Your neck of the Woods part 3

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen's family is kayaking on the Potomac somewhere this weekend. A very calm spot I am sure as Lily (6) is doing her first solo trip. Josh and I had her out last week to practice and see if she could actually do it on her own she did very well. JR out grew this kayak so he passed it down to Lily.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

there are HUGE warning signs at the park entrance and trailhead. When you've read about the currents, then study the water, you see all kinds of ripples that indicate the weird currents. So sad for those who've risked it and died on what they thought was a fun day in the park.
Below this area. Potomac becomes a huge wide river; I'm sure they know where to go along the safe areas. There are big marshy creeks along the sides with great wildlife viewing and fishing.- below DC

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

They will be somewhere in Va. at Matt's cousins home. So I think the area they are kayaking in is near there.

Thumbnail by Ric_of_MAF
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks for the tip on the ortho vine killer product. I added it to my shopping list. I could put a bit anywhere I pull out poison ivy before I cover the area with paper and cardboard.

There is lots of poison ivy in the location of the future mailbox (hole is halfway dug....worse than planting a rose). I am moving the native daylilies from my future flower beds and putting them near the post box. I plan to add Shasta daisies, echinacea and rudbeckia to keep them company. Eventually, I will have a stylish mailbox surrounded by wildflowers (well, wildflowers and their modern descendents). That is the plan. As you know the garden you imagine is always different from the garden in reality.

I'm taking photos, but haven't found the computer card reader yet. It's blue and in a box of computer parts and wires.....

As soon as I find it, I'll be back with some weed ids.....There is this understory shrub that I was thinking of cutting out. I thought it may be forsythia, in which case I would leave it. I saw it growing all over the place while walking Winston the pug, so out it went! if it is something gorgeous, I can take cuttings in the spring. I left the shrubs which I think are azaleas.

Packing became rather fast and furious towards the end. I have quite a few "misc." boxes to deal with. My friends "can't believe that i took all of those plants" with me. I would have appreciated some help digging them out, but dug them myself. Many of my friends weren't very supportive of my recent move. I am still a bit angry about it, but trying to let that go.

Most of the plants survived, now I just have to get them in the ground amidst the rocks and tree roots before frost hits. I have been moving pots where I want them to go and doing a bit at a time. some are blooming already - Wildeve, Westerland and Carefree Celebration.

I have the potted cannas on the deck. There is a bat that sleeps just outside the door at night. I peeked out the door and saw its eyes. (I also sweep its droppings each morning). Hope he/she is eating lots of mosquitos!

Hoping for a warm fall and late, mild winter.....

Winston the pug is on the leather loveseat again - bad doggie. I didn't have this problem in the old place because he slept on his blanket at the foot of the bed. He won't go down the spiral staircase (he'll go up, but not down). Bella the cat doesn't mind, she sleeps on the foot of the bed now. I have upstairs and downstairs pets these days.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like you are settling in very nicely.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

i am getting set up. I'll have plenty of cardboard for lasagna gardening and newspaper for vermicomposting.

I am headed outside to do some more digging now that my computer is ready to be backed up.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Settling in nicely, GQ!! Sunds great.

Hehehe on Winston not going down the spiral stairs. I so understand him!! They kinda freak me out a little, too

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

look at that Lily!

Sounds like good progress GQ

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

GQ the vine killer will be ideal for your new plantings, especially if you are attentive and spray any new shoots. If they are growing from old, established roots, it may take more than 1 application. I'm not a good one to talk I have to take my bottle for a walk about, and should have a couple of weeks ago.
We do love the birds, feed them mostly year round, but they can deposit all kinds of seeds where you least desire them.
If it's any help, mature forsythia has a brassy wood with white lenticels, and serrated margins on their leaves.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

ooooo Bat guano...very good fertilizer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kids go back to school tomorrow! Now maybe I can get some stuff done around here!!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hehehe, Jen. Jeff starts today also!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bat Guano on kids going back to school.... Ruins all Grams fun. LOL
JR started on Monday and Lily & Lucas will start next Monday. I had them here to play in the pool today. They were checking out the new almost finished Chickie Coop.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Lucky moms poor grams!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Guess who has poison ivy....

My fault for not wearing longer socks and not washing my gardening gloves each time I gardened.

I have the Ortho Ivy killer on my shopping list, but haven't found it yet. I am pulling out tons of poison ivy and all sorts of weeds and shubbery to make room for my roses an other plants.

