice wide leaves and I can tell already that it will look fantastic when fully grown as it stops me in my tracks now when I am in the Igloo watering ect, so that for me is a tail tale sign that it will turn out to be an impressive plant so I am looking forward to it maturing.

Nev on the topic of Judges we have met some really nice one’s at the Orchid Shows we frequent so that keeps us going back as they don’t mind a good old chin wag and like to share in their passion of growing orchids and are down to earth and friendly but they are few and far between which is disappointing.

Nev pleased to hear you liked the look of my Neo’s. I ended up having to move Neo. ‘Amazing Grace’ out into more light to get the colour she has presently so hopefully she colours up even more in the coming weeks as I only changed her location around mid last month and the weather is warming up now. I really liked your Pic 1 of Neo. ‘Amazing Grace’ (dark form) and what a stunning flower on your Pic 2 of Ae. ‘Blue Cone’.

My ‘Mister Odean’ seedlings were pollinated by nature so I have written a question mark (?) after it’s name, the seedlings did take a bit to take off but they are all doing very well now and I have been thinning them out and potting some of the larger seedlings because I have that many in trays so thin them out every now and then to give the others a bit of a fighting chance; but I am pleased with how tough some of the individual little seedlings are growing and am sure some of them are going to grow up beautifully like their parent plant that has gone to brommy heaven.

Nev I took a closer look at my Pic 1 in yesterdays post that I thought was Neo. Olsens (Large Form) and you are right it is actually Neo. ‘Kiko’, but now I need to go outside in the daylight and look at the other plants I have labelled as Neo. ‘Olsens (Large Form) and see who I got it from and if I have any history on it? Also thanks for the lighting advice on Neo. ‘Kiko’ I will keep that in mind.

Nev in answer to your question what Brom Topic could we all discuss on this forum, what about this for a topic item: I often have people ask me the following question “Do mosquito’s breed in the centres of bromeliads”? Everyone please let me know if this is a good topic to discuss or not as there is a lot of uncertainty / negativity out there with people who have never grown bromeliads before and what they have heard that has put them off growing them, where they have not even given growing them a chance (which always frustrates me), and everybody I have spoken to over the years who collect bromeliads and all the internet sites I have visited back in the early days when I first started collecting bromeliads and wanted to find out for myself as no-one really gave me any sound advice on the topic as they really did not know. So the only way I worked it out for myself to satisfy my own curiosity was to conduct my own “experiments” in our garden during the different seasons and I did this for an entire year back in 2012 by testing various sections of my brom gardens by wrapping cling-wrap around the tops of my pots (around the neck of the brom) and secured the cling-wrap down and over the pot with an elastic bands and then proceeded to tip the water in my bromeliad out into a large white party tray and with my reading glasses on would look for signs of mozzie larvae etc and then I would repeat the process throughout different sections of our garden. Now keeping in mind our house is situated at the back of the Wetlands and we live on the Second Dune (by the beach) so we generally see a lot of Mozzies and Sandflies around anyway; but not once during these “experiments” throughout the year did I find any mozzie larvae etc whatsoever. It is also important to note that I do not flush out my brom centre wells very often (once a month if lucky) or put anything in the centre wells whatsoever like diluted dishwashing liquid or anything like that to help stop the algae, so this satisfied the Mozzie myth for me and whenever I get asked the same question that’s the detailed answer I am able to provide them from my own personal experience. I also heard recently from a brom grower that flushing the centre wells of the bromeliad on a regular basis disturbs the mozzies and they are less likely to breed in the wells but then I suppose if you are flushing the centres out that often you flush out whatever is in it so would be hard to really know if they are breeding in there or not anyway? I also believe the bromeliad produces its own secretion in the centre well especially in those big Tank broms and that maybe that could be what puts the mozzies off breeding in them as well as the algae that builds up in them, but I do not know if there is any truth in that and is just something I think the brom must do without sounding silly and I though I would share my thoughts with everyone? Anyway it will be great to hear what everyone else here thinks about this topic.

