Fall Swap 2013 at Sallygs Haves and Wants Discussion

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sos, is your variegated willow the Nishiki willow? Salix integra? I'd love a part of it!


Hello,hello,is this the right channel??


Yes ,It is ,I will see about dividing it.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

That's great! I'm really excited about this willow.

Does anyone grow any thalictrum? I think meadow rue is the common name. I just learned about this plant and would like to try it out if anyone has any extras. Or seeds?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sos- I have creeping blue phlox you are welcome to.

ssgardener- I saw an article in Fine Gardening that tempted me with meadow rue. Greenthumb is probably the go to guy.

I need to carry my laptop out in the yard and collect Haves. I can add a few more.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

ssg: I have some Thalicrum -- don't recall the variety right now -- maybe 3' tall. Does it divide? I really want T. Splendide, but that's another story.

sos: I have several different kinds of Nepeta (catmint); I'd be happy to try to root it for you and anyone else who is interested. I don't think I listed it. I also have lavender but I don't know how to propagate it.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

That Thalicrum splendide looks awesome!

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy, I'll take a few catmint cuttings if you are able to get it to root.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy--it is not difficult! try it!

Catmint is just a form of mint. Right? Are the stems square?

So--Mint cuttings should root easily. Just take a 4"-5" cutting. strip off the
bottom leaves and stick it in some loose soil. Water--and wait...
I believe they could also be started in water? Then potted up..


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just read through the "Haves and Wants" lists....

Happy--I would like some of your Monarda "Raspberry Wine" starts, please...
Also--You listed rooted B&B Salvias. HOW did you root these?
Tip cuttings? Root divisions? I have 3 of these--and would like to propagate.

Paul--all you listed was "facebook". IF you have some things on there as "haves'
ot "wants"--I have no access to facebook to see them.

Am I the ONLY oddball one who still does not 'do" facebook?


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have 2 pots of (either) Sedum Angelina or Sedum Blue Spruce.
Don't know...I just collected up some broken off pieces
off the rack at the HD

Also--got some unusual Coleus at the GH "haul".
This one is called "Mocha". Very different color.
Will take cuttings and root them for the Swap.
You will have to tide them over the winter as houseplants.

Will go add these to my "haves'... G.

1--The Sedum ??? Have 2
2--Coleus "Mocha"...
3--The "Green Fountain" Hosta I have 8 starts .
4--Have 6 small pots rooting of the "Twister Lipstick plant"
5--Lots of AV babies available....

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, Gita, I'd love a small Twister Lipstick plant!

I can bring more cactus soil (tapla's gritty mix) if anyone's interested.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

ss--Will put you down for one G.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: You've got it on the Monarda. I'm bringing everyone else 3 plants -- is that good for you too? I've tried rooting Nepeta before and was unsuccessful, but I think that was because I assumed it would root as easily as garden variety mint does (I think you are right, that it is in the mint family). But I'll try it with a bit more care. Black & Blue is VERY easy to root from cuttings -- closer to mint in terms of ease of rooting. By the way, I'd love an Inky Finger start, and a Hosta if you have enough to go around. By the way, Paul was making a joke in referring to Facebook, because Sally had mentioned "my space" (myspace.com is another social media site).

typwc: I'll root up some Nepeta for you!

Everyone: The "Tapla's mix" that ssg is offering is great for container gardening -- I've made up a bunch of bags on my own or else I would be begging for it.

This message was edited Aug 10, 2013 12:03 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


3 of the Monarda will be wonderful. Thanks. Could you post a picture of it?

Will put you down for Inky Fingers (I have lots) and the Hosta "Green Fountain".
I have 8 of those...


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: Thanks! I have a hosta area in the back that I populated with the hostas you and Roses gave me at the last swap, but it is only half full so I am continuing to add to it!

The photo is of maybe 4 Monarda plants, plants as babies from Santa Rosa just last fall. They don't look like much because they are on my awful front hill (I took the photo with myself propped up below the plants), and I haven't deadheaded them all season. All the blossoms are well past their prime. I took a photo of the best remaining blossom of the lot, but even it has lost most of its petals. This cultivar (Raspberry Wine) got high reviews in the Chicago Botanical trials. It seems very mildew resistant -- it is showing a little mildew now but it is late in the season and with all the misty rain coupled with summer drought it has been a bad year for mildew.

Thumbnail by happy_macomb Thumbnail by happy_macomb
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Happy--I mostly wanted to see the color. G.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks Happy! Do you know what variety it is, by chance? Just for my records, you know....

Gita, is the sedum you just picked up really that blue? angelina is yellow so it must be the other one, right? if it's really that blue, I'd like one of the pots! Also sign me up for one of the astibles and 2-3 african violets.

All, I just picked up two new creeping sedums! Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' and Sedum sieboldii. I will take cuttings if anyone wants it.

Updating my swaplist accordingly!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Karen--will mark these two for you....
SallyG has a lot of this sedum if you want to ask some questions.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes, the blue sedum looks like Blue Spruce- a vigorous grower and spreader.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

The Monarda is "Raspberry Wine." I love knowing the cultivar name!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Do you want one of the pots-or both?

You can pinch these and stick the ends anywhere--and they will root---
just like Portulaca....

