Ocean Springs, MS

Alicia, so thankful the tornado missed you! Glad you had a great reunion!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you had a good time, and also glad that tornado missed you! I saw on the news the damage it did!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Alecia, glad to hear you are safe. And it sounds like you had a wonderful visit over the holiday :)

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Love your photos Alicia!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I agree.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Glad you are ok Alicia.

I decided last night to change my blue item and crafted a different one which I now love. Plan on packing today and hopefully getting it out. I know of one box that is flying to its new home, hopefully the rest will be taking flight this week.


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I got my "new" item last night, with ideas raging now. I'm hoping end of week to get it finished and shipped!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Well, I'm thinking my box will get mailed out tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday. Have just a couple of things to finish getting ready. :)

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

My box is finally packed except for the note. First time I dropped and broke an item as I was packing so I had to regroup. I remembered a really cute frog pot that I had but it wouldn't fit. So everything came out and I had to totally rethink things.
Now I need to write a note before I put the final tape on. If all goes well my box will start its journey tomorrow.
What fun, what fun.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, I finally found the last thing I was looking for, but I'm not sure it'll be dry enough to mail tomorrow. Friday should be no problem though. Hurray!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Well today is the 10th and I guess my hopes were too high since I haven't sent my box yet. Mine will go out later this morning, it will, it will.
It looks like several of us have boxes ready to be mailed by this weekend, so we are doing good.
Be patient buddy, surprises await.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Mine is ready for the post office..was a fun swap!

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh my, there will be boxes flying all over the place this weekend! Yes, it is fun!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh, got a wonderful box from Susan! A great, sturdy!, tapestry market bag. (Did you make this Susan? It's great) , an old iron shoe last -very cool; I'm imagining a couple of small indoor pots on it, or hanging it on the wall, two really pretty blue and copper cabinet knobs - I love copper, and a world flute music cd that I am really excited to listen to! I used to be a flautist.

Thank you so much Susan; your package was very thoughtful and really fun!

The market bag is all ready to go to market; one knob is destined for the screen door DC built last summer; the shoe last is extraordinary - what do you think of small African violets on it?; and, again, I can't wait to listen to the cd.

Hugs to you!

(can't remember if it's portrait or landscape photos that work)

Thumbnail by 13Turtles Thumbnail by 13Turtles
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Mailed my buddy's box this morning. The post office says it should arrive on Monday. I'll dmail the tracking number to Joy this evening after I have someone read it to me.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Great box, 13Turtles and Fruity.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Great box! I love the bag AND the shoe. It's good you are so far away, I would steal it!
Mine is supposed to be in its new home tomorrow.
Michelle, you don't need to send the number to me, I believe you.

Ocean Springs, MS

Have to agree with you, Joy... love that shoe!

So excited to see everything because I am learning new ideas for next year! LOL

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Exactly Julie!

Ocean Springs, MS

Got my box today from Joy today. I love everything! thank you so much! LOVE IT! Thank you so much!
I'll have to post pictures later because I'm in the middle of moving things from room to room because of the builders.
Love, Julie

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

So glad it made it. This was a box that I wanted to keep. In fact I kept a second old, and have plans to go hunting for the blue.

Happy you like it!

Ocean Springs, MS

I think everyone will know why you wanted to keep it! Here are my goodies:
Old: Praying Mantis
New:Drinking Glass (fits the antique theme of my new kitchen)
Borrowed: Lovely frog (colors are more beautiful... pic doesn't do it justice)
Blue: Round, plump Bluebird

Joy sent a beautiful poem with the goodies, but I'm so busy with kids that I'll post it tomorrow. Please forgive me, Joy! I do love everything!

Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl Thumbnail by froggies_girl
Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Ooooh, cooooolll !!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Great mantis!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a picture of Julie's bluebird of happiness taken while I was working on her.
Sorry Julie, not to steal your thunder but she is just tooooooo cute. I am going back tomorrow to see if the larger one is still there for my garden. You got the smaller one because I knew she would fit in the box. I have that problem a lot. Getting stuff to fit in the box, lol.

The frog was one I had for the frog swap, so I "borrowed" it for our froggies_girl. He is quite lovely.