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 - Bill. NOID flowering but I do not know what this one is called, it has super tough leaves?
Pic 2 - Some sort of wild mushroom growing on a log when we were last at the Tablelands, nature is amazing isn't it.
Pic 3 - Neo. NOID - any ideas anyone?
Pic 4 - Neo. 'Grace'
Pic 5 - Neo. 'Exotica Velvet' (top) and Neo. 'Royal Burgundy' (bottom)

Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy
shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – The sun’s out again and the birds are singing and I just hope this is a sign of what the weather will be like for our show on the weekend.

Teresa - Neo ‘Heart Music’ x concentrica is from a cross I made about six years ago and I’m pleased you like it as it doesn’t usually seem to be very popular with most people although I like it myself and have even thought about registering it. I guess we all have our likes and dislikes and it would be a pretty boring world if we all liked the same thing.

I have to agree with what you say, judges do seem to have a pretty high “burn out” rate which isn’t surprising as they are in the same unenviable position of a football referee where they can never please everyone.

Trish – It would be remiss of me if I let you all think that all clones of Ae.’ Blue Cone’ look like the one in the picture I posted yesterday. That plant belongs to a friend of mine and is a particularly good clone, although the clones of lesser quality can also look nice when grown in a clump. The other up side of this plant is that it’s a very easy to grow plant and multiplies easily. See picture 1 of an example of the more common clone Ae. Cylindrata which ‘Blue Cone’ came from originally.

I’ll also post some pictures of Neo. olens just to show the variations possible.

As for mosquitoes, I can’t say I know much about their breeding habits in bromeliads as we don’t have a problem with them down here. I imagine however that with nearby wetlands in your area, they would be a far greater risk of a breeding ground than the brom’s, but then they have their predators as well such as small frogs which also live and breed in their habitat; so Mother Nature does control them to a certain extent.

I do have a brom growing friend of many years’ experience who has studied the association of mosquitoes in bromeliads and I’ve emailed him to see if I can get some factual information about this specific topic, which I’ll post if and when I can get it.

The Bill NOID in your first pic has making very similar to one I have called Bill.‘Kip’ however the flowers are different. I do have another similar marked one with the same sort of flower and I’ll try and get its name for you.

That’s a great picture of the fungus; I even find some occasionally in the section of my yard where the brom’s are on the ground, and some of it is beautifully coloured; in fact there’s one that’s a brilliant orange and when it’s about it’s very easy to spot. Some of the tougher grey coloured ones that grow on wood can sometimes remain for years, however the orange coloured ones seem to go just as fast as they come.

I also have Neo’s 'Grace', 'Exotica Velvet' and Neo. 'Royal Burgundy' which have been favourites of mine for years. Although it’s a nice looking brom, I’m sorry but I can’t identify your NOID. Having recently been watered and the water still on the leaves does tend to change the appearance and I’m not sure whether it’s the water or my failing eyesight which give the appearance of fine white flecking on some of the leaves. Do you have another pic of it with dry leaves, and also how large is it? This info also helps when trying to ID a plant.

Time to get back to packing stuff for the show and I’ll just finish with a few Pic’s 1 and 2 are the more commonly seen clones of Ae. Cylindrata and 3, 4 and 5 show various plants of Neo. olens and just how much the light can influence the foliage colour.

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

Ah the weekends just around the corner, I can smell it lingering in the air and I can’t wait for it to get here, although the week has been kind to me so far and I have been taking it as easy as I can it’s still very tiring when you are not feeling 100% and I do miss the nanna naps in the arvo.

Hi Nev great to hear you are having nice weather at the moment and hope it holds out for your up and coming show on the weekend; how’s the organising going you must be flat out busy at the moment trying to get everything ready, wish I lived closer to give you a helping hand as I am sure it would be very enjoyable and a great way to meet new people.