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

My Monarda 'Coral Reef' bloomed, and all of a sudden there were numerous little baby 'Coral Reefs' sprouting up around it! :-o Anyone want a baby Monarda Coral Reef?? It's sort of a --well--*coral* color! :-) The parent plant dropped its blossoms then seemed to sort of wither back leaving behind the babies, which seemed to sprout up practically overnight. Does anyone know if this is typical for a Monarda?

SSG, I would love to try a grittier mix!!

I have a Nepeta 'Walker's Low' and it is indeed minty aromatic. For some reason, I have never been able to get mine to grow well--it is sort of like my Agastache 'Purple Haze' in that regard. (My 'Tutti Frutti' has finally begun to show lusher leaf growth at the base of the plant, so I think it's going to be okay, but the Purple Haze I'm still trying to figure out--it just isn't happy; maybe it would like some of that grittier mix!) Anyway, if someone wants to try to make my Walker's Low happier, honestly, I'm willing to pass it on. 8-/ Okay, I realize that's not much of an endorsement--LOL! However, I recently moved it to my herb garden where I'm hoping it will do better.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint -- when did you plant your Nepeta and Agastache? This year? Last?

I'd love a Coral Reef -- but do you think the seedlings grow true? I might prefer a cutting from the mother plant, if that's ok.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy, I meant the variety of catmint. Sorry for the confusion. I am specifically looking for Walker's Low, so maybe I should take Cat up on her offer?
Cat, yes I've heard that monarda can be quite a spreader!

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, one or both pots of what? I think I requested a few things from you. I think just one pot of each thing is enough for me. I don't want to be greedy.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

typwc: With respect to Nepetas, I have Walkers Low, Purple Haze and Dropmore.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy, I planted the Nepeta and Agastache this summer. They are currently two of my most unhappy children. :-(

Typ, if Happy has Walker's Low then you should probably go with hers--mine looks pretty unhappy right now.

Happy, not sure whether the Coral Reef offspring would come true or not. Let me look at the parent plant and figure out what's growing from what.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sos, on the other thread you mentioned you had gardening misc. Do you mean tools?

I think I'm the only one offering a butterfly bush. Is that the one you're requesting? It's a youngster that hasn't bloomed yet, so they color's unknown.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Catmint- could those Monarda things be sprouts from the roots? That seems more likely to me. If movable I could take some.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint -- (1) On my Monarda plants, there are sprouts from the roots as Sally has described. I have propagated it by (gently) yanking those new shoots off -- they come out pretty easily and with roots attached -- and planting them -- (2) I think it is way too soon to give up on your Nepeta and Agastache -- wait until next year. You know the adage: “The first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they leap.” Just keep them watered in these droughty times.

SOS: I'm growing Buddleia Nanho Blue -- I can try rooting a piece for you if you like --
I think it is easy to root.

typwc: I can try rooting the Nepata Walker's Low for you.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Happy and Sally. Yes, that must be what it is--new sprouts from the roots. I'll be happy to put you both down for some.

Okay, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the Agastache and Nepeta. :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ok, I've looked over the "haves" list again --

Typwc -- do you have any more phlox? I've fallen in love with it (again). I'm so grateful to anything that blooms now.

Catmint -- do you have any more of your tall bearded iris? I'd like to try it on my awful front hill, up at the top where we can see it, next to SallyG's Lucy iris.

Gita -- If no one else claims the green aucuba, I'd love it for my dry shady back yard!

SallyG -- Do you think your pussytoes would grow on my awful next hill, maybe next to your prickly pear cactus (which is doing well there)? I've killed pussytoes every where else I've tried it, I think because of not enough sun, and too much water.

ssgardener -- I was going to root Baptisia for you, but I read "Most baptisias root easily in spring when the growth is still relatively soft, but the success rate drops as the stems harden. Good cutting material can generally be found in late April to early May. Cuttings should be taken so that at least one set of leaf buds can be inserted below the potting mix surface. Dip cutting in a rooting hormone and insert into a mix of 3 parts composted bark to 1 part peat. Keep humidity around cuttings high with a supported plastic tent. Cuttings should root in about 8 weeks." This is from http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/plants/landscape/flowers/hgic1184.html . So I'll try it but may not succeed -- if I don't, remind me and I'll try in late April to early May as per the foregoing. Baptisia, be forewarned, takes a few years to fill in; it also doesn't like to be moved.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

hi, Happy--I have tons of the Tall Bearded Iris, so you got it! :-) The 'Indian Chief' is a dark purple and lavender mix, with yellow centers. It's pretty. Bloomed a lot this spring. Just too many of them back there.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, I'd like to try out the pussytoes as well. And how is the white hardy geranium different from the pink one I have from you?

Happy, no worries about the baptisia. Totally fine to wait until next year!

Typ, I'd love to try Dazzleberry sedum!

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint I'd love a piece of your coral monarda. I don't need much, monarda loves my yard.

Gita, can you put aside a lipstick plant start for me.

ill throw up my list soon.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

okay, Terp, I'll put you down!


Yes,ss! Some hand tools,black landscape fabric,assorted pots that I will bleach first,some 2yr fabric containers,and today I went to my favorite cigar store and got some wooden cigar boxes for seed collectors.I'm still going through my gardening supplies.Thank you , Happy that would be nice,!


Happy,What ever you can do I will appreciate.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sos07: You got it -- I'll try to root you a Buddleia Nanho Blue.

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