Fall Swap 2013 at Sallygs Haves and Wants Discussion

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy, this sounds like quite a project, and I admire how thorough and careful you're being about it! Would love to help in some way...

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

SOS, I divided various varieties of acorus and carex this spring, and they all survived. I think having a wet spring was a big help.

Last fall I received a variegated miscanthus at the swap, and it sulked for quite a bit before bulking. It looks like about half of the roots survived, but this may be due to my negligence in watering after transplant.

I may have read somewhere about dividing fall blooming grasses like miscanthus when they're dormant, and dividing spring/summer bloomers in early spring.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

About a month ago, I ripped (literally) a tiny chunk of what i thought was feather reed grass + roots out of a neglected commercial planting. I took it right home and planted and watered it practically every day since then. I thought it died but eventually started to see new shoots coming from the crown. I think the trick is continuing to water it even if it looks like it's already too late.
Anyway, now I'm not so sure it's feather reed grass b/c it's got white on the edge of the leaf blade and I thought FRG was just green throughout?

Happy, just put the rest of the stones out to make your grid complete. Who cares what the neighbors think! My neighbors/friends/coworkers already think I'm the crazy plant lady.... I say, own it! At least I've never weeded in my bathing suit.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Both of the following feather reed grasses are variegated: Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Avalanche' (Common Name: Variegated feather reed grass; Description: cool season/semi-evergreen; clump forming; Foliage - variegated green/white; medium; 50-75 cm (20-30"); Flowers - bloom June-July; 110-120 cm (44-48"); Conditions: full sun; moist to wet fertile soil; tolerates a wide range of soil types, but thrives in clay soil) and Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam' (Common Name: Variegated feather reed grass; Description: cool season/semi-evergreen; clump forming; Foliage - variegated green/white; medium; 50-75 cm (20-30"); Flowers - bloom June-July; 125-150 cm (50-60"); Conditions: full sun; moist to wet fertile soil; tolerates a wide range of soil types, but thrives in clay soil). See http://www.bluestem.ca/calamagrostis.htm . I planted both on my awful front hill last fall -- I'd have to check my notes but I think I may have killed both -- if not, you can compare yours to mine.

Thanks for your support on the awful front hill. I'll post a picture on Yardening to keep this thread on topic.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Donner, I would be very interested in your Agastache 'Golden Jubilee'!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Cat, had you down for 'Golden Jubilee'.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2013 7:39 AM

Thumbnail by donnerville
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Donner! :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

What is that blue plant in your picture?

How could something BLUE be called "Golden Jubilee"???

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: The foliage is a wonderful golden color -- it is really striking -- it "pops" in the yard.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, the leaves are a lemon green, beautiful when planted next to plants with dark foliage. The flowers are a very pretty lavender. The plant self-seeds, but not invasive.

Thumbnail by donnerville
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I love that lime green in a garden.....G.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy, do you still have some of your begonia grandis available? Holly mentioned she uses some hardy begonia for color in her shade garden, and I was thinking this might be nice, too!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint, you can have MILES of Begonia grandis! I think it may be a little touchy about being transplanted, so I might bring it directly to you rather than via Sally, since you are so nearby.

This message was edited Aug 3, 2013 6:16 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Happy! :-) Sounds great!

If you come by here, maybe we can take care of the Achillea, too?

This message was edited Aug 3, 2013 7:32 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy, I can always use more of the begonia grandis too. I planted the begonias that I received from you at the spring swap down at the new turtle garden by the creek, and adding more there would look nice.

How did you get so many - do they self seed or have you been dividing them up and planting the divisions?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint: You've got it!

Aspenhill: The Begonia grandis self-seed, and move around like crazy. They are easy to pull out so it isn't a problem. But they don't stay where I want them.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Happy! :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Just so there's no mistaking, this is where I have tried for years to grow Begonia grandis.

Thumbnail by happy_macomb
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

But these beds have been taken over by it.

Thumbnail by happy_macomb Thumbnail by happy_macomb Thumbnail by happy_macomb
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

And look at this stone wall (pictures move from left to right). Trust me, I never planted the Begonia grandis there.