Nev I do much prefer by far your friends clone of Ae. ‘Blue Cone’ as the flower is far superior looking than the common clone Ae. ‘Cylindrata’ as it is like a beautiful berry ready to burst and it’s colour is so very pretty. Thanks also for posting pictures of Neo. ‘Olens’ to show the different variations possible, I especially adored Pic 5 the most because the green is more of lovely overall yellow and the markings appear more frequent and intense; so to achieve this look could you please tell me if this plant was grown if brighter light as I would luv for all mine to look like that?. I will have to locate mine in the garden to see how they are all doing as they should be coming into flower around now? I also look forward to you possibly getting a name for my Bill. NOID Pic 1 that I posted yesterday, I brought this plant from a little market in Cardwell months after ‘Yasi’ had hit this quiet pretty seaside village; the lady I brought it from did not know anything about it other than she liked the pretty flower it produced. Joe at the time said to me quietly why are you buying it as it does nothing for me and I told him I liked it because it was different to any of the Bill’s I had and that I liked the tough appearance of it’s leaves and was sure the flower would turn out really pretty. Nev I will have to track down a picture of the Neo. NOID I posted yesterday (bright pink one), hopefully I can find a picture of it with no water playing with its colour in the hope of making it easier to identify. There are definitely fine white specs on the leaves if that helps any for now; your eyes were not playing tricks on you at all.

Nev thanks for your feedback regarding mosquitoes, we have that many little frogs that have taken up residence in all my broms that whenever I decide to bring any indoors to display I have to check them for frogs first and relocate them onto another brom first otherwise I have them all jumping around inside and have to catch them before the girls get them as they eat them like juju beans if I don’t wave the girls off in time. Thanks also for emailing your friend on the mosquito topic; it would be great to get some sort of feedback on this specific topic as I have been unable to find any factual information out there so far so would be very interested in his research if he would not mind sharing with us on this forum.

Nev pleased to hear you liked the pic of the Fungus, I am so intrigued by these that whenever we are out and about on holidays I find myself taking pictures of them and decided the last time we went away to look at gathering up enough photos to print and pop into a nice picture frame to display on our walls at home as the different colours and shapes they come in are amazing. I was fascinated by them as a kid and was always on the hunt for them and I am still intrigued by them and I really enjoy stumbling across them during our bush walks etc.

Hi Shirley, Colleen, I hope you are both feeling much better and are resting as much as you can, take care and get well soon, we miss hearing from you both.

Hi Jean our beautiful friend, hope you and the move are going well, pop in when you can for a chat to let us know how everything is going.

Hi Brian, hope you are well, we have not heard from you in a while so I just thought I would check in to see what you have been up to.

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 & 2 - Back garden shots, they have coloured up a lot since these pics were taken
Pic 3 - Neo. NOID???
Pic 4 - Neo. 'Blood Plum'
Pic 5 - Neo. 'Dirty Gerty'

Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy
Tascott, Australia

Hi all,
I hope everybody are feeling well today.
After a belter of a day yesterday we woke up to more rain this morning, but has come good again this arvo.

After seeing all your brilliant coloured plants I am going to try and move mine into more light as suggested. I bought some wire fence panels from a bloke on Gumtree. He said to meet him at a local wharf as he lived 10km up the river. Funny sight with the boat being smaller than the panels.

Anyhow I have a block retaining wall that I want to cover in the wire. and on the concrete below with shade cloth over the top. Only problem is after it rains a while the water sits on the concrete (pic1) Would this affect the plants above and if so how high would I have to raise it?
Other than this it would be a shade house / garden up the backyard (pic 2).

Pic 3 - is what Nev says is an Aechmea Pineliana Minuta (going berserk in a 4" pot)
Pic 4 - is a Tillandsia Caulescens
Pic 5 - Not Sure.