I have been trying to encourage the bat to move away from the eaves. A friend thought that I should be worried about rabies. (I am probably more likely to contract rabies if I pester him trying to evacuate him, aren't I?) He keeps coming back. Argh. I don't want him overwintering in the attic. There are some really scary videos on the internet of colonies of bats in attics. Yikes. Any tips on kindly and gently evacuating bats? This is a little brown bat, if that helps.

I am still unpacking and still planting. Feels like I will never be done, but I will finish eventually.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Is the bat in the attic or just on your house?

Use broadleaf plantain on poison ivy(or any bug bites or bee stings) Lots of info to chew it but you can just mash it up in the palm of your hand to get it nice and juicy(depends on how much you need, if it's a little spot you can light the end of stem with a match and just squeeze the juice out)

Just read on this one that it treats acne too, am going to try that!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We all arrived safely in Duck,NC. We tried leaving late, noonish, and made the trip in 7 hours. That included a delay for the funeral procession for the Baltimore Co. officer killed Wednesday. That was something to see, literally miles of police and fire units parked along I83 with personnel standing by there units going north from 695 in Towsend and miles of more units in escort. There were even fire trucks on the overpasses flying flags at half mast in salute. Quite a few cars were pulled over in the median as people got out to watch the precession. It was quite moving.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Ric, I live right near Towson. That was definitely my neck of the woods. I heard that the funeral procession was really moving from someone else today too. Glad you got there safe. I have family going to Corolla tomorrow.

This message was edited Sep 1, 2013 12:12 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wave as you pass Barrier Island Station just across from Sunset Grill. Enjoy

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Letting you know that nutsfordaylily 's (Karen), who was at the swap at my house in May, father passed away last night. He has been deteriorating recently and died on the anniversary of his wife's death in 2001 I believe. I am sure she would appreciate your prayers and support.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jan, Thanks for letting us know.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

You're welcome.

Enjoy you vaca!!!!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Nutsfordaylily, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

My friend's company is hiring CPAs

let me know if interested

"My company is hiring in Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Bethesda (MD), Boston, Chicago, Glastonbury (CT), Long Island, New York, Roseland (NJ), Sacramento, Tysons Corner (VA), and White Plains (NY). Mostly audit/tax positions. Looking for CPAs with Big 4 or large local or regional accounting firm experience. "


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

The leaves are falling here already. I can' believe that it is fall already. So many plants left to get in the ground, so little time to do it - boxes to unpack also, of course.

Thanks for the tip about plantain. I hope it is one of the "weeds" I am pulling. Is it the broadleaf plant that pops up in sunny lawns? I'll have to learn more.

The bat is outside directly outside my sliding glass door to the deck. I suspect he may try to relocate into the attic when it gets cold. Still there this morning. There are other bats swooping around at night here. I don't mind them around, just don't want them trying to overwinter inside. I could do without the poop on the deck as well. It is hard to scrub off.

Winston the pug hasn't even noticed the bat. He is concerned with the neighbors riding lawn mower today.

Still haven't found the box with the camera cord....arghh....

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Click on the link I provided, there are pictures

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Could you put down a piece of cardboard or some newspapers,
maybe an old door mat-- where the bat poops?

That way you would not have to scrub your deck.....G.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

GardenQUilts- I suggest you NOT take anything out of pots right now and plant- the ground is like a huge dry SPONGE that will wick them dry instantly. I think you can keep them watered better in pots.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Right now I am planting my roses. They will overwinter better in the ground than in pots. Luckily, I have well water and don't get a water bill!

I will heed your advice and keep the hostas in their pots for now. I have been moving them around, experimenting with mixes of color.

That is a great idea about using cardboard to catch the bat poo. Why didn't I think of that? I have been using newspaper and cardboard as weed barriers as I unpack.

The hummingbirds found the feeders on the deck. I suspect they are bulking up for their trip south. I still can't believe the leaves are falling already.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My big maple has dropped half of its leaves already.

I believe it is in response to all the drought. Watering the lawn would be silly--
I could never win! It's enough to water the beds every day.
Supposed to be a really cool night and day tomorrow.
That may help.......