Thumbnail by happy_macomb Thumbnail by happy_macomb Thumbnail by happy_macomb
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

And then look at these steps, again moving from left to right. You can barely see the steps, let alone walk on them.

Thumbnail by happy_macomb Thumbnail by happy_macomb Thumbnail by happy_macomb
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It is not in bloom yet. When it blooms, almost nothing else is in bloom, and it is the most lovely fairytale pink. I have some white Begonia grandis, but to my eye it doesn't sparkle with fairy dust the way the pink version does.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a great ground cover Happy! I'd love some of the pink.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ok, I have the following people down for Begonia grandis -- shout out if I missed anyone -- I have plenty....

-->SallyG, Terp, Catming, Aspenhill

But Terp, it doesn't really work as a ground cover. It is very very late to break dormancy -- the latest plant I have by far. And then it stands upright 18" - 24" (I didn't measure, but that's what it "feels" like). And you can't trample it. That being said, it is very easy care if happy. I think, based on observation of where it "walks", that it likes it rocky and damp -- a lot of oxygen near its roots -- it thrives where shaded by other plants, but not in exposed dry shade (I can't get it to grow under azaleas, for example).

More info is at http://www.pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Begonia+grandis+evansiana and http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/plant-finder/plant-details/kc/c843/begonia-grandis.aspx

Isn't this a glorious day?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

thanks happy-

By the way it doesn't hurt when requesting a plant, to dmail the person you want the plant from, and/or list it Requested in your Haves/Wants post. Not that the world ends if we forget a plant, but it can save a few Gosh I'm so
sorrys. I say this as I feel like I read a request from Catmint last night and did not act on putting it in my own post..

it IS gloriously pretty out today! And the sun still says August if you are working outside. Garcon, Sunscreen please.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Happy--it really looks quite beautiful! I wonder why they don't like the spot you were hoping they'd grow?

Sally, all I can think of is the jasmine nudiflorum.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ok Catmint, good!

Every time I got outside I think of things to add to my HAVES, and then forget to do so. But you'll all be here...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Don't sweat it--I have not listed anything yet on my haves...
Good grief! We have a month to go.....
I am growing this and that--propagating, dividing....etc..
Just too lazy to get it all together....

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Cat, I am moving this discussion from the End of Summer Blooms thread: if you are able to spare a whorl from your sum and substance, I would love it!

Gita, Iris Dividing Date of Oct 5 (Saturday) works for me. Probably after lunch would be best (1pm).

All, I am adding a daylily to my haves list: 'Nosferatu'. I found it at HD yesterday on the clearance table and it was already ready to divide. I am not completely confident that the plant is actually 'Nosferatu' as I have not personally seen it bloom. But it was in a large group of pots all labeled identically so I'm pretty sure it is what it says it is. I actually paid money for a daylily. It's like I don't even know who I am anymore.... http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/16044/

This message was edited Aug 6, 2013 9:54 AM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

You don't like daylilies? I love them!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Typ, that Nosferatu looks interesting! It'll probably go well with a lot of the purples I have already. I wouldn't mind a smaller division if someone else is interested in dividing it.

I'm hot and cold with daylilies, too. I hate looking at their blah foliage, but the blooms are so pretty, especially when massed.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Typ, I'll put you down for Sum and Substance!

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy: No, I actually don't like them. It's my dirty little DG secret. Shhh!

It's like SSG says, they've got yucky strappy foliage that hangs around and yellows. I don't like that the shriveled up flowers drop all over the place. I hate to stare at their dead stumps all winter. They have redeemingly beautiful bluish spring foliage and yes, when massed and flowering they are lovely. They are indestructable and for that I definitely see value in them. Just in someone else's yard, thank-you-very-much. :)

I don't know what posessed me to buy 'Nosferatu', I think it was half because of the beautiful flower color on the plant tag, and half because it was only $3 and I love a good bargain. Plus I knew I could share it with you guys b/c you love DLs.