Ok, many thanks,


Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM Thumbnail by SBMLM
Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

Hi Brian, just you and me by the looks of things; pleased to see you posting again; feeling much better thanks each day that passes so hopefully come same time next week I will be back to my normal self.

Sounds like you are getting heaps of rain down your way, we have not had a good drop of rain here in a while but I am sure we will get our fair share over summer and for now we are keeping the lawns looking green so I am not too concerned.

I am sure once you move your broms out into more light it will not be long before you notice a remarkable difference; I am constantly looking at my broms and seeing if they would do better elsewhere if I am not satisfied with their growth or colour progress but once I find a good position for them that’s where they stay, so it’s a bit of fun shuffling them around and by doing so you garden is like a forever changing canvas of colour and that’s another reason why I like growing bromeliads so much.

I like the idea you have come up with the fence panels at least that will keep your bromeliads off the ground making sure the water does not touch the bottom of your pots as bromeliads detest getting wet feet and its one sure way of killing them by losing them the rot as the growing medium needs to be able to drain properly and not be water logged all the time; so the main thing is that your pots are not sitting in water then they will be fine and the other important thing is that there is enough air flow happening around them in that area. How high you want them off the ground is totally up to you as I do not know how high the water pools in that area or does it have a place to escape and dry up? If you have room to make some shelving for them you could still use the fence panels as I have seen people use these for shelving before but you would have to support the fence panels with large besser blocks but possible cut the panel down inside to make individual a few shelves so if it decides to collapse the whole thing does not topple over on you meaning less damage to your broms. You could also position some staggered shelving on the block retaining wall to display some lighter pots possibly?

Or another great option you have suggested in your Pic 2 is to build a shade house / garden up the back yard as this looks to be a fantastic spot that would appear to get a lot of good light throughout the day and by the sounds of things you are really getting into bromeliads so before you know it like a lot of us here on this forum you will be looking for more places to put them like you are now and a good shade house to house them all in, especially say some of your more favourites as we all have our favourites we want to protect?

Oh my goodness Brian Aechmea Pineliana is definitely going BERSERK as you say in that 4” pot ha ha. I have similar happening with my Ae. 'J.C. Superstar' and plan to hopefully tackle and re-pot it on the weekend if all goes well as I have been putting it off for so long. I also really liked your Tillandsia Caulescen which looks like a very happy and healthy plant. Not too sure what your Pic 5 is though, to me possibly looks like some sort of Guzmania in flower, there are so many of these mass produced through tissue culture similar to what you would see at Bunnings’ or Masters stores, I am not saying that is what your one is and hopefully others more experienced in growing Guzmania's may be able to identify this one for you as it is always nice to put a name to the plant, I only have a couple that I grow and the flowers look different to your pic.

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 - Neo. 'Jaws'
Pic 2 - Vr. 'Rafael'
Pic 3 - Neo. 'Purple Star' maturing pups
Pic 4 - Neo. 'Darkest Hour'

Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy
Tascott, Australia

Thanks Trish,

Your backyard shots are brilliant.

Don't you have to cover them in the Townsville summer?


shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – Here we are once again, D-Day minus 1.

Tomorrow’s the start of our annual show and Sunday afternoon it will all be getting pulled down again until next year. The first load of my plants were picked up yesterday afternoon and now all I have to do is fit all of my exhibition plants into the car and get them to the hall today, hopefully in one trip but most likely in two.

I’ll be trying to get lots of pic’s to share with you all as well as my other brom friends on other forums. We say every year that we’ll be struggling to put on a show as our show always coincides with the westerly winds which cause a lot of garden damage and broken leaves on brom’s. However, we always seem to manage to pull it off. This year will be more difficult as for various reasons we have four of our main exhibitors not showing. It’s just unfortunate that they have commitments within their own areas which have fallen on the same weekend and as they say, “charity begins at home”. So it’s up to the remaining growers to try that little bit harder to make things work. Oh and by the way, would you believe it’s raining again?

