Morning Glories 2014 #09

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

We were here

Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am here... hope to see some of these soon..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks fr the new thread!

Love your blooms Debra, hope you see them soon!

Gautier, MS

Pretty blue tie dye Jackie. Yes that was my flying saucer star cross, some more tiny buds coming from that vine so hopefully a few seeds to keep it going.

Pretty blooms too Debra, hope yours bloom soon for you too.

More repeats here, tiny buds on new vines though.

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Gorgeous blooms Debra. We hope you get some of these opening soon too. We can
enjoy them right along with you. # 2 and 3 are both impressive. # 1, Purple George Strait
is pretty too.

Beautiful blooms Helena. You've had great blooms all summer

No Mai in the tub out back, looks like the Purple no Mai
Today Pres Bush finally opened
Blue Blizzard

This message was edited Jul 23, 2014 2:59 PM

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, my 3 pics were there
Trying again

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Those sure are pretty blooms ladies!

Gautier, MS

Love your Purple no Mai Jackie, it does look like the blooms I got on mine. All your blooms are gorgeous.

Thanks too Jackie and Linda for the nice compliments on my blooms. I hope I have something new soon.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

your repeats are always a pleasure to see for me, Helena.. love that black king, and the deep purple star is really beautiful.
Jackie that purple no Mai is beautiful! Pres Bush makes a statement.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Linda, Helena and Debra.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Jackie, I just planted three seeds from you from 2013 in one planter so we will be able to watch them grow and bloom for seeds, as they are in a pot that holds my jasmine sambuc, so if they are still going at end of summer, we will have them thru Fall and Winter inside. they are the Blue Silk, Pres Bush ( save seeds from 08 and 09) and Xiongs. Ronnie I planted the last seed of Blue Blizzard, the others are in another pot, this one is in a smaller sunflower pot so I can take it in If I have to. If you all have pics of these seed parents that would be great. I gave a customer of mine some pearly gates last year, and he brought me a bag of seeds back. a big bag., this year I gave hom moon flower alba, a different white from ona lees, and Keiru and an asiago. He told me they are up and he will bag me seeds. Looks like Pandy might have a seed pod, all the gloriosa lillys have pods, and the kopper king hibiscus has three pods so far. I am in seed heaven.
I also planted some random seeds from last years basement mix and white chinese bean hiyacynth.
from patio mix last year...

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Debra, those are beautiful! Hope you have blooms all winter long!

Gautier, MS

Pretty blooms Debra. It will be nice to see your blooms in fall and winter to keep us going.
Glad you are getting seed donations from your customer.

My repeats is all I'm getting for now. First pic is of my 4 o'clocks & white lily blooming. Found 2 small caterpillars (?) eating 2 separate mg blooms this morning.

This message was edited Jul 24, 2014 8:36 AM

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey guys!
Finally got first blooms on my Morning Glory! Beautiful purple. Any ideas of which I've ended up with?

So here's my question - what is the best way to get my MG to fill up the trellis? I tried pinching the growing tip to encourage it to send out other sprouts, but the one I pinched has kept growing, and it sent out new growing tips right at the top of the trellis, not at the bottom like I had hoped. Now I feel bad for pinching it. =/

Any ideas?

Thumbnail by Wifeygirl Thumbnail by Wifeygirl
Gautier, MS

Here's what I do: when my vines reach the top of the bamboo stick and has grown a little where it wants to climb into other plants, I just take the vine and start to wind it down the same bamboo stick. When you keep doing that until it reaches the bottom, start winding it back up. It will automatically want to do that anyway.

On yours, I would wind it down on the next stick going down. When it matures a bit it will probably send more shoots from bottom and sides.

Pretty purpurea blooms you got there.

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Yay, that's perfect Helenahkh! Thanks so much. I'll do that, and hopefully it'll forgive me for pinching its growing tip. =)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I also do the unwind and re-wind thing, they send out their leaders at night , you can almost see them reaching.. good job and hope to see you back, Wifeygirl.

Helena , I have been finding worms as well, I remembered I had some thuricide, it will only kill catepillars, not other bugs, so now i AM SPRAYING EVERYTHING AS THE WORMS ARE ABUNDANT NOW. oops caps lock. Remember last year when I kept finding worms in the seed pods? I don't want repeats of that happening.

Your last bloom is absolutely stunning, Helena. And your four o clocks look really big!
here is what I build around the patio for my morning glory walls. Sunflowers, poles, lions wool yarn and plastic lattice fencing.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Gorgeous flaked Shiboris Debra.