I have another iron mantis on one of my trellises, Dave suggested I share my spare who was languishing in a bookcase.

I love drinking out of Mason jars, and who doesn't love a sippy cup.

The poem started the night before I shipped, as one of those silly things that run through your mind while waiting for sleep. Although I couldn't remember the original when I woke up, which would have been far superior as those things often are, the one I sent almost wrote itself..

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Ocean Springs, MS

Joy, since the mantis is "old," she will proudly grace the window box of my new bay window in the kitchen addition. I have waited a long time for this addition to decorate with my antiques, so she will be a beautiful in there!

The frog will be lovingly displayed in my new sunroom! Bluebird of happiness is going in my red, white, and blue garden! And the drinking glass is already being "claimed" by two of my children. WRONG! That's MOMA'S GLASS! LOL

Here's the poem:
This praying mantis is OLD, her metal rusts but sturdy
Makes her look very dirty, She's a garden statement bold.
NEW is this pretty drinking glass, Fashioned to be sturdy
Wash it when it's dirty, Sure to give you drink some sass!
BORROWED is the lovely frog, made of metal to be sturdy
Oh I hope she isn't dirty, better hung than in a bog!
the best is a bird of BLUE, Round, plump and very sturdy
Bright blue to not look dirty, happiness she'll bring to you!

Thanks so much, Joy! ♥

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Good morning everyone! We have seven boxes left to go. I know of two that have been mailed but where are we on the rest? Drop me a quick note either here or dmail, to give me an idea of where we are in this swap.




My box is heading out this mornin, should be there by wed. :)

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

I need help. I have packages all ready to go out, but I can't find the address exchange. Mi did once put my address in, so I know I can access it.

But how?

I'm so sorry Buddy.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Go to the top of the page and click on Photo by Melody Hello, GUIDES & INFORMATION, then on the right side of the page click on Extra's. Then on the next page, left side click on address exchange!

Here is the link.

Victoria Harbour, ON

My package is in transit

Cutlerville, MI

WOW!!!!! I am SOOOO blessed, I just LOVE everything from the sweetest little GardenQuail ever! Here are the pics......
I have a beautiful hand made "Blue" Bowl, YUMMY cookies her Grandmother made (borrowed) some beautiful "old" calendars featuring art work by the visually impaired,and a "New" birdhouse kit!
I LOVE it...and you Quail!

Cutlerville, MI

Here are the pictures!

Thumbnail by ahoogstra Thumbnail by ahoogstra
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

A very nice box, a. She was very thoughtful!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Lovellllly, I too am a recipient in previous swap of a lovely bowl

Love the items, now to bake that recipe

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I did not get my box out this weekend. :( I started feeling ill on Thursday and got worse and worse - went to the doc on Sunday and was prescribed antibiotics. Well, they didn't help and ended up in the ER yesterday, severely dehydrated. 2 liters of IV fluids, drip antibiotics/anti-nausea and a CT scan later, they sent me home with scrips for more anti-nausea and some super strong antibiotics. Hoping I can continue to keep food down. Feel TONS better today already, which is saying something!

In other words, my box will be late. :(

Ocean Springs, MS

Oh, love that bowl! Beautifully made, GardenQuail, and a very lucky recipient, Ahoogstra!

Waiting to see what other goodies are to come! :)

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I had a little bird tell me that a box is flying, should be at its destination Thursday or Friday. It has plants so heads up everyone.

Great box! Love the blue bowl.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Carey, ER always trumps just about anything. I hope you are feeling even better soon. I've been down the dehydration route repeatedly and know how bad that feels, so if you've got an infection on top of that, well, good grief. That's awful, and I'm sorry. Take care of yourself and let us know how you're doing.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Alicia, I'm glad to hear that the box made it and that you like everything :) These are one of my favorite cookies. My grandmother used to send us some every year at Christmas along with other yummy goodies. So I knew they would ship well

Julie, it sounds like you received some special items in your box, too. How thoughtful of Joy to include a frog :)
Carey, I do hope you continue to get better!
Looking forward to hearing about the boxes still to come!

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