Trish – Yes that clone of ‘Blue Cone’ belonging to my friend is a beaut and I’ve never seen a better one either. Unfortunately like many of these special plants, it’s very slow growing whereas Ae. cylindrata (the species it came from) is an extremely vigorous grower and could almost be termed as invasive under ideal conditions.

The Neo. olens in the last pic, of my previous post isn’t my plant, but a pic I had sent to me once; but a friend has one even more yellow that that one, and he grows his hanging from the roof rafters right up beneath 75% beige shade cloth. Likewise he hangs all his plants in this position if they need strong light to give good colour.

Your Bill NOID with its “tough appearance of its leaves” must certainly be tough to survive “Yasi”, and you should have told Joe when he asked why you were buying it, that you just wanted a “cyclone proof brom”.

As for the “girls” eating frogs, be careful; certain types of frogs can poison animals that eat them (and I’m not talking Cane Toads either). We once had small brown frogs where we previously lived and one day my dog caught one and ate it (I saw him do it). Within five minutes he was breathing heavily and vomiting this frothy white slime. I quickly got him to the Vet who said it was a reaction to some sort of poison, (I don’t remember the name) anyhow he gave the dog an injection (possibly anti venom, but I don't know for sure) as well as a sedative and set up a drip. He kept him there over-night and I picked him up the next afternoon. Although he was OK, he was still pretty lethargic for the next few days. (We also had a similar experience when my wife’s cat ate a lizard).

I haven’t had any feedback from my friend about the mosquitoes yet, but last time I spoke with him he said he hadn't been well, so maybe it could take a while.

What’s the go with your pic’s being sideways? Does your camera have the same complaint that Wendy’s one had when everything she posted was sideways. Are you using a camera or a phone to take the pic’s? I’ve just thought that if you’re using a phone and are turning it sideways to get everything in, maybe that’s the problem. Try the same garden pic’s without turning the phone sideways, if that doesn’t work we’ll know it’s D.G. once again.

Your NOID in Pic.3 gets my vote today; what fantastic shape, and it’s still only a baby. I don’t know what it is about you Queenslanders (you and Shirley), but you always seem to get better quality NOIDS than some of the named plants you post. Can we see another picture when it’s fully mature please? As for your pic’s in the second batch, Neo.’Jaws’ wins hands down in my opinion.

Brian – My first question is what direction does the wall face? Ideally a north facing situation is best. As for the water on the concrete under the mesh, I don’t see this as a problem as long as the plants aren’t sitting in it and it dries out after a while. All it would do, would be increase the humidity which under normal circumstances would be OK but if for a longer period may not suit a lot of plants in close proximity. To increase the air flow around the plants you could sit your mesh sections up on some upturned polystyrene boxes to give it a bit of height.

As for your other option of a shade house/garden in the back yard; with a shade house, select the spot with the least amount of trees restricting the sunlight, likewise the garden; although in very hot weather you may need to give garden plants some protection from the strong noon day summer sun.

That’s a fantastic looking Ae pineliana specimen, good to see you keeping the species alive and well. I’m sorry I can’t help you much with the plant in Pic.5; possibly one of the many Guzmanias commercially grown and sold just for their flowers.

That’s it for today as I have to go, and no pic’s either but maybe in a day or so.

All the best, Nev.

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone.
I have been popping in for a quick look over the weeks, but am always on the run so havent been posting.
I am still moving plants to my unit and it is so hard trying to decide who goes and who stays behind.
It will still be a while before I am permanently in the new place as I have to keep an eye on the house until it ( hopefully) sells.
The weather has been cold again with showers and not pleasant to get anything done outside.
I do miss my Robert and often feel that he is just around the corner.
It is said that time heals, but it is a slow process.
If I feel a bit lost , I go out to the cemetary and sit on the hillside next to the grave and have a chat .
It is very pretty there with little flowers growing wild all over the place in pinks and whites.
It may sound silly to some, but its nice to sit and look out across the hills in such a peaceful place. I know I always feel more at peace after being out there.