Beautiful blooms Helena. I;ve had caterpillars eating my mg lvs.
Love the 4 o'clocks.

Pretty purp wifeygirl

My Xiongs is not a Xiongs, so disappointed. Its a medium blue.

Headed to the vet with my doggy with a hurt hip. We don;t know what happened but its a Taco Bell dog and probably hurt his back and his hip. At least hes finally walking a little but taking him to the vet anyway to see if he needs a steroid shot
Debra, I;m going to tie my crochet yarn around 2 of my bamboo stix which are down in 1 pot.
It'll be like making
a short clothesline for it to continue climbing maybe winding it 2 or 3 times around to give it lots of extra room to climb.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Good news on my little dog,nothing broken. Mayybe he just pulled a muscle and that'can be
very painful. Doc gave him a steroid shot which is for the pain and his horrible allergies.
Much relieved here, we were so worried.
Blue Blizzard

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

So glad to hear your dog is ok!

Gautier, MS

Love your 4 o'clock Debra, mine is a couple of years old growing in a big tub. I didn't like seeing the worms eating my mg blooms, just hate the thought that if I get hid of it, it could be a future pretty moth or butterfly.

Pretty blooms on your mgs Jackie. I haven't grown Xiongs in a long time. Glad your dog is ok too. Hate to see our pets hurt or suffer too.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

love the blooms Jackie, and glad your doggie is okay.. hope he continues to recover, I feel so helpless when a pet is down. I had a few blooms today..
bad news out of the way, my 40 yr old nephew ( my daughter, Karin's cousin ) was killed last night in a motorcycle wreck, they were driving while drinking, at 11:45 pm, and his wife by common law is in critical condition, she was wearing a helmet, he was killed on impact when he ran thru a stop sign on a side street and crashed into a lexus on his harley. Sad, he left two 6 yr old twins and a 20 yr old son, my ex sis in law is now burdened with caring for her grand children while their mother fights for her life.
Karin is devastated as they were very close cousins growing up like brother and sister, the 20 yr old is my gs's cousin and they are like brothers, *sigh* so sad..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks ladies.
Horrible news about your nephew Debra.
I pray that the kids mother pulls thru this.

Your blooms are just beautiful. Love the showy higes.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Debra, so sorry to hear the sad news. Will be saying prayers for them!

Love those blooms, they are so pretty!

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you, Debra. I will try the unwrapping/rewrapping thing and show you guys the results.
I am so sorry about your nephew. I have 6-yr-old twins myself, so that hits close to home. They are in my prayers.=/

Gautier, MS

Sorry to hear about sad news. Prayers going your way for your nephews family. My son had one too, was glad when he sold it. My DH has one too, I refuse to get on it and pray every time he does. He plans on selling it and I can't wait till he does.

Love your blooms too Debra, specially the higes.

My pandy had 2 blooms this morning. I noticed that the one along the road has blooms too.

This message was edited Jul 25, 2014 7:58 AM

This message was edited Jul 25, 2014 7:58 AM

Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Pretty blooms Helena.

Joseph's Blue Silk open this morning, 5 inch blooms. Will always be one of my favorites.

Akatsuki no Mai
Pres Bush

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

This is the pic I was trying to send of my Pres Bush bloom.
Pink Tie Dye
Lite Blue TD

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Nice blooms this morning everyone!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wow Helena, your pandy looks great. What is the second one?
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and well wishes.. Life is short.. some people just don't realize it until it is too late..
Jackie, that pres bush is gorgeous, and wow Josephs blue silk is stunning! well heck, I love them all

Gautier, MS

Thanks ladies. The 2nd one is DFNM x Keiryu Debra. That was a neat bloom.

Gorgeous Blue Silk Jackie and your other blooms too.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone. :-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

My Werird Saz opened today but nothing weird about this lovely bloom. Pic # 2

Purple Tie Dye # 1
Saz # 2
No Mai
Fuji no Sora
Cha Cha maru

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Those are beautiful!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)


Gautier, MS

I agree with Linda and Debra. They are beautiful blooms Jackie!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Linda, Debra and Helena. I was
so happy to see some new blooms this morning.

Debs pink
Blue silk

This message was edited Jul 27, 2014 1:17 AM

Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie Thumbnail by patootie
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Great flowers..and photos everyone.. The lighter blues are grand... your trellis... I see them put out for collection all the's a two section one.......'one of mine...attached to a triangular planter

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Ok more

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Morning everyone! Nice to wake up to all these beautiful blooms!

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