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Our trees were losing quite a few leaves in response to the drought. The walnuts were also dropping early. Here in coastal NC things look pretty good this year, I'll know better after I go down to the Elizabethan Gardens in Manteo. There is also a nice nursery down there I usually visit. The only thing I've bought is an Ascot Rainbow Euphorbia. We've had 2 others, none survived. I'm trusting the 3rd time's the charm.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

FIngers crossed!

I just noticed how badly my dogwood is wilting in the front yard. I also noticed a dark cloud but bit's not acting like its going to rain here.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Our trees were dropping leaves in response to the dry conditions. The Walnuts were dropping early also. Coastal NC seems better this year, I'll know better after I visit the Elizabethan Gardens in Manteo. We're having all kinds of Wi-Fi problems if you don't hear from us.

I may have corrected some of my lap tops problems by dumping the cache. I hope.:-D

This message was edited Sep 5, 2013 11:24 PM

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

FYI for those of you near Greenbelt, there's a free garden tour being arranged for this weekend by blogger Susan Harris:

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Two days ago-- I counted 20 developing caterpillars (Instars) on one of my parsley
patches. Today--they are triple the size--and there is almost NO parsley left.
What will they eat then????

The other parsley patch, just 3' away, has none on it. I bet they will find it!
Hope it stays that way! I DO need fresh parsley now and then...
Will go back to growing it in a pot next year.

I am surprised how so many can be "hatching" this late in the season.

I stopped by the "MD Flower and Foliage" place today to buy 3- 8" mums ( 3/$10).
Had a long talk with the owner. I told him how beautiful all the Acalyphas
have grown. He said he also liked them, but that someone else had bought
the distribution place and now, he thinks, they will claim patent rights to it
and it will cost more next year to buy it--as he will have to pay royalties to sell it.
He has been getting them from S. Africa--I think....

I also asked him if he would be interested in my HIGE pot of "Inky Fingers
Coleus" for cuttings. He had never heard of it--and was worried if it may be
patented. Between coleup and myself--we could find NO records of it
being patented--so he can grow and sell these next year. Whoopie!

I named some of the others I have, and he thought that, maybe, some of the
older varieties are being re-introduced to gardeners in the last few years.

I may take the whole pot to him tomorrow or Friday. PHEW!!!
Another concern avoided---me having to let this huge pot freeze
and go bye-bye....That would kill me!!!!

I still have a bunch of the rooted cuttings to make a HB for taking indoors
and some more to share at work. Hope it will survive! Seems a pretty robust grower...

How is August enjoying school/Kindergarten? Gita

--The original, big pot today--Crazy big plant--2 cuttings!
--Close-up of the foliage

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

20 caterpillars feasting on parsley! :-) I just got some parsley recently for my garden, in hopes of attracting more beneficial insects. Right now, I have (only) 3 black swallowtail caterpillars on my rue! The rue is definitely looking munched on. I had no idea they were rue lovers, but there they are!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

me (and coleus lover) would like a commission please lol

hahaha couldn't resist! glad your inky fingers grew so well. ours are gorgeous too, cascading out of pots on our porch

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Have you ever kept it indoors as a House Plant for the winter?
Any advice you can share?

I don't want to lose it....I plan to have it in a HB indoors--as it has a natural,
trailing quality.

A commission????? Ask for any plant I have and it is yours!
At the Spring Swap--of course....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

haha Gita, Diane wants REAL MONEY from the nursery who might be selling the babies!! I would too...

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

thanks G! Sally got it... real moola $$ ONK only kidding ^_^

I took lots of Inky cuttings last fall and rooted them so we would have it this year since it is not always available in our local garden centers; turned out we had enough extra to share at the swap. I've always loved Inky F. I didn't take in the whole plant purposely, just did cuttings, but one of the Inky F. did hitch a ride indoors as a house plant with another potted plant we overwintered and did just fine last year.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK--I know you are all kidding---about the commission and the money--
But--it is making me a bit uneasy... Is there a valid reason WHY you would
say all this? Even in jest?

I have shared hundreds of $$ worth of plants all over the country--
and I really don't care if they propagate it or if they sell it.
I also cannot control if they want to give away 100 cuttings for someone else to sell.

I went to this Nursery and got 2 car-loads of plants for FREE and shared them
with some people on DG.
I have NO problem giving him my BIG Ink. F. to propagate and sell.
I would rather it not freeze and die when it can live on 'forever" for someone who buys it.

I call it building a relationship with a local business....Just paying forward.
Never know when it will pay off in the future.

Again--I know you were just kidding with me--but....................


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