SSG, I have you down for it. I'll try to get another plant or two out of it and the others can arm-wrestle for it at the swap.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Typwc -- you are too funny. Daylilies are what really got me hooked on gardening. Everything negative you say about them is true -- but I still love the surprise beauty of them opening in June and July.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK--Sat. Oct 5th is going on my calendar...

Tee..hee..Karen---I bought 3 potted Cannas "Tropical Rose"
Sunday from our clearance rack. $2.67 each. Never had a pink Canna.
These are short--so suited for containers. It says--24"-30" tall.
Might look nice in the middle of my BIG pot next year--
instead off the usual whatevers...

If anyone wants some of these--I can pick up more--
but they WILL COST $3.70 ea.

My prolific neighbor also brought over a couple clumps of
"Green Fountain" Hosta. I divided it and potted up 10 pots.
This Hosta is very basic...narrow, ribbed leaved and not too tall.


I will also have a bunch of dug up Daffodil bulbs...pretty ones....
Will bag up about a dozen per offer. (see Picture)
Also--assorted dug up bulbs up for grabs...

I will be taking lots of cuttings of my "Inky Fingers" Coleus--
as it is getting HUGE!!!
I had an idea--that next year, I will grow this in a HB. Should mix
well with some other trailing flowers. Wondering if it would live
as a houseplant through the winter...I hate to deal with all these
Coleus cuttings....but will have to do some, as I have acquired
several new ones this year. Hate to lose them...

Baby AV's and baby CC's are always available...Not all are color-ID'd.
It will have to be a surprise...Gladly share some with all of you all.

Well--I guess I better go and list these things on my "haves" now....
People may be interested in some of these...

1--The dug up Daffodils bulbs--late blooming, long lasting...
will bag up in about 1doz amounts..
2--The pink Canna--"Tropical Rose"
3--Baby AV's
4--Baby CC's.
5--Hosta division--"Green Fountain"

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Karen--by this time of year--I also hate DL's...same reasons as you--
and they are in almost EVERY bed I have! A forest of tall leaves--
yukky looking--I try to walk aroundd every day and pick off the yellowing ones...

Anyway--some more stuff I will be posting under my "haves"....

--Beautiful Swedish Ivy starts (in 4" pots)
--Wandering Jew starts--great as a "spiller" in a container
--Two pink Astilbes--dug up and rooted.
--Lots of dug up and potted Foxgloves. These will bloom next spring.
--Rooted starts to Big Root Geranium (6)
--Rooted "Inky Fingers" Coleus...
--Very well rooted and growing starts to a pretty, compact Mum
this blooms later than the others--such gentle colors..
--I lg pot of Autumn Sedum--the regular one.

Now I need to find a picture of this Mum. No luck--it is cream-white
with a touch of strong pink in the center. Small, dainty blooms.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I took a lot of cuttings yesterday from my "Inky Fingers" Coleus.
It had grown so bushy--it needed to be pruned anyway...
Have lots--ask away! Tide it over for the winter in a sunny window
and next summer--grow it in a big container or in a hanging basket..

Also took some more cuttings from my neighbor, Olga's, big Fig Tree.
From some previous cuttings I took--4 are still doing OK and are rooted.
Now I have 8 more to play with.

Will be digging up and potting up more Foxgloves. They have grown so big.
These should all bloom next year. Just plant then out in a bed you
want them to grow in next year.

Odd! This Thread has been very quiet lately. What gives???


Thumbnail by Gitagal

Anyone interested in Sedum 'autumn joy',or lemon balm or roadside day lilies?I have many more things .


I will soon have 2 red maples,and 1 Redbud ,courtesy of my membership in the Arbor Day society.


I have Blaze(improved) red rose,some very old variety of azalea,that has been blooming pink every year that we've lived here(since 1996).I would like creeping phlox(blue),a rosebay rhododendron (that I have acquired through air layering 2 yrs ago, wouldI love some catmint or lavender ,as would everyone else it sounds like.I could offer a part of my variegated willow shrub

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