I have moved about 20 of my broms so far and will take a few more.
They seem to like the new home but summer will sort them out. I have to put some shadecloth up as the area faces the west.
One of the maintenance men will do that for me.
I must start taking a few pics as I get things moved.

Nice to see all the lovely pics.
I notice that my broms are showing an improvement in color already even though we still have plenty of cold weather. When the sun does come out, it is very warm.

Hello Brian, nice to see a new face.
Nev will be happy to have another male to chat to after being the lonely thorn amongst all the

I will try to get in more often..
Keep safe and well

shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone - Well today's the day - Day 1 of our show. We had been worried about the possibility of being short on entries but when I left at 4.00pm yesterday the tables were almost full already and it was starting to look like we may need more tables as there were still more entries expected last night and up until 8.30 this morning, so it looks like it's all coming together nicely.

Jean - It's great to hear from you again and to know you are finally starting to get on top of things with your move to a new location.

It's perfectly understandable that you miss "hubby" as he was a very big part of your life, and we all know that the more you love someone the longer you miss them, I know that I still very much miss Mum and Dad and they left me years ago; but I still get a nice warm feeling when I think of them as they still seem to be with me and very much still a part of my life. Time will heal, but it will never erase the happy memories, they will be there forever, and hubby's final resting place sounds so beautiful and relaxing and sounds like a wonderful place to sit with him and remember the good times.

Best to get a bit of shade cloth up sooner rather than later; don't be like me and keep putting things of until before you know it summer is upon you and plants are getting cooked from the hot afternoon sun.

A lady I know in our Brom Society has part of her shade house facing west and as protection against the hot summer afternoon sun, she has fitted drop down roller shade cloth blinds. She is in her garden every day and it has become a summer routine for her to just drop the blinds as the sun moved over to the west in the summer afternoons, so probably something worth considering in the long term.

Anyway I have to go as I have a busy day ahead, please drop in as much as you can Jean, it's always nice to hear from you again and how you're settling in to your new abode.

I'll just finish with a few pic's of some of the early entries in our show, Pic.1 Ae recurvata (L) Ae. Nivea (R) Pic.2 Neo. 'Paper Tiger', Pic.3 A beautiful example of Ae .'Aztec Gold', Pic.4 Neo. Neo. 'Blushing Tiger' and Pic.5 Neo. 'Dinkum' (Mini)

All the best, Nev.

This message was edited Sep 14, 2014 1:14 PM

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Christchurch, New Zealand

looks like a good start to the show :)

Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

Spent half of today in the garden and the other half out running errands, the time spent in the garden was raking the whole back yard of leaves that have fallen from all the wetland gumtrees that we normal suck up with the mower but we both have a bit of hay fever today (Joe much more than I) so did not want to aggravate anymore. I also plucked out all the leaves out of my broms which took me a good hour. Joe watered all my broms which will just leave me to water the Vrieseas and seedlings tomorrow along with a bit of potting I want to do. I also forgot I cleaned up around our pool area liked I had planned but still need to clean-up all the broms that live there so possible will get to tomorrow if there is enough time tomorrow.

Hi Jean lovely to hear from you and great that everything is coming together with the move going well by the sounds of things. Totally understandable that you miss your hubby Robert who was such a bit part of your life and someone both Joe and I would have really liked to have met as he sounded like a very wonderful person from how highly you have always spoken of him. The hill where you sit when visiting at his resting place sounds like a beautiful place, so peaceful and relaxing and I can imagine how all those pretty pink and white flowers you described growing wild all over the place would look and why it would put you at ease spending time there.

