Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Stay well, Carey!


That bowl is neat! Really creative boxes :)

Dear Partner,

Your box is arriving today, I cant wait. I hope you get a good laugh out of the Old item. I put some ppw in with it. A fellow DG'er drove it here from Ohio lol. I giggled the whole time packing it and printing the ppw for it. hahaha cant wait for you to get it ;)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

What is ppw?



Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I see. :)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I just received a great box from none other than badcat. Back later with photos.

Thanks, bc. I like it all and did get a good laugh. :)


Good :) nothing broken? Was worried about the blue item

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Everything arrived just fine.

Something old - 'Kwanso' daylily (an 1860 variety)
Something new - copper lantern
Something borrowed - mini-Bee Balm plant
Something blue - lovely new bird feeder

Love it all!

Thanks again, Amanda. :)

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Very nice! Like all the copper, not to mention the plants.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh and ahhhh
Love your pressies
Lantern is spectacular as is the birdhouse.

Checked my tracking, package now on your side of the border
Hmmm could be in customs for a ofew days pending checking out an item or two. Ooops

Ocean Springs, MS

Nice box, Cville! Gotta love plants as part of the gifts! And the copper lantern is beautiful! I am getting some really wonderful ideas for next year's swap! Love seeing all the different things!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, ya'll. I do love copper. :)


I'm glad you like em mama :)

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

That's a beautiful box!! Couldn't have gone to a better lady than Carole too. :)

I'm on dry toast, rice, plain yogurt and gatorade. I've also been allowed Green tea to alleviate some of my caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Ugh!

One heck of a diet I'm on!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh so gourmet, Carey! As long as it is helping you to recover.

Oiks! I forgot to post that I posted my packages. They should be arriving tomorrow or Friday.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Carey. I hope that diet is a thing of the past very soon!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Did nobody get a package today? :~(
My gal's so reliable.....

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
The box with the plants, etc., sounds neat, too! How very fun!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I got my package from 13turtles yesterday. Unfortunately I had a migraine and now have a massive hangover so the box is sitting on my couch waiting for me. I feel so bad right now I cannot even get excited. I know it will be awesome, I will be on the mend and should be up to snuff by this afternoon. TIA

Victoria Harbour, ON

Excited to see what you received..
Get feeling better

Guess my box is waiting till next week for delivery..hoped it would have made it n time

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Take care of yourself Joy, first things first.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I ate food with flavor yesterday. Today, my first cup of coffee in a week! Woohoo! I am back on track!

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Yay, Carey. That cup of coffee must have tasted sooo good!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Now that my head is back to its abnormal state, I will gladly post what I got from 13turtles.
I must admit I am not sure what goes where, but I received a heavy gilded mirror tha will hang in my bunkhouse. I got an iron owl with a votive candle, nicely aged and rusty. He will hang on my porch.
Next is a woven (wicker maybe) basket with a handle. I will put it to use when I gather tomatoes in just a bit.
And a lovely pottery bowl that is blue and mid sized. Perfect for serving from. Is it oven safe? It would be perfect for a small boule.

Lovely things and the packing was outstanding!!!!!!
Thanks so much!

Thumbnail by rouxcrew Thumbnail by rouxcrew Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Betty, ck with your US friend, I believe your pkg has arrived.

Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh no! It sounds like the card wasn't in there! Boo hoo!
The bowl is the blue (and "with character," so I'm not sure about the oven).
The owl is old, even ancient? Lol.
The basket is new, from our local organic garden center.
The mirror is 'a borrowed view.' Especially if hung on a fence behind your garden and it seems as though you're seeing more garden. I wanted an outdoor-proof mirror , or to seal this one, but I ran out of time. I'm sorry.

But I'm very very glad you're enjoying.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Joy, love your new treasures, especially the blue bowl

Leaving for USA travels and likely will not get the package till fall..I will touch base with Debbie but if my buddy has photos so I can get a glimpse of my goodies I'd appreciate it.


Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes Betty, Joy is lucky she actually got the blue bowl! And the owl, lol. I must appreciate her greatly!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

What a great story. This is funny. I did get a card in the box but it didn't make any sense. Now I am thinking someone has a card in their package that truly makes no sense to them either.

My card has a painted rose and says "Thank you Joanne. Buttercup Garden & Buttercup Mom"

You done good girl!


Springfield, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh my! That is definitely NOT my card!

So you like my "borrowed view?"

I had so much fun doing your package.

Ocean Springs, MS

Very unusual ideas... a mirror for "borrowed"! I like it! Beautiful bowl.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Such a lovely box. I like that bowl a lot. Well, I like it all!

Cutlerville, MI

Hey Betty..there are plants in your box.....would your friend be willing to open it and take some care of them?

Victoria Harbour, ON

I will, will have to tell her she can plant them in her garden as you can't bring plants from USA to Canada

Tks for the thought though

Cutlerville, MI

I didn't realize that. They are iris's "Old"..Plumeri dated 1888. I also sent Winky BLUE & White Columbine seeds, I made a Journal, bookmark,& 3x3 note cards for the NEW, and than I included a set of Cards that I made for the "Borrowed", because you will send them to others:)
May I have your Canadian address, I will send another box.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Absolutely no other box needed, always feel I should treat Debbie for taking my swap boxes so infact you made a dg'er excited, bet they are already in her garden

As for the seeds I can bring those home to plant

Debbie took photo's for me, I'm excited as I never seem to have cards when I need one so will get organized with my day then post them

Did you make the cards?

Cutlerville, MI

Yes! I made everything the cards, and stationary set. I love paper-crafting! Next time we swap anything, I will include a little something for Debbie too:)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Drats, this iPad won't allow me to attach photo's, will have to go download on

I do some scrapbookng, all the supplies but I've never taken to it like my other crafts

Victoria Harbour, ON

Debbie took a few photo's to show my pretties

not sure why but think they copied from d-mail a tad smaller

Ahoostra did you by any chance take photo's

love the thought and care you put into these cards and booklet
can't pick my gift up on my way home from the Roadtrip but will try and meet up with Debbie shortly..

she is ooh'ing and ahh'ing about having an 1888 plumeri in her garden, who wouldn't

sure do thank you, the old is outstanding as is the new/blue and borrowed..

I'll post photo's when I get my box, promise

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I have three out of four items now. Just one more and the box should be on its merry way tomorrow! I hope my swappee likes everything as much as I do!

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