Clematis May 2014

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

All so pretty, Pam. Love your landscaping.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday Etelka, I hope you had an amazing day!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

It was amazing , my son forgot to call me, so I waited until 9 PM and called him on the carpet. O mom, we got busy, but that is not so new, after all this years , He is 41, I know my son, and still love him. Longest he is not calling with problems, I am happy. My Clematis are getting active again, the slow one is Rebecca again, Hanryi is looking like a bully on top of the HL Young. Finnaly I can make some picture of the back yard, my botched sod and the flowers. I am still hoping that it will turn out ok.

Thumbnail by kiseta Thumbnail by kiseta
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Uh oh! One giant demerit for your son!

There's generally one that's slow so it's Rebecca for you and Dr. Ruppel for me this year.

Your garden looks lovely. Just keep watering the sod so it will root in well.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Estella, I like your stone border to the bed and the trellis, what's the name of the purple plant on front of the trellis in picture # 2?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Good morning, the purple flower is a Angelonia, an annual that comes in few colors and it does well in the heat. Etelka

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the info Etelka. I didn't realize Angelonia would get that tall. I have it in some of my pots as a filler plant. Your Angelonia is lovely!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

It is tall because it's in a pot on a small table, otherwise they are about 18" .

Thomaston, CT

Your son, Etelka, & mine....almost the same age, & same forgetfulness! My birthday is just before Christmas, so it's....Merry Christmas, & oh, by the way, happy birthday.....Hoping your sod will take....usually grass goes pretty dormant at this time of year......

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Pirl..have you ever started or planted any clematis vine in the early Fall instead of Springtime? What kind of results did you have if you have done this? While I know you live in NY and your Fall and winter may be colder than ours in Maryland/DC area..I'm wondering if I could even find one in a garden center this time of the year, plant it now and it would have a good start before winter sets in. Does this makes any sense to you? I have planted one in the Spring and after planting it, it seem to have clematis wilt and I thought it died. Over the past month or 6 weeks, I am seeing that it has come alive and I am able to get it started on the wrought iron trellis I bought for it. I need to plant something in front of it to protect its roots..beautiful purple alyssum reseeded itself from last year in same location but does not cover the area in front of the clematis i'm thinking of scattered some more seeds in front of it now. Wonder if it will germinate and get a good start? Do you have any recommendation for what to plant in front of it via scattering seeds instead of digging in front of it and disturbing the soil with a shovel?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

No, I haven't.

I wouldn't use a plant to help keep the clematis roots cool. I'd use a rock or a small piece of slate, maybe with a potted plant atop.

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