Jean the area you described for your bromeliads sounds great and will work a treat with some shade cloth to protect them from the sun and we look forward to seeing pics down the track when you are settled in to see how they are all doing. Great also to hear you broms are showing improvement in colour, I too am noticing same around the garden especially with all the shade curtains are opened fully; I spoke to Mum also last weekend and she too is noticing great improvement in her brom colours and said they are all pupping well and she is wondering what to do with them all he he. I liked Nev’s idea about the shade cloth blinds too so maybe something worth considering. Jean I look forward to hearing from you again when you can as miss when you are not here chatting with us all but appreciates how very busy you must be and that you have taken the time to drop in and have a nice chat with us all.

Hi Brian pleased to hear you liked the backyard shots I posted of some of my brom gardens. Yes I do need to cover them during summer and have running curtains of shade cloth that I can open and close as I need and at the moment I have the curtains open so my broms can get a much natural light as possible, but come summer I will have no choice but to cover them and will only get to open up the curtains certain times on the day on the weekends when I am around to do so that is otherwise they will surely get burnt.

Hi Nev great to hear everything is coming together for the show, sure the weekend will be a great success and look forward to you sharing pics with us and hearing how it all goes. Did you end up getting any more rain?

Nev in relation to our discussion about Ae. ‘Blue Cone’, why is it that some of the loveliest of broms tend to be slow growers, I find this occurs with some of my Neo’s and wonder if it’s something to do with the parentage history or maybe I am just growing them wrong but then I am always happy with their size, form and colour when they do finally reach maturity just that they are slow growing and even slower to pup. Nev, now why did I not think of that, to call the tough NOID I brought from Cardwell (after YASI) a “Cyclone Proof Brom” LOL’; that would have left Joe speechless for a bit he he.

Nev thanks for your advice on our “girls” eating frogs. I checked with our local vet some time ago and if my memory serves me correctly, other than the obvious Cane Toad other frogs toxic to dogs are Green Tree Frogs (as well as other types of Tree Frogs) as they also exude a toxic substance and I think the Striped Marsh Frog that we see occasionally when I am digging in the garden but I only see the Striped Marsh Frog once or twice a year so they do not worry me and the “girls” seem to respect the Green Tree Frogs and they live happily in our garden and there are many around; but our “girls” tend to tease the Cane Toads by pushing them around with their paw but have learnt to not get to close and attack or eat them. I did take one of the tiny little green frogs into the vets and she was not too concerned about these ones but said that if they ate a lot of them than this could upset there tummies but I don’t think they eat that many as they are hard to see and camouflage well in our garden and are normally hiding in the broms.

Nev hope your friend you asked for the mosquito feedback feels better soon and not to worry about going to any trouble as his health comes first by all means.

I will have to check the settings on my phone as I do not think I turn by phone sideways when I take pics but you never know, I do tend to get a little carried away and get snap happy when I am surrounded by so many beautiful broms ha ha.

Nev most definitely I will post of my NOID Pic 3 when it matures and pleased to hear you like it so much. On another note nice pics you posted of the early entries, I really liked the beautiful Pic 3 of Ae. ‘Aztec Gold’ and Pic 4 of Neo. ‘Blushing Tiger’, I have never seen that many Blushing Tigers in the one pot doing so well.

Hi Teresa hope you well, what have you been up to?

Anyway time to put the kettle on.

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Thought I would share some of the pics from our last trip at the Tablelands, Pic 1 & 2 are lovely status at a place called the "Gallos" that makes/sells nice home made cheeses and chocolates and lots more as the have their own dairy right there and people can go in sit and eat as well as go for tours to see how some of the produce is made.

Pic 3 - Is where we buy our tea from at the tea farm.

Now back to broms:

Pic 4 - Took a pic of this brom in flower when we were on holidays but not too sure what the brom looked like as did not take a picture of it (silly of me) but what attracted me to it was it's beautiful flower.

Pic 5 - Neo. 'Rosy Morn' - I noticed today that it's starting to colour up in the centre.

Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy

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